authentication failed and connection dropped on trying got Handshake with Autobahn - wamp

I got theses errors while implement login (with wampcra) using Autobahn JS to
2018-04-13T09:04:34-0300 [Router 6948] failing WebSocket opening handshake ('This server only speaks WebSocket subprotocols wamp.2.cbor.batched, wamp.2.cbor, wamp.2.msgpack.batched, wamp.2.msgpack, wamp.2.ubjson.batched, wamp.2.ubjson, wamp.2.json.batched, wamp.2.json')
2018-04-13T09:04:34-0300 [Router 6948] dropping connection to peer tcp4: with abort=False: This server only speaks WebSocket subprotocols wamp.2.cbor.batched, wamp.2.cbor, wamp.2.msgpack.batched, wamp.2.msgpack, wamp.2.ubjson.batched, wamp.2.ubjson, wamp.2.json.batched, wamp.2.json
I think this is an Autobahn version issue.
Version: COMMUNITY 17.11.1

How I had suspected the Autobahn was updated.
Re install the autobahn.
Remove your AutobahnJS:
npm un autobahn -S
Install the latest AutobahnJS:
npm i autobahn -S
$ npm i autobahn -S
+ autobahn#18.3.2
updated 1 package in 8.259s
And try to connect to Crossbar again.
2018-04-13T09:04:02-0300 [Controller 6943] __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2018-04-13T09:04:02-0300 [Controller 6943] / `|__)/ \/__`/__`|__) /\ |__) |/ \
2018-04-13T09:04:02-0300 [Controller 6943] \__,| \\__/.__/.__/|__)/~~\| \. |\__/
2018-04-13T09:04:02-0300 [Controller 6943]
2018-04-13T09:04:02-0300 [Controller 6943] Version: COMMUNITY 17.11.1
2018-04-13T09:04:02-0300 [Controller 6943] Public Key: xxxxxxxxx
2018-04-13T09:04:02-0300 [Controller 6943]
2018-04-13T09:04:36-0300 [Router 6948] failing WebSocket opening handshake ('This server only speaks WebSocket subprotocols wamp.2.cbor.batched, wamp.2.cbor, wamp.2.msgpack.batched, wamp.2.msgpack, wamp.2.ubjson.batched, wamp.2.ubjson, wamp.2.json.batched, wamp.2.json')
2018-04-13T09:04:36-0300 [Router 6948] dropping connection to peer tcp4: with abort=False: This server only speaks WebSocket subprotocols wamp.2.cbor.batched, wamp.2.cbor, wamp.2.msgpack.batched, wamp.2.msgpack, wamp.2.ubjson.batched, wamp.2.ubjson, wamp.2.json.batched, wamp.2.json
2018-04-13T09:06:04-0300 [Router 6948] session "6143323932507538" joined realm "realm1"


