regex replace and add hyphen before first zero - regex

Input1: RC000030034
Replace1: RC-000030034
Input2: RC100003282
Replace2: RC1-00003282
Looking to add a hyphen before the first 0 in the string.
Input will always have 11 characters.
Final output will always be 12 characters.
Never will have alpha characters after the hyphen.

Based on this : "Looking to add a hyphen before the first 0 in the string."
example in javascript:
> var re = /^([^0]*)0(.*)$/
> "RC000030034".replace(re,"$1-$2")
in bash (echo + sed):
$ echo 'RC00030034' | sed -e 's/^\([^0]*\)0\(.*\)$/\1-\2/'

output = input.replace("0", "-0")
or equivalent code in your language
Most languages provide some kind of replace method for strings. The example above works in javascript, it will replace the first occurence of '0' by '-0'.
In python, there is a replace() which replacess all occurrences; there, you must use an optional argument to indicate a maximum number:
output = input.replace("0", "-0", 1)
In perl, you could use a regular expression:
$input =~ s/0/-0/;
Putting all your strings in a file (each string on a separate line) you can use the following shell command:
perl -ne 's/0/-0/; print' inputfile
Now, suppose your input allows for strings like RC0A00001234, where the hyphen should be before the second 0, behind the A (because we 'Never will have alpha characters after the hyphen').
Then the command has to change into:
perl -ne 's/(0\d*)$/-$1/; print' inputfile


How to check last 3 chars of a string are alphabets or not using awk?

I want to check if the last 3 letters in column 1 are alphabets and print those rows. What am I doing wrong?
My code :-
awk -F '|' ' {print str=substr( $1 , length($1) - 2) } END{if ($str ~ /^[A-Za-z]/ ) print}' file
cat file
expected output :
$ awk -F'|' '$1 ~ /[[:alpha:]]{3}$/' file
Regarding what's wrong with your script:
You're doing the test for alphabetic characters in the END section for the final line read instead of once per input line.
You're trying to use shell variable syntax $str instead of awk str.
You're testing for literal character ranges in the bracket expression instead of using a character class so YMMV on which characters that includes depending on your locale.
You're testing for a string that starts with a letter instead of a string that ends with 3 letters.
Use grep:
grep -P '^[^|]*[A-Za-z]{3}[|]' in_file > out_file
Here, GNU grep uses the following option:
-P : Use Perl regexes.
The regex means this:
^ : Start of the string.
[^|]* : Any non-pipe character, repeated 0 or more times.
[A-Za-z]{3} : 3 letters.
[|] : Literal pipe.
sed -n '/^[^|]*[a-Z][a-Z][a-Z]|/p' file
grep '^[^|]*[a-Z][a-Z][a-Z]|' file
{m,g}awk '!+FS<NF' FS='^[^|]*[A-Za-z][A-Za-z][A-Za-z][|]'
{m,g}awk '$!_!~"[|]"' FS='[A-Za-z][A-Za-z][A-Za-z][|]'
{m,g}awk '($!_~"[|]")<NF' FS='[A-Za-z][A-Za-z][A-Za-z][|]' # to play it safe

How to find and replace a pattern string using sed/perl/awk?

