Why do some shiny-apps exit without log? - shiny

I have a shiny app running under shiny-server on a Ubuntu machine that keeps crashing at a specific event (selecting DT row).
I have this error messages in my browser's console
The application unexpectedly exited.
Diagnostic information is private. Please ask your system admin for permission if you need to check the R logs.
Still in my log folder (/var/log/shiny-server), I can't find the log of this specific app (although I see other apps' logs).
Why? Should I add any line of code to force printing the log?


Are timeouts of requests waiting in the queue logged somewhere?

We have had issues reported under heavy load that appear to indicate some requests waiting in CF's queue are being timed out and trying to get more info about this. The IIS log is not showing anything useful as far as I can tell. Is there standard log that would have these listed? If not, is there are place in CF or Tomcat config where logging can be enabled?
Here is one of many references to log files in ColdFusion. Of course you have to know where they are and have permission to see them.
You can find out where the log files are by logging in to your server's ColdFusion Administrator page and looking to see what the path for log files is.
Then you can either map a drive to the server, or remote in, navigate to the location, and look at the appropriate file. The errors might be in exception.log, application.log, or, looking at the screenshot in the link, coldfusion-error.log.

ChromeOS errors in GCP Logging

I'm seeing errors in StackDriver logging for my Compute instance. The logs are showing repeated issues every hour, creating a lot of noise. I have a Spring Boot API deployed in a container to a VM in Compute Engine using latest stable version of Container OS.
I'm relatively new to GCP and don't understand what is causing this issue, searches have come up empty so far.
Failed to call method: org.chromium.SessionManagerInterface.RetrieveActiveSessions: object_path= /org/chromium/SessionManager: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.chromium.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files
CallMethodAndBlockWithTimeout(...): Domain=dbus, Code=org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown, Message=The name org.chromium.SessionManager was not provided by any .service file
Error calling D-Bus proxy call to interface '/org/chromium/SessionManager': The name org.chromium.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files
The same 3 lines are repeating every hour. Anyone aware of what might be causing this or how to fix/suppress these?
I looked into this error, and as per my findings:
The error message that you have been receiving is a manifestation of Chrome to reliably exit shortly after starting up.
The UI’s job (which encompasses Chrome, the session_manager and the window manager) gets shut down by upstart because of it's thrashing, and when the test tries to restart the session_manager, the session_manager cannot communicate it over to the D-Bus.
The crash collection software in Container OS was originally for Chromebooks (The laptop using Chrome browser). So the code typically expects Chrome and some other related software on the system.
However, Container OS is a server OS, and does not have Chrome. So if Chrome is missing, the software will report some errors. They are actually not real failures, just some verbose error messages.
Overall, It is safe to ignore these logs and continue using your VM Instances.
Hope this helps.

Conemu recommends using Admin mode, when it's already being used

I'm running it as an Admin, but it's saying.
"Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running:
Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application.
You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin."
So not sure how to disable this feature as it's definitely running as an Admin.
As mentioned in comments, this is not a ConEmu message, this is SikuliX message. To confirm this, you can try running your script from Windows command line while launching the cmd terminal as Admin. This will both, ensure that you are running as Admin and verify the actual reason why you are getting this message.

how to display startup error message in windows service?

So I wanted to create a windows service that runs a few commands in a batch file.
However, while I assume I can redirect stdout from the subprocess and read out an error message, I can't seem to find out how I would get that to display to the screen.
when starting a windows service, it gives errors when the service fails to start, so ideally I would like to just use the interface that pops up the other service errors rather than popping up some window of my own or writing a log file.
I used this to get started but it doesn't seem to have anything on error processing.
He just outputs to a debugger. I can definitely do that, but ideally the person starting the service would want to know if there was an error starting.
Yes, you can redirect the STDOUT of the spawned process. MSDN has an article on that topic:
Creating a Child Process with Redirected Input and Output
You can use ReportEvent(), EventWrite(), or TraceEvent() to write log messages to the System Event Log (which is located within Windows' Control Panel), depending on which logging API you decide to use. Refer to MSDN for more details:
Event Logging
Windows Event Log
A service is a background task, it should not display its own UIs. Use the system Event Viewer to view log messages. The popup the user sees if the service fails to start is not displayed by the service itself, but by the Service Control Manager.
Starting with Windows Vista, services do not run in the same desktop session as logged in users (Session 0 Isolation), so they cannot display their own UI anymore. If your service must display a popup message, it can use WTSSendMessage() for that. For more complex UIs, it is best to implement that as a separate non-service GUI app that runs in the user's session, and then the service can launch/communicate with that app as needed.

Unable to debug glassware- Google glass

I am unable to debug glassware.I have tried the solution in this thread How to debug Google Glass GDK application?
This application uses voice commands, It gets installed but doesn't start the default activity.I am unable to find any classes to select in the run configurations.But messages are logged in Log cat.
Update:By activating DDMS I am able to debug.. But its strange that after few times of debugging, app stops working .. I dont get any exceptions logged.
You generally don't setup a default activity for Glass since there's not a way to "run" a specific application. You will likely want to set up a voice command and add a listener for that voice command. This is how your application will launch.
Even with no exceptions, could you post your LogCat output? This might help to shed a little more light on the issues you're having. I've been able to debug applications without any issues, so I know it's possible.