I have some structs defined in an .ild file that are packed into SAFEARRAYand passed to a C# client...
struct Port {
struct Descriptor {
BSTR Name;
SAFEARRAY(struct Port) Ports;
// Inteface method
HRESULT GetDescriptors([out, retval] SAFEARRAY(struct Descriptor)* descriptor)
I can unpack and use the arrays sucessfully on the C++ side. The problem is when I try to call the method from C# using the following...
var descriptors = comObject.GetDescriptors();
I get an exception stating...
System.TypeLoadException: 'Cannot marshal field 'Ports' of type
'ComObjectLib.Descriptor': There is no marshaling
support for this type.'
Here's where it gets weird. If I add a dummy instantiation of a Descriptor and initialize it's fields anywhere in the C# code, the marshalling works as expected.
var descriptor = new Descriptor();
descriptor.Ports = new Port[0];
// Works as expected.
var descriptorsFromCom = comObject.GetDescriptors();
What gives?
I have created a simple DLL in C++, for the sole purpose of isolating the issue and testing on a small scale the importing of a function that returns a list of structs with members of different types.
#define MY_DLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MY_DLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
enum color_type
RGB = 1,
MONO = 2
struct my_struct
unsigned char *name;
char *value;
color_type type;
my_struct* next;
extern "C" struct my_struct MY_DLL_API * get_list(void);
#include "dll_header.h"
MY_DLL_API my_struct * get_list(void)
my_struct my_list[2];
unsigned char name1[] = "name1";
unsigned char name2[] = "name2";
char val1[] = "val1";
char val2[] = "val2";
my_list[0].name = name1;
my_list[0].value = val1;
my_list[0].type = RGB;
my_list[0].next = &my_list[1];
my_list[0].name = name2;
my_list[0].value = val2;
my_list[0].type = MONO;
my_list[0].next = NULL;
return my_list;
Like I said, I have to use these data types (cannot change them to strings or anything else because I am testing something and I need them like this)
Now, in my VB.NET application I import and try to retrieve the list like this from the DLL
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1
Public Enum color_type
RGB = 1
End Enum
Private Structure my_struct
Public name As Byte()
Public value As Char()
Public type As color_type
Public next As IntPtr
End Structure
Private Declare Function get_list Lib "my_lib.dll" () As IntPtr
Private my_list As List(Of my_struct)
Private Sub get_list()
Dim my_list_pointer As IntPtr = get_list()
my_list = New List(Of my_struct)
Dim my_item As my_struct
While my_list_pointer <> IntPtr.Zero
my_item = CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(my_list_pointer, GetType(my_struct)), my_struct)
my_list_pointer = my_item.next
End While
End Sub
I have tried many other methods, specially changing data types but so far here I am, stuck with this exception when trying to run the code:
System.AccessViolationException: 'Attempted to read or write protected
memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.'
Trying to find a way to make these two understand each other
Either use mixed mode C++ to do the translation between native and managed types or use types that are compatible with P/Invoke.
Looking how Win32 define structure (and function that use those) is a good start to help you understand how to define compatible structures as one of the main intent of P/Invoke is to be able to use Win32 API from managed code.
If you go for mixed mode, then you can do whatever required translation between both world as you can mix native C++ and C++/CLI in the same assembly. So essentially, you would write code that convert the native structure into a managed one and then VB.NET will be able to use that managed code (assuming that you use types available in VB.NET for example).
Well, if you go for the mixed mode route, you generally ends up with 3 DLLs/Assemblies/Executable as you would have the original C++ DLL (native code), the VB.NET code (managed) and the mixed mode C++ assembly in between.
While it could be relatively easy to provide code if the list is read only, if this is not the case, it could be much harder depending how the code is expected to be used and what are the availaible function in the existing DLL.
The starting point would be to create a ref class in C++/CLI.
