Split string by multiple delimiters and keep the delimiter in result [duplicate] - regex

How to split string with Regex.Split and keep all separators?
I have a string:"substring1 delimeter1 substring2" , where delimeter+substring2 is a part of address.
Also i have 2 and more delimeters: delim1,delim2 wich are equivalent in meaning;
And i want to get string array like this:
arr[1]="delim1 subsctring2";
arr[1]="delim2 subsctring2;
I have a pattern:
addrArr= Regex.Split(inputText, String.Concat("(?<=",delimeter1, "|",delimeter2, ")"), RegexOptions.None);
But it not works well.
Can you help me to create a valid pattern to to that?

You need a pattern with a lookahead only:
The \s+ will match 1 or more whitespaces (since your string contains whitespaces). In case there can be no whitespaces, use \s* (but then you will need to remove empty entries from the result). See the regex demo. If these delimiters must be whole words, use \b word boundaries: \s+(?=\b(?:delim1|delim2)\b).
In C#:
addrArr = Regex.Split(inputText, string.Format(#"\s+(?={0})", string.Join("|", delimeters)));
If the delimiters can contain special regex metacharacters, you will need to run Regex.Escape on your delimiters list.
A C# demo:
var inputText = "substring1 delim1 substring2 delim2 substr3";
var delimeters = new List<string> { "delim1", "delim2" };
var addrArr = Regex.Split(inputText,
string.Format(#"\s+(?={0})", string.Join("|", delimeters.Select(Regex.Escape))));
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", addrArr));

I think you need to use a lookahead, not a lookbehind, for this to work (haven't tried it though).
Also, you have to be careful with the separators; they must be escaped to work correctly as patterns in the regex.
Try this:
addrArr= Regex.Split(inputText, string.Format("(?={0}|{1})", Regex.Escape(delimeter1), Regex.Escape(delimeter2)), RegexOptions.None);


Regexp within a regexp OR pattern within a match OR find commas between two strings

I want to extract commas , from this string:
"(""2018-10-15 00:00:00.571913"",147,55,2,341.920,-4.829,-1,""0,0,427799008,307238900,163872717,122358998,115140912,112840222,111386391,109396581,107696294,107176835,106021975,104275830,
But I don't want to extract ALL commas ,
Only the one situated between "", and ,""
Using https://regexr.com/ I have tried:
instead of
But it won't work.
This match output should be:
, , , , ,
In other words, in the sub-string "",147,55,2,341.920,-4.829,-1,"" I only want to extract the commas and nothing else.
PS: In need to do it in one step.
I would take a two-step approach to this.
Find what's between "",and ,"" . You were close, but unless it's different in Matlab you have 2 positive lookaheads in your description (?=) rather than a positive lookbehind (?<=) and a positive lookahead. I'd use this in Java:
So a positive lookbehind preceding the pattern, then the pattern (one or more commas, periods, hyphens and/or numbers), and then a positive lookahead after the pattern. This yields: 147,55,2,341.920,-4.829,-1
Then in this String just match comma , and collect them all.
If it's for MATLAB, you can't get a single match that contains non-contiguous characters in one step. However, instead of using regexp, you could try regexprep to erase the parts you don't care about:
function testFunc()
str = '"(""2018-10-15 00:00:00.571913"",147,55,2,341.920,-4.829,-1,""0,0,427799008,307238900,163872717,122358998,115140912,112840222,111386391,109396581,107696294,107176835,106021975,104275830,';
middlePattern = '(?<=,).*?(?=,)';
beginningPattern = '^[^,]*,';
endPattern = ',".*?$';
exp = [middlePattern '|' beginningPattern '|' endPattern];
str = regexprep(str,exp,'')
>> testFunc
str =
My solution doesn't contain the spaces that your desired solution has. I couldn't get that to work.
Could you expand on why you want a list of commas and what your ultimate goal is?

Regex: Separate a string of characters with a non-consistent pattern (Oracle) (POSIX ERE)

EDIT: This question pertains to Oracle implementation of regex (POSIX ERE) which does not support 'lookaheads'
I need to separate a string of characters with a comma, however, the pattern is not consistent and I am not sure if this can be accomplished with Regex.
Corpus: 1710ABCD.131711ABCD.431711ABCD.41711ABCD.4041711ABCD.25
The pattern is basically 4 digits, followed by 4 characters, followed by a dot, followed by 1,2, or 3 digits! To make the string above clear, this is how it looks like separated by a space 1710ABCD.13 1711ABCD.43 1711ABCD.4 1711ABCD.404 1711ABCD.25
So the output of a replace operation should look like this:
I was able to match the pattern using this regex:
It does insert a comma but after the third digit beyond the dot (wrong, should have been after the second digit), but I cannot get it to do it in the right position and globally.
Here is a link to a fiddle
All you need is a lookahead at the end of the regular expression, so that the greedy \d{1,3} backtracks until it's followed by 4 digits (indicating the start of the next substring):
To expand on #CertainPerformance's answer, if you want to be able to match the last token, you can use an alternative match of $:
Demo: https://regex101.com/r/qQ2dE4/331
EDIT: Since you now mentioned in the comment that you're using Oracle's implementation, you can simply do:
regexp_replace(corpus, '(\d{1,3})(\d{4})', '\1,\2')
to get your desired output:
Demo: https://regex101.com/r/qQ2dE4/333
In order to continue finding matches after the first one you must use the global flag /g. The pattern is very tricky but it's feasible if you reverse the string.
var str = `1710ABCD.131711ABCD.431711ABCD.41711ABCD.4041711ABCD.25`;
// Reverse String
var rts = str.split("").reverse().join("");
// Do a reverse version of RegEx
/*In order to continue searching after the first match,
use the `g`lobal flag*/
var rgx = /(\d{1,3}\.\w{4}\d{4})/g;
// Replace on reversed String with a reversed substitution
var res = rts.replace(rgx, ` ,$1`);
// Revert the result back to normal direction
var ser = res.split("").reverse().join("");

