How to implement the primitive procedure "apply" - clojure

I've been reading SICP and getting into lisps / clojure more and more, and I found myself wondering how apply would actually be implemented. Of course there are some silly ways like (defn apply [f xs] (eval (cons f xs))), but I can't find an example to look at covering the real implementation. I figured once I got to 4.1 in SICP it would be covered, but was disappointed to find out that they define apply in terms of the already existing underlying scheme implementation.
How would one go about implementing this from the ground up?
I think the way I asked this is a bit unclear. I know how apply is implemented in terms of the eval/apply interaction mentioned in SICP. What I'm referring to is the underlying apply in scheme that they fall back on within the definition of the metacircular version of apply. Basically ... how to call a function with a list of args, each passed individually, if you don't already have apply implemented in some base language.

Due to Clojure being hosted on the JVM platform (and being designed to have great Java interop), the peculiarities of the underlying platform shine through.
You can see in the source code for apply on JVM here:
Notice how there is specific code for arities up to 4, for efficiency reasons.
Arities 5 and above are treated in a less efficient way.
(defn apply
"Applies fn f to the argument list formed by prepending intervening arguments to args."
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
([^clojure.lang.IFn f args]
(. f (applyTo (seq args))))
([^clojure.lang.IFn f x args]
(. f (applyTo (list* x args))))
([^clojure.lang.IFn f x y args]
(. f (applyTo (list* x y args))))
([^clojure.lang.IFn f x y z args]
(. f (applyTo (list* x y z args))))
([^clojure.lang.IFn f a b c d & args]
(. f (applyTo (cons a (cons b (cons c (cons d (spread args)))))))))
The ClojureScript implementation does the same, but looks quite different from the JVM implementation above:
(defn apply
"Applies fn f to the argument list formed by prepending intervening arguments to args."
([f args]
(if (.-cljs$lang$applyTo f)
(let [fixed-arity (.-cljs$lang$maxFixedArity f)
bc (bounded-count (inc fixed-arity) args)]
(if (<= bc fixed-arity)
(apply-to f bc args)
(.cljs$lang$applyTo f args)))
(apply-to-simple f (seq args))))
([f x args]
(if (.-cljs$lang$applyTo f)
(let [arglist (list* x args)
fixed-arity (.-cljs$lang$maxFixedArity f)
bc (inc (bounded-count fixed-arity args))]
(if (<= bc fixed-arity)
(apply-to f bc arglist)
(.cljs$lang$applyTo f arglist)))
(apply-to-simple f x (seq args))))
([f x y args]
(if (.-cljs$lang$applyTo f)
(let [arglist (list* x y args)
fixed-arity (.-cljs$lang$maxFixedArity f)
bc (+ 2 (bounded-count (dec fixed-arity) args))]
(if (<= bc fixed-arity)
(apply-to f bc arglist)
(.cljs$lang$applyTo f arglist)))
(apply-to-simple f x y (seq args))))
([f x y z args]
(if (.-cljs$lang$applyTo f)
(let [arglist (list* x y z args)
fixed-arity (.-cljs$lang$maxFixedArity f)
bc (+ 3 (bounded-count (- fixed-arity 2) args))]
(if (<= bc fixed-arity)
(apply-to f bc arglist)
(.cljs$lang$applyTo f arglist)))
(apply-to-simple f x y z (seq args))))
([f a b c d & args]
(if (.-cljs$lang$applyTo f)
(let [spread-args (spread args)
arglist (cons a (cons b (cons c (cons d spread-args))))
fixed-arity (.-cljs$lang$maxFixedArity f)
bc (+ 4 (bounded-count (- fixed-arity 3) spread-args))]
(if (<= bc fixed-arity)
(apply-to f bc arglist)
(.cljs$lang$applyTo f arglist)))
(apply-to-simple f a b c d (spread args)))))

