Vtiger 7.1 Active Directory - vtiger

Previously installed vtiger 6.5 and had active directory authentication working as per Vtiger 6 CRM AD
Clean Installed Vtiger CRM 7.1 and followed same procedure again for AD, user authenticates ok but it just loops back to the login page again.
Anyone experience this with 7.1?
Have checked config.php and confirm "$AUTHCFG['authType'] = 'AD';" is there.
Have also run the test ldap script and user also authenticates ok.

You seem to be doing everything right but I have found your not the only one with this issue, but if you take a copy of your 6.5 version and migrate to 7.1 using vtiger new files
If you are upgrading from 6.5 to 7.1, you will need to run this process twice. First to upgrade vtiger 6.5 to 7.0 and after that repeat the process to upgrade vtiger 7.0 to 7.1
Download the migration path from the SourceForge site. Patch 6.5 to 7 or Patch 7.0 to 7.1
Unzip patch.zip into Vtiger CRM Folder. A file called vtiger7.zip and migrate folder will be unpacked.
Through browser open /migrate path http://yourdomain.info/vtigercrm/migrate
Someone has successfully compete what you are trying to achieve.


Upgrading Apache, PHP and MySql in Vtiger 6.5 to migrate to Vtiger 7

I was using the vtiger 5.4 and gradually upgraded to 6.5. Now when I tried to upgrade to vtiger 7, its showing the blank page. My version is not matching with the pre-requisites.
What I have the versions are as below:
PHP Version:
C:\vtigercrm-5.4.0\php>php -v
PHP 5.2.6 (cli) (built: May 2 2008 18:02:07)
mysql> select version();
| version() |
| 5.0.51b-community-nt |
Apache Version:
C:\vtigercrm-5.4.0\apache\bin>Apache -v
Server version: Apache/2.0.52
How can I upgrade this to the next level, so that I can continue the Vtiger 7 migration?
If you have no custom code of your own, I would suggest the following steps -
Backup your code and database for 6.5
Uninstall your vtiger 5.4 version
Install XAMPP with PHP7.1 support. Moving away from the standard vtiger installer will let you upgrade to future versions of PHP/apache without this hassle.
Import your database to this new XAMPP and setup the code (you will need to change the config.inc.php)
If everything goes fine, you should have your 6.5 version back working normally and you should be able to upgrade to vtiger 7.
Some pointers -
The new XAMPP installation will have different PHP/mysql settings
Check the Mysql UTF-8 support when creating db
Don't panic if you see lot of notice/warnings, it just means your php.ini is not configured properly yet

How to install multiple sitecore 9.0 instance in different CM servers with single database?

I am installing Sitecore 9.0 instance in 2 CM servers. I have successfully installed Sitecore 9.0 instance in first CM server with the database on a different server.
But when I try to install a new Sitecore 9.0 instance in the second CM server it is trying to create a new database. But I want both my Sitecore instance to use the same database created during the first Sitecore 9.0 instance creation.
Please find below the PowerShell commands used to install Sitecore 9.0
Invoke-SitecoreInstall –Path ‘D:\Sitecore\Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (WDP XM1 packages)\XM1 Configuration files 9.0.1 rev. 171219\sitecore-solr.json’
Invoke-SitecoreInstall –Path ‘D:\Sitecore\Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (WDP XM1 packages)\XM1 Configuration files 9.0.1 rev. 171219\sitecore-XM1-cm.json’
You can't easily skip the database creation step in sitecore-XP1-cm.json, but as a quick solution you can simply change the SqlDbPrefix parameter when running the installation script on the second CM instance. As a result it will still create another set of databases what you can delete later. And on the successful completion of the Sitecore installation script you will need to change the connection strings on the second CM in ../App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config to point it the databases you want to use.

Can not install "wfastcgi 2.1 gateway for iis and python 2.7.9" in IIS

I have a error installing "wfastcgi 2.1 gateway for iis and python 2.7.9" in IIS, to deploy an app django in windows 10.
I can not download the installer (see the image).
enter image description here
Please, have someone the installer?
Thanks in advance!
That looks like Web Platform Installer. That feed is not maintained anymore, and it points to files on CodePlex which no longer exist now that CodePlex is closed/archived.
We recommend you install from https://pypi.org/project/wfastcgi/ instead, using pip.

Does cfhttp for coldfusion 10 only supports up to TLS 1.0?

Does cfhttp for coldfusion 10 only supports up to tls 1.0?
When I disable tls 1.0 in the web server only allowed 1.1 and higher it seems to break the scheduled tasks.
CF 10 with JRE 1.6
The problem is with the Java version you are using, not CF10.
TLS 1.1 is only supported in Java 1.8 on CF10 (Oddly 1.7 and above in CF11)
See this Adobe Blog as a starting guide to updating your Java.
Using ColdFusion administrator console.
Download the latest minor version of the supported JDK or Server JRE.
Install the JDK or Server JRE.
Navigate to ColdFusion Administrator > Server Settings >
Java and JVM section.
Browse the path to the JDK or Server JRE from
the “Java Virtual Machine Path” textbox which you intended to use with
Click “Submit Changes”. Restart the ColdFusion Application
By changing the JDK or Server JRE path from the jvm.config file.
Download the latest minor version of the supported JDK or Server JRE.
Install the JDK or Server JRE.
Open jvm.config file located at
Change the value of java.home to the
JDK or Server JRE path. [For example: C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\jre or C:/Program
Save the changes to the jvm.config file.
Restart the ColdFusion Application service.
You will require Update 14 and above if you want to install Java 1.8 on CF10

vtiger crm installatin process in window 7 using wamp server

I'm a php web developer.
Please talk me full process for vtiger crm installatin in window 7 using wamp server
I have unzip vtigercrm6.2.0.tar.gz in c:/wamp /www folder and then run it generates more errors
show errors please click on bellow link
What's your PHP-Version of your wamp-installation?
VTiger requires
PHP 5.2+, 5.3