How to dis-ambiguate operator definitions between objects/classes in a programming language? - overloading

I'm designing my own programming language (called Lima, if you care its on, and I'm trying to wrap my head around how to implement operator overloading. I'm deciding to bind operators on specific objects (its a prototype based language). (Its also a dynamic language, where 'var' is like 'var' in javascript - a variable that can hold any type of value).
For example, this would be an object with a redefined + operator:
x =
{ int member
operator +
self int[b]:
ret b+self
int[a] self:
ret member+a
I hope its fairly obvious what that does. The operator is defined when x is both the right and left operand (using self to denote this).
The problem is what to do when you have two objects that define an operator in an open-ended way like this. For example, what do you do in this scenario:
A =
{ int x
operator +
self var[b]:
ret x+b
B =
{ int x
operator +
var[a] self:
ret x+a
a+b ;; is a's or b's + operator used?
So an easy answer to this question is "well duh, don't make ambiguous definitions", but its not that simple. What if you include a module that has an A type of object, and then defined a B type of object.
How do you create a language that guards against other objects hijacking what you want to do with your operators?
C++ has operator overloading defined as "members" of classes. How does C++ deal with ambiguity like this?

Most languages will give precedence to the class on the left. C++, I believe, doesn't let you overload operators on the right-hand side at all. When you define operator+, you are defining addition for when this type is on the left, for anything on the right.
In fact, it would not make sense if you allowed your operator + to work for when the type is on the right-hand side. It works for +, but consider -. If type A defines operator - in a certain way, and I do int x - A y, I don't want A's operator - to be called, because it will compute the subtraction in reverse!
In Python, which has more extensive operator overloading rules, there is a separate method for the reverse direction. For example, there is a __sub__ method which overloads the - operator when this type is on the left, and a __rsub__ which overloads the - operator when this type is on the right. This is similar to the capability, in your language, to allow the "self" to appear on the left or on the right, but it introduces ambiguity.
Python gives precedence to the thing on the left -- this works better in a dynamic language. If Python encounters x - y, it first calls x.__sub__(y) to see if x knows how to subtract y. This can either produce a result, or return a special value NotImplemented. If Python finds that NotImplemented was returned, it then tries the other way. It calls y.__rsub__(x), which would have been programmed knowing that y was on the right hand side. If that also returns NotImplemented, then a TypeError is raised, because the types were incompatible for that operation.
I think this is the ideal operator overloading strategy for dynamic languages.
Edit: To give a bit of a summary, you have an ambiguous situation, so you really only three choices:
Give precedence to one side or the other (usually the one on the left). This prevents a class with a right-side overload from hijacking a class with a left-side overload, but not the other way around. (This works best in dynamic languages, as the methods can decide whether they can handle it, and dynamically defer to the other one.)
Make it an error (as #dave is suggesting in his answer). If there is ever more than one viable choice, it is a compiler error. (This works best in static languages, where you can catch this thing in advance.)
Only allow the left-most class to define operator overloads, as in C++. (Then your class B would be illegal.)
The only other option is to introduce a complex system of precedence to the operator overloads, but then you said you want to reduce the cognitive overhead.

I'm going to answer this question by saying "duh, don't make ambiguous definitions".
If I recreate your example in C++ (using a function f instead of the + operator and int/float instead of A/B, but there really isn't much difference)...
template<class t>
void f(int a, t b)
std::cout << "me! me! me!";
template<class t>
void f(t a, float b)
std::cout << "no, me!";
int main(void)
f(1, 1.0f);
return 0;
...the compiler will tell me precisely that: error C2668: 'f' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
If you create a language powerful enough, it's always going to be possible to create things in it that don't make sense. When this happens, it's probably ok to just throw up your hands and say "this doesn't make sense".

In C++, a op b means a.op(b), so it's unambigious; the order settles it. If, in C++, you want to define an operator whose left operand is a built-in type, then the operator has to be a global function with two arguments, not a member; again, though, the order of the operands determines which method to call. It is illegal to define an operator where both operands are of built-in types.