I made a dynamic lisp language a while ago and I didn't expose apply. I did supply rest arguments and thus since I had eval and macros in the language I made several attempts to do this. I found out quickly that macros are useless so eval is the only solution. Your example has a flaw:
(defn mapply [f xs] (eval (cons f xs)))
(mapply cons '(1 (3)))
; ClassCastException java.lang.Long cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
The reason is that the resulting expression being evaluated by eval becomes:
(cons 1 (3))
Instead of
(cons '1 '(3))
Thus to mimic it you need to make sure the already evaluated values doesn't get evaluates a second time around. We could fix that by quoting the values:
(defn m2apply [f xs] (eval (cons f (map #(list 'quote %) xs))))
(m2apply cons '(1 (3)))
; ==> (1 3)
Yey.. But you really are doing a lot more computing than you need. For a lexical interpreter that does have apply you only need to leak that as a primitive into the environment. And yes, it is the unimpressive apply whose only purpose is to call internals (primitives) and to evaluate user function bodies in an extended environment. In a language not already a lisp the apply and a whole set of primitives and data structures would be implemented in the implementation language and it would just expose that instead.

The way you implement apply is directly tied to how you implement function calls. If you compile your code, you have a protocol at runtime where you know how values are exchanged between function calls, and apply can emit code that satisfy to this protocol. We could do the same in a quick and dirty interpreter. Let's define a package:
(defpackage :interpreter (:use :cl))
(in-package :interpreter)
We define a function object, which has an optional name, a list of parameters, the code as well as a set of bindings being closed-over:
(defstruct fn name parameters code closed)
We also define a frame, which has a set of bindings and an optional parent frame:
(defstruct frame bindings parent)
Here we have a simple interpreter, and we put the current frame within the evaluation environment:
(defstruct env frame)
Bindings are either objects of type FN, or cons pairs. We write generic functions to manipulate them with a uniform API. Functions and variables share the same namespace:
(defgeneric name (object)
(:method ((fn fn)) (fn-name fn))
(:method ((pair cons)) (car pair)))
(defgeneric value (object)
(:method ((c cons)) (cdr c))
(:method ((fn fn)) fn))
We define two functions, my-apply and my-eval
(declaim (ftype function my-apply my-eval))
There is a global environment, which is simply:
(defparameter *global-frame*
:bindings (list (make-fn :name '+
:parameters '(x y)
;; built-in
:code (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))
(make-fn :name 'addition
:parameters '(x y)
:code '(+ x y)))
:parent nil))
The empty environment implicitly holds to the global frame:
(defgeneric frame (env)
(:method ((empty null)) *global-frame*)
(:method ((env env)) (env-frame env)))
Resolving a binding involves visiting parent frames:
(defun resolve (name frame &optional (on-error :error))
(labels ((recurse (frame)
(frame (or (find name (frame-bindings frame) :key #'name)
(recurse (frame-parent frame))))
((eql :error on-error) (error "Unknown: ~a" name)))))
(recurse frame)))
The evaluation function is the following one:
(defun my-eval (code env &aux (frame (frame env)))
(flet ((ev (exp) (my-eval exp env)))
(typecase code
(symbol (value (resolve code frame)))
(atom code)
(destructuring-bind (head . tail) code
(case head
(list (mapcar #'ev tail))
(let (destructuring-bind ((var val) expr) tail
(my-eval expr
(make-env :frame (make-frame :bindings `((,var . ,(ev val)))
:parent frame)))))
(thunk (make-fn :name nil
:parameters nil
:code (first tail)
:closed (frame-bindings frame)))
(apply (my-apply (ev (first tail))
(ev (second tail))
(t (my-apply (resolve head (frame env))
(mapcar #'ev tail)
The evaluation functions accept the following terms:
(list <...>) builds a list containing the result of evaluation of its arguments
(apply <fn-expr> <arg-expr>), evaluate all arguments and call the my-apply primitive.
(let (<var> <val>) <expr>), local binding
(thunk <expr>) closes over current environment and produce an anonymous closure with no parameters which returns the value of <expr>
(<f> . <args>) function call
symbols are resolved for values, and other values are returned as-is.
The built-in my-apply knows how to bind parameters to values dynamically:
(defun my-apply (fn arguments env)
(assert (= (length arguments)
(length (fn-parameters fn)))
"Length mismatch when calling ~S with argsuments ~S"
(let ((code (fn-code fn)))
(typecase code
(function (apply code arguments))
(t (my-eval code
(make-env :frame
(make-frame :bindings (append (fn-closed fn)
(mapcar #'cons
(fn-parameters fn)
:parent (frame env))))))))
For example:
(my-eval '(let (f (let (x 10) (thunk (addition x 5))))
(let (x 20) (apply f (list)))) nil)
=> 15
In the above example, f is a function that closes over the binding of x to 10, and calls addition. The binding that is made later is not seen by the closure. The call to apply resolves f and builds an empty list. The call to addition resolves to (+ 10 5), which itself eventually calls the CL function +. You can (trace my-eval) to see how things are evaluated. The above code is a bit messy.