I have a file with contents like
# another property
In my script, I need to replace whatever value is against ph (The current value is unknown to the bash script) and change it to 0.5. So the the file should look like
# another property
I know it can be easily done if the current value is known by using
sed "s/\,ph\:0.03\,/\,ph\:0.5\,/"
But in my case, I have to actually read the contents against allNames and search for the value and then replace within a for loop. Rest all is taken care of but I can't figure out the sed/perl command for this.
I tried using sed "s/\,ph\:.*\,/\,ph\:0.5\,/" and some variations but it didn't work.
A simpler sed solution:
sed -E 's/([=,]ph:)[0-9.]+/\10.5/g' file
# another property
Here we match ([=,]ph:) (i.e. , or = followed by ph:) and capture in group #1. This should be followed by 1+ of [0-9.] character to natch any number. In replacement we put \1 back with 0.5
With your shown samples, please try following awk code.
awk -v new_val="0.5" '
print substr($0,1,RSTART) val new_val substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)
' Input_file
Detailed Explanation: Creating awk's variable named new_val which contains new value which needs to put in. In main program of awk using match function of awk to match ,ph:[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)? regex in each line, if a match of regex is found then storing that matched value into variable val. Then substituting everything from : to till end of value in val variable with : here. Then printing values as pre requirement of OP(values before matched regex value with val(edited matched value in regex) with new value and rest of line), using next will avoid going further and by mentioning 1 printing rest other lines which are NOT having a matched value in it.
2nd solution: Using sub function of awk.
awk -v newVal="0.5" '/^allNames=/{sub(/,ph:[^,]*/,",ph:"newVal)} 1' Input_file
Would you please try a perl solution:
perl -pe '
The -pe option makes perl to read the input line by line, perform
the operation, then print it as sed does.
The regex (?<=\bph:) is a zero-length lookbehind which matches
the string ph: preceded by a word boundary.
The regex [\d.]+ will match a decimal number.
The regex (?=,|$) is a zero-length lookahead which matches
a comma or the end of the string.
As the lookbehind and the lookahead has zero length, they are not
substituted by the s/../../ operator.
As Dave Cross comments, the lookahead (?=,|$) is unnecessary as long as the input file is correctly formatted.
Works with decimal place or not, or no value, anywhere in the line.
sed -E 's/(^|[^-_[:alnum:]])ph:[0-9]*(.[0-9]+)?/ph:0.5/g'
Or possibly:
sed -E 's/(^|[=,[:space:]])ph:[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?/ph:0.5/g'
The top one uses "not other naming characters" to describe the character immediately before a name, the bottom one uses delimiter characters (you could add more characters to either). The purpose is to avoid clashing with other_ph or autograph.
Here you go
use strict;
use warnings;
print "\nPerl Starting ... \n\n";
while (my $recordLine =<DATA>)
if (index($recordLine, "ph:") != -1)
$recordLine =~ s/ph:.*?,/ph:0.5,/g;
print "recordLine: $recordLine ...\n";
print "\nPerl End ... \n\n";
# another property
Perl Starting ...
recordLine: allNames=alpha:.02,beta:0.25,ph:0.5,delta:1.0,gamma:.5 ...
Perl End ...
Using any sed in any shell on every Unix box (the other sed solutions posted that use sed -E require GNU or BSD seds):
a) if ph: is never the first tag in the allNames list (as shown in your sample input):
$ sed 's/\(,ph:\)[^,]*/\10.5/'
# another property
b) or if it can be first:
$ sed 's/\([,=]ph:\)[^,]*/\10.5/'
# another property

extract substring with SED

I have the next strings:
for example:
input1 = abc-def-ghi-jkl
input2 = mno-pqr-stu-vwy
I want extract the first word between "-"
for the fisrt string I want to get: def
if the input is the second string, I want to get: pqr
I want to use the command SED, Could you help me please?
sed 's,^[^-]*-\([^-]*\).*,\1,' file
The string after the first - will be captured up to the second - and the rest will be matched, then the matched line will be replaced with the group text.
With bash:
var='input1 = abc-def-ghi-jkl'
var=${var#*-} # remove shortest prefix `*-`, this removes `input1 = abc-`
echo "${var%%-*}" # remove longest suffix `-*`, this removes `-ghi-jkl`
Or with awk:
awk -F'-' '{print $2}' <<<'input1 = abc-def-ghi-jkl'
Use - as input field separator and print the second field.
Or with cut:
cut -d'-' -f2 <<<'input1 = abc-def-ghi-jkl'
When you want to use sed, you can choose between solutions like
# Double processing
echo "$input1" | sed 's/[^-]*-//;s/-.*//'
# Normal approach
echo "$input1" | sed -r 's/^[^-]*-([^-]*)|-.*)/\1/g'
# Funny alternative
echo "$input1" | sed -r 's/(^[^-]*-|-.*)//g'
The obvious "external" tool would be cut. You can also look at a Bash builtin solution like
[[ ${input1} =~ ([^-]*)-([^-]*) ]] && printf %s "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
grep solution (in my opinion this is the most natural approach, as you are only trying to find matches to a regular expression - you are not looking to edit anything, so there should be no need for the more advanced command sed)
grep -oP '^[^-]*-\K[^-]*(?=-)' << EOF
> abc-qrs-bobo-the-clown
> 123-45-6789
> blah-blah-blah
> no dashes here
> mahi-mahi
Look at the inputs first, included here for completeness as a heredoc (more likely you would name your file as the last argument to grep.) The solution requires at least two dashes to be present in the string; in particular, for mahi-mahi it will find no match. If you want to find the second mahi as a match, you can remove the lookahead assertion at the end of the regular expression (see below).
The regular expression does this. First note the command options: -o to return only the matched substring, not the entire line; and -P to use Perl extensions. Then, the regular expression: start from the beginning of the line (^); look for zero or more non-dash characters followed by dash, and then (\K) discard this part of the required match from the substrings found to match the pattern. Then look for zero or more non-dash characters again - this will be returned by the command. Finally, require a dash following this pattern, but do not include it in the match. This is done with a lookahead (marked by (?= ... )).