I would suggest that given X + Y, the compiler should look for both X.op_plus(Y) and Y.op_added_to(X); each implementation should include an attribute indicating whether it should be a 'preferred', 'normal', 'fallback' implementation, and optionally also indicating that it is "common". If both implementations are defined, and they implementations are of different priorities (e.g. "preferred" and "normal"), use the type to select a preference. If both are defined to be of the same priority, and both are "common", favor the X.op_plus(Y) form. If both are defined with the same priority and they are not both "common", flag an error.
I would suggest that the ability to prioritize overloads and conversions would IMHO a very important feature for a language to have. It is not helpful for languages to squawk about ambiguous overloads in cases where both candidates would do the same thing, but languages should squawk in cases where two possible overloads would have different meanings, each of which would be useful in certain contexts. For example, given someFloat==someDouble or someDouble==someLong, a compiler should squawk, since there can be usefulness to knowing whether the numerical quantities represented by two values match, and there can also be usefulness in knowing whether the left-hand operand holds the best possible representation (for its type) of the value in the right-hand operand. Java and C# do not flag ambiguity in either case, opting instead to use the first meaning for the first expression and the second for the second, even though either meaning might be useful in either case. I would suggest that it would be better to reject such comparisons than to have them implement inconsistent semantics.
Overall, I'd suggest as a philosophy that a good language design should let a programmer indicate what's important and what isn't. If a programmer knows that certain "ambiguities" aren't problems, but other ones are, it should be easy to have the compiler flag the latter but not the former.
I looked briefly through your proposal; it sees you're expecting bindings to be fully dynamic. I've worked with a language like that (HyperTalk, circa 1988) and it was "interesting". Consider, for example, that "2X" < "3" < 4 < 10 < "11" < "2X". Double dispatch can sometimes be useful, but only in cases where operators overloads with different semantics (e.g. string and numeric comparisons) are limited to operating on disjoint sets of things. Forbidding ambiguous operations at compile time is a good thing, since the programmer will be in a position to specify what's intended. Having such ambiguity trigger a run-time error is a bad thing, because the programmer may be long gone by the time an error surfaces. Consequently, I really can't offer any advice for how to do run-time double dispatch for operators except to say "don't", unless at compile time you restrict the operands to combinations where any possible overload would always have the same semantics.
For example, if you had an abstract "immutable list of numbers" type, with a member to report the length or return the number at a particular index, you could specify that two instances are equal if they have the same length, and every for every index they return the same number. While it would be possible to compare any two instances for equality by examining every item, that could be inefficient if e.g. one instance was a "BunchOfZeroes" type which simply held an integer N=1000000 and didn't actually store any items, and the other was an "NCopiesOfArray" which held N=500000 and {0,0} as the array to be copied. If many instances of those types are going to be compared, efficiency could be improved by having such comparisons invoke a method which, after checking overall array length, checks whether the "template" array contains any non-zero elements. If it doesn't, then it can be reported as equal the bunch-of-zeroes array without having to perform 1,000,000 element comparisons. Note that the invocation of such a method by double dispatch would not alter the program's behavior--it would merely allow it to execute more quickly.


Equality operator overloads: Is (x!=y) == (!(x==y))?

