angular regex to get last parts of an url [duplicate] - regex

How to build the function in AngularJS to chceck the last part of the url?
My examples:
The thing is:
123 444 333 543 are the ID's which are generated outside Angular
I need to check the last parts of my url: /edit or /create/new.
The length of the url will be different (number of / inside url).
I have a controller in Angular to get the url:
.controller('urlCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$location', function ($scope, $rootScope, $location) {
$rootScope.location = $location;
$scope.hashPath = "#" + $rootScope.location.path().toString();
I'm adding the # character to the url because later I'm comparing it with my JSON.
I tried this solution but it didn't work (I also checked another solutions from this topic and nothing happened).
Any ideas?
Or how to check just the edit or create inside the url?
My solution is:
var path = $location.path();
var multisearch =|edit|new/);
console.log("multisearch: " + multisearch);

This should give you the desired result:
window.alert(window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
You could get the current URL by using: window.location.href
Then you only need to get the part after the last '/'

More efficient way:
In case of; it will give you thirddir
pathname will keep only the part of url after domain name and
before query params
split will explode the url into array separated by /
slice will give you array containing only the last item
[0] will you last item as a string (in contrast to item of an


How to extract part of url - dart/flutter

I'm trying to extract the part of url (To be more specific, I'm trying to extract the value of page_info parameter in the url which is next to rel="next"
String testUrl = "<>; rel='previous', <>; rel='next'";
List<String> splitUrl = testUrl.split("=");
// this is what it prints out
eyJkaXJlY3Rpb24iOiJuZXh0IiwibGFzdF9pZCI6NjczMDIyNzcxMjA5MCwibGFzdF92YWx1ZSI6IjE4SyBHb2xkIFBsYXRlZCBIZWFydCBQZW5kYW50IE5lY2tsYWNlIn0>; rel
// this is what I'm trying to extract
// value for rel="next"
I tried to split the url by using split function on String but that would also bring the angle bracket with it. I'm trying to extract only page_info= parameter value which is for rel="next"
I know this has to do something with regex but I'm not really good at it! Any help would be really appreciated
I grabbed that url from header response (paginated REST API), it returns two page_info parameters (one for next and other one for previous page) I'm trying to extract value for next page. Splitting the url didn't help me
thank you
An alternative approach is to use Uri.parse to parse the URL:
void main() {
String testUrl = "<>; rel='previous', <>; rel='next'";
// Extract just the URL.
var match = RegExp(r'<([^>]*)>').firstMatch(testUrl);
if (match != null) {
var uri = Uri.parse(!);
print(uri.queryParameters['page_info']); // Prints: eyJkaXJlY3Rpb24iOiJ...
Note that the above wouldn't need any of the RegExp code if testUrl were a proper URL without the angle brackets and rel='next' junk.
the regEx pattern page_info=([\w]+)
gives you

remove "?show=false" using regex [duplicate]

I looking for regular expression to use in my javascript code, which give me last part of url without parameters if they exists - here is example - with and without parameters:
In both cases as result I want to get:
Here is this regexp
and JS code:
let lastUrlPart = /.*\/([^?]+)/.exec(url)[1];
let lastUrlPart = url => /.*\/([^?]+)/.exec(url)[1];
let t1 = ""
let t2 = ""
May be there are better alternatives?
You could always try doing it without regex. Split the URL by "/" and then parse out the last part of the URL.
var urlPart = url.split("/");
var img = urlPart[urlPart.length-1].split("?")[0];
That should get everything after the last "/" and before the first "?".

