Check a function pointer by bool() and (bool) of C++ [duplicate] - c++

I'm going through the full tutorial at, coding and compiling each example manually. Regularly, I stumble upon something that leaves me perplexed.
I am currently learning this section: . There are some subtleties that could easily be overlooked by only reading the tutorial. The advantage of typing everything by hand is that such details do stand out.
In the above page, there are two sample programs. One has this line:
stringstream(mystr) >> yours.year;
The other one has this line:
(stringstream) mystr >> pmovie->year;
What I don't understand is the difference (if any) between type (myVar) = x; and (type) myVar = x;.
I am not doing the whole tutorial in sequential order. I checked but didn't find this addressed anywhere, though I may have missed it.
Is there a difference?
Is there a preferred way to do it one way rather than the other?

There is no difference between type(x) and (type)x. These two are completely equivalent. Most people prefer type(x) for classes and (type)x for non-class types, but that's purely up to one's own choice. Both call constructors for classes with one argument x.
The preferred way for classes is type(x), because this allows passing more than one argument to the constructor, as in type(x, y). Trying to apply the other form, (type)x, y will not work: It casts x, and then applies the comma operator and evalutes y in isolation. Parentheses like (type)(x, y) do not help: This will evaluate x and y in isolation using the comma operator and then cast y to type.
For non-class types, such a cast is often too powerful. C++ has static_cast<type>(x) for roughly doing the reverse of an implicit conversion (such as casting base classes to derived classes and casting void* to another pointer), which often is what fits in. See When should static_cast, dynamic_cast and reinterpret_cast be used?.
stringstream is not a function, though. Doing function(x) will call it the function, but doing (function)x is illegal, beause there are two expressions next to each other, with no operator in between.
For those who don't believe this answer, and downvote it on gut feeling, please consult the Standard at 5.2.3/1
A simple-type-specifier (7.1.5) followed by a parenthesized expression-list constructs a value of the specified type given the expression list. If the expression list is a single expression, the type conversion expression is equivalent (in definedness, and if defined in meaning) to the corresponding cast expression (5.4).

The page you cite is not what I would consider a authority on C++ in general.
(stringstream) mystr >> pmovie->year;
casts a std::string to a std::stringstream object. This is a C-style cast. Rather dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. This would create a stringstream object and the value is extracted to pmovie->year next.
stringstream(mystr) >> yours.year;
Creates an anonymous std::stringstream object and initializes it with mystr and then the value is extracted to pmovie->year. The object vanishes at the end of its lexical scope which in this case would be the ; at the end of the line.
Not much of a difference (as others have noted so far) among the two w.r.t class objects.
On the other hand, with identifiers (of functions/macros) this gets tricky: function (myVar) = x; works irrespective of whether function is an actual function or a macro. However, (function) (myVar) = x; only works for real functions.
Some standard library identifiers are allowed to have both forms (most notably the tolower and friends) and therefore if you want to invoke the function always then you should go for the former.