I don't think you can define it from the ground up in the language: at some point your language needs a mechanism of actually calling a function on a bunch of arguments, and apply is pretty much that point.
That's why it's a primitive: asking how you implement apply is like asking how you implement cons or +: sooner or later the thing needs to bottom out and you call a function which is not defined in the language, or is only partly defined in the language: + for instance can probably be partly implemented in terms of checking types and extracting the actual machine numbers from them, but sooner or later you are going to ask the machine to add some machine numbers for you (or, OK, some equivalent operation if your machine does not support addition directly).


How is this code with reduce function evaluating in Clojure?

Following is the Clojure code:
(reduce (fn [r x] (if (nil? x) r (conj r x)))
[:mouse nil :duck nil :lory nil])
In REPL, it evaluates to [:mouse :duck :lory].
My question is, how is the code evaluating?
According to me, r is [] and x is [:mouse nil :duck nil :lory nil]. nil? x is false as so it evaluates to (conj r x). But x is a vector, not an element so how it will add an element to the empty vector r in conj? I don't know but I am wrong somewhere in my approach. The output is the animals' name vector without nil values.
Can anyone please explain me the execution of code. Thanks.
Your problem appears to be understanding how reduce works. I'd like to refer you to the source code, but it simply maps onto a Java implementation, so I have to fake it.
The kind of reduce you are doing - supplying the initial value - might have been coded as follows:
(defn reduce [f init coll]
(loop [acc init, tail coll]
(if (seq tail)
(recur (f acc (first tail)) (rest tail))
As you can see, it works through the sequence coll, applying the function f to acc and the first value in the sequence, to generate a new acc. When there is no more sequence, it returns acc.
How does this apply to your example? The reducing function ...
(fn [r x] (if (nil? x) r (conj r x)))
... ignores nil xs but conjs anything else onto the end of the accumulating vector r. Your code is more or less equivalent to ...
(remove nil? [:mouse nil :duck nil :lory nil])
=> (:mouse :duck :lory)
... except you get a lazy sequence instead of a vector.
Courtesy of FredOverflow's Clojure Transducers from the ground up you can wrap the reducing fn in this logging function to print the different arguments (r and x) to every step:
(defn logging [f]
(fn [& args]
(prn args)
(apply f args)))
(reduce (logging (fn [r x] (if (nil? x) r (conj r x))))
[:mouse nil :duck nil :lory nil])
user=> ([] :mouse)              ([:mouse] nil)             ([:mouse] :duck)             ([:mouse :duck] nil)             ([:mouse :duck] :lory)             ([:mouse :duck :lory] nil)
So only the keywords are added (not nils), starting with []. At the end [:mouse :duck :lory] is returned.

