Update existing shelve file in VS2017 - visual-studio-2017

In Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 is it possible to update just one file that's inside a Shelveset?
I submitted my code to the Team Explorer Shelveset, however I changed a couple of lines and want to update just the one file. Is there a way to achieve this or do I have to abandon the Shelveset and resubmit a new one?


Can you delete a specific file before building in Visual Studio 2019/2022

The project I am working on creates a cache file the first time it is built and ran, but if you make a code change and then re-run the project the file doesn't replace the cache and will instead run the old version of the code. To fix this you have to manually delete the file every time, but I was wondering if there is a way to get Visual Studio to delete that file any time it has to build/rebuild new code?
I am using a regular VS solution generated by CMake.
A good idea would be use Visual Studio Build Events.
Read the doc about how to personalize Build Events here.
Using custom Build events you can run command before or after a compiling process.

Visual Studio 2017, Intellisense is not working

I just upgraded from VS2015 to 2017, and intellisense highlighting of syntax errors has disappeared completely.
I tried some suggestions found online, mainly Edit->Intellisense->Refresh Local Cache, but that option is not there anymore.
Under Edit->Intellisense there is only Quick info which does nothing when I press it, and toggle completion mode which is greyed out
I'm using Windows 10, C++ project.
Do I need to delete some old files from VS2015 in order for intellisense to work again? like the VC.db file?
When IntelliSense stopped working in some files, I just deleted the project cache, restarted Visual Studio and opened the project again. Bear in mind that some minor settings also get reset (like the selected architecture).
Step by step
View => Solution Explorer (in case it isn't already open)
Right click "Solution 'Project name'"
Click "Open Folder in File Explorer"
Close Visual Studio
Show hidden folders (Win10 How-to)
Delete folder ".vs"
Open Visual Studio and project (wait a few seconds)
Hope this helps. -Minding
If you encounter a file in which the intellisense or error list is not functioning properly, look at the top-left corner of the navigation bar and check to see if that file is marked as “Miscellaneous Files”
If it is, the steps to solve the issue is:
Go to the file inside Solution Explorer.
Right-Click file and select Exclude From Project.
Right-Click your project/folder where the file was and click Add Existing Item, and add the file you just removed back into your project.
This should fix whatever issues you're having. (Tip: You can multi-select source/header files, so this does not need to be done one at a time).
Right-click on solution and select Rescan Solution (Visual Studio 2017). This should re-sync IntelliSense with solution data.
Please try to click Tools->Text Editor->C/C+±>Advanced, under IntelliSense, set
Member List Commit Aggressive to True and recheck this issue. Also, set
Use Aggressive Member list for Auto Member list to *False.
In my case, the project was referring to 2 different versions of the same library. I uninstalled one of the versions and intellisense started working.

Can We Use the VS 2015 Report Designer in VS 2017?

The newest Report Viewer for Visual Studio 2017 has some bugs that prevent us from using it. We’ve downgraded to Microsoft ReportViewer Runtime 2015 for Web Forms (v 12.0.2402.15). However, the report designer in Visual Studio creates new reports in the new “2016” format, and even editing old reports upgrades them to the new format as well. The older Report Viewer doesn’t understand the new format and bombs.
The new report designer is an extension to Visual Studio, “Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio,” version 14.2. We haven’t found an earlier version of the designer available as an extension.
We’ve tried installing an earlier version of SQL Set Data Tools, but the report designer was still the same. We also haven’t found a separate download for the earlier report designer.
Is there a way to add the older report designer to VS 2017? Or do we have to downgrade to VS 2015?
(A similar problem here: Change RDL version for RDLC Reports in Visual Studio 2017)
The problems in ReportViewer that made it unusable for use were partially resolved in a later version. For example, the CSS in the ReportViewer changed the styles in the rest of the surrounding web page, which was pretty horrible (now fixed). We also saw problems of the viewer's export button drop-down list positioned far from its intended location. We had to fix that with custom JavaScript on the page.
You can include/add any RDLC created on VS 2015 to VS 2017 by click on add existing item and select the RDLC directly from your local location and will run on your VS .Add existing item
From what I can tell, ReportViewer for Visual Studio 2017 which is Version 14, is for compiling in Framework 4.5. My application is depended on 4.0 and if I switch then a bunch of other libraries need to be updated as well. I would rather get the previous version of ReportViewer 12 working, as it was working for my application without issues.
With ReportViewer Designer 14 for VS2017 installed, there is an error in the design of the page, and the application deployed and running on the server does not render the Report.
So, which way to move? Up or back...and how.

Unable to save Typescript files in VS 2017

I recently migrated my solution from VS 2015 to VS 2017 (both in Enterprise edition) and now I'm constantly unable to save Typescript files. It works fine for a couple of first minutes and after that I'm presented with a 'Save file as' screen. I have to wait a minute or so, and I'm able to save it without problem. It seems like edited files are being locked for a random amount of time. Is this an issue with migration? Or VS 2017 in general? Any hints will be greatly appreciated.

Visual Studios Express missing cpp and header files for add new item

I am fairly new to programming with visual studios and c++. I currently installed VS express 2015 (VS 14), and when I create a new project and click add new item on either the source files or header files, no pre installed templates are showing up. I watched some videos and read some documents and most of them had .cpp and .h file options. When I did some research on my own about the problem, there was a way to fix it using the registry but the bug was found for VS 2012, and the bug has been removed since. I don't really want to mess with my registry, but is there a reason why this is happening. If there is a solution please give me step by step instructions. Thank you