Does the C++ standard guarantee that (x!=y) always has the same truth value as !(x==y)?
I know there are many subtleties involved here: The operators == and != may be overloaded. They may be overloaded to have different return types (which only have to be implicitly convertible to bool). Even the !-operator might be overloaded on the return type. That's why I handwavingly referred to the "truth value" above, but trying to elaborate it further, exploiting the implicit conversion to bool, and trying to eliminate possible ambiguities:
bool ne = (x!=y);
bool e = (x==y);
bool result = (ne == (!e));
Is result guaranteed to be true here?
The C++ standard specifies the equality operators in section 5.10, but mainly seems to define them syntactically (and some semantics regarding pointer comparisons). The concept of being EqualityComparable exists, but there is no dedicated statement about the relationship of its operator == to the != operator.
There exist related documents from C++ working groups, saying that...
It is vital that equal/unequal [...] behave as boolean negations of each other. After all, the world would make no sense if both operator==() and operator!=() returned false! As such, it is common to implement these operators in terms of each other
However, this only reflects the Common Sense™, and does not specify that they have to be implemented like this.
Some background: I'm just trying to write a function that checks whether two values (of unknown type) are equal, and print an error message if this is not the case. I'd like to say that the required concept here is that the types are EqualityComparable. But for this, one would still have to write if (!(x==y)) {…} and could not write if (x!=y) {…}, because this would use a different operator, which is not covered with the concept of EqualityComparable at all, and which might even be overloaded differently...
I know that the programmer basically can do whatever he wants in his custom overloads. I just wondered whether he is really allowed to do everything, or whether there are rules imposed by the standard. Maybe one of these subtle statements that suggest that deviating from the usual implementation causes undefined behavior, like the one that NathanOliver mentioned in a comment, but which seemed to only refer to certain types. For example, the standard explicitly states that for container types, a!=b is equivalent to !(a==b) (section 23.2.1, table 95, "Container requirements").
But for general, user-defined types, it currently seems that there are no such requirements. The question is tagged language-lawyer, because I hoped for a definite statement/reference, but I know that this may nearly be impossible: While one could point out the section where it said that the operators have to be negations of each other, one can hardly prove that none of the ~1500 pages of the standard says something like this...
In doubt, and unless there are further hints, I'll upvote/accept the corresponding answers later, and for now assume that for comparing not-equality for EqualityComparable types should be done with if (!(x==y)) to be on the safe side.
Does the C++ standard guarantee that (x!=y) always has the same truth value as !(x==y)?
No it doesn't. Absolutely nothing stops me from writing:
struct Broken {
bool operator==(const Broken& ) const { return true; }
bool operator!=(const Broken& ) const { return true; }
Broken x, y;
That is perfectly well-formed code. Semantically, it's broken (as the name might suggest), but there's certainly nothing wrong from it from a pure C++ code functionality perspective.
The standard also clearly indicates this is okay in [over.oper]/7:
The identities among certain predefined operators applied to basic types (for example, ++a ≡ a+=1) need not hold for operator functions. Some predefined operators, such as +=, require an operand to be an lvalue when applied to basic types; this is not required by operator functions.
In the same vein, nothing in the C++ standard guarantees that operator< actually implements a valid Ordering (or that x<y <==> !(x>=y), etc.). Some standard library implementations will actually add instrumentation to attempt to debug this for you in the ordered containers, but that is just a quality of implementation issue and not a standards-compliant-based decision.
Library solutions like Boost.Operators exist to at least make this a little easier on the programmer's side:
struct Fixed : equality_comparable<Fixed> {
bool operator==(const Fixed&) const;
// a consistent operator!= is provided for you
In C++14, Fixed is no longer an aggregate with the base class. However, in C++17 it's an aggregate again (by way of P0017).
With the adoption of P1185 for C++20, the library solution has effectively becomes a language solution - you just have to write this:
struct Fixed {
bool operator==(Fixed const&) const;
bool ne(Fixed const& x, Fixed const& y) {
return x != y;
The body of ne() becomes a valid expression that evaluates as !x.operator==(y) -- so you don't have to worry about keeping the two comparison in line nor rely on a library solution to help out.
In general, I don't think you can rely on it, because it doesn't always make sense for operator == and operator!= to always correspond, so I don't see how the standard could ever require it.
For example, consider the built-in floating point types, like doubles, for which NaNs always compare false, so operator== and operator!= can both return false at the same time. (Edit: Oops, this is wrong; see hvd's comment.)
As a result, if I'm writing a new class with floating point semantics (maybe a really_long_double), I have to implement the same behaviour to be consistent with the primitive types, so my operator== would have to behave the same and compare two NaNs as false, even though operator!= also compares them as false.
This might crop up in other circumstances, too. For example, if I was writing a class to represent a database nullable value I might run into the same issue, because all comparisons to database NULL are false. I might choose to implement that logic in my C++ code to have the same semantics as the database.
In practice, though, for your use case, it might not be worth worrying about these edge cases. Just document that your function compares the objects using operator== (or operator !=) and leave it at that.
No. You can write operator overloads for == and != that do whatever you wish. It probably would be a bad idea to do so, but the definition of C++ does not constrain those operators to be each other's logical opposites.

