How to create a landing page with OpenCart, using OpenCart only? - opencart

What if one would want to create a landing page/home page for opencart?
How does someone will supposed to do that?
A landing page or home page, using only opencart and no other means.
What I meant of Home Page is it's literal meaning in the context of Front-End WebDev. What I meant to say is, the page where user is redirected when they access my site's root domain.
I want to design and create a custom landing and home page. That landing page has no product content.
It shall only contain the folowing;
Main Navigation Menu with, Home, Online Shop, Blog links.
Site Name, Site Logo
Site Name with Tagline.
Banner Rotator with CTA button.
Footer, Footer Links to Privacy Policy, About Us and other common footer links.
This Home Page/Landing Page/Index Page, is a different page from the main store section. On this page, It has a home page link and a store page link. So on the main nav of this page, you shall see a Home link and a Store link. Clicking store link, shall take you to the main store section and the main nav shall show the categories, the store has.

To achieve what You are requesting:
It shall only contain the folowing:
 1. Main Navigation Menu with, Home, Online Shop, Blog links.
 2. Site Name, Site Logo
 3. Site Name with Tagline.
 4. Banner Rotator with CTA button.
 5. Footer, Footer Links to Privacy Policy, About Us and other common footer links.
You would have to disable any module that is displaying on homepage (categories, featured, bestsellers, latest, specials, etc.) and enable only the carousel module (or install one of Your desire) and place it on the Content Top position.
In that case You would have these elements:
header (with site name, logo, main navigation)
Your desired carousel/banner rotator
footer (with additional links)
Is that what You are requesting?
Edit 1: I think the homepage You request is kinda nonsense... Why on earth You would like to have a homepage with a link to homepage and store? I would understand to have a website (presentation) with a blog and store that both run within u subdirectory, thus having a site, with a blog at and a store at In that case I would understand that within the main site ( You would have a homepage with link to /blog/ and to /store/.
BUT if You are running only a store at Your domain ( then having additional homepage is nonsense, as You could create a homepage described above (header + text and carousel as content + footer)...
Edit 2:
Yes, that's my main idea would be my landing page/index page/home page., is the store section and also with the blog section at
In that case You could create just a simple static HTML page that will contain static text and a javascript carousel (banner rotator/slider). After You have installed the blog and store to their subdirectories then just create a link to both of them within Your static homepage that lays in the root of the web folder and is called index.html.
Another way how to achieve this with slightly more effort is to have the desired blogging system installed in the root, editing it's homepage while having the main blog on a subpage and a store within a subdirectory. Many people run wordpress/drupal installation at and an OpenCart installation at Within a wordpress site You can then have a subpage /blog/ where You will post all of Your blog posts...
So is this the final solution?

The reason why someone would want to do that is for marketing purposes. Creating unique content is extremely important for SEO. The opencart default page does not have much area for landing pages or gateway pages. You may have to improvise to achieve this.
What I would recommend is just create your landing page and then use .htaccess file in /public_html folder to use whatever page you created, inside the landing page code use href links that take you to the products. This would be your best bet.


Sitecore Multi-Site: Prevent page in one site from appearing on another

I've inherited the maintenance of a multi-site instance of Sitecore (v6.5) that we're starting to see some cross-talk of pages. The content is structured as follows:
/archived pages
/archived page1
/Home Page
/Internal Page1
/archived pages
/Home PAge
For this example, site definitions are patched in such that has a rootPath of /sitecore/content/ and a home item Site1/Home page, has a similar rootPath of /sitecore/content/ and a home item Site2/Home page.
The content owners will move pages out from under the "Home Page" node to a folder called "archived pages" when they don't want them on the site anymore.
What I'm curious is if there is a way to prevent the following URL:
Rendering.SiteResolving is currently set to true, so neither site should be producing links like this, but I'd like a way to have this sort of URL return a 404 without having to resort to writing a custom pipeline component. Am I missing a simple configuration to prevent this?
Try this, make "archived pages" folder item "un-publishable" on all sites, do a publish site (smart publish), now all of archived pages are not on web database, because the parent folder is not publishable, and you should see a 404 page when hit this URL:

In my opencart site i need to play a video in home page before opening my site

I need to play a video in my opencart site before opening the site home there any extension or jquery is available to perform this function?
For this no need to the opencart extensions, you may create with the following two options.
create one simple html with video and set us a index.html and give one link from this page to site home page.
load one simple popup with video at the time of page load.

adding custom page's link in homepage in opencart

I am new in opencart, and I am trying to build a new eCommerce site using opencart where I need to add some custom static page ( some additional page ). So I follow the link New Page For OpenCart and opencart php custom page without using the "information" feature, and I can create a new custom page. But my problem is, how can I get this page's link on my home and others page so that people view my page.
If you are creating a new page that way, you will be to access the page (called "newpage" for example) at: /index.php?route=common/newpage or /index.php?route=common/home/newpage depending how you set it up.
The simplest way of creating a new page is to create a new information page. You can input your custom html there if needs be. The link would then look like:
/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=x where the id is the id of your new page.
To add this link into your main menu you can edit template/common/header.tpl and hardcode in the new link.
Creating your link would depend greatly on how the page has been created, and where it's located.
Urls are built based on the location ie: route of your controller.
Let's say your new page has been built in:
Obviously you'll need to follow the code standards listed in the posts you referenced for created a correct class that extends the Controller, a language file, a model class (if your page needs to interact with the database) and a view file.
Once all that is correct via the previous posts you can create a link anywhere on the catalog (front) by calling the url class and passing in the required information.
You'll need to pass in a route, any arguments such as an id or customer, and whether the url should be secure.
$link = $this->url->link('common/mypage', 'mypage_id=' . $this->request->get['mypage_id'], 'SSL');
$arguments and 'SSL' being optional if they're needed.

Choose the start page django-cms

The django-cms always uses the top-most page as the start/landing page. I now want to have a navigation that looks like this foo-home-bar and home to be the landing page.
One way would be to add a dummy page at / that redirects to /home, but this seems a bit crude to me. Is there any better solution? I don't mind changing the code of the cms itself.
The easiest way, instead of creating a page that redirect is to just use django's redirect generic view.
set it in your top level
url(r'^$', RedirectView.as_view(url='/home/')),
and of course add the from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView import at the beginning and you should be all set.
('^$' only catches the root url and the RedirectView redirect wherever you want. I was a bit unsure about using it myself, but I saw a lot of major websites doing a redirect when you get on to their site...)
The first page you make seems to be the home page, simply add other root pages as needed and enable navigation on them. This is what i have done.
Our first page was test, and then some child pages. in the admin page you can click and drag the pages around to change the child/parent order. we renames test to home and shifted the child pages to another root page.
You can also override the default menu by make a template in menu/menu.html
In there you could override the order by adding in some if statements.
You could also hardcode it in your base.html having the menu something like:
<ul id=menu>
<li><a href="/foo/>foo></a></li>
{% show_menu %}
And just have bar and the other pages you wanted in the navigation but not foo or home.
The homepage has an icon on it that the other pages wont, denoting the root page I guess.
The page with the lowest-numbered tree_id in the cms_page table is the home page. This will normally be the first page that you created. If you want to make a different page your home page, you can manually change the tree_id values in your database (but unfortunately not by using the admin.)

DjangoCMS: Application Integration and using CMS content on non-cms (app) pages?

I am using DjangoCMS for a website, and I am trying to add a registration app . Putting it in all works well, at the moment hard-coded into the urls conf, BUT, I would like to use the CMS to set the content on some of pages in the registration flow..
e.g. on the few pages the registration app uses in its flow, like "register", "activate", "activation expired", etc I would like to use CMS content for the relatively static texts, teasers, etc... using text and other plugins, etc.
(I tried to setup pages in django-cms that mirror the same page structure as the registration pages (e.g. as my registration page is under /account/register I created a account page with a child-page register .. and added the template for the registration form to the CMS templates...). This works with some CMSs, but not with djano-cms... :-(.. the moment django-cms takes over the views from the registration app don't get involved anymore, and so forms don't work, etc... )
Is there any way to do this?
As i remember, you can use a show_placeholder tag to display info from any placeholder of any page. So put your registration urls before the ones of django-cms and put in your page some tags referring to your special CMS page (that page should now show up in menu, surely).