In OCaml Menhir, how to write a parser for C++/Rust/Java-style generics

In C++, a famous parsing ambiguity happens with code like
x<T> a;
Is it if T is a type, it is what it looks like (a declaration of a variable a of type x<T>, otherwise it is (x < T) > a (<> are comparison operators, not angle brackets).
In fact, we could make a change to make this become unambiguous: we can make < and > nonassociative. So x < T > a, without brackets, would not be a valid sentence anyway even if x, T and a were all variable names.
How could one resolve this conflict in Menhir? At first glance it seems we just can't. Even with the aforementioned modification, we need to lookahead an indeterminate number of tokens before we see another closing >, and conclude that it was a template instantiation, or otherwise, to conclude that it was an expression. Is there any way in Menhir to implement such an arbitrary lookahead?
Different languages (including the ones listed in your title) actually have very different rules for templates/generics (like what type of arguments there can be, where templates/generics can appear, when they are allowed to have an explicit argument list and what the syntax for template/type arguments on generic methods is), which strongly affect the options you have for parsing. In no language that I know is it true that the meaning of x<T> a; depends on whether T is a type.
So let's go through the languages C++, Java, Rust and C#:
In all four of those languages both types and functions/methods can be templates/generic. So we'll not only have to worry about an ambiguity with variable declarations, but also function/method calls: is f<T>(x) a function/method call with an explicit template/type argument or is it two relational operators with the last operand parenthesized? In all four languages template/generic functions/methods can be called without template/type when those can be inferred, but that inference isn't always possible, so just disallowing explicit template/type arguments for function/method calls is not an option.
Even if a language does not allow relational operators to be chained, we could get an ambiguity in expressions like this: f(a<b, c, d>(e)). Is this calling f with the three arguments a<b, c and d>e or with the single argument a<b, c, d>(e) calling a function/method named a with the type/template arguments b,c,d?
Now beyond this common foundation, most everything else is different between these languages:
In Rust the syntax for a variable declaration is let variableName: type = expr;, so x<T> a; couldn't possibly be a variable declaration because that doesn't match the syntax at all. In addition it's also not a valid expression statement (anymore) because comparison operators can't be chained (anymore).
So there's no ambiguity here or even a parsing difficulty. But what about function calls? For function calls, Rust avoided the ambiguity by simply choosing a different syntax to provide type arguments: instead of f<T>(x) the syntax is f::<T>(x). Since type arguments for function calls are optional when they can be inferred, this ugliness is thankfully not necessary very often.
So in summary: let a: x<T> = ...; is a variable declaration, f(a<b, c, d>(e)); calls f with three arguments and f(a::<b, c, d>(e)); calls a with three type arguments. Parsing is easy because all of these are sufficiently different to be distinguished with just one token of lookahead.
In Java x<T> a; is in fact a valid variable declaration, but it is not a valid expression statement. The reason for that is that Java's grammar has a dedicated non-terminal for expressions that can appear as an expression statement and applications of relational operators (or any other non-assignment operators) are not matched by that non-terminal. Assignments are, but the left side of assignment expressions is similarly restricted. In fact, an identifier can only be the start of an expression statement if the next token is either a =, ., [ or (. So an identifier followed by a < can only be the start of a variable declaration, meaning we only need one token of lookahead to parse this.
Note that when accessing static members of a generic class, you can and must refer to the class without type arguments (i.e.; instead of FooClass<T>.bar()), so even in that case the class name would be followed by a ., not a <.
But what about generic method calls? Something like y = f<T>(x); could still run into the ambiguity because relational operators are of course allowed on the right side of =. Here Java chooses a similar solution as Rust by simply changing the syntax for generic method calls. Instead of object.f<T>(x) the syntax is object.<T>f(x) where the object. part is non-optional even if the object is this. So to call a generic method with an explicit type argument on the current object, you'd have to write this.<T>f(x);, but like in Rust the type argument can often be inferred, allowing you to just write f(x);.
So in summary x<T> a; is a variable declaration and there can't be expression statements that start with relational operations; in general expressions this.<T>f(x) is a generic method call and f<T>(x); is a comparison (well, a type error, actually). Again, parsing is easy.