Registered URL not found

We had implemented a two-in-one backend with Flask. For the website itself (which we call it tekid), we're having no trouble. But for the management portal (which we call it tekid-admin), even though using the same view registries, the WSGI server (both dev and prod) returns 404 NOT FOUND for all requests.
Related Codes
The CLI entries are registered as
tekid -> tekid.cli.www:cli
tekid-admin -> tekid.cli.adm:cli
Following is the code we used to hold Flask application object:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module entrypoint of TekID website."""
# in `tekid/app/` for `tekid`
from tekid.urls.www import app
# in `tekid/app/` for `tekid-admin`
from tekid.urls.adm import app
Following is the code we used for CLI entry:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""CLI for TekID website."""
import click
import flask
import tekid.core.typing as typing
# in `tekid/cli/` for `tekid`
from import app
# in `tekid/cli/` for `tekid-admin`
from import app
__all__ = ['cli'], create_app=lambda: app)
def cli() -> typing.NoneType:
"""Management script for the TekID website."""
Following is the code we used for routing registry (we're using a centralised registering mechanism as proposed by Flask itself):
# tekid/urls/ & tekid/urls/ (same when testing)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""URL routing for TekID website."""
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from tekid.core.macro import FLASK as app
__all__ = ['app']
# load HTML pages
from tekid.urls.pages import * # pylint: disable=unused-wildcard-import
# index.html
app.add_url_rule('/', view_func=load_index)
... # same routing registry codes
Expected Behavior
NB: tekid and tekid-admin should give the same output
The routes command would give like this:
$ tekid routes
# or
$ tekid-admin routes
Endpoint Methods Rule
-------------- ----------------- -----------------------------------
load_contact GET, POST /contact/
load_expertise GET /expertise/
load_index GET /
load_news GET, POST /news/
static GET /static/<path:filename>
We try curl after run on the website (tekid):
$ tekid run
* Environment: development
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 332-955-135
/fakepath/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/ UserWarning: The session cookie domain is an IP address. This may not work as intended in some browsers. Add an entry to your hosts file, for example "localhost.localdomain", and use that instead.
"The session cookie domain is an IP address. This may not work" - - [07/Nov/2019 17:20:03] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
$ curl
_______ _ _____ _____ _ _ _
|__ __| | | |_ _| __ \ | | | | | |
| | ___| | __ | | | | | | | | | |_ __| |
| |/ _ \ |/ / | | | | | | | | | __/ _` |
| | __/ < _| |_| |__| | | |___| || (_| |_
|_|\___|_|\_\_____|_____/ |______\__\__,_(_)
... (the actual HTML page)
Actual Behavior
With the same configs as above, we try curl after run on the management portal (tekid-admin):
$ tekid-admin run
* Environment: development
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: ***-***-***
/fakepath/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/ UserWarning: The session cookie domain is an IP address. This may not work as intended in some browsers. Add an entry to your hosts file, for example "localhost.localdomain", and use that instead.
"The session cookie domain is an IP address. This may not work" - - [07/Nov/2019 17:06:25] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
$ curl
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>
Python version: 3.7.4
Flask version: 1.1.1
Werkzeug version: 0.16.0
So, basically from the Flask and/or Werkzeug documentation (which I could not recall the original source), Flask can only recognise the imported application instance from no more than 2 (?) layers recursively.
That is to say, the application failed to identify which one was the actual instance to be used and rather make an empty instance without any registered URLs.
The solution was to simply reconstruct the code and just import the application instance in each file and do the same thing to import the URL registries in the CLI files as for tekid/urls/ & tekid/urls/

apimcli list apis : 400 Bad request

I have wso2am-2.5.0 and apimcli-1.1.0
all downloaded from here:
i try to configure and use apimcli with wso2am running locally
so, i've added the environment named local:
apimcli add-env -n local
--apim https://localhost:9443
--registration https://localhost:9443/identity/connect/register
--import-export https://localhost:9443/api-import-export-2.2.0-v2
--api_list https://localhost:9443/api/am/publisher/v0.12/apis
--token https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token
note the parameter --api_list defined in documentation as --list
but apimcli add-env --help displays --api_list instead
and finally I try to get list of apis:
apimcli list apis -e local -u admin -p admin --insecure --verbose
but it gives me the following output:
Executed ImportExportCLI (apimcli) on Wed, 26 Sep 2018 15:59:48 EEST
[INFO]: Insecure: true
[INFO]: apis called
[INFO]: Environment: 'local'
[INFO]: Reg Endpoint read: https://localhost:9443/identity/connect/register
Getting ClientID, ClientSecret: Status - 403 Forbidden
Error: <nil>
<title>Error 403</title>
<h1>Error 403 - Forbidden</h1>
Error: Request didn't respond 200 OK: 403 Forbidden
[INFO]: EnvKeysAll: &{map[]}
[ERROR]: connecting to https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token
apimcli: Unable to connect. Reason: Status: 400 Bad Request
[ERROR]: Unable to connect.: Status: 400 Bad Request
Exit status 1
It seems the publisher API version is wrong.
--api_list https://localhost:9443/api/am/publisher/v0.12/apis
Make it v0.13 and try again.
Edit: It seems the DCR endpoint is also wrong. Change it like this.
--registration https://localhost:9443/client-registration/v0.13/register
It seems the readme file shipped with the cli is not correct. :-/
Please use the following doc instead.