How to iterate through a list and make lists of the elements

I am trying to convert logical functions in clojure. I want the user to be able to type in (convert '(and x y z) to produce (nor (nor x) (nor y) (nor z). So I am creating a list with first element nor, and then trying to make the rest of the elements lists that are created when going through a for loop. However the for loop just combines all the lists, and keeps the nor outside of it. I also want to know how to skip the first element in the list but that's not my priority right now. I'm kinda new to clojure and can't figure out how to just return all of the lists to be put into the bigger list. The not and or function aren't related to the problem.
(defn lookup
"Look up a value, i, in map m and returns the result if it exists.
Otherwise returns i."
[i m]
(get m i i))
(defn makelist
(for[i[l]] (list 'nor i)))
(defn convert
(let [p1 (first l)]
(= p1 'not) (map (fn [i] (lookup i '{not nor})) l)
(= p1 'or) (list 'nor (map(fn [i] (lookup i '{or nor})) l))
(= p1 'and) (list 'nor (makelist l))
:else (print "error"))))
The output I get is (nor ((nor (and x y z)))). The output I want is (nor (nor and) (nor x) (nor y) (nor z). I don't want the (nor and) either but until I can figure out how to skip the first element I just want to be able to separate the lists out.
There are two problems that I can see:
makelist has (for [i [l]] ...) so it only produces a single item where i is bound to the whole of the incoming list l -- what you want here is (for [i l] ...) so that each element of l is processed,
convert's clause for and creates a list with two elements: nor and the result of (makelist l) -- what you want here is (cons 'nor (makelist l)) so that you get a list with nor as the first element and then all of the elements of the result of calling makelist.
I haven't checked the other two parts of convert to see whether you have similar errors, but with the two changes above (convert '(and x y z)) will produce (nor (nor and) (nor x) (nor y) (nor z))
just for fun: i would mentally expand and generalize your task to rewriting data structures according to some rules, so you could declare (possibly recursive) rewrite rules to transform any input to any desired output in general. (and to practice clojure)
let's start with simple conversion function:
(defn convert [rules data]
(if-let [res (some (fn [[condition rewrite]]
(when (condition data) (rewrite data)))
it finds first rule that suits your input (if any) and applies it's transformation function:
(def my-rules [[sequential? (fn [data] (map #(convert my-rules %) data))]
[number? inc]
[keyword? (comp clojure.string/upper-case name)]])
user> (convert my-rules [:hello :guys "i am" 30 [:congratulate :me]])
;;=> ("HELLO" "GUYS" "i am" 31 ("CONGRATULATE" "ME"))
with this approach, your rules would look something like this:
(def rules
[[(every-pred coll? (comp #{'not} first)) (fn [data] (map (partial convert [[#{'not} (constantly 'nor)]]) data))]
[(every-pred coll? (comp #{'or} first)) (fn [data] (map (partial convert [[#{'or} (constantly 'nor)]]) data))]
[(every-pred coll? (comp #{'and} first)) (fn [[_ & t]] (cons 'nor (map #(list 'nor %) t)))]])
user> (convert rules '(and x y z))
;;=> (nor (nor x) (nor y) (nor z))
ok it works, but looks rather ugly. Still we can elimnate some repetitions introducing couple of basic functions for checkers and transformers:
(defn first-is
"returns a function checking that the input is collection and it's head equals to value"
(every-pred coll? (comp #{value} first)))
transforming your rules to:
(def rules
[[(first-is 'not) (fn [data] (map (partial convert [[#{'not} (constantly 'nor)]]) data))]
[(first-is 'or) (fn [data] (map (partial convert [[#{'or} (constantly 'nor)]]) data))]
[(first-is 'and) (fn [[_ & t]] (cons 'nor (map #(list 'nor %) t)))]])
user> (convert rules '(and x y z))
;;=> (nor (nor x) (nor y) (nor z))
and then introducing replacing rewrite rule:
(defn replacing
([new] [(constantly true) (constantly new)])
([old new] [#{old} (constantly new)]))
leading us to
(def rules
[[(first-is 'not) (fn [data] (map (partial convert [(replacing 'not 'nor)]) data))]
[(first-is 'or) (fn [data] (map (partial convert [(replacing 'or 'nor)]) data))]
[(first-is 'and) (fn [[_ & t]] (cons 'nor (map #(list 'nor %) t)))]])
now we can see that there is a demand on a function, transforming every item in collection. let's introduce it:
(defn convert-each [rules]
(fn [data] (map #(convert rules %) data)))
(def rules
[[(first-is 'not) (convert-each [(replacing 'not 'nor)])]
[(first-is 'or) (convert-each [(replacing 'or 'nor)])]
[(first-is 'and) (fn [[_ & t]] (cons 'nor (map #(list 'nor %) t)))]])
user> (convert rules '(or x y z))
;;=> (nor x y z)
user> (convert rules '(and x y z))
;;=> (nor (nor x) (nor y) (nor z))
now it is much better, but the last clause is still kind of ugly. I can think of introducing the function that transforms head and tail with separate rules and then conses transformed head and tail:
(defn convert-cons [head-rules tail-conversion]
(fn [[h & t]] (cons (convert head-rules h) (tail-conversion t))))
(defn transforming [transformer]
[(constantly true) transformer])
(def rules
[[(first-is 'not) (convert-each [(replacing 'not 'nor)])]
[(first-is 'or) (convert-each [(replacing 'or 'nor)])]
[(first-is 'and) (convert-cons [(replacing 'nor)]
(convert-each [(transforming #(list 'nor %))]))]])
user> (convert rules '(and x y z))
;;=> (nor (nor x) (nor y) (nor z))