overload "->" (member access) recursively

I am learning how to overload "->" and the documentation says that:
"operator-> is called again on the value that it returns, recursively, until the operator-> is reached that returns a plain pointer. After that, builtin semantics are applied to that pointer."
While it is clear what the documentation says, essentially that an overloaded "->" of a class could use itself a "special pointer" having itself an overloaded "->" that could give a "special pointer" etc etc until a "plain pointer" is found, I cannot find an example of a real use of it ( unless it is used to find a linked list last element ).
Could somebody explain what is the retionale behind the scenes, ( as that possibility isn't provided with "plain pointers" - so I dont' see any reason to provide it with "special pointers" ).
An example of real world use could help too, as probably I am missing a model where to apply the behaviour.
On the opposite side there could be the need to avoid that behaviour, how could it be done ?
Well, the -> operator works under rater special circumstances.
One can call it a pseudo-binary operator. According to its natural syntax pointer->member it takes two operands: a normal run-time operand on the left-hand side and a rather "strange" member name operand on the right-hand side. The "strangeness" of the second operand is rooted in the fact that C++ language has no user-accessible concept for representing such operands. There's nothing in the language that would express a member name as an operand. There's no way to "pass" a member name through the code to the user-defined implementation. The member name is a compile-time entity, remotely similar to constant expressions in that regard, but no constant expression in C++ can specify members. (There are expressions for pointers-to-members, but not for members themselves).
This creates rather obvious difficulties in specifying the behavior of overloaded -> operator: how do we connect what was specified on the right-hand side of -> (i.e the member name) to the code written by the user? It is not possible to do it directly. The only way out of this situation is to do it indirectly: force the user to channel the user-defined functionality of the overloaded -> operator into the functionality of some existing built-in operator. The built-in operator can handle member names naturally, through its core language capabilities.
In this particular case we have only two candidates to channel the functionality of the overloaded -> to: the built-in -> and the built-in .. It is only logical that the built-in -> was chosen for that role. This created an interesting side-effect: the possibility to write "chained" (recursive) sequences of overloaded -> operators (unwrapped implicitly by the compiler) and even infinitely recursive sequences (which are ill-formed).
Informally speaking, every time you use a smart pointer you make a real-world use of these "recursive" properties of overloaded -> operator. If you have a smart pointer sptr that points to a class object with member member, the member access syntax remains perfectly natural, e.g. sptr->member. You don't have to do it as sptr->->member or sptr->.member specifically because of the implicit "recursive" properties of overloaded ->.
Note that this recursive behavior is only applied when you use operator syntax for invoking the overloaded -> operator, i.e. the object->member syntax. However, you can also use the regular member function call syntax to call your overloaded ->, e.g. object.operator ->(). In this case the call is carried out as an ordinary function call and no recursive application of -> takes place. This is the only way to avoid the recursive behavior. If you implement overloaded -> operator whose return type does not support further applications of -> operator (for example, you can define an overloaded -> that returns int), then the object.operator ->() will be the only way to invoke your overloaded implementation. Any attempts to use the object->member syntax will be ill-formed.
I cannot find an example of a real use of it ( unless it is used to find a linked list last element ).
I think you're misunderstanding what it does. It isn't used to dereference a list element and keep dereferencing the next element. Each time you call operator-> you would get back a different type, the point is that if that second type also has an operator-> it will be called, which might return a different type again. Imagine it being like x->->->i not x->next->next->next if that helps
An example of real world use could help too, as probably I am missing a model where to apply the behaviour.
It can be useful for the Execute Around Pointer pattern.
On the opposite side there could be the need to avoid that behaviour, how could it be done ?
Call the operator explicitly:
auto x = p.operator->();

