dll of project is not present in Visual Studio 2017 Modules window - visual-studio-2017

While debugging I ran into several problems using Visual Studio. I got break points not being hit because the code was being optimized behind the scenes, I disabled it. I got break points not being hit because I was using the RELEASE option on the properties of the project, I changed it to DEBUG. I got break points not being hit because the symbols weren't being loaded, all of a sudden I had to load them manually using the modules window. Now, I cannot perform the last step because one of my project doesn't appear on the modules window.
cannot find webservices project


Visual Studio 2019, trying to debug, MSVCP140_APP.dll not found

I have created a Visual Studio 2019 solution under Windows 10, which contains 2 C++ projects. The first builds a dll, the second - an executable which, amongst others, uses the dll created by the first project.
I fail to start the executable with the error
"The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140_APP.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem."
Both trying to debug using Visual Studio and trying to start an exe from the file browser fail.
Both Debug and Release modes fail.
Obviously I've tried to search for the solution and obviously I did not find it. Quite often UWP pops up but I have no idea why should I even know what it is if I have created the solution with the complete code from scratch...
Note: both projects use some external packages and everything worked fine under one project, before I did the split (in a different solution). After the split, the dll links to embree, and the exe to glfw and glew.

Debugging in WebStorm vs Visual Studio

For the longest time I have not been able to debug in WebStorm and I am wondering if I am going about it wrong. When using Visual Studio to debug a C# application I set my breakpoint and click the green triangle to start/debug my web application.
This is also the way I have been attempting to debug Angular applications in WebStorm. However, my breakpoints never seem to be hit. So today I tried (quite by accident) clicking the green triangle in WebStorm to start my Angular application as normal (launching via webpack) and then after it loaded I clicked the green "bug" icon. I then found that when navigating through my angular application my breakpoints were hit.
Was I doing this wrong the whole time? I was thinking that it was just one click as in Visual Studio.
You found it! Yes, you have to click the bug icon to get breakpoints to work.

Multi Device Hybrid App in Visual Studio 2013 Does Not Refresh / Crashes

I have created a multi device hybrid project in Visual Studio 2013.
I am having a few major issues:
1) Changes to my scripts do not appear unless I completely rebuild the application when I am using Ripple to view the project.
2) Pressing F12 in the Chrome ripple window causes Visual Studio to stop running the application. This seems very strange. It's like if I were to quit debugging on a normal webapp.
Output shows The program '[1] http://localhost:4400/index.html?enableripple=cordova-3.0.0-NexusGalaxy: WebKit' has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff).
Has anyone had these problems or know what might be causing them?
Both of the behaviors you describe are expected. Ripple is not automatically refreshed when you save your changes so you will need to rebuild and deploy for it to pick up the updates. Since only one process can use the webkit debugging at once, the VS debugging session gets disconnected when you use the debugging tools in Chrome.

Visual Studio is not loading modules when attaching to process

I have a C++ application. When i press F5 in visual studio application starts and i can debug it. But when I run application from windows explorer and then attach this process in visual studio I see breakpoints can be hit (they are completely red) but breakpoint does not hit. When I see modules window nothing is present there. What is problem?
Verify the code type Visual Studio is configured to load symbols. Attach To Process dialog has Select Code Type option to specify which symbols to load. Here you can select Managed symbols and/or Native symbols.
Also the assemblies should be of same version.
It sounds like the executable code that you are debugging (F5) is not the same as the one you are running from explorer. Check the date of the executable you are running. Also, it may be picking up a different version of DLL if you are using them. Try renaming one of your DLL files and then running from explorer. Use depends.exe to see which modules are being loaded.

Visual Studio 2010 not rebuilding/recompiling

I was working on a project when all of a sudden VS stopped recompiling my project each time I debugged (mid way through working... I never changed anything). So it keeps running the same old build over and over.
I don't want to have to "clean build" each time, and I've followed the instructions here (Visual Studio 2010 doesn't rebuild changed code unless I manually select "Rebuild"). Surprisingly, they were already set (prompt to build when project outdated, build is checked under configuration manager).
However, it still never prompts me (except for after clean), and it's getting really frustrating. I'm using VS c++ if it helps.
I just had the same issue. This might solve your problem:
Tools->Options->Project and Solution->Build and Run.
There is an option what to do for "On run, when projects are out of date". Set this to "always create". This will mean that if you compile a project which depends on another project in your project folder, then the other project is compiled first, just as you want.
In my case, this option was set but then set to something else after a crash of VS2010.