What are the limitations of forward declaring in Clojure? Why can't I use comp in this example?

I like my code to have a "top-down" structure, and that means I want to do exactly the opposite from what is natural in Clojure: functions being defined before they are used. This shouldn't be a problem, though, because I could theoretically declare all my functions first, and just go on and enjoy life. But it seems in practice declare cannot solve every single problem, and I would like to understand what is exactly the reason the following code does not work.
I have two functions, and I want to define a third by composing the two. The following three pieces of code accomplish this:
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(defn mycomp [x] (f (g x)))
(println (mycomp 10))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(def mycomp (comp f g))
(declare f g)
(defn mycomp [x] (f (g x)))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
But what I would really like to write is
(declare f g)
(def mycomp (comp f g))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
And that gives me
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to call unbound fn: #'user/g,
That would mean forward declaring works for many situations, but there are still some cases I can't just declare all my functions and write the code in any way and in whatever order I like. What is the reason for this error? What does forward declaring really allows me to do, and what are the situations I must have the function already defined, such as for using comp in this case? How can I tell when the definition is strictly necessary?
You can accomplish your goal if you take advantage of Clojure's (poorly documented) var behavior:
(declare f g)
(def mycomp (comp #'f #'g))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(mycomp 10) => 45
Note that the syntax #'f is just shorthand (technically a "reader macro") that translates into (var f). So you could write this directly:
(def mycomp (comp (var f) (var g)))
and get the same result.
Please see this answer for a more detailed answer on the (mostly hidden) interaction between a Clojure symbol, such as f, and the (anonymous) Clojure var that the symbol points to, namely either #'f or (var f). The var, in turn, then points to a value (such as your function (fn [x] (* x 3)).
When you write an expression like (f 10), there is a 2-step indirection at work. First, the symbol f is "evaluated" to find the associated var, then the var is "evaluated" to find the associated function. Most Clojure users are not really aware that this 2-step process exists, and nearly all of the time we can pretend that there is a direct connection between the symbol f and the function value (fn [x] (* x 3)).
The specific reason your original code doesn't work is that
(declare f g)
creates 2 "empty" vars. Just as (def x) creates an association between the symbol x and an empty var, that is what your declare does. Thus, when the comp function tries to extract the values from f and g, there is nothing present: the vars exist but they are empty.
There is an exception to the above. If you have a let form or similar, there is no var involved:
(let [x 5
y (* 2 x) ]
;=> 10
In the let form, there is no var present. Instead, the compiler makes a direct connection between a symbol and its associated value; i.e. x => 5 and y => 10.
I think Alan's answer addresses your questions very well. Your third example works because you aren't passing the functions as arguments to mycomp. I'd reconsider trying to define things in "reverse" order because it works against the basic language design, requires more code, and might be harder for others to understand.
But... just for laughs and to demonstrate what's possible with Clojure macros, here's an alternative (worse) implementation of comp that works for your preferred syntax, without dealing directly in vars:
(defn- comp-fn-arity [variadic? args f & fs] ;; emits a ([x] (f (g x)) like form
(let [args-vec (if variadic?
(into (vec (butlast args)) ['& (last args)])
(apply vector args))
body (reduce #(list %2 %1)
(if variadic?
(apply list 'apply (last fs) args)
(apply list (last fs) args))
(reverse (cons f (butlast fs))))]
`(~args-vec ~body)))
(defmacro momp
([] identity)
([f] f)
([f & fs]
(let [num-arities 5
args-syms (repeatedly num-arities gensym)]
`(fn ~#(map #(apply comp-fn-arity (= % (dec num-arities)) (take % args-syms) f fs)
(range num-arities))))))
This will emit something kinda like comp's implementation:
(macroexpand '(momp f g))
([] (f (g)))
([G__1713] (f (g G__1713)))
([G__1713 G__1714] (f (g G__1713 G__1714)))
([G__1713 G__1714 G__1715] (f (g G__1713 G__1714 G__1715)))
([G__1713 G__1714 G__1715 & G__1716] (f (apply g G__1713 G__1714 G__1715 G__1716))))
This works because your (unbound) functions aren't being passed as values to another function; during compilation the macro expands "in place" as if you'd written the composing function by hand, as in your third example.
(declare f g)
(def mycomp (momp f g))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(mycomp 10) ;; => 45
(apply (momp vec reverse list) (range 10)) ;; => [9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0]
This won't work in some other cases, e.g. ((momp - dec) 1) fails because dec gets inlined and doesn't have a 0-arg arity to match the macro's 0-arg arity. Again, this is just for the sake of example and I wouldn't recommend it.