varnish split url and change url

Is there a way to split url on varnish or change url structure with it.
I know regsub or regsuball support that but they are not enough in my case.
I would like to change a url and redirect it to another domain.
For example:
to redirect below address
I added some lines in vcl file to do that
set req.http.xrul=regsuball(req.url,".html",""); "clear .html"
set req.http.xrul=regsub(req.http.xrul,"(\d+)","\1"); find numbers --article ID =99244
I can rid of the article ID with
set req.http.xrul=regsub(req.http.xrul,"(\d+)","");
but cannot get just only article ID
set req.http.xrul=regsub(req.http.xrul,"(\d+)","\1"); or any other method
Does varnish support split the url with "-" pattern thus I could redesign the url? Or can we get only articleID with regsub?
Is this what you want to achieve?
set req.http.X-Redirect-URL = regsuball(req.url,"^/([^/]*)/([0-9]+)-([^/]+)\.html$","\3-\1-\2");
This is working code tailored to example you provided, just one level of section placement.
If you want to support more levels of sections, you only have to adjust regexp a bit and replace / to - in second step:
set req.http.X-Redirect-URL = "" + regsuball(regsuball(req.url, "^/(.*)/([0-9]+)-([^/]+)\.html$", "\3-\1-\2"), "/", "-");
Maybe you need one more refinement. What if URL doesn't match you pattern? X-Redirect-URL will be the very same value as req.url is. You definitely don't want redirect loop, so I suggest to add mark character to the begin of X-Redirect-URL and then test for it.
Let's say:
set req.http.X-Redirect-URL = regsuball(regsuball(req.url, "^/(.*)/([0-9]+)-([^/]+)\.html$", "#\3-\1-\2"), "/", "-");
if(req.http.X-Redirect-URL ~ "^#") {
set req.http.X-Redirect-URL = regsuball(req.http.X-Redirect-URL, "#", "");
} else {
unset req.http.X-Redirect-URL;
and for all cases, you need in vcl_synth:
if (resp.status == 391) {
set resp.status = 301;
set resp.http.Location = req.http.X-Redirect-URL;
return (deliver);
Hope this helps.

Javascript regex replace

I have a langauge dropdown, and a javascript function which changes the page to the corresponding language selected. I need help on my regex replace:
For example, I would like this URL to turn into this url:
function languageChange(sender) {
var lang = $(sender).val();
var target = window.location.href;
target = target.replace(/(http:\/\/.*?)([a-zA-Z]{2})(.*$)/gim, '$1' + lang + '$3');
window.location = target;
Is your URL always the same structure? If so, you may not need a regex at all. Split the url at each "/", replace index 3, then join your array back to together with "/".
Here is a code sample:
function changeLanguage(url, newLang) {
var url = url.split('/');
url[3] = newLang;
return url.join('/');
Note: I originally wrote "splice" instead of "join" in my response. Join is the correct method.
Here is a function that processes any number of URLs within a string, and replaces the language part (the first part of path), only if exists and is from 2 to 4 chars long:
function changeLanguage(text, lang) {
return text.replace(
'$1' + lang);
Edit: Converted to function format.
Use this regex:
target =
target.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^/]+)\/?([^/]*)(.*)/gi, '$1/' + lang + '$3');
if e.g. lang='fr' then target holds http://localhost:7007/fr/Product/Detail/1038 value;

Redirect Entry form in SharePoint back to itself once entry submitted?

The issue I have is that people in my group are using a link to an Entry Form to post new itmes to a SharePoint list. Everytime they click 'submit' to post new item, SharPoint redirects them to the list.
I need a solution for SharePoint to direct them to the empty Entry form instead, no matter how many times they need to use it.
Is there such solution? Thanks,
I already have this "/EntryForm.aspx?Source=http://" in the link to the Entry form, but works only 2 times, after that will direct to the list.
Essentially you need to ensure that the Source parameter is always set to EntryForm.aspx so that no matter how often you loop through the form you always get redirected back to a new one at the end. You knew this, but I am just clarifying!
Simplest method would be some javascript to test this source parameter and if its not what you want then redirect the request so it is.
If you can edit the EntryForm.aspx page in SharePoint Designer then add this javascript to the page somewhere:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (gup("ok") != 1) {
if (gup("source") != window.location.href) {
window.location = window.location.href + "?&source=" + window.location.href + "&ok=1";
function gup( name ){
//This function returns the URL parameter specified
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );
if( results == null )
return "";
return results[1];
Essentially this is just redirecting your requests to this page so the source is always itself. The ok parameter is just to ensure that it only does it once.
This is not perfect code, but it demonstrates the idea (and it works!)
gup (Get URL Parameter) function is taken from here and I find it really useful.
Hope it helps