user defined exception handling - c++

This is a c++ program to calculate average, and grade using 5 marks.
If marks entered are greater than 100 or less than 0, student exception should be thrown.
using namespace std;
class lessex:public exception
void what()
cout<<"Mark less than 0"<<endl;
class morex:public exception
void what()
cout<<"Mark greater than 100"<<endl;
class student
string name;
string rollno;
int marks[5];
double avg;
char g;
void get();
void aveg();
void grade();
void print();
void student::get()
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
morex d;
throw d;
catch(morex &e)
throw ;
lessex d;
throw d;
catch(lessex &e)
throw ;
void student::aveg()
int sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
void student::grade()
void student::print()
int main()
student s;morex e;lessex e1;
catch(morex &e)
catch(lessex &e1)
return 0;
However, my program does not successfully exit after encountering exception in the main function.
Why is it continuing with s.aveg,grade,etc.

Why is my program not exiting after encountering exception-from main function? Why is it continuing with s.aveg,grade,etc.
You catch the exception, and then leave the catch block. Execution continues normally after that. Exceptions aren't re-thrown automatically at the end of a handler's block. That would maddening, what's the point of catching if you can't handle the error and continue running?
If you want the exception re-thrown, you need to add an explicit throw; in the handler. Like you already do in student::get(). Or just not have a try-catch block there. The program will terminate without "s.aveg,grade,etc." being executed.
Or, assuming you intent is not terminate, but to exit gracefully without executing other functions, you can do as user4581301 suggested. Move those function calls into the try block. That way, if an exception is thrown before their execution, they will not run before or after the handler.

You continue execution, without exiting, after catching the exception, and that's why the program isn't exiting.
First, you should follow the convention that what returns a string and doesn't print anything:
class lessex : public exception
const char* what() const noexcept override
return "Mark less than 0";
class morex : public exception
const char* what() const noexcept override
return "Mark greater than 100";
Then, you're overcomplicating things rather a lot in get;
void student::get()
cin >> name;
cin >> rollno;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cin >> marks[i];
if (marks[i]>100)
throw morex();
throw lessex();
and exceptions shouldn't be used like error codes and caught after each potentially throwing call, you normally write the "happy path" (the assumed-to-be-error-free path) and handle exceptions outside it:
int main()
// This part handles the normal case, assuming that all goes well.
// This part handles the exceptional case when something goes wrong.
catch (std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what();
(Your design is somewhat questionable since throwing from get can leave the object in an invalid state. You might want to rethink it.)

It is continuing because after you catch the exception you don't do anything about it. You have to specify what you would do inside the catch block when the specific exception is thrown.
Alternatively you could also move the other functions like s.aveg(); s.grade(); s.print(); inside try{
This will prevent the aveg, grade and print functions from stop executing once an exeption is hit


Receive async exception directly

class ClassA
void running()
int count = 0;;
while (m_worker_stop.load() == false)
if (count == 10)
// Make exception
std::vector v(100000000000);
void start()
m_worker = std::async(std::launch::async, &ClassA::running, this);
void stop()
if (m_worker.valid())
m_worker.get(); // catch exception in this point
std::future<void> m_worker;
std::atomic_bool m_worker_stop = { false };
class Main // this is single-ton Main class
void running()
try {
// Wait for external signal(ex. SIGINT, SIGTERM, ..)
while (true) { // signal check }
catch(std::exception& e) {
// re-create throwed object
catch(...) {
// re-create throwed object
int main()
return 0;
Hello, everyone.
The approximate structure of the program is as above.
In fact, I have not only classA but also many other objects such as B, C, and D.
(start() and stop() function is simillar !)
An exception was raised using std::vector v(1000000..)
However, it became a catch when stop() was activated.
What I actually want is to delete the classA object and re-create it if an exception occurs.
So I need to catch directly when exception was occured.
In this case, is any idea to get exception without wait for signals?
Here is one way of achieving the effect you want:
class Main // this is single-ton Main class
void running()
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_tries; ++i)
try {
// Wait for external signal(ex. SIGINT, SIGTERM, ..)
while (true) {
// signal check ...
// path to happy ending :)
LOG("Main::running(): Operation successful.",
catch(std::exception& e) {
LOG("Main::running(): Exception caught: message:\"{}\"", e.what());
catch(...) {
LOG("Main::running(): Unspecified exception caught, aborting.");
return; // Example of 'unrecoverable error'
// this part is only executed after an exception.
m_classA->shut_down(); // if you need some special shut down after an error.
m_classA.clear(); // this is redundant, but explicit (optional)
m_classA = MakeMeAnA(); // call our favorite A construction method.
// path to total failure :(
LOG("Main::running(): Exiting after {} failed attempts", max_tries);
static constexpr size_t max_tries = 3;

What is the return value of the given function on encountering an exception?