Why do ClojureScript atoms not implement full protocol?

The swap! function, one of the most idiomatic tools in the Clojure toolbox, does instance? checking. We are told in programming to avoid implementing conditionals around type checking, to prefer polymorphism (protocols). It seems odd that ClojureScript does not implement the ISwap protocol directly against atoms and does instead in the public swap! api falling back on the protocol only after checking if the subject is an atom.
I assume this tactic must have been used for performance reasons since atoms are the primary use case for swap! and numerous other atomic methods. Is this right?
I would have preferred to implement an atom's api as part of the actual protocol so that this sort of thing would have been unnecessary.
(defn swap!
"Atomically swaps the value of atom to be:
(apply f current-value-of-atom args). Note that f may be called
multiple times, and thus should be free of side effects. Returns
the value that was swapped in."
([a f]
(if (instance? Atom a)
(reset! a (f (.-state a)))
(-swap! a f)))
([a f x]
(if (instance? Atom a)
(reset! a (f (.-state a) x))
(-swap! a f x)))
([a f x y]
(if (instance? Atom a)
(reset! a (f (.-state a) x y))
(-swap! a f x y)))
([a f x y & more]
(if (instance? Atom a)
(reset! a (apply f (.-state a) x y more))
(-swap! a f x y more))))
It looks like it is performance related:
Add an IAtom protocol with a -reset! method and a fast path for Atom in cljs.core/reset!.
See jsperf here -
Latest chrome and firefox versions suffer ~20-30% slowdown. Older firefox versions suffer up to 60-70%.
Further down the ticket, it was decided to split IAtom into two protocols: IReset and ISwap. But this was the implementation that David went with, which does the type checking, and I imagine is was done to get the speed back up.
Unfortunately, it's not clear why Atom wasn't made to implement IReset (and ISwap) for that matter, nor why those things weren't looked for instead. And it's not clear how the original patch worked either. It basically took the implementation of reset! and put it under an instance check, and added the -reset! path for it:
diff --git a/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs b/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs
index 9fed929..c6e41ab 100644
--- a/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs
+++ b/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs
## -7039,6 +7039,9 ## reduces them without incurring seq initialization"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Reference Types ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+(defprotocol IAtom
+ (-reset! [o new-value]))
(deftype Atom [state meta validator watches]
(-equiv [o other] (identical? o other))
## -7088,14 +7091,16 ## reduces them without incurring seq initialization"
"Sets the value of atom to newval without regard for the
current value. Returns newval."
[a new-value]
+ (if (instance? Atom a)
(let [validate (.-validator a)]
(when-not (nil? validate)
- (assert (validate new-value) "Validator rejected reference state")))
+ (assert (validate new-value) "Validator rejected reference state"))
(let [old-value (.-state a)]
(set! (.-state a) new-value)
(when-not (nil? (.-watches a))
- (-notify-watches a old-value new-value)))
- new-value)
+ (-notify-watches a old-value new-value))