Some similar questions
Return list of points (x,y,z) from C to C# using PInvoke
PInvoke of self referential struct from C++
Problem with your code
Your exported function retuns a pointer to a local variable which is undefined behavior.
Additional observation
If your original list is an array, the why making it a list also? An array would be easier to marshal and use. And probably perform better too.
When defining you structure, you have be explicit on how strings are marshalled and the alignment that should be used. You shoull validate that everything is as expected.
I am developing a plug-in for two 3rd party programs: A and B in C++ on Windows (7) and need a robust, relatively simple (and fast) way to communicate between the two programs.
The communication is one way: based on user interaction in program A I want my plug-in inside program A to send a signal that ends up calling a function inside my plug-in in program B.
The protocol is simple. This is the signature of the receiving function inside my plug-in in B:
struct XYZ {
double x, y, z;
void polyLineSelected(long id, std::vector<XYZ> & points);
How would you recommend to do this?
By far the easiest way to implement one-way communication on Windows is to send a WM_COPYDATA message. It takes a COPYDATASTRUCT parameter to move arbitrary data from one application to another.
For your specific example an implementation of the sender would look like this:
// Declare symbolic constants to identify data
enum DataType {
// Declare struct to hold compound data
struct IPCData {
long id;
XYZ pts[];
// Allocate buffer
const size_t bufferSize = offsetof(IPCData, pts[points.size()]);
vector<char> buffer(bufferSize);
IPCData* pData = reinterpret_cast<IPCData*>(&buffer[0]);
// Fill the buffer
pData->id = 42;
copy(points.begin(), points.end(), &pData->pts[0]);
cds.dwData = DataType_Points; // Can be used by the receiver to identify data
cds.cbData = bufferSize;
cds.lpData = pData;
// Send the data
SendMessage(hWndRecv, WM_COPYDATA,
I've been researching passing a struct as a parameter from a C++ client to a C++ server using COM. I've found many examples but none that really explained it to me like I'm five nor any that really provided a firm understanding of how to do what I want, which is simply pass a C++ struct through a COM interface where both sides are C++. Should be easy, right?
I have established my struct as follows in the IDL file on server-side:
typedef struct xxxData
int iWidth;
int iHeight;
SafeArray(short) pxxxData;
} xxxData;
// Fix for UUID DECLARATION FOR _uuidof() functionality
// From http://go4answers.webhost4life.com/Example/error-c2787-no-guid-been-associated-158947.aspx
cpp_quote("struct __declspec(uuid(\"{7F0C9A48-3C41-425B-B4E6-8156B61D5355}\")) xxxData;")
Which works, so far as I can tell.
Now my client calls GetImageData which is shown as follows:
[id(16)] HRESULT GetImageData([in,out] VARIANT* pData);
Now my client call is as follows with this function:
VariantInit( pData );
xxxData* data = new xxxxData;
HRESULT hr = mpCOMEvents->GetImageData(pData);
data = (FBIS_ImageData*)(pData->pvRecord);
int length = data->iWidth * data->iHeight;
However, length is giving me an incorrect address location. This makes me wonder if my use of pvRecord is incorrect and if I can really typecast it?
Here is my COM server side:
xxxData data;
IRecordInfo *pRI;
/* Pass in Structure Information */
data.iHeight = 100;
data.iWidth = 100;
// Used http://vcfaq.mvps.org/com/4.htm as reference
hr = GetRecordInfoFromGuids(LIBID_xxxLib, 1, 0, 0x409, _uuidof(xxxData), &pRI);
pData->vt = VT_RECORD;
pData->pvRecord = &data;
pData->pRecInfo = pRI;
There's some confusion here.
If you're not aiming to be automation friendly, change your IDL to:
[size_is=iWidth*iHeight] unsigned short* pxxxData;
and don't use SAFEARRAY API on this. For marshalling, you'll have to compile a proxy/stub DLL and register it.
