href Links not working - href

I have a web page I have been working on, Header, Nav panel and Main
the links in the nav panel don't work when the full site is up, but if I load
just the nav page the links work ( Contact )
this is just one of the links, I feel like an idiot, not being able to figure this out

contact.htm is not a complete url. The link must have a base website (ex.
try this:
<a target="main" href="">Contact</a>
you can also use the <base> tag inside of the <header> in order to send all url fragments to a single base.


How to load page in application.hbs?

I want to load a connexion page then a home page with a navbar etc...
My problem is about {{partial}} and {{outlet}}.
I don't really understand because when I {{#link-to}} my next home page, connexion is still here... I don't know what instruction write in application.hbs in order to load Connexion.hbs then index.hbs with navbar... Can someone help and explain me ?
I just want to load connexion.hbs when I load my website, then I click on "sign in" I want to load another page with a navbar (I already have this code, thanks bootstrap) and home page. I just need some link between my pages.
EDIT : I changed my connexion.hbs route's path into / everything is ok now ! Thanks !
First: never use {{partial}}!
Next everything you put in the application route is visible the whole time! So thats usually only your navigation.
Different pages you want should be different routes. The first route visible is the index route.

Allow images and links in Google Caja HTML emails

I am trying to display an html email in a webpage using caja. I am loading it like this:
caja.load(document.getElementById('messagebox'), undefined, function(frame) {
frame.code(contentUrl, 'text/html').run();
When it renders, all anchor href and image src tags are stripped. So you cannot see images or click links. I am guessing this is the default behaviour to prevent attacks.
Is there a way to allow the html to be rendered as intended, displaying all images and having clickable links?
just starting using caja today and the links to api docs go to 404 so cannot find the info.
Use this policy instead of undefined when you call load

Coldfusion automatically adds full path to links starting with #

I'm working on creating HTML snapshots for an AJAX application that is to use Google AJAX crawling. I'm accessing this page through a cfhttp request. The reason for this is that this app is going to be embedded on sites and those sites use lots of different server-side languages and rewritting it in every language is not practical.
When I create an anchor link, like so,
<a class='icf_btn_small' href='##!year=#YearID#'>#YearID#</a>
Coldfusion outputs to the server a full url, like so:
<a class='icf_btn_small' href='!year=2016'>2016</a>
Is this a setting that maybe can be turned off?
Thank you

How to create a landing page with OpenCart, using OpenCart only?

What if one would want to create a landing page/home page for opencart?
How does someone will supposed to do that?
A landing page or home page, using only opencart and no other means.
What I meant of Home Page is it's literal meaning in the context of Front-End WebDev. What I meant to say is, the page where user is redirected when they access my site's root domain.
I want to design and create a custom landing and home page. That landing page has no product content.
It shall only contain the folowing;
Main Navigation Menu with, Home, Online Shop, Blog links.
Site Name, Site Logo
Site Name with Tagline.
Banner Rotator with CTA button.
Footer, Footer Links to Privacy Policy, About Us and other common footer links.
This Home Page/Landing Page/Index Page, is a different page from the main store section. On this page, It has a home page link and a store page link. So on the main nav of this page, you shall see a Home link and a Store link. Clicking store link, shall take you to the main store section and the main nav shall show the categories, the store has.
To achieve what You are requesting:
It shall only contain the folowing:
 1. Main Navigation Menu with, Home, Online Shop, Blog links.
 2. Site Name, Site Logo
 3. Site Name with Tagline.
 4. Banner Rotator with CTA button.
 5. Footer, Footer Links to Privacy Policy, About Us and other common footer links.
You would have to disable any module that is displaying on homepage (categories, featured, bestsellers, latest, specials, etc.) and enable only the carousel module (or install one of Your desire) and place it on the Content Top position.
In that case You would have these elements:
header (with site name, logo, main navigation)
Your desired carousel/banner rotator
footer (with additional links)
Is that what You are requesting?
Edit 1: I think the homepage You request is kinda nonsense... Why on earth You would like to have a homepage with a link to homepage and store? I would understand to have a website (presentation) with a blog and store that both run within u subdirectory, thus having a site, with a blog at and a store at In that case I would understand that within the main site ( You would have a homepage with link to /blog/ and to /store/.
BUT if You are running only a store at Your domain ( then having additional homepage is nonsense, as You could create a homepage described above (header + text and carousel as content + footer)...
Edit 2:
Yes, that's my main idea would be my landing page/index page/home page., is the store section and also with the blog section at
In that case You could create just a simple static HTML page that will contain static text and a javascript carousel (banner rotator/slider). After You have installed the blog and store to their subdirectories then just create a link to both of them within Your static homepage that lays in the root of the web folder and is called index.html.
Another way how to achieve this with slightly more effort is to have the desired blogging system installed in the root, editing it's homepage while having the main blog on a subpage and a store within a subdirectory. Many people run wordpress/drupal installation at and an OpenCart installation at Within a wordpress site You can then have a subpage /blog/ where You will post all of Your blog posts...
So is this the final solution?
The reason why someone would want to do that is for marketing purposes. Creating unique content is extremely important for SEO. The opencart default page does not have much area for landing pages or gateway pages. You may have to improvise to achieve this.
What I would recommend is just create your landing page and then use .htaccess file in /public_html folder to use whatever page you created, inside the landing page code use href links that take you to the products. This would be your best bet.

Help inserting iframe into Joomla 1.5.9

I've done some research and learned that for Joomla 1.5.9 to work with iframe tags you must set permissions in article manager > parameters > filtering groups to whitelist the super administrator, and then set user manager > select user > user editor to "Editor - No Editor". After doing this, then opening an article, opening the html editor and inserting the iframe like so:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="300">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
The editor continues to strip out the iframe code. Why would this happen?! I'm sure all of the settings I've mentioned earlier are set according to the tutorials I've come across. Are there any factors I need to take into consideration that I'm missing? Is there another way to insert an iframe into a custom template?
I hope someone can help!!
Inside an Article you are best of using a plugin :
it gives you the ability to insert an iframe by using e.g. {iframe width="90%" height="300" frameborder="1" scrolling="yes"}url{/iframe} also within the TinyMCEeditor.
If you don't need antyhing else inside the article you can use menu item/link. Internal Link - Wrapper
When the Wrapper link is selected, it expands to display the Wrapper layout. This is used to show an external web site inside a page in your web site, using an HTML IFrame. The external web site is contained inside the Wrapper. You can navigate to different pages in the wrapped web site, all inside the page of your web site.