+ new-value))
+ (-reset! a new-value)))
(defn swap!
"Atomically swaps the value of atom to be:
This was committed in 33692b79a114faf4bedc6d9ab38d25ce6ea4b295 (or at least something very close to it). And then the other protocol changes were done in 3e6564a72dc5e175fc65c9767364d05af34e4968:
commit 3e6564a72dc5e175fc65c9767364d05af34e4968
Author: David Nolen <>
Date: Mon Feb 17 14:46:10 2014 -0500
CLJS-760: break apart IAtom protocol into IReset & ISwap
diff --git a/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs b/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs
index 25858084..e4df4420 100644
--- a/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs
+++ b/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs
## -7061,9 +7061,12 ## reduces them without incurring seq initialization"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Reference Types ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(defprotocol IAtom
+(defprotocol IReset
(-reset! [o new-value]))
+(defprotocol ISwap
+ (-swap! [o f] [o f a] [o f a b] [o f a b xs]))
(deftype Atom [state meta validator watches]
(-equiv [o other] (identical? o other))
## -7124,21 +7127,33 ## reduces them without incurring seq initialization"
(-reset! a new-value)))
+;; generic to all refs
+;; (but currently hard-coded to atom!)
+(defn deref
+ [o]
+ (-deref o))
(defn swap!
"Atomically swaps the value of atom to be:
(apply f current-value-of-atom args). Note that f may be called
multiple times, and thus should be free of side effects. Returns
the value that was swapped in."
([a f]
- (reset! a (f (.-state a))))
+ (if (instance? Atom a)
+ (reset! a (f (.-state a)))
+ (-swap! a (deref a))))
([a f x]
- (reset! a (f (.-state a) x)))
+ (if (instance? Atom a)
+ (reset! a (f (.-state a) x))
+ (-swap! a (f (deref a) x))))
([a f x y]
- (reset! a (f (.-state a) x y)))
- ([a f x y z]
- (reset! a (f (.-state a) x y z)))
- ([a f x y z & more]
- (reset! a (apply f (.-state a) x y z more))))
+ (if (instance? Atom a)
+ (reset! a (f (.-state a) x y))
+ (-swap! a (f (deref a) x y))))
+ ([a f x y & more]
+ (if (instance? Atom a)
+ (reset! a (apply f (.-state a) x y more))
+ (-swap! a (f (deref a) x y more)))))
(defn compare-and-set!
"Atomically sets the value of atom to newval if and only if the
## -7149,13 +7164,6 ## reduces them without incurring seq initialization"
(do (reset! a newval) true)
-;; generic to all refs
-;; (but currently hard-coded to atom!)
-(defn deref
- [o]
- (-deref o))
(defn set-validator!
"Sets the validator-fn for an atom. validator-fn must be nil or a
side-effect-free fn of one argument, which will be passed the intended
It doesn't help that the ticket is dual-natured: performance is a problem (though not clear in what way: "atoms are not operating fast enough", or "other things using reset! are not running fast enough"?) and a design issue ("we want an IAtom protocol"). I think the issue was that other implementations would have to suffer the validation and notifying watchers costs even if they aren't really atoms. I wish it were clearer.
One thing I've not liked about the commits in Clojure/Script is that they are not very descriptive. I wish they were more kernel-like with appropriate background information so that folks (like us) trying to figure out how things came to be had more useful information about it.