Django does not properly STARTTLS when attempting to email the admins upon internal server error

I have a very strange problem. When an internal server error happens, Django 1.6 attempts to send an email to the admins, and apparently it agrees with the mail server to use TLS, but subsequently fails to use it. Here is the sniffed traffic:
T 2a00:1450:400c:c0c::6d:587 -> 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:49271 [AP]
220 ESMTP lh1sm2677557wjb.20 - gsmtp..
T 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:49271 -> 2a00:1450:400c:c0c::6d:587 [AP]
T 2a00:1450:400c:c0c::6d:587 -> 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:49271 [AP] at your service, [2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499].
T 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:49271 -> 2a00:1450:400c:c0c::6d:587 [AP]
T 2a00:1450:400c:c0c::6d:587 -> 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:49271 [AP]
220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS..
T 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:49271 -> 2a00:1450:400c:c0c::6d:587 [AP]
mail FROM:<> size=6578..
T 2a00:1450:400c:c0c::6d:587 -> 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:49271 [AP]
As you can see, although the mail server agreed to start TLS, Django subsequently sent an unencrypted mail FROM: directive.
But if I connect to Django with ./ shell and run this:
from django.core.mail import mail_admins
mail_admins('hello', 'hello world')
the email is sent correctly:
T 2a00:1450:400c:c09::6c:587 -> 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:53565 [AP]
220 ESMTP i2sm2684051wjx.42 - gsmtp..
T 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:53565 -> 2a00:1450:400c:c09::6c:587 [AP]
T 2a00:1450:400c:c09::6c:587 -> 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:53565 [AP] at your service, [2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499].
T 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:53565 -> 2a00:1450:400c:c09::6c:587 [AP]
T 2a00:1450:400c:c09::6c:587 -> 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:53565 [AP]
220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS..
T 2001:648:2ffc:1014:a800:ff:fe6b:e499:53565 -> 2a00:1450:400c:c09::6c:587 [AP]
[practically nothing readable from this point on]
I found the problem.
The difference between running the system with ./ shell and running it through the web server is that in the latter case gevent is being used. The system was running Debian's gevent 1.0.1, which has a bug in SSL code. This raised an exception while Django was starting TLS.
Instead of stopping right at the error, Django pretended that the error hadn't occurred and continued to attempt to send the email, which resulted in the strange behavior shown in the sniff. This is a Django bug.
As Antonis mentioned in his answer, it's a Django bug. In my case, I just went for a SMTP server that accepted TSL or no encription. You should find it in almost any email hosted in a cheap shared hosting plan, or at specialized SMTP services providers.

How to configure OpenSMTPD with Amazon SES?

Amazon has instructions for postfix and sendmail, but not OpenSMTPD, so adding them here.
Tested with OpenBSD 5.8
Verify your domain and a sender in AWS SES console. Save your SMTP Settings.
Set up the SMTP authentication details in the mail secrets database (replacing $smtpUsername:$smtpPassword with the values from step 1)
# touch /etc/mail/secrets
# chmod 640 /etc/mail/secrets
# chown root:_smtpd /etc/mail/secrets
# echo "ses $smtpUsername:$smtpPassword" >> /etc/mail/secrets
# makemap /etc/mail/secrets
Configure OpenSMTPD:
# nano /etc/mail/smtpd.conf
listen on lo0
table aliases db:/etc/mail/aliases.db
table secrets db:/etc/mail/secrets.db
accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to mbox
accept from local for any relay via tls+auth:// auth <secrets>
Restart OpenSMTPD:
# rcctl restart smtpd
Test it:
# sendmail -v -f
Subject: test subject
test body
watch your line-breaks in smtpd.conf
# smtpd -n to check for syntax errors in smtpd.conf
Try port 587 if your machine is blocking port 25 (add :587 to end of aws url in smtpd.conf)

