Visual Studios Express missing cpp and header files for add new item - c++

I am fairly new to programming with visual studios and c++. I currently installed VS express 2015 (VS 14), and when I create a new project and click add new item on either the source files or header files, no pre installed templates are showing up. I watched some videos and read some documents and most of them had .cpp and .h file options. When I did some research on my own about the problem, there was a way to fix it using the registry but the bug was found for VS 2012, and the bug has been removed since. I don't really want to mess with my registry, but is there a reason why this is happening. If there is a solution please give me step by step instructions. Thank you


How do I create a new "header file (.h)" in an existing "C++ Project" in "Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015"?

I can create such a file by opening a separate instance of studio, but I can't get my project to recognize it as an essential file in the side panel. I would prefer an answer by using studios own UI to create the file, but importing it will work as well if possible.
Note: I need an answer to Visual Studio year 2015. I have read that major program changes have been made since 2012/2013 and thus such solutions will probably not work.
Right click on your project in project explorer (normally on the right) and choose Add new item...
Select C++ header file there.

Cannot associate .hpp, .cpp extensions with visual studio 2017RC in Windows 10

You know my question. Here is the longer version. Downloaded 2017RC, it took me a day to set it up to work with UCRT, CMake, Google test and all the goodies. Then I tried to associate the usual hpp, h, cpp extensions two ways:
Control panel -> Default Programs -> Set Default Programs, choose Visual Studio 2017RC and then -> Set Program Associations where all the possible extensions that can be handled by this program are listed. None of the usual C++ extensions are listed.
Right click on a .cpp file, Open with, visual studio 2017 RC doesn't show up in the apps list, hunt it down and click on it. A dialog box pops up saying that The program you have chosen cannot be associated with this file type.
FYI, currently all the c, C++ extensions are associated with Qt. Am I to think that RCs are not expected to have this feature? Or is it some other sub-program within VS, with which the association should be made? Thanks for your help
I had the same problem for Visual Studio 2015. The answer here is a good starting point:
Specifically, modifying "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.cpp". I changed the (Default) String value to VisualStudio.cs.14.0 and it now opens .cpp files in Visual Studio 2015.
You would have to use whatever version Microsoft has for Visual Studio 17. Take a look at an existing working file extension to see what it uses.
As usual, backup everything before messing around in the Windows registry.
For what it's worth, Microsoft appears to have fixed this bug, and will apparently be releasing the fix in the next release:

Add an existing (GitHub) C++ project in Visual Studio 2013 (without solution file)

I would like to add an existing C++ GitHub project to Visual Studio. I already know how to how do I add an existing Solution to GitHub from Visual Studio 2013. Here is my procedure
In Visual Studio 2013
I go to Team explorer tab / Connect to team project / Clone
In the clone dialog I enter my https GitHub link and my local repository path
I click on Clone button
After that I don't know what to do. The problem is I don't have a solution file. I have my idea: I need to to create a new solution file, then project, then add manually each cpp file in my new solution and project. This sound so heavy I'm asking if there is a better and faster procedure. Perhaps I don't need a solution file.
Note: I already did C++ coding but I never used Visual Studio as my main C++ editor. The project I try to integrate to my Visual Studio 2013 is
I recommend using CMake to create the solution file. A lot of C++ projects on the web will mention this in their Readme files. Alternatively, you can create a new project (which will create a solution) and copy the code into it.

Visual Studio Express 2013: How to create project with existing C++ source files ?

There has been a lot of discussion about this topic but still no concrete answer about it or atleast I can not find it. I am unable to find the option File->New->Project from existing files
I have already the source files and to avail the advantage of some tools in visual studio express I installed the trial version 2013 and even after playing with it a little bit and looking for it on internet I did not find this option.
Is there any possible way to create project with existing source files like this in 2013 version ?
or should I install some older version ?
Suggestions/comments/solutions .. Please
You could try creating a blank project and then importing the files into it. Not sure if the version you're using is able to do that. Otherwise, create a new project and new source files and copy/paste the code (it's not a great solution).
In Visual Studio Express 2013 I found I was able to export an existing project as a template then build a new project off of that template.
File -> Export Template
File -> New Project and the saved Template was available to choose from.
According to "This option ( File->New->Project from existing files) is not available in Visual Studio Express editions..." so the short answer would be "no."
#JBentley - the OP asked if he could perform the task "like this", where "this" means "using File->New->Project from existing files".

Getting started with CppUnit and Visual Studio 2010

I have searched for answers until I have become crossed-eyed and confused.
I have a Windows XP environment with Visual Studios 2010. I have downloaded and extracted CppUnit 1.12.1 from Sourceforge to C:\CppUnit. I understand I must use Visual Studio to open src/CppUnitLibraries.dsw and Batch Build all of the projects it opens to populate the lib directory with libraries. This is essentially the extent of the CppUnit "installation" process.
However when I try to open CppUnitLibraries.dsw, Visual Studio says the project must be converted to the current Visual C++ project format. If I click "yes" (to convert and open the project), it says the project file cannot be loaded and it asks if I want to remove the unloadable project from the solution, to which I say "No" since I'm certain this is not what I want to have happen. It does this for many projects in the CppUnitLibraries.dsw solution and I'm assuming this is unwanted behavior.
A few of my search results indicated that I should open src\msvc6\testrunner\MsDevCallerListCtrl.cpp, find the line that says...
#import "libid:80cc9f66-e7d8-4ddd-85b6-d9e6cd0e93e2" version("7.0") lcid("0") raw_interfaces_only named_guids"
...and replace the 7.0 with 10.0. But this does not help.
Am I doing something wrong? What must I do to get started with CppUnit? (I'm sorry if this is a very noobish question. I'm stuck, frustrated, and very confused.)
I've successfully converted CPPUNIT 1.12.1 to be a VS2010 solution. It's described here: and the solution can be downloaded from there.
I believe that the extension .dsw was used by Visual Studio 6 in 1998.
By Visual Studio .NET 2003, they had moved to .sln Solution Files. Although the format has changed somewhat, Visual Studio 2010 still uses 2010 files.
So, if you've downloaded some software that comes with a .dsw file, Visual Studio 2010 will need to convert that file to a .sln to be able to use it.
Each time we've upgraded to a newer version of Visual Studio, at work, over the years, we've had to make some source code changes, for the newer compiler. So I'd say that any C++ code which comes with .dsw file is likely to require some significant effort.
I'd suggest trying to find a newer build or version of CppUnit, or looking for another tool.
This question looks useful.