checkUsername() checks the username's length, and returns true when length is greater than or equal to 5. Otherwise it returns false.
The function checkUsername() should return false on BadLengthException(), but it doesn't seem to appear as none of the code within checkUsername() and BadLengthException::what() returns false. But still the program is working fine when it encounters a username of length less than 5. What's going on here? How is the return value passed false?
class BadLengthException: public exception{
int n;
BadLengthException(int x) { n=x; };
virtual int what() throw() {
return n;
This function checks the username's length,
and returns true when length is greater than or equal to 5.
Otherwise it returns false.
bool checkUsername(string username) {
bool isValid = true;
int n = username.length();
if(n < 5) {
throw BadLengthException(n); //the problem
for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
if(username[i] == 'w' && username[i+1] == 'w') {
isValid = false;
return isValid;
int main() {
int T; cin >> T;
while(T--) {
string username;
cin >> username;
try {
bool isValid = checkUsername(username);
if(isValid) {
cout << "Valid" << '\n';
} else {
cout << "Invalid" << '\n';
} catch (BadLengthException e) {
cout << "Too short: " << e.what() << '\n';
return 0;
A function can either return a value or throw an exception, it can't do both, they're mutually exclusive. If it successfully returns a value that means the code didn't throw an exception, and if an exception was thrown then it means it didn't make it to the point of returning a value.
Further to that, capturing the return value is also interrupted, the code jumps right to the catch block you've defined. It's like a hard goto in concept, if you ignore things like automatic object destruction and finally type implementations which will happen in the process of an exception bubbling up.
When the exception is thrown in checkUsername(), it stops processing in that function and returns to the calling function which is main(). Because the call was made in a try block the exception is handled by the catch block.
The if() statement is completely ignored and the catch doesn't care about what happened in that function and just prints "Too short: "

exceptions and return statements in c++

I am new in c++ programming and i am trying to understand exceptions in c++. I made a simple model situation that shows things, which I don't understand(I hope, I wont mess up code too much). I made 2 basic classes with few methods(classes CPerson are basically linked list). My answer is how to stop current task with an exception. I am able to call an exception, but task continues and makes some mess in program.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CPerson{
p_next_person = NULL;
CPerson* p_next_person; // pointer to next person in linked list
int Postcode(); // returns postcode of person
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, const CPerson& pers){
cout << pers.ID << pers.postcode;
return stream;
char* ID;
int postcode;
class CPeople{
first_person = NULL;
CPerson Person( const char* personID); // finds person by ID and returns it
bool NewPerson( const char* personID, int person_postcode); // add new person
CPerson* first_person ; // start of linked list
int CPerson::Postcode(){
return postcode;
CPerson CPeople::Person( const char* personID){
CPerson* now;
now = first_person;
while(now != NULL){
now = now->p_next_person;
// our person is in now (or now is NULL - if person wasn't found).
if(now == NULL ){
throw 0;
// I need to stop code here
}else return *now;
catch (int e)
cout << "bla bla " << e << '\n';
int main(){
CPeople people;
int i = 0;
people.NewPerson( "JAck", 100 );
people.NewPerson( "Josh", 100 );
// Bob is not in people right now.
i = people.Person("BOB").Postcode();
cout << i;
// gives exception, which is nice. but it also changes i to some nonsence .. how do I fix it ?
cout << people.Person ( "BOB" );
// gives exception, which is nice. but also gives segmentation fault. how do I fix it ?
You have got the try block around 'throw. The try block should be around where you called the function and it should be caught with a catch. Thus your function will change to:
CPerson CPeople::Person( const char* personID){
CPerson* now;
now = first_person;
while(now != NULL){
now = now->p_next_person;
// our person is in now (or now is NULL - if person wasn't found).
if (now == NULL ){
throw 0;
// I need to stop code here
else return *now;
and main will look like:
int main(){
try {
CPeople people;
int i = 0;
people.NewPerson( "JAck", 100 );
people.NewPerson( "Josh", 100 );
// Bob is not in people right now.
i = people.Person("BOB").Postcode();
cout << i;
// gives exception, which is nice. but it also changes i to some nonsence .. how do I fix it ?
cout << people.Person ( "BOB" );
// gives exception, which is nice. but also gives segmentation fault. how do I fix it ?
catch (int e)
cout << "bla bla " << e << '\n';
Notice that once a catch is encountered, the following statement after the catch will be executed. That is why you should have catch out of the function definition.
Code like this
if( now == NULL ){
throw 0;
// I need to stop code here
} else return *now;
} catch (int e) {
cout << "bla bla " << e << '\n';
entirely misses the point. Continuing execution with a shrug ("bla bla") as if nothing had happened isn't possible. Either you make sure that all contingencies are met in the catch, or you should catch the exception at a higher level. Here: there is no definition of the function's return value, which causes trouble up there where you call CPeople::Person.
You can surround these calls with a try - catch; omit them in the function and just throw.
Don't throw 0. Use an object capable of holding some information. Throw by value, catch by reference.