How to create "blocks" with Regex

For a project of mine, I want to create 'blocks' with Regex.
\xyz\yzx //wrong format
x\12 //wrong format
12\x //wrong format
\x12\x13\x14\x00\xff\xff //correct format
When using Regex101 to test my regular expressions, I came to this result:
This leads to an incorrect output, because
Still gets detected as a correct string, though the order is wrong, it needs to be in the order specified below, and in no other order.
backslash x 0-9A-Fa-f 0-9A-Fa-f
Can anyone explain how that works and why it works in that way? Thanks in advance!
To match the \, folloed with x, followed with 2 hex chars, anywhere in the string, you need to use
See the regex demo
To force it match all non-overlapping occurrences, use the specific modifiers (like /g in JavaScript/Perl) or specific functions in your programming language (Regex.Matches in .NET, or preg_match_all in PHP, etc.).
The ^(?:\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})+$ regex validates a whole string that consists of the patterns like above. It happens due to the ^ (start of string) and $ (end of string) anchors. Note the (?:...)+ is a non-capturing group that can repeat in the string 1 or more times (due to + quantifier).
Some Java demo:
String s = "\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x00\\xff\\xff";
// Extract valid blocks
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s);
List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
while (matcher.find()){
System.out.println(res); // => [\x12, \x13, \x14, \x00, \xff, \xff]
// Check if a string consists of valid "blocks" only
boolean isValid = s.matches("(?i)(?:\\\\x[a-f0-9]{2})+");
System.out.println(isValid); // => true
Note that we may shorten [a-zA-Z] to [a-z] if we add a case insensitive modifier (?i) to the start of the pattern, or just use \p{Alnum} that matches any alphanumeric char in a Java regex.
The String#matches method always anchors the regex by default, we do not need the leading ^ and trailing $ anchors when using the pattern inside it.

Parse string using regex

I need to come up with a regular expression to parse my input string. My input string is of the format:
[alphanumeric].[alpha][numeric].[alpha][alpha][alpha].[julian date: yyyyddd]
I need to substring it from the 3rd position and was wondering what would be the easiest way to do it.
Desired result:
(?i) will be considered as case insensitive.
Here a-z means any alphabet from a to z, and \d means any digit from 0 to 9.
Now, if you want to remove the first section before dot, then use this regex and replace it with $1 (or may be \1)
Another option is replace below with empty:
If the input string is just the long form, then you want everything except the first two characters. You could arrange to substitute them with nothing:
Or you could arrange to capture everything except the first two characters:
If the expression is part of a larger string, then the breakdown of the alphanumeric components becomes more important.
The details vary depending on the language that is hosting the regex. The notations written above could be Perl or PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions). Many other languages would accept these regexes too, but other languages would require tweaks.
Use this regex:
Use the above regex like this:
String[] in = {
"A.A2.ABC.2014071", "3.M1.MMB.2014071"
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\w.[A-Z]\\d.[A-Z]{3}.\\d{7}");
for (String s: in ) {
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
while (m.find()) {
System.out.println("Result: " + m.group().substring(2));
Live demo: http://ideone.com/tns9iY

Regex to remove characters up to a certain point in a string

How do I use regex to convert
So, in other words, I want to remove (or match) the FIRST grouping of 1's.
Depending on the language, you should have a way to replace a string by regex. In Java, you can do it like this:
String s = "11111aA$xx1111xxdj$%%";
String res = s.replaceAll("^1+", "");
The ^ "anchor" indicates that the beginning of the input must be matched. The 1+ means a sequence of one or more 1 characters.
Here is a link to ideone with this running program.
The same program in C#:
var rx = new Regex("^1+");
var s = "11111aA$xx1111xxdj$%%";
var res = rx.Replace(s, "");
(link to ideone)
In general, if you would like to make a match of anything only at the beginning of a string, add a ^ prefix to your expression; similarly, adding a $ at the end makes the match accept only strings at the end of your input.
If this is the beginning, you can use this:
As far as replacing, it depends on the language. In powershell, I would do this:
This will return:
If you only want to replace consecutive "1"s at the beginning of the string, replace the following with an empty string:
If the consecutive "1"s won't necessarily be the first characters in the string (but you still only want to replace one group), replace the following with the contents of the first capture group (usually \1 or $1):
Note that this is only necessary if you only have a "replace all" capability available to you, but most regex implementations also provide a way to replace only one instance of a match, in which case you could just replace 1+ with an empty string.
I'm not sure but you can try this
[^1](\w*\d*\W)* - match all as a single group except starting "1"(n) symbols
In Javascript
var str = '11111aA$xx1111xxdj$%%';
var patt = /^1+/g;
str = str.replace(patt,"");