Can not install "wfastcgi 2.1 gateway for iis and python 2.7.9" in IIS - django

I have a error installing "wfastcgi 2.1 gateway for iis and python 2.7.9" in IIS, to deploy an app django in windows 10.
I can not download the installer (see the image).
enter image description here
Please, have someone the installer?
Thanks in advance!

That looks like Web Platform Installer. That feed is not maintained anymore, and it points to files on CodePlex which no longer exist now that CodePlex is closed/archived.
We recommend you install from instead, using pip.


Apache webserver with app using GDAL not working on windows

I am trying to deploy a django project using POSTGIS on my windows 11 PC with Apache 2.4.
The web page is working as long as I am not using 'django.contrib.gis'.
When I add 'django.contrib.gis' to my INSTALLED_APPS and define GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH to point to my gdal installation things stop working.
Specifically, trying to access the web app ends up in infinitely loading the page. Weird enough there are no errors in the apache error log. The apache service starts fine.
As far as I can see gdal install is correct as the app is working fine on the same machine with the same python environment with the django development server.
Actually, I have the same issue with other python libraries that need some dlls, like opencv.
So my guess is that it is a security related issue, but I do not find any clues on how to solve it.
Any ideas?
I tried also to grant rights to the directory where gdal is install in apache conf. But no luck.

Coldfusion - JEE Installation - JVM Arguments which and how?

We are trying to change how we manage our QA Enviroments.
Till now we have installed Coldfusion using the Adobe Installer that install a modified Tomcat.
We want to manage the QA server using CommandBox Tool that installs Coldfusion in JEE install mode using war file, but situation will be similar with any of the supported JEE Application Server. (EAP, Wildfly, Tomcat).
We have little experience in using Coldfusion in the JEE install mode then several questions arise regarding the JVM Settings.
Below the JVM Setting we got after install CF using the Adobe Standard installer, accessing the Coldfusion (CF) Administrator (here for a fresh installation of a CF2018):
Q1. the Coldfusion war have inside it the JVM settings (we have written above) and will apply it during deploy?
Q2. if answer to is no!, what are the settings that are applicable according the JEE Application Server used (i.e. some settings are ok for Tomcat but meaniless for wildfly).
We were able to find specific documentation from Adobe for Coldfusion 2018 (
The number of settings is incredible low comparing with the standard one!:
-Djdk.serialFilter= !org.mozilla.**;!com.sun.syndication.**
We were not able to find similar documentationfor Coldfusion 2021 (latest release).
Till now trying to get help from Adobe has been produce not effective results.
Thanks in advance
Adobe isn't going to help you support an installation via CommandBox, you need to talk to Ortus Solutions about that. Every JVM setting available in CF Admin for Standard is not displayed in the UI for CF Enterprise. You're looking for the CF install folder for the instance you have (non-CB version), find a file called jvm.config.
In ColdBox, you can set everything via the command line or use a server.json file to do that same configuration.
Here's an example from a CB install I have on a Mac where I'm running an older version of CF that requires an older JDK, but I've also set the heapSize.
"jvm": {
"javaHome": "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_15.jdk/Contents/Home",
"heapSize": 1024
What I would suggest is
export your existing CF Admin settings to a .car file
log in to your ColdBox server's CF Admin
import the .car file
adjust all the settings (DSN, etc) for your QA server
go to the command line and install the CFConfig plugin
export all the CF Admin settings to a JSON file (instructions in their docs)
save that to a private repo or your secrets / passwords vault.
Join the BoxTeam Slack where you can find the CommandBox community and ask more questions.