C# has the same restrictions on expression statements as Java does, so variable declarations aren't a problem, but unlike the previous two languages, it does allow f<T>(x) as the syntax for function calls. In order to avoid ambiguities, relational operators need to be parenthesized when used in a way that could also be valid call of a generic function. So the expression f<T>(x) is a method call and you'd need to add parentheses f<(T>(x)) or (f<T)>(x) to make it a comparison (though actually those would be type errors because you can't compare booleans with < or >, but the parser doesn't care about that) and similarly f(a<b, c, d>(e)) calls a generic method named a with the type arguments b,c,d whereas f((a<b), c, (d<e)) would involve two comparisons (and you can in fact leave out one of the two pairs of parentheses).
This leads to a nicer syntax for method calls with explicit type arguments than in the previous two languages, but parsing becomes kind of tricky. Considering that in the above example f(a<b, c, d>(e)) we can actually place an arbitrary number of arguments before d>(e) and a<b is a perfectly valid comparison if not followed by d>(e), we actually need an arbitrary amount of lookahead, backtracking or non-determinism to parse this.
So in summary x<T> a; is a variable declaration, there is no expression statement that starts with a comparison, f<T>(x) is a method call expression and (f<T)>(x) or f<(T>(x)) would be (ill-typed) comparisons. It is impossible to parse C# with menhir.
In C++ a < b; is a valid (albeit useless) expression statement, the syntax for template function calls with explicit template arguments is f<T>(x) and a<b>c can be a perfectly valid (even well-typed) comparison. So statements like a<b>c; and expressions like a<b>(c) are actually ambiguous without additional information. Further, template arguments in C++ don't have to be types. That is, Foo<42> x; or even Foo<c> x; where c is defined as const int x = 42;, for example, could be perfectly valid instantiations of the Foo template if Foo is defined to take an integer as a template argument. So that's a bummer.
To resolve this ambiguity, the C++ grammar refers to the rule template-name instead of identifier in places where the name of a template is expected. So if we treated these as distinct entities, there'd be no ambiguity here. But of course template-name is defined simply as template-name: identifier in the grammar, so that seems pretty useless, ... except that the standard also says that template-name should only be matched when the given identifier names a template in the current scope. Similarly it says that identifiers should only be interpreted as variable names when they don't refer to a template (or type name).
Note that, unlike the previous three languages, C++ requires all types and templates to be declared before they can be used. So when we see the statement a<b>c;, we know that it can only be a template instantiation if we've previously parsed a declaration for a template named a and it is currently in scope.
So, if we keep track of scopes while parsing, we can simply use if-statements to check whether the name a refers to a previously parsed template or not in a hand-written parser. In parser generators that allow semantic predicates, we can do the same thing. Doing this does not even require any lookahead or backtracking.
But what about parser generators like yacc or menhir that don't support semantic predicates? For these we can use something known as the lexer hack, meaning we make the lexer generate different tokens for type names, template names and ordinary identifiers. Then we have a nicely unambiguous grammar that we can feed our parser generator. Of course the trick is getting the lexer to actually do that. In order to accomplish that, we need to keep track of which templates and types are currently in scope using a symbol table and then access that symbol table from the lexer. We'll also need to tell the lexer when we're reading the name of a definition, like the x in int x;, because then we want to generate a regular identifier even if a template named x is currently in scope (the definition int x; would shadow the template until the variable goes out of scope).
This same approach is used to resolve the casting ambiguity (is (T)(x) a cast of x to type T or a function call of a function named T?) in C and C++.
So in summary, foo<T> a; and foo<T>(x) are template instantiations if and only if foo is a template. Parsing's a bitch, but possible without arbitrary lookahead or backtracking and even using menhir when applying the lexer hack.
AFAIK C++'s template syntax is a well-known example of real-world non-LR grammar. Strictly speaking, it is not LR(k) for any finite k... So C++ parsers are usually hand-written with hacks (like clang) or generated by a GLR grammar (LR with branching). So in theory it is impossible to implement a complete C++ parser in Menhir, which is LR.
However even the same syntax for generics can be different. If generic types and expressions involving comparison operators never appear under the same context, the grammar may still be LR compatible. For example, consider the rust syntax for variable declaration (for this part only):
let x : Vec<T> = ...
The : token indicates that a type, rather than an expression follows, so in this case the grammar can be LR, or even LL (not verified).
So the final answer is, it depends. But for the C++ case it should be impossible to implement the syntax in Menhir.