Replace non-alphanumeric characters in substring

I am trying to replace any non-alphanumeric characters present in the first part (before the = sign) of a bunch of key value pairs, by a _:
Desired Output
I have tried patterns such as: s/\([^a-zA-Z]*\)=\(.*\)/\1=\2/g without much success. Any basic GNU/Linux tools can probably be used.
With awk
$ awk -F= -v OFS='=' '{gsub("[^a-zA-Z]", "_", $1)} 1' ip.txt
Input and output field separators are set to = and then gsub("[^a-zA-Z]", "_", $1) will substitute all non-alphabet characters with _ only for first field
With perl
$ perl -pe 's/^[^=]+/$&=~s|[^a-z]|_|gir/e' ip.txt
^[^=]+ non = characters from start of line
$&=~s|[^a-z]|_|gir replace non-alphabet characters with _ only for the matched portion
Use perl -i -pe for inplace editing
Assuming your input is in a file called infile, you could do this:
while IFS== read key value; do
printf '%s=%s\n' "${key//[![:alnum:]]/_}" "${value}"
done < infile
with the output
This sets the IFS variable to = and reads your key/value pairs line by line into a key and a value variable.
The printf command prints them and adds the = back in; "${key//[![:alnum:]]/_}" substitutes all non-alphanumeric characters in key by an underscore.
Any Posix compliant awk
$ cat f
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="="}gsub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,"_",$1)+1' f
BEGIN{FS=OFS="="} Set input and Output field separator =
/[^[:alnum:]]/ Match a character not present in the list,
[:alnum:] matches a alphanumeric character [a-zA-Z0-9]
This is similar to the sub function, except gsub replaces
all of the longest, leftmost, nonoverlapping matching
substrings it can find. The g in gsub stands for global, which means replace everywhere,The gsub function returns the number
of substitutions made
+1 It takes care of default operation {print $0} whenever gsub returns 0
Thought I would throw a little ruby in:
ruby -pe '$_.sub!(/[^=]+/){|m| m.gsub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,"_")}'

Get digit from filename immediately preceeding file extension, with other digits in filename

I'm trying to extract the last number before a file extension in a bash script. So the format varies but it'll be some combination of numbers and letters, and the last character will always be a digit. I need to pull those digits and store them in a variable.
The format is generally:
I want to store just the final digit 1 into a variable.
I'll be using this to loop through a large number of files, and the last number will get into double and triple digits.
So for this file:
I'd need to return 310.
The number of alphanumeric characters and underscores varies with each file, but the number I want always is immediately before the .txt extension and immediately after an underscore.
I tried:
number=$(echo $bname | tr -cd '[[:digit:]]')
but this returns all digits.
If I try
number = $(echo $(bname -2) it changes the number it returns.
The problem i'm having is mostly related to the variability, and the fact that I've been asked to do it in bash. Any help would really be appreciated.
[[ $file =~ $regex ]] && number=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
This uses bash's underappreciated =~ regex operator which stores matches in an array named BASH_REMATCH.
You could do this using parameter substitution
echo $var
Use a Series of Bash Shell Expansions
While not the most elegant solution, this one uses a sequence of shell parameter expansions to achieve the desired result without having to define a specific extension. For example, this function uses the length and offset expansions to find the digit after removing filename extensions:
extract_digit() {
local basename=${1%%.*}
echo "${basename:$(( ${#basename} - 1 ))}"
Capturing Function Output
You can capture the output in a variable with something like:
$ foo=$(extract_digit sdflkej10_sdlkei450_sdlekr_1.txt)
$ echo $foo
Sample Output from Function
$ extract_digit sdflkej10_sdlkei450_sdlekr_1.txt
$ extract_digit sdflkej10_sdlkei450_sdlekr_9.txt
$ extract_digit sdflkej10_sdlkei450_sdlekr_10.txt
This should take care of your situation:
SUBSTRING=`expr match "$INPUT" '.*_\([[:digit:]]*\)'`
This will output 789
No need of regex here, you can utilize IFS
v=$(IFS=[_.] read -ra arr <<< "$var" && echo "${arr[#]:(-2):1}")
echo "$v"