Operator vs functions behaviour

I am reading through the following document,
and found the statement below a bit ambiguous:
Unlike in C++, new is a function, not an operator; new int is a syntax error.
In C++ we implement operators as functions, e.g. + using operator+.
So what is the exact difference of operator vs function in programming languages in general?
The actual distinction between functions and operators depends on the programming language. In plain C, operators are a part of the language itself. One cannot add an operator, nor change the behavior of an existing operator. This is not the case with C++, where operators are resolved to functions.
From a totally different point of view, consider Haskell, where ANY (binary) function may be treated as a binary operator:
If you don't speak Haskell, but know about dot products, this example should still be fairly straight-forward. Given:
dotP :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Double
dotP (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = x1 * x2 + y1 * y2
dotP (1,2) (3,4)
(1,2) `dotP` (3,4)
will give 11.
To address the quote in the Go documentation: The Go developers are simply stressing that where in C++, one would treat new as a keyword with its own syntax, one should treat new in Go as any other function.
Although I still think the question is basically a duplicate of Difference between operator and function in C++?, it may be worthwhile to clarify what the difference means in the specific context you quoted.
The point there is that a function in C++ is something that has a name and possibly function arguments, and is called using this syntax:
In other words, the name first, then a round bracket, then the comma-separated list of arguments. This is the function call syntax of C++.
Whereas an operator is used in the way described by clause 5 of the Standard. The details of the syntax vary depending on the kind of operator, e.g. there are unary operators like &, binary operators like +, * etc.; there is also the ternary conditional operator ? :, and then there are special keywords like new, delete, sizeof, some of which translate to function calls for user-defined types, but they don't use the function call syntax described above. I.e. you don't call
but instead, you use a special "unary expression syntax" (§5.3), which implies, among other things, that there are no round brackets immediately after the keyword new (at least, not necessarily).
It's this syntactic difference that the authors talk about in the section you quoted.
"What is the difference between operators and functions?"
Syntax. But in fact, it's purely a convention with regards to
the language: in C++, + is an infix operator (and only
operators can be infix), and func() would be a function. But
even this isn't always true: MyClass::operator+() is
a function, but it can, and usually is invoked using the
operator syntax.
Other languages have different rules: in languages like Lisp,
there is no real difference. One can distinguish between
built-in functions vs. user defined functions, but the
distinction is somewhat artificial, since you could easily
extend lisp to add additional built-in functions. And there are
languages which allow using the infix notation for user defined
functions. And languages like Python map between them: lhs
+ rhs maps to the function call lhs.__add__( rhs ) (so
"operators" are really just syntactic sugar).
I sum, there is not rule for programming languages in general.
There are simply two different words, and each language is
free to use them as it pleases, to best describe the language.
So what is the exact difference of operator vs function in programming languages in general?
It is broad. In an abstract syntax tree, operators are unary, binary or sometimes ternary nodes - binding expressions together with a certain precedence e.g. + has lower precedence than *, which in turn has lower precedence than new.
Functions are a much more abstract concept. As a primitive, they are typed subroutine entrypoints that depending on the language can be used as rvalues with lexical scope.
C++ allows to override (overload) operators with methods by means of dynamically dispatching operator evaluation to said methods. This is a language "feature" that - as the existence of this question implies - mostly confuses people and is not available in Go.
operators are part of c++ language syntax, in C++ you may 'overload' them as functions if you dont want the default behaviour, For complex types or user defined types , Language may not have the semantic of the operator known , So yuser can overload them with thier own implementation.

Is the C++ * operator "already overloaded?"