Preference on initialising variables in C++

Starting out in c++ and noticed that you could initialise a variable in two ways
int example_var = 3; // with the assignment operator '='
int example_var(3); // enclosing the value with parentheses
is there a reason to use one over the other?
The first form dates back from the C time, while the second was added in C++. The reason for the addition is that in some contexts (in particular initializer lists in constructors) the first form is not allowed.
The two are not exactly equivalent for all types, and that is where one or the other might be more useful. The first form semantically implies the creation of a temporary from the right hand side, followed by the copy construction of the variable from that temporary. The second form, is direct initialization of the variable from the argument.
When does it matter?
The first form will fail if there is no implicit conversion from the right hand side to the type of the variable, or if the copy constructor is not available, so in those cases you will have to use direct initialization.
The second form can be used in more contexts than the first, but it is prone to the most-vexing-parse. That is, in some cases the syntax will become compatible with a declaration for a function (rather than the definition of a regular variable), and the language determines that when this is the case, the expression is to be parsed as a function declaration:
std::string s = std::string(); // ok declares a variable
std::string s( std::string() ); // declares a function: std::string s( std::string(*)() )
Finally in C++11 there is a third form, that uses curly braces:
std::string s{std::string{}};
This form has the advantages of direct initialization with parenthesis, but at the same time it is not prone to misinterpretation.
Which one to use?
I would recommend the third option if available. That being said, I tend to use the first more often than not, or the second depending on the context and the types...
For built in types like int both mean the same.
But for custom data types they can mean different. First format is called Copy Initialization while second is called Direct Initialization.
Good Read:
Is there a difference in C++ between copy initialization and direct initialization?
Their output is the same...
the both the syntax call the copy constructor.
It is same for int and other similar built in data types, though some difference is there for user defined data types.
They compile to the same thing. However, both are a form of variable initialization, not assignment, which matters a little in C and a lot in C++ since totally different functions (constructor v. assignment) are called.

