I was writing a python function that looked something like this
def foo(some_list):
for i in range(0, len(some_list)):
bar(some_list[i], i)
so that it was called with
x = [0, 1, 2, 3, ... ]
I had assumed that index access of lists was O(1), but was surprised to find that for large lists this was significantly slower than I expected.
My question, then, is how are python lists are implemented, and what is the runtime complexity of the following
Indexing: list[x]
Popping from the end: list.pop()
Popping from the beginning: list.pop(0)
Extending the list: list.append(x)
For extra credit, splicing or arbitrary pops.
there is a very detailed table on python wiki which answers your question.
However, in your particular example you should use enumerate to get an index of an iterable within a loop. like so:
for i, item in enumerate(some_seq):
bar(item, i)
The answer is "undefined". The Python language doesn't define the underlying implementation. Here are some links to a mailing list thread you might be interested in.
It is true that Python's lists have
been implemented as contiguous
vectors in the C implementations of
Python so far.
I'm not saying that the O()
behaviours of these things should be
kept a secret or anything. But you
need to interpret them in the context
of how Python works generally.
Also, the more Pythonic way of writing your loop would be this:
def foo(some_list):
for item in some_list:
Lists are indeed O(1) to index - they are implemented as a vector with proportional overallocation, so perform much as you'd expect. The likely reason you were finding this code slower than you expected is the call to "range(0, len(some_list))".
range() creates a new list of the specified size, so if some_list has 1,000,000 items, you will create a new million item list up front. This behaviour changes in python3 (range is an iterator), to which the python2 equivalent is xrange, or even better for your case, enumerate
if you need index and value then use enumerate:
for idx, item in enumerate(range(10, 100, 10)):
print idx, item
Python list actually nothing but arrays. Thus,
indexing takes O(1)
for pop and append again it should be O(1) as per the docs
Check out following link for details:
I have a very simple problem I can't solve.
I'm using Numba and Cuda.
I have a list T=[1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0] and I want a tuple with the elements of the list, like this:
In Python I would code C=tuple(T), but I can't with Numba.
I tried these solutions but none of them work because you can't modify the type of a variable inside a loop with Numba.
Important My list has a length which is a multiple of 3 and I use this knowledge for my algorithms.
First algorithm, recursively, it works by giving the algorithm L=[(1.0,),(2.0,),(3.0,),(4.0,),(5.0,),...,(9.0,)]
def list2tuple(L):
if n == 1:
return L[0]
for i in range(0,n-2,3):
return list2tuple(C)
Problem: It enters an infinite loop and I must stop the kernel. It works in basic Python.
algorithm 2: it works by giving T=[1.0,2.0,3.0,...,9.0]
def list2tuple2(T):
for i in range(len(T)):
for k in range(len(T)//3-1):
for j in range(0,n-2,3):
return L[0]
Problem When C=[(1.0,2.0,3.0),(4.0,5.0,6.0),(7.0,8.0,9.0)], you can't say L=C because L = [(1.0,),(2.0,),(3.0,),....(9.0,)] is List(Unituple(float64x1)) and can't be unified with List(Unituple(float64x3)).
I can't find a solution for this problem.
Tuples and list are very different in Numba: a list is an unbounded sequence of items of the same type while a tuple is a fixed-length sequence of items of possibly different type. As a result, the type of a list of 2 element can be defined as List[ItemType] while a tuple of 2 items can be Tuple[ItemType1, ItemType2] (where ItemType1 and ItemType2 may be the same). A list of 3 items still have the same type (List[ItemType]). However, a tuple of 3 element is a completely different type: Tuple[ItemType1, ItemType2, ItemType3]. Numba defines a UniTuple type to easily create a N-ary tuple where each item is of the same type, but this is only for convenience. Internally, Numba (and more specifically the JIT compiler: LLVM-Lite) needs to iterates over all the types and generate specific functions for each tuple type.
As a result, creating a recursive function that works on growing tuples is not possible because Numba cannot generate all the possible tuple type so to be able to just compile all the functions (one by tuple type). Indeed, the maximum length of the tuple is only known at runtime.
More generally, you cannot generate a N-ary tuple where N is variable in a Numba function. However, you can instead to generate and compile a function for a specific N. If N is very small (e.g. <15), this is fine. Otherwise, it is really a bad idea to write/generate such a function. Indeed, for the JIT, this is equivalent to generate a function with N independent parameters and when N is big, the compilation time can quickly become huge and actually be much slower than the actual computation (many compiler algorithms have theoretically a pretty big complexity, for example the register allocation which is known to be NP-complete although heuristics are relatively fast in most practical cases). Not to mention the required memory to generate such a function can also be huge.
Assuming I have a list, is there a built-in operator or function to select elements based on a list of indices?
For example, an operator something like this ["a", "b", "z"] = alphabet[0, 1, 25]
An naive implementation of this could be:
def select(list, indices) do
Enum.map(indices, &(Enum.at(list, &1)))
If it doesn't exist, it this a deliberate omission to avoid lists being treated like arrays?
