Elastic Beanstalk URL cannot access Website after successful environment update - django

I am hosting a Django site on Elastic Beanstalk. I haven't yet linked it to a custom domain and used to access it through the Beanstalk environment domain name like this: http://mysite-dev.eu-central-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/
Today I did some stress tests on the site which led it to spin up several new EC2 instances. Shortly afterwards I deployed a new version to the beanstalk environment via my local command line while 3 instances were still running in parallel. The update failed due to timeout. Once the environment had terminated all but one instance I tried the deployment again. This time it worked. But since then I cannot access the site through the EB environment domain name anymore. I alway get a "took too long to respond" error.
I can access it through my ec2 instance's IP address as well as through my load balancer's DNS. The beanstalk environment is healthy and the logs are not showing any errors. The beanstalk environment's domain is also part of my allowed hosts setting in Django. So my first assumption was that there is something wrong in the security group settings.
Since the load balancer is getting through it seems that the issue is with the Beanstalk environment's domain. As I understand the beanstalk domain name points to the load balancer which then redirects to the instances? So could it be that the environment update in combination with new instances spinning up has somehow corrupted the connection? If yes, how do I fix this and if no what else could be the cause?
Being a developer and newbie to cloud hosting my understanding is fairly limited in this respect. My issue seems to be similar to this one Elastic Beanstalk URL root not working - EC2 Elastic IP and Elastic IP Public DNS working
, but hasn't helped me further
Many Thanks!

Update: After one day everything is back to normal. The environment URL works as previously as if the dependencies had recovered overnight.
Obviously a server can experience downtime, but since the site worked fine when accessing the ec2 instance ip and the load balancer dns directly, I am still a bit puzzled about what's going on here.
If anyone has an explanantion for this behaviour, I'd love to hear it.
Otherwise, for those experiencing similar issues after a botched update: Before tearing out your hair in desperation, try just leaving the patient alone overnight and let the AWS ecosystem work its magic.


Request to an Ec2 instance return 403 after configure an elastic IP

I'm facing an issue with my ec2 instance. Until now, I had an ec2 instance working with an IP like this: ec2-xx-xxx-xxx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com.
Now I configured an elastic IP to make that instead of use the default domain uses one of my own.
Something goes wrong because now a receive a 403 if I make a request pointing to my new domain.
I'm check that I'm still able to connect to my Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS through SSH. Only have to change the host name to my new domain.(I'm using PuTTy)
Searching on internet if found that the problem can be that my machine still have the old domain in some config files. I don't have experience with Ubuntu servers. I try to find the http.conf file or the apache2 directory in etc., but no one is present.....
I don't know what to do next.
I have to change some configuration file? In that case, which one?
I leave you some images from my machine:
etc folder
For further information, the security group of my ec2 instance have these rules:
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
I'm trying to access the server, making a request, with Postman like this.
And that is the error:
For more information. I implemented my ec2 using this video:ec2 video
And I changed the domain with that video:link ec2 with namecheap domain
I'm afraid it is a propagation issue, that takes more time than the 48 hours, because now it starts to works without changing absolutely nothing. Sorry
It appears that your requirement is to point bochogame.com to an Elastic IP address.
You can do this by using a DNS Service, such as Amazon Route 53. You would create a A-Record record that points that domain name to the IP address.
If you are unfamiliar with these concepts, I recommend watching some YouTube videos such as DNS with AWS Route 53 - YouTube.

constant URL for docker compose app deployed to AWS?

Is there some easy way that I am missing to get an unchanging, accessible to the internet URL for something I deploy to ECS with docker compose up?
I've written a small web app using flask and Nginx, put the flask and nginx portions into Docker containers, and deployed the thing to AWS ECS using this workflow, which boils down to:
docker context use myecscontext
docker compose up
This deploys the whole thing using AWS Fargate and makes it accessible from the internet at timot-LoadB-xyzxyzxyzxyzx-xyzxyzxyz.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com. So far so good.
Now I'd like to make my-fancy-domain.com, registered with a non-AWS registrar, point to my web app. I know I can edit the DNS entry at my registrar to do this; here's the catch: that URL with all the xyzs changes every time I docker compose up after making changes to my web app. Must I really monkey around in my registrar's DNS settings every time I update something?
I had imagined I would simply slap an elastic IP on my new Fargate cluster when I'm satisfied that I want to replace the current live version with an update. I see now that I can't easily associate an elastic IP with the load balancer that Fargate sets up. And I would just as soon not move my-fancy-domain.com to Route53 simply to accomplish this.
For anyone who finds this in the future: what ended up working in the end was to move the DNS records for my site from my domain registrar to AWS Route53.
Once I did that the AWS Route53 console makes it straightforward to add an alias record pointing to the Application Load Balancer that the docker-compose/ECS integration set up. Those alias records are "a Route 53–specific extension to DNS".
I did not want to move DNS records to Route53, but it did solve the problem.