How to dis-ambiguate operator definitions between objects/classes in a programming language?

I'm designing my own programming language (called Lima, if you care its on, and I'm trying to wrap my head around how to implement operator overloading. I'm deciding to bind operators on specific objects (its a prototype based language). (Its also a dynamic language, where 'var' is like 'var' in javascript - a variable that can hold any type of value).
For example, this would be an object with a redefined + operator:
x =
{ int member
operator +
self int[b]:
ret b+self
int[a] self:
ret member+a
I hope its fairly obvious what that does. The operator is defined when x is both the right and left operand (using self to denote this).
The problem is what to do when you have two objects that define an operator in an open-ended way like this. For example, what do you do in this scenario:
A =
{ int x
operator +
self var[b]:
ret x+b
B =
{ int x
operator +
var[a] self:
ret x+a
a+b ;; is a's or b's + operator used?
So an easy answer to this question is "well duh, don't make ambiguous definitions", but its not that simple. What if you include a module that has an A type of object, and then defined a B type of object.
How do you create a language that guards against other objects hijacking what you want to do with your operators?
C++ has operator overloading defined as "members" of classes. How does C++ deal with ambiguity like this?
Most languages will give precedence to the class on the left. C++, I believe, doesn't let you overload operators on the right-hand side at all. When you define operator+, you are defining addition for when this type is on the left, for anything on the right.
In fact, it would not make sense if you allowed your operator + to work for when the type is on the right-hand side. It works for +, but consider -. If type A defines operator - in a certain way, and I do int x - A y, I don't want A's operator - to be called, because it will compute the subtraction in reverse!
In Python, which has more extensive operator overloading rules, there is a separate method for the reverse direction. For example, there is a __sub__ method which overloads the - operator when this type is on the left, and a __rsub__ which overloads the - operator when this type is on the right. This is similar to the capability, in your language, to allow the "self" to appear on the left or on the right, but it introduces ambiguity.
Python gives precedence to the thing on the left -- this works better in a dynamic language. If Python encounters x - y, it first calls x.__sub__(y) to see if x knows how to subtract y. This can either produce a result, or return a special value NotImplemented. If Python finds that NotImplemented was returned, it then tries the other way. It calls y.__rsub__(x), which would have been programmed knowing that y was on the right hand side. If that also returns NotImplemented, then a TypeError is raised, because the types were incompatible for that operation.
I think this is the ideal operator overloading strategy for dynamic languages.
Edit: To give a bit of a summary, you have an ambiguous situation, so you really only three choices:
Give precedence to one side or the other (usually the one on the left). This prevents a class with a right-side overload from hijacking a class with a left-side overload, but not the other way around. (This works best in dynamic languages, as the methods can decide whether they can handle it, and dynamically defer to the other one.)
Make it an error (as #dave is suggesting in his answer). If there is ever more than one viable choice, it is a compiler error. (This works best in static languages, where you can catch this thing in advance.)
Only allow the left-most class to define operator overloads, as in C++. (Then your class B would be illegal.)
The only other option is to introduce a complex system of precedence to the operator overloads, but then you said you want to reduce the cognitive overhead.
I'm going to answer this question by saying "duh, don't make ambiguous definitions".
If I recreate your example in C++ (using a function f instead of the + operator and int/float instead of A/B, but there really isn't much difference)...
template<class t>
void f(int a, t b)
std::cout << "me! me! me!";
template<class t>
void f(t a, float b)
std::cout << "no, me!";
int main(void)
f(1, 1.0f);
return 0;
...the compiler will tell me precisely that: error C2668: 'f' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
If you create a language powerful enough, it's always going to be possible to create things in it that don't make sense. When this happens, it's probably ok to just throw up your hands and say "this doesn't make sense".
In C++, a op b means a.op(b), so it's unambigious; the order settles it. If, in C++, you want to define an operator whose left operand is a built-in type, then the operator has to be a global function with two arguments, not a member; again, though, the order of the operands determines which method to call. It is illegal to define an operator where both operands are of built-in types.
I would suggest that given X + Y, the compiler should look for both X.op_plus(Y) and Y.op_added_to(X); each implementation should include an attribute indicating whether it should be a 'preferred', 'normal', 'fallback' implementation, and optionally also indicating that it is "common". If both implementations are defined, and they implementations are of different priorities (e.g. "preferred" and "normal"), use the type to select a preference. If both are defined to be of the same priority, and both are "common", favor the X.op_plus(Y) form. If both are defined with the same priority and they are not both "common", flag an error.
I would suggest that the ability to prioritize overloads and conversions would IMHO a very important feature for a language to have. It is not helpful for languages to squawk about ambiguous overloads in cases where both candidates would do the same thing, but languages should squawk in cases where two possible overloads would have different meanings, each of which would be useful in certain contexts. For example, given someFloat==someDouble or someDouble==someLong, a compiler should squawk, since there can be usefulness to knowing whether the numerical quantities represented by two values match, and there can also be usefulness in knowing whether the left-hand operand holds the best possible representation (for its type) of the value in the right-hand operand. Java and C# do not flag ambiguity in either case, opting instead to use the first meaning for the first expression and the second for the second, even though either meaning might be useful in either case. I would suggest that it would be better to reject such comparisons than to have them implement inconsistent semantics.
Overall, I'd suggest as a philosophy that a good language design should let a programmer indicate what's important and what isn't. If a programmer knows that certain "ambiguities" aren't problems, but other ones are, it should be easy to have the compiler flag the latter but not the former.
I looked briefly through your proposal; it sees you're expecting bindings to be fully dynamic. I've worked with a language like that (HyperTalk, circa 1988) and it was "interesting". Consider, for example, that "2X" < "3" < 4 < 10 < "11" < "2X". Double dispatch can sometimes be useful, but only in cases where operators overloads with different semantics (e.g. string and numeric comparisons) are limited to operating on disjoint sets of things. Forbidding ambiguous operations at compile time is a good thing, since the programmer will be in a position to specify what's intended. Having such ambiguity trigger a run-time error is a bad thing, because the programmer may be long gone by the time an error surfaces. Consequently, I really can't offer any advice for how to do run-time double dispatch for operators except to say "don't", unless at compile time you restrict the operands to combinations where any possible overload would always have the same semantics.
For example, if you had an abstract "immutable list of numbers" type, with a member to report the length or return the number at a particular index, you could specify that two instances are equal if they have the same length, and every for every index they return the same number. While it would be possible to compare any two instances for equality by examining every item, that could be inefficient if e.g. one instance was a "BunchOfZeroes" type which simply held an integer N=1000000 and didn't actually store any items, and the other was an "NCopiesOfArray" which held N=500000 and {0,0} as the array to be copied. If many instances of those types are going to be compared, efficiency could be improved by having such comparisons invoke a method which, after checking overall array length, checks whether the "template" array contains any non-zero elements. If it doesn't, then it can be reported as equal the bunch-of-zeroes array without having to perform 1,000,000 element comparisons. Note that the invocation of such a method by double dispatch would not alter the program's behavior--it would merely allow it to execute more quickly.