An example of what I'm attempting that made me want this, in case I'm asking the wrong question: Given a list, I want to select the first, middle, and last elements, then calculate the median of the three. I was doing length(list) to calculate the length, then I wanted to use this operator/function to select the three elements I'm interested in.
As far as I know, the built in operator does not exist. And each time I have to fetch several elements in a list, I use the same implementation as yours. It is quite short and simple to recreate and I suspect it is the reason why there are no off-the shelf solution in elixir.
Another reason I can think of, is as you pointed out, the fact that lists aren't arrays: when you want to access one element, you have to access all the elements before it, therefore accessing elements by a list of index is not a relevant function, because list are not optimized to be used that way.
Still I often access a list of element with a list of index, meaning that I might not be using elixir the right way.
This is out of curiosity about the nsmallest and nlargest methods of heapq.py module in python.
I was reading it here in the docs.
The documentation doesn't say how it does so (nsmalles/nlargest) on any iterable.
This might be a stupid question, but can I assume that these methods internally create a heap of the iterable data structure (may be using 'heapify' method) and then return the n smallest/largest elements?
Just want to confirm my conclusion. thanks!
The algorithm for finding the n smallest or largest items from an iterable with N items is a bit tricky. You see, you don't create a size-N min-heap to find the smallest items.
Instead, you make a smaller, size-n max-heap with the first n items, then do repeated pushpop operations on it with the remaining items from the sequence. Once you're done, you pop the items from the heap and return them in reversed order.
This process take O(N log(n)) time (note the small n) and of course only O(n) space. If n is much less than N, it's much more efficient than sorting and slicing.
The heapq module contains a pure-Python implementation of this algorithm, though when you import it, you may get a faster version of the code written in C instead (you can read the source for that too, but it's not quite as friendly unless you know the Python C API).
The problem
I'm looking for a container that is used to save partial results of n - 1 problems in order to calculate the nth one. This means that the size of the container, at the end, will always be n.
Each element, i, of the container depends on at least 2 and up to 4 previous results.
The container have to provide:
constant time insertions at either beginning or end (one of the two, not necessarily both)
constant time indexing in the middle
or alternatively (given a O(n) initialization):
constant time single element edits
constant time indexing in the middle
What is std::vector and why is it relevant
For those of you who don't know C++, std::vector is a dynamically sized array. It is a perfect fit for this problem because it is able to:
reserve space at construction
offer constant time indexing in the middle
offer constant time insertion at the end (with a reserved space)
Therefore this problem is solvable in O(n) complexity, in C++.
Why Data.Vector is not std::vector
Data.Vector, together with Data.Array, provide similar functionality to std::vector, but not quite the same. Both, of course, offer constant time indexing in the middle, but they offer neither constant time modification ((//) for example is at least O(n)) nor constant time insertion at either beginning of end.
What container really mimics std::vector in Haskell? Alternatively, what is my best shot?
From reddit comes the suggestion to use Data.Vector.constructN:
O(n) Construct a vector with n elements by repeatedly applying the generator function to the already constructed part of the vector.
constructN 3 f = let a = f <> ; b = f <a> ; c = f <a,b> in f <a,b,c>
For example:
λ import qualified Data.Vector as V
λ V.constructN 10 V.length
fromList [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
λ V.constructN 10 $ (1+) . V.sum
fromList [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512]
λ V.constructN 10 $ \v -> let n = V.length v in if n <= 1 then 1 else (v V.! (n - 1)) + (v V.! (n - 2))
fromList [1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55]
This certainly seems to qualify to solve the problem as you've described it above.
The first data structures that come to my mind are either Maps from Data.Map or Sequences from Data.Sequence.
Sequences are persistent data structures that allow most operations efficient, while allowing only finite sequences. Their implementation is based on finger-trees, if you are interested. But which qualities does it have?
O(1) calculation of the length
O(1) insert at front/back with the operators <| and |> respectively.
O(n) creation from a list with fromlist
O(log(min(n1,n2))) concatenation for sequences of length n1 and n2.
O(log(min(i,n-i))) indexing for an element at position i in a sequence of length n.
Furthermore this structure supports a lot of the known and handy functions you'd expect from a list-like structure: replicate, zip, null, scans, sort, take, drop, splitAt and many more. Due to these similarities you have to do either qualified import or hide the functions in Prelude, that have the same name.
Maps are the standard workhorse for realizing a correspondence between "things", what you might call a Hashmap or associave array in other programming languages are called Maps in Haskell; other than in say Python Maps are pure - so an update gives you back a new Map and does not modify the original instance.
Maps come in two flavors - strict and lazy.
Quoting from the Documentation
API of this module is strict in both the keys and the values.
API of this module is strict in the keys, but lazy in the values.
So you need to choose what fits best for your application. You can try both versions and benchmark with criterion.
