I'm running on
NAME="openSUSE Leap" VERSION="42.3"
I've added Hebrew as a secondary language but in the System Keyboard Layout there is no Hebrew layout.
Any suggestions?
The solution was to Configure Desktop -> Input Devices -> Keyboard -> Layouts , there you can add a new Layout.
I am developing an application which according to an input locale identifier of a language (ex: US keyboard -> "00000409" or German keyboard -> "00000407") https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/windows-language-pack-default-values, activates a keyboard layout according to the language selected.
HKL desiredKeyboardLayout = LoadKeyboardLayout(idLanguage, 0);
ActivateKeyboardLayout(desiredKeyboardLayout, KLF_ACTIVATE);
Nevertheless, when I try to change the layout to Chinese or Japanese, the layout showed is US Keyboard...
Is there any way to activate layouts for these languages?
I will appreciate any kind of help.
What layout and renderings should be used to create a dialog/app which can be started from
Content Editor button
Desktop start menu shortcut
As an example; here are images of the User Manager dialog. Note the differences in the appearance of the header bar in each case. I tried to examine this control in Sitecore to see how it was developed, but it is implemented in Sheer UI, not SPEAK UI. Can this be done automatically with a particular layout and combination of renderings, or would I need to detect the context of the application to control whether the launchpad icon is displayed in the top left corner of the dialog?
User Manager - launched from Launchpad
User Manager - launched from Content Editor
User Manager - launched from Desktop Start Menu
I can tell you that the user manager example here is actually Sheer UI rather than SPEAK.
For the dialog header use the "DialogPageStucture", "DashboardPageStrucuture" will give you the "GlobalHeader" placeholder as used below. I'm not sure how you mix and match them as the User Manager is Sheer UI rather than SPEAK.
For the launch pad button and header use "GlobalHeader" and "GlobalLogo" (this is the launch pad button). Add GlobalHeader into the GlobalHeader placeholder. Add GlobalLogo into GlobalHeader.StartButton.
I'm deploying my application with Qt Framework.
The behaviour of layout is equal in Windows and Linux; and if I resize the windows the layout adapts. This doesn't happen in Mac OS. To develop for Mac, I'm using a virtual machine (the resolution is 1024x768), but, when I try to start my bundle in a "true" Mac (resolution's biggest) the result is terrible!
I put some pictures:
MAC - virtual machine (1024x768) - First tab (OK)
MAC - virtual machine (1024x768) - Second tab (Not OK)**
**The second tab "Rubrica Contatti" is designed like the first tab "Ricettario". In designer the second tab seems ok, at runtime no!
I have tried to create a new project for test.
I've set the Central Widget with Form Layout.
I've created 2 Widgets that contain these items (each widget has a Grid Layout):
GroupBox (with Grid Layout) containing 2 labels and 2 checkboxes
All these three items are clustered in vertical layout. I put the left widget in QSizePolicy::Minimum and the right one in QSizePolicy::Preferred. In Qt Designer the left panel is smaller and the right one is horizontally enlarged. When I start the app, both widget have the same width and are in the center of the window.
When I open any project, I get this text in "General Messages" .
Warnings while parsing QML type information of /Users/denny/Qt/5.5/clang_64/qml:
<dump of /Users/denny/Qt/5.5/clang_64/qml>:1:24: Reading only version 1.1 parts.
<dump of /Users/denny/Qt/5.5/clang_64/qml>:10:5: Expected only Component and ModuleApi objects definitions.
Could it be the cause?
The problem remains, but it solved so (for now)...
My app won't use Mac Themes, but it will use Fusion Theme...
The graphic is uglier, but it works!
For the panel on the left, set the horizontal size policies to
QSizePolicy::Minimum. It means this widget can be larger but there is no point expanding it.
For the panel on the right, set the horizontal size policies to
QSizePolicy::Preferred. It means if there is space to grow further use it.
Put the left panel widget in a single widget, the right panel widgets in another widget, and use a form layout. The form layout usually set the right size policies for left and right.
It happens because, different styles use different expanding policies.
For example the QFormLayout deals with enum QFormLayout::FieldGrowthPolicy.
QFormLayout::FieldsStayAtSizeHint - This is the default for QMacStyle.
QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow - This is the default policy for most styles.
QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow - This is the default policy for Plastique.
I used a QWebkit in my application, when I input some characters into a input control in QWebkit, the composition window of IME(Chinese) is always out of the main window of my application, not displayed at the position of the input control. This problem is not related with specific IME.
Everything works normally in other applications.
This is a bug of QT, I submitted a bug report already.
I am using Xtreme Toolkit Pro for creating docking pane in my MFC application.
The Pane class allows to attach only one control (which is inherited from CWnd class) at a time. I want to add multiple controls in my pane. How can I achive it?
If any one has an experience in this or relevant area please share it with me.
Info about Xtreme tool kit docking panes:
Through the builtin dialog editor you can create a window with multiple control
Make sure the properties Appearance>Style is set to "Child" and Behavior>SystemModal is set to "False".
Then just attach the Dialog window handle to the docking pane.