What's the -complete- list of kinds of automatic type conversions a C++ compiler will do for a function argument?

Given a C++ function f(X x) where x is a variable of type X, and a variable y of type Y, what are all the automatic/implicit conversions the C++ compiler will perform on y so that the statement "f(y);" is legal code (no errors, no warnings)?
For example:
Pass Derived& to function taking Base& - ok
Pass Base& to function Derived& - not ok without a cast
Pass int to function taking long - ok, creates a temporary long
Pass int& to function taking long& - NOT ok, taking reference to temporary
Note how the built-in types have some quirks compared to classes: a Derived can be passed to function taking a Base (although it gets sliced), and an int can be passed to function taking a long, but you cannot pass an int& to a function taking a long&!!
What's the complete list of cases that are always "ok" (don't need to use any cast to do it)?
What it's for: I have a C++ script-binding library that lets you bind your C++ code and it will call C++ functions at runtime based on script expressions. Since expressions are evaluated at runtime, all the legal combinations of source types and function argument types that might need to be used in an expression have to be anticipated ahead of time and precompiled in the library so that they'll be usable at runtime. If I miss a legal combination, some reasonable expressions won't work in runtime expressions; if I accidently generate a combination that isn't legal C++, my library just won't compile.
Edit (narrowing the question):
Thanks, all of your answers are actually pretty helpful. I knew the answer was complicated, but it sounds like I've only seen the tip of the iceberg.
Let me rephrase the question a little then to limit its scope then:
I will let the user specify a list of "BaseClasses" and a list of "UserDefinedConversions". For Bases, I'll generate everything including reference and pointer conversions. But what cases (const/reference/pointer) can I safely do from the UserDefined Conversions list? (The user will give bare types, I will decorate with *, &, const, etc. in the template.)
C++ Standard gives the answer to your question in Implicit conversion sequences, but it too large to post it here. I recommend you to read at least that part of C++ Standard.
Hope this link will help you.
Unfortunately the answer to your question is hugely complex, occupying at least 9 pages in the ISO C++ standard (specifically: ~6 pages in "3 Standard Conversions" and ~3 pages in " Implicit Conversion Sequences").
Brief summary: A conversion that does not require a cast is called an "implicit conversion sequence". C++ has "standard conversions", which are conversions between fundamental types (such as char being promoted to int) and things such as array-to-pointer decay; there can be several of these in a row, hence the term "sequences". C++ also permits user-defined conversions, which are defined by conversion functions and converting constructors. The important thing to note is that an implicit conversion sequence can have at most one user-defined conversion, with optionally a sequence of standard conversions on either side -- C++ will never "chain" more than one user-defined conversion together without a cast.
(If anyone would like to flesh this post out with the full details, please go ahead... But for me, that would just be too exhausting, sorry :-/)
Note how the built-in types have some
quirks compared to classes: a Derived
can be passed to function taking a
Base (although it gets sliced), and an
int can be passed to function taking a
long, but you cannot pass an int& to a
function taking a long&!!
That's not a quirk of built-in vs. class types. It's a quirk of inheritance.
If you had classes A and B, and B had a conversion to A (either because A has a constructor taking B, or because B has a conversion operator to A), then they'd behave just like int and long in this respect - conversion can occur where a function takes a value, but not where it takes a non-const reference. In both cases the problem is that there is no object to which the necessary non-const reference can be taken: a long& can't refer to an int, and an A& can't refer to a B, and no non-const reference can refer to a temporary.
The reason the base/derived example doesn't encounter this problem because a non-const Base reference can refer to a Derived object. The fact that the types are user-defined is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for the reference to be legal. Convertible user-defined classes where there is no inheritance behave just like built-ins.
This comment is way too long for comments, so I've used an answer. It doesn't actually answer your question, though, other than to distinguish between:
"Conversions" where a reference to a derived class is passed to a function taking a reference to a base class.
Conversions where a user-defined or built-in conversion actually creates an object, such as from int to long.

(int) ch vs. int(ch): Are they different syntaxes for the same thing?

In C++, is (int) ch equivalent to int(ch).
If not, what's the difference?
They are the same thing, and also the same as (int)(ch). In C++, it's generally preferred to use a named cast to clarify your intentions:
Use static_cast to cast between primitive types of different sizes or signednesses, e.g. static_cast<char>(anInteger).
Use dynamic_cast to downcast a base class to a derived class (polymorphic types only), e.g. dynamic_cast<Derived *>(aBasePtr).
Use reinterpret_cast to cast between pointers of different types or between a pointer and an integer, e.g. reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(somePtr).
Use const_cast to remove the const or volatile qualifiers from variables (VERY DANGEROUS), e.g. const_cast<char *>(aConstantPointer).
int(x) is called function-style cast by the standard and is the same as the C-style cast in every regard (for POD) [5.2.3]:
If the expression list is a single expression, the type conversion expression is equivalent (in definedness, and if defined in meaning) to the corresponding cast expression (5.4).
They are the same.
Konrad Rudolph is right. But consider that
(int) x <-- is valid syntax in C and C++
(int*) x <-- is valid syntax in C and C++
int (x) <-- is valid in C++, but gives a syntax error in C
int* (x) <-- gives a syntax error in both C and C++
Although the two syntaxes have the same meaning for int, the second, constructor-style syntax is more general because it can be used with other types in templates. That is, "T(x)" can be compiled into a conversion between primitive types (e.g., if T = int) or into a constructor call (if T is a class type). An example from my own experience where this was useful was when I switched from using native types for intermediate results of calculations to arbitrary-precision integers, which are implemented as a class.
The first is the C style, while the second is the C++ style.
In C++, use the C++ style.
It's worth noting that both styles of casting are deprecated in C++, in favor of the longer, more specific casting methods listed in Adam Rosenfield's answer.
If you want to be super-nasty, then if you write something like:
#define int(x) 1
Then (int)x has the meaning you expect, while int(x) will be 1 for any value of x. However, if anyone ever did this, you should probably hurt them. I can also quite believe that somewhere in the standard you are forbidden from #defining keywords, although I can't find it right now.
Except for that, very stupid, special case, then as said before, [5.3.2] says they are the same for PODs