My C++ teacher thinks that the * operator in standard C++ is "already overloaded," because it can mean indirection or multiplication depending on the context. He got this from C++ Primer Plus, which states:
Actually, many C++ (and C) operators already are overloaded. For example, the * operator, when applied to an address, yields the value stored at that address. But applying * to two numbers yields the product of the values. C++ uses the number and type of operands to decide which action to take. (pg 502, 5th ed)
At least one other textbook says much the same. So far as I can tell, this is not true; unary * is a different operator from binary *, and the mechanism by which the compiler disambiguates them has nothing to do with operator overloading.
Who is right?
Both are right as the question depends on context and the meaning of the word overloading.
"Overloading" can take a common meaning of "same symbol, different meaning" and allow all uses of "*" including indirection and multiplication, and any user-defined behavior.
"Overloading" can be used to apply to C++'s official operator overloading functionality, in which case indirection and multiplication are indeed different.
ADDENDUM: See Steve's comment below, on "operator overoading" versues "token overloading".
I believe you are. The dereference op and the mult. op are different operators, even if written the same. same goes for +,-,++,--, and any other I may have forgotten.
I believe the book, in this paragraph, refers to the word "overloaded" as "used in more than 1 way", but not by the user. So you could also consider the book as being correct... also depends if you're referring to the overloading of the * operator or of the multiplication operator (for example).
It's overloaded in the sense that the same character is used to mean different things in different places (e.g. pointer dereference, multiplication between ints, multiplication with other built-in types, etc.).
Generally, though, "operator overloading" refers to defining an operator (that has the same symbol as a built-in one) using custom code so that it does something interesting with a user defined type.
So... you're both right :-)

subscript operator postfix

The C++ standard defines the expression using subscripts as a postfix expression. AFAIK, this operator always takes two arguments (the first is the pointer to T and the other is the enum or integral type). Hence it should qualify as a binary operator.
However MSDN and IBM does not list it as a binary operator.
So the question is, what is subscript operator? Is it unary or binary? For sure, it is not unary as it is not mentioned in $5.3 (at least straigt away).
What does it mean when the Standard mentions it's usage in the context of postfix expression?
I'd tend to agree with you in that operator[] is a binary operator in the strictest sense, since it does take two arguments: a (possibly implicit) reference to an object, and a value of some other type (not necessarily enumerated or integral). However, since it is a bracketing operator, you might say that the sequence of tokens [x], where x might be any valid subscript-expression, qualifies as a postfix unary operator in an abstract sense; think currying.
Also, you cannot overload a global operator[](const C&, size_t), for example. The compiler complains that operator[] must be a nonstatic member function.
You are correct that operator[] is a binary operator but it is special in that it must also be a member function.
Similar to operator()
You can read up on postfix expressions here
I just found an interesting article about operator[] and postfix expression, here
I think it's the context that [] is used in that counts. Section 5.2.1 the symbol [] is used in the context of a postfix expression that is 'is identical (by definition) to *((E1)+(E2))'. In this context, [] isn't an operator. In section 13.5.5 its used to mean the subscripting operator. In this case it's an operator that takes one argument. For example, if I wrote:
x = a[2];
It's not necessarily the case that the above statement evaluates to:
x = *(a + 2);
because 'a' might be an object. If a is an object type then in this context, [] is used as an subscript operator.
Anyway that's the best explanation I can derive from the standard that resolves apparent contradictions.
If you take a close look to it will explain you that standard C++ recognize operator[] to be a binary operator, as you said.
Operator[] is, generally speaking, binary, and, despite there is the possibility to make it unary, it should always be used as binary inside a class, even because it has no sense outside a class.
It is well explained in the link I provided you...
Notice that sometimes many programmers overload operators without think too much about what they are doing, sometimes overloading them in an incorrect manner; the compiler is ease is this and accept it, but, probably, it was not the correct way to overload that operator.
Following guides like the one I provided you, is a good way to do things in the correct manner.
So, always beware examples where operators are overloaded without a good practice (out of standard), refer, first to the standard methods, and use those examples that are compliant to them.