If you're aiming to be automation friendly, change your IDL to:
SAFEARRAY(short) pxxxData;
and do use the SAFEARRAY API on this. For marshalling, you'll have to compile a typelib (optionally, embed it) and register it. This also enables early-binding (e.g. VB6, tlbimp).
This will work for languages/environments that support user-defined types. For the ones that don't (e.g. scripting languages), you'll have to use an oleautomation/dual/IDispatch-based interface instead of a struct (and implement in in the server).
EDIT: Based on the changes you made to your question.
You should declare the pData parameter as out only, GetImageData will populate it, not use it and possibly replace it. It also only requires marshaling on return, not on the call. Here's a suggestion:
[id(16)] HRESULT GetImageData([out] VARIANT* pData);
Your client code has a memory leak, it always creates an xxxData. Here's a suggestion:
// If pData is in-out, this is not safe, use CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(VARIANT)) instead.
// The callee may override the buffer by assuming it was CoTaskMemAlloc'ed, thus
// assuming it can CoTaskMemFree the original location and set the pointer to a new
// CoTaskMemAlloc'ed location.
// The callee may be a proxy.
// Assuming it's out only, we can provide any location with enough space for a VARIANT.
VariantInit( &vData );
xxxData* data; // remove memory leak
HRESULT hr = mpCOMEvents->GetImageData(&vData);
// error handling removed for clarity (I hope)
data = (xxxData*)(vData.pvRecord);
int length = data->iWidth * data->iHeight;
// ... use data ...
// Don't forget to clear the variant, or there'll be a memory leak
// It implies:
// vData.pRecInfo->RecordDestroy(vData.pvRecord);
// This should recursively release memory allocated in each field
// and finally release the memory allocated for the struct itself.
// vData.pRecInfo->Release();
VariantClear( &vData );
// don't use data past this point
Your server code is setting pData->pvRecord to point to the stack, which means that it will potentially be overwritten by a caller or some other invoked function. Here's a suggestion:
xxxData* data; // Changed to pointer
IRecordInfo *pRI;
// data.iHeight = 100; // removed
// data.iWidth = 100; // removed
hr = GetRecordInfoFromGuids(LIBID_xxxLib, 1, 0, 0x409, _uuidof(xxxData), &pRI);
// error handling removed for clarity (I hope)
// This will allocate memory for the struct itself
// For fields that require memory allocation, follow "normal" COM rules,
// such as using CoTaskMemAlloc for buffers, SysAllocString or similar for BSTRs,
// etc.
// For each inner (pointed to) structure, you should call RecordCreate on the
// respective IRecordInfo instance for that type.
data = (xxxData*)pRI->RecordCreate();
data->iHeight = 100; // new
data->iWidth = 100; // new
// If pData is in-out, this will leak, use VariantClear instead.
// Assuming it's out only, use VariantInit as it points to (allocated) garbage.
pData->vt = VT_RECORD;
pData->pvRecord = data; // data is already a pointer
pData->pRecInfo = pRI;
// This won't (normally) leak, the caller must call VariantClear on the out VARIANT.
// The caller may be a stub.