Try-Catch Problem in c++

I am trying queue implementation in c++. During that I am having this problem.
void Queue::view()
int i;
UnderFlowException ex = UnderFlowException("\nQUEUE IS EMPTY");
throw ex;
cout<<"Queue contains...\n";
while(i <= rear)
cout<<queue[i]<<" ";
This gives an error as :
error: expected ‘catch’ before ‘i’
I think this problem is arises since I doesn't written catch block below try block.
But If want to write the catch block in main(), ( like in this case ), how could I do that?
Before, that Could I do that? If not Why?
catch block must follow the try block. If you want the catch to be in main - that's where the try has to be too. You can throw everywhere, doesn't have to be inside a try block within the same function.
It should be something like this:
void Queue::view()
int i;
UnderFlowException ex = UnderFlowException("\nQUEUE IS EMPTY");
throw ex;
cout<<"Queue contains...\n";
while(i <= rear)
cout<<queue[i]<<" ";
/// ...
int main()
Queue q;
catch(UnderFlowException ex)
/// handle
catch (...)
/// unexpected exceptions
// follow the success/handled errors
You simply need to remove the try block. A try block always goes with a catch.
void Queue::view()
int i;
ex = UnderFlowException("\nQUEUE IS EMPTY");
throw ex;
cout<<"Queue contains...\n";
while(i <= rear)
cout<<queue[i]<<" ";
You can then include a try/catch construct in your main.
int main()
Queue queue;
catch(UnderFlowException ex)
//handle ex
return 0;
All try blocks need at least one associated catch block. You should remove the try block if you have no intentions of handling any exceptions here. Exceptions can be (and usually should be!) thrown outside of a try block.
Make your code catch and rethrow the exception, like this:
UnderFlowException ex = UnderFlowException("\nQUEUE IS EMPTY");
throw ex;
} catch( ... ) {
throw; // rethrow whatever exception we just catched
Although you don't even need the try block in the first place. Looks like just throw ex; would work, since you don't intend to catch it but just throw it.
catch(Exception ex){
Catch must be immediately after try. These are the rules.

How to implement final conditions properly?

This is what I'm trying to do (this is a simplification of a real project):
int param;
int result;
void isolated(int p) {
param = p;
try {
// make calculations with "param" and place the
// result into "result"
} catch (...) {
throw "problems..";
I can't change the way process() works, since this function is not created in the project and is a third-party function. It works with global variables param and result and we can't change this.
The problem appears when isolated() is called back from process() with another parameter. I want to catch this situation, but don't know how to do it, since finally is absent in C++. I feel that I should use RAII technique, but can't figure out how to do it in this case properly.
This is how I can make it with code duplication:
int param;
int result;
void isolated(int p) {
static bool running;
if (running) {
throw "you can't call isolated() from itself!";
running = true;
param = p;
try {
// make calculations with "param" and place the
// result into "result"
running = false;
} catch (...) {
running = false; // duplication!
throw "problems..";
"finally" like situations are handled in C++ using guard objects, that do their finally thing in the destructor. This is IMHO much more powerful approach, because you have to analyze the situation to finalize in order to create a reuseable object. In this case, we need to make process rentrant, because parameters and returns are passed in globals. The solution is to save their values on entry and restore them on exit:
template<class T>
class restorer
T &var; // this is the variable we want to save/restore
T old_value; // the old value
restorer(const restorer&);
void operator=(const restorer&);
restorer(T &v) : var(v), old_value(v) {}
~restorer() { var=old_value; }
int param;
int result;
int isolated(int p) {
restorer<int> rest_param(param);
restorer<int> rest_result(result);
param = p;
try {
// make calculations with "param" and place the
// result into "result"
return result;
} catch (...) {
return 0;
Maybe I didn't get it right, but why don't you use a flag? You want to know when the isolated() is called from the process(), right?
int isolated(int p) {
static int execDeep = 0;
// your code here
Now you can check 'execDeep' value, > 1 means it is called from the process() while still being executed.
I still don't quite sure how finally is related here, but you could try Boost.ScopeExit if you want to avoid creating a scope guard structure yourself.
#include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
int isolated(int p) {
static bool running = false;
if (running) {
printf("Throwing %d\n", p);
throw p;
printf("Starting %d\n", p);
running = true;
BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT( (p)(&running) ) { // <--
printf("Stopping %d\n", p); // <--
running = false; // <--
// ...
if (p)
// ...
printf("Returing %d\n", p);
return 4;
int main() {
printf(">> first\n");
printf(">> second\n");
try {
printf(">> third (should not be printed.)\n");
} catch(int p) {
printf("Caught %d\n", p);
printf(">> fourth\n");
return 0;
>> first
Starting 0
Returing 0
Stopping 0
>> second
Starting 1
Throwing 10
Stopping 1
Caught 10
Starting 0
Returing 0
Stopping 0
>> fourth
Could this work?
int save = -10000000000;
int param;
int result;
int isolated(int p) {
if (save != -10000000000)
// run the other condition
save = p;
param = p;
try {
// make calculations with "param" and place the
// result into "result"
return result;
} catch (...) {
return 0;
If I understand correctly, you want to automatically set the running flag to false at the end of function. If that is the requirement then you can use the ScopeGuard approarch mentioned in the link.