Can't install Azure Functions and Web Jobs extension

I have been trying to install the Azure Functions and Web Jobs extension, however installation fails. Looking through the error log it appears that the piece that isn't working is this:
Install Error : System.InvalidOperationException: Installation of Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools failed. To install this extension please install at least one of the following components: Microsoft Azure WebJobs Tools
I think that the problem is that it is looking for itself with the wrong name (Microsoft Azure WebJobs Tools instead of Microsoft Azure Web Jobs Tools). Is there any way to fix this?
Just had the same problem and the error was not very helpful :( Fixed it by installing the Azure Development "workload" from the Visual Studio Installer. After running the installer, you can choose to modify the installation and add this. It will actually come with the extension you're trying to install, oddly enough, but it will not be the latest version of it.
Here is an image which I hope helps:

Step by Step install of wso2 EMM for Ubuntu

I've visited the wso2 website and the install instructions are very disjointed in that there is a lot of jumping around between pages. I've seen the following blog that seemed to streamline the instructions but it doesn't seem complete (plus it's out of date with the version it's installing) -
Has anyone seen step-by-step instructions on what needs to be done to completely setup wso2-EMM on a newly installed Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine with just the O/S on it and none of the pre-reqs installed yet? The blog I mentioned above seems to give a lot of the necessary apt-get install bits but doesn't mention anything about a database (yet the wso2 has a whole section on installing and using a database).
Thank you.
To try out WSO2 EMM you will only need to have JDK 7 or 8 [1] installed as minimum to start off the server. WSO2 products are build to run with OOB database which is H2. So to get things started and play around, I suggest that you install java and then start the pack to get things going.
To getting started all you need is JDK installed in your machine and setting the Java related environment variables like PATH, JAVA_HOME. You might have to install the correct version of JDK for the particular version of the EMM.

Mylyn & Redmine Integration

I'm trying to get Mylyn and Redmine work together so I can manage tasks right inside Eclipse. I saw this on redmine wiki but I think it's for the old version of Mylyn.
I can't find the Generic Web Connector plugin for Mylyn but there's this Web templates plugin. I think that one replaced the Generic Web Connector. But it's quite different from the screenshots posted at the Redmine wiki. There's no Task URL, New Task URL, etc.
Here is what you are looking for:
A Mylyn connector specially for RedMine. It works fine with eclipse ganymede.
The update site is:
Here are the steps to perform integration between Eclipse Mylyn and Redmine.
I assume that Eclipse, Mylyn and Redmine are already installed, the latter somewhere in $REDMINE_HOME. Tested with Eclipse 3.7 and Redmine 1.2.1.
Summarily, you need to install an Eclipse plugin AND a Redmine plugin.
Go to $REDMINE_HOME/vendor/plugins and run
git clone git://
(Re)start the server, and in Redmine under Administration/Plugins the Mylyn Connector Plugin should be listed
Again in Redmine, under Administration/Settings/Authentication, check the "Enable REST web service" field
In Eclipse, install the Eclipse connector via its update site
Create your repository and check that it connects, then you are good to go!
See this manual.
Eclipse Menu.
Help -> Software Updates ... -> Add Site...
As of july 2012 now there is a new dedicated Redmine-Mylyn-Connector under active development for Redmine 2.x! (Got to admit, I haven't tested it yet.)
I am in the process of testing the 1.x connector that can be found on sourceforge, I will edit this post once I am done.
The update-site for the mylyn-plugin from the link in the accepted posting works.
As well as the mylyn-connector for the redmine installation. (Tested with 1.3.2 installation, don't forget to restart the web server after installing it. ;))
But both things aren't working out... once the mylyn-connector is installed, the web-interface is not working anymore. ;(
The special connector works with 2.x and Mylyn finally looks proper. the redmine server plugin. another server plugin link and the eclipse connector plugin
Will look like this.
As of yesterday, Sven has taken down the update site (if you go there, you'll find nothing) since someone reported him to Sourceforge (see
So, there are NO binaries available now for Eclipse. Does anyone know of alternative ways to get these plugins? I have no clue how to compile.
The GIT and SVN repositories are there, but again as I sad, I'm not a java programmer. Can anyone offer Sven a site where he can store the binaries as an Update?
For retrieve redmine mylyn connector
In eclipse juno 4.2
"Install new software" and as local archive like in this post :
How to install plugin for Eclipse from .zip
Also a good read from redmine.
HowTo connect a Mylyn repository to Redmine: wont work anymore, for the new update sites look at
The Web Connector could be found via