Instead of listing the features of Data.Map I want to pass on to
Which can leverage the fact that the keys are integers to squeeze out a better performance
Quoting from the documentation we first note:
Many operations have a worst-case complexity of O(min(n,W)). This means that the operation can become linear in the number of elements with a maximum of W -- the number of bits in an Int (32 or 64).
So what are the characteristics for IntMaps
O(min(n,W)) for (unsafe) indexing (!), unsafe in the sense that you will get an error if the key/index does not exist. This is the same behavior as Data.Sequence.
O(n) calculation of size
O(min(n,W)) for safe indexing lookup, which returns a Nothing if the key is not found and Just a otherwise.
O(min(n,W)) for insert, delete, adjust and update
So you see that this structure is less efficient than Sequences, but provide a bit more safety and a big benefit if you actually don't need all entries, such the representation of a sparse graph, where the nodes are integers.
For completeness I'd like to mention a package called persistent-vector, which implements clojure-style vectors, but seems to be abandoned as the last upload is from (2012).
So for your use case I'd strongly recommend Data.Sequence or Data.Vector, unfortunately I don't have any experience with the latter, so you need to try it for yourself. From the stuff I know it provides a powerful thing called stream fusion, that optimizes to execute multiple functions in one tight "loop" instead of running a loop for each function. A tutorial for Vector can be found here.
When looking for functional containers with particular asymptotic run times, I always pull out Edison.
Note that there's a result that in a strict language with immutable data structures, there's always a logarithmic slowdown to implementing mutable data structure on top of them. It's an open problem whether the limited mutation hidden behind laziness can avoid that slowdown. There also the issue of persistent vs. transient...
Okasaki is still a good read for background, but finger trees or something more complex like an RRB-tree should be available "off-the-shelf" and solve your problem.
I'm looking for a container that is used to save partial results of n - 1 problems in order to calculate the nth one.
Each element, i, of the container depends on at least 2 and up to 4 previous results.
Lets consider a very small program. that calculates fibonacci numbers.
fib 1 = 1
fib 2 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
This is great for small N, but horrible for n > 10. At this point, you stumble across this gem:
fib n = fibs !! n where fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
You may be tempted to exclaim that this is dark magic (infinite, self referential list building and zipping? wth!) but it is really a great example of tying the knot, and using lazyness to ensure that values are calcuated as-needed.
Similarly, we can use an array to tie the knot too.
import Data.Array
fib n = arr ! 10
where arr :: Arr Int Int
arr = listArray (1,n) (map fib' [1..n])
fib' 1 = 1
fib' 2 = 1
fib' n = arr!(n-1) + arr!(n-2)
Each element of the array is a thunk that uses other elements of the array to calculate it's value. In this way, we can build a single array, never having to perform concatenation, and call out values from the array at will, only paying for the calculation up to that point.
The beauty of this method is that you don't only have to look behind you, you can look in front of you as well.
I'm porting a C++ program to Python. There are some places where it uses std::set to store objects that define their own comparison operators. Since the Python standard library has no equivalent of std::set (a sorted key-value mapping data structure) I tried using a normal dictionary and then sorting it when iterating, like this:
def __iter__(self):
items = self._data.items()
return iter(items)
However, profiling has shown that all the calls from .sort() to __cmp__ are a serious bottleneck. I need a better data structure - essentially a sorted dictionary. Does anyone know of an existing implementation? Failing that, any recommendations on how I should implement this? Read performance is more important than write performance and time is more important than memory.
Bonus points if it supports multiple values per key, like the C++ std::multimap.
Note that the OrderedDict class doesn't fit my needs, because it returns items in the order of insertion, whereas I need them sorted using their __cmp__ methods.
For the sorted dictionary, you can (ab)use the stable nature of python's timsort: basically, keep the items partially sorted, append items at the end when needed, switching a "dirty" flag, and sort the remaining before iterating. See this entry for details and implementation (A Martelli's answer):
Key-ordered dict in Python
You should use sort(key=...).
The key function you use will be related to the cmp you are already using. The advantage is that the key function is called n times whereas the cmp is called nlog n times, and typically key does half the work that cmp does
If you can include your __cmp__() we can probably show you how to convert it to a key function
If you are doing lots of iterations between modifications, you should cache the value of the sorted items.
Python does not have built-in data-structures for this, though the bisect module provides functionality for keeping a sorted list with appropriately efficient algorithms.
If you have a list of sorted keys, you can couple it with a collections.defaultdict(list) to provide multimap-like functionality.
In his book "Programming in Python 3", Mark Summerfield introduces a sorted dictionary class. The source code is available in this zip archive - look for SortedDict.py. The SortedDict class is described in detail in the book (which I recommend very much). It supports arbitrary keys for comparison and multiple values per key (which any dictionary in Python does, so that's not that big a deal, I think).
This is a late post but if anyone is looking for this now, here you go: https://grantjenks.com/docs/sortedcontainers/
This is not a built-in but just an easy pip install. It has sorted dicts and lists both with full support for insert, delete, indexing and binary search. Most of the operations have amortised O(log(n)) complexity.