I want to call a method in a COM component from C# using COM interop. This is the methods signature:
long GetPrecursorInfoFromScanNum(long nScanNumber,
LPVARIANT pvarPrecursorInfos,
LPLONG pnArraySize)
and this is sample code (which I checked is really working) to call it in C++:
struct PrecursorInfo
double dIsolationMass;
double dMonoIsoMass;
long nChargeState;
long nScanNumber;
void CTestOCXDlg::OnOpenParentScansOcx()
VARIANT vPrecursorInfos;
long nPrecursorInfos = 0;
// Access the safearray buffer
BYTE* pData;
SafeArrayAccessData(vPrecursorInfos.parray, (void**)&pData);
for (int i=0; i < nPrecursorInfos; ++i)
// Copy the scan information from the safearray buffer
PrecursorInfo info;
pData + i * sizeof(MS_PrecursorInfo),
And here's the corresponding C# signature after importing the typelib of the COM component:
void GetPrecursorInfoFromScanNum(int nScanNumber, ref object pvarPrecursorInfos, ref int pnArraySize);
If I'm not mistaken, I need to pass in null for pvarPrecursorInfos to make COM interop marshal it as the expected VT_EMPTY variant. When I'm doing it, I get a SafeArrayTypeMismatchException - not really surprising, looking at how the result is expected to be handled in the sample. So I was trying to use a custom marshaler. Since a cannot alter the component itself, I tried to introduce it this way:
public interface IInterfaceNew : IInterfaceOrig
int GetPrecursorInfoFromScanNum(int nScanNumber, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(MyMarshaler))] ref object pvarPrecursorInfos, ref int pnArraySize);
The TypeLibType and DispID attribute are the same as in the original version. This works as far as that the MyMarshaller.GetInstance() method is called, but I do not get a callback in MyMarshaller.NativeToManaged. Instead, an access violation is reported. So is this a reliable approach? If yes - how can I make it work? If no: are there any alternatives?
(Just a footnote: in theory I could try to use managed C++ to call the component natively. However, there are lots of other methods in it that work fine with COM interop, so I would very much like to stick with C# if there is any way.)
Since someone asked for it, here's my solution in Managed C++.
array<PrecursorInfo^>^ MSFileReaderExt::GetPrecursorInfo(int scanNumber)
VARIANT vPrecursorInfos;
long nPrecursorInfos = -1;
//call the COM component
long rc = pRawFile->GetPrecursorInfoFromScanNum(scanNumber, &vPrecursorInfos, &nPrecursorInfos);
//read the result
//vPrecursorInfos.parray points to a byte sequence
//that can be seen as array of MS_PrecursorInfo instances
//(MS_PrecursorInfo is a struct defined within the COM component)
MS_PrecursorInfo* pPrecursors;
SafeArrayAccessData(vPrecursorInfos.parray, (void**)&pPrecursors);
//now transform into a .NET object
array<PrecursorInfo^>^ infos = gcnew array<PrecursorInfo^>(nPrecursorInfos);
MS_PrecursorInfo currentPrecursor;
for (int i=0; i < nPrecursorInfos; ++i)
currentPrecursor = pPrecursors[i];
infos[i] = safe_cast<PrecursorInfo^>(Marshal::PtrToStructure(IntPtr(¤tPrecursor), PrecursorInfo::typeid));
return infos;
I look at the github code mzLib, which I believe is related to this topic. The code looks good, where it calls
pin_ptr<const wchar_t> wch = PtrToStringChars(path);
I think it may cause some problem, better use
pin_ptr<const wchar_t> pathChar = static_cast<wchar_t*>(System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::StringToHGlobalUni(path).ToPointer());
The code then seems to be worked just fine when compiles. However, it might run in problem when imported as dll. I worked on that by adding a constructor,such as
public ref class ThermoDLLClass
PrecursorInfo GetPrecursorInfo(int scanNum, String^ path);
Then, it seems to get precursorInfo and parameters appropriately.
I need to expose a COM interface with a method that implement one fixed size array parameter.
The array size is fixed because the consumer is based on a tecnology in which you must declare the array size.
So I could do something like this
public interface _DocSolutionsClassic
void Execute( string[] InputParams);
and it works for me, but there is a different dimension error by the consumer.
I would like to write something lik this
void Execute( string[50] InputParams);
or this
string[] InputParams = new string[50];
void Execute(string[] InputParams);
But Vstudio 2010 give me an error...
Perhaps this could help:
IDL code snippet:
[id(1), helpstring("method foobar")] HRESULT foobar( BSTR * bstrs, ULONG size );
This way you can send any number of strings. The 'size' parameter is actually the number of strings that 'bstrs' points to.
Use SysAllocString()/SysFreeString() for string allocation/deallocation (or some equivalent in your environment).