SSH beanstalk from terminal using DNS

I am running an app in AWS Beanstalk, I use jenkins to do automatic deploys, manage crons, ecc, jenkins connects to the EC2 behind Beanstalk using the public ip.
The problem arises when the instance scales, since the IP of the EC2 will be different, I have to manually update Jenkins every time.
One of the simplest options would be to open the port 22 in the loadbalancer, but since I am using the recommended application loadbalancer, it only allows me to open the port 80/443. I was wondering if there is a way to create a dns record in route 53, that will automatically point to the right IP every time it scales?
I would like to avoid changing load balancer, because there are at least 20 environments that will need to be reconfigured.
I tried to look but no-one seems to have this issue, so either I have the wrong architecture, or it is too easy to fix.

Need Assistance Hosting on AWS

So I’ve just finished working on my first big personal project, bought a domain name, created an AWS account, watched a lot of AWS tutorials, but I still can’t figure out how to host my web app on AWS. The whole AWS thing is a mystery to me. No tutorial online seems to teach exactly what I need.
What I’m trying to do is this:
Host my dynamic web app on a secure https connection.
Host the web app using the personalized domain name I purchased.
Link my git repo to AWS so I can easily commit and push changes when needed.
Please assist me by pointing me to a resource that can help me achieve the above 3 tasks.
For now, the web app is still hosted on Heroku’s free service; feel free to take a look at the application, and provide some feedback if you can.
Link to web app:my web app
You mentioned - The web app is still hosted on Heroku’s free service
So, if you want the same thing in AWS, use Elastic Beanstalk.
First Question: How to host my web app on AWS?
There can be multiple options to host your web app:-
S3 Bucket to host your website. How to Host in S3
Elastic Beanstalk. Link
ECS - using containers
Single EC2 Server to host your website.
EKS - Kubernetes
By the way, there are many couples of things which you need to take care of before starting.
Second Question, Host the web app using the personalized domain name I purchased.
If you have used S3, the hosted URL will be in HTTP and you can create a route entry in your purchased domain settings. If it is AWS, create a new record in Route53.
If you host your website on EC2, you will get Public IP Address. Make a route entry with that Public IP.
If you have used ECS or EKS, you might require to use the Load Balancer and then you will have the Load Balancer DNS. Make a route entry with your Load Balancer DNS. Then again question will arise which kind of Load Balancer you want to use. [Like Application, Classic or Network Load Balancer]
If you use Elastic Beanstalk. It's a managed service, when you host you will directly get an endpoint. Make a route entry with that endpoint.
Third, Link my git repo to AWS so I can easily commit and push changes when needed.
For this, you have to use Code Build and connect Github as a Source while creating Code Build Project. Link
For CI-CD, there are multiple things again.
As Heroku’s is a PaaS, which provides you the platform and but when it comes to AWS, it is an IaaS. So you get the infrastructure and when you get the provisioned infrastructure, there are so many things which you need to take care of like you have to think like an Architect. Prepare the architecture and then proceed. It requires knowledge of other things also networking, security etc.
To answer your question, the best way to host a web app in AWS is Elastic Beanstalk
But what is AWS Elastic Beanstalk and what does it do?
AWS Elastic Beanstalk encompasses processes and operations connected with the deployment of web apps into the cloud environment, as well as their scaling.
Elastic Beanstalk automates the deployment by putting forward the required capacity, balancing the load, autoscaling, and monitoring software efficiency and performance. All that is left for a developer to do is to apply the code. In these conditions, the application owner has overall control over the capacity that AWS provides for the software and can access it at any time.
So this is the best way to deploy the app and let’s follow the steps.
Open the Elastic Beanstalk console and find the management page of your environment.
Select “Upload and Deploy”.
Select “Choose File” and choose the source bundle with the dialog box.
Deploy and select the URL to open the new website.
You can use CodeDeploy to connect your Github and deploy your code
I have taken a simplistic approach and told you exactly what you need to do the required task without going into the hus and fuss of AWS. Saying that there is still a lot that can be done to bring the real value of your application in terms of balancing the load, scaling or improving the performance.

Amazon Web Services AMI Image Issue (Host not Responding to Requests)

I had a Micro Instance from which I created an AMI Image. I then upgraded to a Large Instance with this Image in tow and assigned an elastic IP Address. I changed my A Name to point to the new IP and, according to a reverse DNS lookup service, my DNS appears to have propagated correctly (cranku.com).
I created a virtual host for the domain name and restarted apache. And, yet, the domain is not responding to my requests. Could I be missing something here?
I am deploying Django with Mod Wsgi on Apache. I have moved MYSQL to a mounted EBS volume but that seems to be working here (and it worked on the instance from which I created the AMI). Restarting Apache works (/etc/apache/init.d/restart). Do I have to configure it in any other ways.
Any clues on how to proceed?
I can reach your ssh server on the machine, but attempts to reach the webserver here are failing too, in a manner that makes me think the packets are being DROPed rather than REJECTed. Have you authorized port 80?