Vagrant usbfilter make the guest machine entered an invalid state

Based on the following instructions:
Ubuntu Linaro
uname -a
Linux ken-desktop 3.11.0-18-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 18 21:11:14 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.11.0-18-generic (buildd#toyol) (gcc version 4.8.1 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu8) ) #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 18 21:11:14 UTC 2014
VBoxManage --version
Vagrant 1.5 vagrant_1.5.0_x86_64.deb
In a cookbooks folder I cloned the following chef cookbooks:
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
I also installed this:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
I try to make a nice Vagrantfile creating a precise64 VM with usb automatically mounted.
But each time I try to add an usbfilter on my virtualbox VM, I end up with that message:
% vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Importing base box 'hashicorp/precise64'...
==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> default: Checking if box 'hashicorp/precise64' is up to date...
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: smartofficeVM_default_1395303674511_42792
==> default: The cookbook path '/home/ken/smartofficeVM/databags' doesn't exist. Ignoring...
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
default: Adapter 1: nat
==> default: Forwarding ports...
default: 3000 => 3000 (adapter 1)
default: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
==> default: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
default: SSH address:
default: SSH username: vagrant
default: SSH auth method: private key
default: Error: Connection refused. Retrying...
default: Error: Connection refused. Retrying...
default: Error: Connection refused. Retrying...
default: Error: Connection refused. Retrying...
default: Error: Connection refused. Retrying...
The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it
to boot. Valid states are 'starting, running'. The machine is in the
'poweroff' state. Please verify everything is configured
properly and try again.
If the provider you're using has a GUI that comes with it,
it is often helpful to open that and watch the machine, since the
GUI often has more helpful error messages than Vagrant can retrieve.
For example, if you're using VirtualBox, run `vagrant up` while the
VirtualBox GUI is open.
my configuration file is the following:
% cat Vagrantfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
# All Vagrant configuration is done here. The most common configuration
# options are documented and commented below. For a complete reference,
# please see the online documentation at
# Every Vagrant virtual environment requires a box to build off of. = "hashicorp/precise64"
# The url from where the '' box will be fetched if it
# doesn't already exist on the user's system.
# config.vm.box_url = ""
# Create a forwarded port mapping which allows access to a specific port
# within the machine from a port on the host machine. In the example below,
# accessing "localhost:8080" will access port 80 on the guest machine.
# "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
# Create a private network, which allows host-only access to the machine
# using a specific IP.
# "private_network", ip: ""
# Create a public network, which generally matched to bridged network.
# Bridged networks make the machine appear as another physical device on
# your network. "public_network"
# If true, then any SSH connections made will enable agent forwarding.
# Default value: false
# config.ssh.forward_agent = true
# Share an additional folder to the guest VM. The first argument is
# the path on the host to the actual folder. The second argument is
# the path on the guest to mount the folder. And the optional third
# argument is a set of non-required options.
# config.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data"
# Provider-specific configuration so you can fine-tune various
# backing providers for Vagrant. These expose provider-specific options.
# Example for VirtualBox:
# config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
# # Don't boot with headless mode
# vb.gui = true
# # Use VBoxManage to customize the VM. For example to change memory:
# vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1024"]
# end
# View the documentation for the provider you're using for more
# information on available options.
# Enable provisioning with Puppet stand alone. Puppet manifests
# are contained in a directory path relative to this Vagrantfile.
# You will need to create the manifests directory and a manifest in
# the file hashicorp/precise32.pp in the manifests_path directory.
# An example Puppet manifest to provision the message of the day:
# # group { "puppet":
# # ensure => "present",
# # }
# #
# # File { owner => 0, group => 0, mode => 0644 }
# #
# # file { '/etc/motd':
# # content => "Welcome to your Vagrant-built virtual machine!
# # Managed by Puppet.\n"
# # }
# config.vm.provision "puppet" do |puppet|
# puppet.manifests_path = "manifests"
# puppet.manifest_file = "site.pp"
# end
# Enable provisioning with chef solo, specifying a cookbooks path, roles
# path, and data_bags path (all relative to this Vagrantfile), and adding
# some recipes and/or roles.
config.vm.provision "chef_solo" do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = "cookbooks"
#chef.roles_path = "../my-recipes/roles"
chef.data_bags_path = "databags"