Clojure idioms: sanely pass function-value pairs

Sometimes I want to pass argument-value pairs to a higher-order function, where the value I should pass is determined by the argument I pass. I want to be able to pass the argument without explicitly specifying the accompanying value. In particular, I'm interested in the case where the argument is itself a function.
Generic Example:
Here's a very generic example, where my-foo and my-bar are functions that I'm passing to higher-foo:
(higher-foo my-foo :option4 args) ;good
(higher-foo my-bar :option13 args) ;good
(higher-foo my-foo :option13 args) ;how stupid are you?! my-foo requires :option4!
Question: Is there a "standard" method for making :option4 or :option13 to be inferable by higher-foo so that I can just write (higher-foo my-foo) and (higher-foo my-bar)?
More Specific Example:
Bear in mind that there are better alternatives to the following code, but I'm just trying to put forward a concrete example of what I'm talking about:
(defn seq-has? [f n someseq]
(every? (partial apply f)
(partition n 1 someseq)))
(defn monotonicity [a b]
(<= a b))
(defn generalized-fib [a b c]
(= c (+ a b)))
(seq-has? monotonicity 2 someseq) should return true if the sequence is monotonic, false otherwise. (seq-has? generalized-fib 3 someseq) should return true if the sequence follows the generalized Fibonacci form, false otherwise.
But the "2" and "3" bother me. I could have an arbitrary number of properties to test for, and I don't want to have to remember the appropriate "magic numbers" for such calls.
Note: I know of two ways to do this, and for my own personal use, I suppose they both work. But I'm interested in what is idiomatic or considered best practice in the community. I'll post my answers, but I'm hoping there are more solutions.
Just make the predicate function itself take variadic arguments, and have it do the partitioning / recurring. Your monotonic? for instance already exists in core, and is called <=
(<= 1 2 4 5)
=> true
(<= 1 2 1 5)
=> false
Here's the source for the 1, 2 and variadic arg versions:
(source <=)
(defn <=
"Returns non-nil if nums are in monotonically non-decreasing order,
otherwise false."
{:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (lte ~x ~y)))
:inline-arities #{2}
:added "1.0"}
([x] true)
([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (lte x y)))
([x y & more]
(if (<= x y)
(if (next more)
(recur y (first more) (next more))
(<= y (first more)))
You can make a fib? work the same way, have it take variadic arguments and recur over triples:
(defn fib?
[a b & [c & r]]
(if (= c (+ a b))
(if r
(recur b c r)
(fib? 0 1 1)
=> true
(fib? 2 3 5 8 13)
=> true
Since you are asking for a standard way how a function determines a not passed argument from one argument:
(defn f
([arg0] (case a :foo (f a :bar)
:baz (f a :quux)))
([arg0 arg1] ...))
Depending on your use case a different dispatch construct than case may be a better fit.
For your generic example this implies that higher-foo should determine the correct :option in the desired overload like demonstrated above.
In your specific example, you can't determine the n from the passed function. You need a more specific datastructure:
(defn seq-has? [{:keys [f n]} s]
(every? (partial apply f)
(partition n 1 s)))
(def monotonicity
{:f <=
:n 2})
(def generalized-fib
{:f #(= (+ %1 %2) %3)
:n 3})
(seq-has? monotonicity [1 2 3])
;; => true
This solution seems like a hack to me. Is it considered common/idiomatic? Use meta-data on the functions that define the property you are looking for:
(defn higher-foo [foo & args]
(apply foo (:option (meta foo))
(def my-foo
(fn [a b] (println "I'm doing something cool"))
{:option :option4}))
;using it:
user=> (higher-foo my-foo arg)