Conemu recommends using Admin mode, when it's already being used - admin

I'm running it as an Admin, but it's saying.
"Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running:
Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application.
You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin."
So not sure how to disable this feature as it's definitely running as an Admin.

As mentioned in comments, this is not a ConEmu message, this is SikuliX message. To confirm this, you can try running your script from Windows command line while launching the cmd terminal as Admin. This will both, ensure that you are running as Admin and verify the actual reason why you are getting this message.


AWS Device Farm - Disable tutorials on devices

I am doing automated tests [Android / Appium Java JUnit] with the AWS Device Farm service, but they are interrupted by the use tutorials that appear on the devices, for example, the tutorial of how to use the camera. I want to know if there is a way to disable the tutorials of the use of the device. Thanks.
I work for the AWS Device Farm team.
We detected and root caused this issue where a one-time tutorial popup appears on some phone's camera apps. We've corrected it, so feel free to try again and let us know if this problem is still affecting you.
Looks like there is also a script you can run from this AWS forum post
I'm so sorry this keeps happening to you. We do currently only have the dismissal running on some devices like the Samsung S9, and are going to be enabling it for other devices soon, in the coming weeks. What I can do now is provide you a script to verify that theyre dismissed yourself at the beginning of your test. If you're using "custom environment mode", add the following 2 lines to the pre-test section of your test spec file:
curl -o
- python -v --retries 2 --output-dir $DEVICEFARM_TEST_PACKAGE_PATH/popup_dismissal
This will run our popup dismissal script in your own code to verify that any device you run on gets all popups dismissed. It shouldn't be necessary for some devices like the S9, but just in case any do happen to creep up, this will dismiss them for you. I'll also double-check on our end why some popups like the S9 popup aren't getting dismissed properly.

Why do some shiny-apps exit without log?

I have a shiny app running under shiny-server on a Ubuntu machine that keeps crashing at a specific event (selecting DT row).
I have this error messages in my browser's console
The application unexpectedly exited.
Diagnostic information is private. Please ask your system admin for permission if you need to check the R logs.
Still in my log folder (/var/log/shiny-server), I can't find the log of this specific app (although I see other apps' logs).
Why? Should I add any line of code to force printing the log?

Can I run a process from my process without becoming its parent?

I have a somewhat strange request. Let me explain. I recently run into an issue when I needed to display my screensaver's configuration window by running the following command:
"C:\Windows\System32\mysvr.scr" /c
The problem is that my parent GUI application that calls it runs with High Mandatory Integrity Level, or S-1-16-12288, and due to this, when I run the following command via CreateProcess API the screensaver configuration (evidently?) tries to communicate with my app and fails because of its high integrity level.
So I'm trying to bypass this by having some other process run this command for me. I looked into possibly using RunDll32 but I don't know an API that I can use through it to start a process.
Any ideas?

Unable to debug glassware- Google glass

I am unable to debug glassware.I have tried the solution in this thread How to debug Google Glass GDK application?
This application uses voice commands, It gets installed but doesn't start the default activity.I am unable to find any classes to select in the run configurations.But messages are logged in Log cat.
Update:By activating DDMS I am able to debug.. But its strange that after few times of debugging, app stops working .. I dont get any exceptions logged.
You generally don't setup a default activity for Glass since there's not a way to "run" a specific application. You will likely want to set up a voice command and add a listener for that voice command. This is how your application will launch.
Even with no exceptions, could you post your LogCat output? This might help to shed a little more light on the issues you're having. I've been able to debug applications without any issues, so I know it's possible.

Debugger in python for Google App Engine and Django

I am having a problem that has baffled me for over a week. I have a project that is written in python with Django on Google App Engine. The project has a login page and when I run the application in Google App Engine or from the command line using c:\project, it works fine. When I try to run the application through a debugger like Wing or Pycharm, I cannot get past the login page. After trying to login, it takes me back to the login screen again. When I look at the logs, it shows a 302 (redirect) in the debugger but normally it shows a 200 (OK). Could someone explain why this would be happening?
This isn't really a great answer since I don't know much about Wing or Pycharm. But dev_appserver reroutes stdin and stdout to the WSGI handler. If you hit a breakpoint set by pdb.set_trace(), the breakpoint usually drops you to a shell that uses stdin/stdout, but with dev_appserver, you'll see the debugger shell piped to your HTTP, and there's no input available.
I'm not sure how Wing/Pycharm handle this. Pydev with eclipse works with dev_appserver, but that might be because of the GAE eclipse plugin.
I find myself often embedding breakpoints in my code and debugging manually at the shell, mostly because it runs way faster than in the pydev debugger. I do this be rerouting stdin/stdout back to the terminal when I hit a breakpoint.
I'm on a linux environment. I did work with the GAE app launcher on Windows for a little bit, but not recently. I think I recall the app launcher hiding the original terminal that launches dev_appserver, so you might have to launch dev_appserver from the command prompt for this to work. I suspect you may need similar hacks if Wing or Pycharm use pdb underneath.
After a week of racking my brain, I finally figured out the problem. The gaesessions code was the culprit. We put DEFAULT_LIFETIME = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) and originally it was DEFAULT_LIFETIME = datetime.timedelta(days=7). Not sure why running it through any debugger such as wing or pycharm would prevent the browser from getting a session. The interesting thing is the code change with hours=1 works fine on linux with wing debugger. Very Strange!