#chef.add_role "web"
chef.add_recipe "apt"
chef.add_recipe "zsh"
chef.add_recipe "chef-oh-my-zsh-solo"
chef.add_recipe "vim"
chef.add_recipe "git"
chef.add_recipe "openssl"
chef.add_recipe "couchbase::server"
# setup users (from data_bags/users/*.json)
# chef.add_recipe "users::sysadmins" # creates users and sysadmin group
# chef.add_recipe "users"
# chef.add_recipe "users::sysadmin_sudo" # adds %sysadmin group to sudoers
# homesick_agent and its dependencies
# chef.add_recipe "root_ssh_agent::ppid" # maintains agent during 'sudo su root'
# chef.add_recipe "ssh_known_hosts"
# populates /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts from data_bags/ssh_known_hosts/*.json
# You may also specify custom JSON attributes:
#chef.json = { :users => "admin" }
chef.json = {
"couchbase" => {
"server"=> {
"password" => "123"
chef.log_level = :debug
# Enable provisioning with chef server, specifying the chef server URL,
# and the path to the validation key (relative to this Vagrantfile).
# The Opscode Platform uses HTTPS. Substitute your organization for
# ORGNAME in the URL and validation key.
# If you have your own Chef Server, use the appropriate URL, which may be
# HTTP instead of HTTPS depending on your configuration. Also change the
# validation key to validation.pem.
# config.vm.provision "chef_client" do |chef|
# chef.chef_server_url = ""
# chef.validation_key_path = "ORGNAME-validator.pem"
# end
# If you're using the Opscode platform, your validator client is
# ORGNAME-validator, replacing ORGNAME with your organization name.
# If you have your own Chef Server, the default validation client name is
# chef-validator, unless you changed the configuration.
# chef.validation_client_name = "ORGNAME-validator"
On detail is: If I remove the following lines, it's starting properly (but no usb available)
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--usb", "on"]
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--usbehci", "on"]
Logs from Vlogs file
cat VBox.log
VirtualBox VM 4.2.16_Ubuntu r86992 linux.amd64 (Sep 21 2013 11:46:57) release log
00:00:00.033561 Log opened 2014-03-20T08:21:15.686771000Z
00:00:00.033570 OS Product: Linux
00:00:00.033572 OS Release: 3.11.0-18-generic
00:00:00.033575 OS Version: #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 18 21:11:14 UTC 2014
00:00:00.033610 DMI Product Name:
00:00:00.033624 DMI Product Version:
00:00:00.033756 Host RAM: 3882MB total, 3328MB available
00:00:00.033763 Executable: /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxHeadless
00:00:00.033765 Process ID: 10288
00:00:00.033767 Package type: LINUX_64BITS_GENERIC (OSE)
00:00:00.039722 Installed Extension Packs:
00:00:00.039747 VNC (Version: 4.2.16 r86992; VRDE Module: VBoxVNC)
00:00:00.046777 SUP: Loaded VMMR0.r0 (/usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0) at 0xffffffffa0518020 - ModuleInit at ffffffffa052e0f0 and ModuleTerm at ffffffffa052e390
00:00:00.046820 SUP: VMMR0EntryEx located at ffffffffa052f510, VMMR0EntryFast at ffffffffa052f240 and VMMR0EntryInt at ffffffffa052f230
00:00:00.049809 OS type: 'Ubuntu_64'
00:00:00.073143 File system of '/home/ken/VirtualBox VMs/smartofficeVM_default_1395303674511_42792/Snapshots' (snapshots) is unknown
00:00:00.073166 File system of '/home/ken/VirtualBox VMs/smartofficeVM_default_1395303674511_42792/box-disk1.vmdk' is ext4
00:00:00.091096 VMSetError: /build/buildd/virtualbox-4.2.16-dfsg/src/VBox/Main/src-client/ConsoleImpl2.cpp(2300) int Console::configConstructorInner(PVM, util::AutoWriteLock*); rc=VERR_NOT_FOUND
00:00:00.091111 VMSetError: Implementation of the USB 2.0 controller not found!
00:00:00.091113 Because the USB 2.0 controller state is part of the saved VM state, the VM cannot be started. To fix this problem, either install the 'Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack' or disable USB 2.0 support in the VM settings
00:00:00.217513 ERROR [COM]: aRC=NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) aIID={db7ab4ca-2a3f-4183-9243-c1208da92392} aComponent={Console} aText={Implementation of the USB 2.0 controller not found!
00:00:00.217535 Because the USB 2.0 controller state is part of the saved VM state, the VM cannot be started. To fix this problem, either install the 'Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack' or disable USB 2.0 support in the VM settings (VERR_NOT_FOUND)}, preserve=false
00:00:00.224473 Power up failed (vrc=VERR_NOT_FOUND, rc=NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0X80004005))
VAGRANT= debug vragant up log
Anybody has some expertise on the topic?
Thank you very much.
SOLUTION: I though it was already installed... when reading : 00:00:00.039722 Installed Extension Packs: 00:00:00.039747 VNC (Version: 4.2.16 r86992; VRDE Module: VBoxVNC) But in fact I have to install the extension guest pack on the Host too. It's a bit confusing. thank you very much. You can add a proper answer, I ll validate it.
The following line in VBox logs:
00:00:00.217535 Because the USB 2.0 controller state is part of the saved VM state, the VM cannot be started. To fix this problem, either install the 'Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack' or disable USB 2.0 support in the VM settings (VERR_NOT_FOUND)}, preserve=false
Highlights that you have to install the VirtualBox Extension Pack in order to fix the issue.
Download and install VirtualBox extension pack from there (according to your VirtualBox version). It may solve your problem.