OpenGL Lighting Shader - c++

I can't understand concept of smaller shaders in OpenGL. How does it work? For example: do I need to create one shader for positioning object in space and then shader another shader for lighting or what? Could someone explain this to me? Thanks in advance.

This is a very complex topic, especially since your question isn't very specific. At first, there are various shader stages (vertex shader, pixel shader, and so on). A shader program consists of different shader stages, at least a pixel and a vertex shader (except for compute shader programs, which are each single compute shaders). The vertex shader calculates the possition of the points on screen, so here the objects are being moved. The pixel shader calculates the color of each pixel, that is covered by the rendered geometry your vertex shader produced. Now, in terms of lighting, there are different ways of doing it:
Forward Shading
This is the straight-forward way, where you simply calculate the lighting in pixel shader of the same shader program, that moves to objects. This is the oldest way of calculating lighting, and the easiest one. However, it's abilities are very limited.
Deffered Shading
For ages, this is the go-to variant in games. Here, you have one shader program (vertex + pixel shader) that renders the geometrie on one (or multiple) textures (so it moves the objects, but it doesn't save the lit color, but rather things like the base color and surface normals into the texture), and then an other shader program that renders a quad on screen for each light you want to render, the pixel shader of this shader program reads the informations previously rendered in the textur by the first shader program, and uses it to render the lit objects on an other textur (which is then the final image). In constrast to forward shading, this allows (in theory) any number of lights in the scene, and allows easier usage of shadow maps
Tiled/Clustered Shading
This is a rather new and very complex way of calculating lighting, that can be build on top of deffered or forward shading. It basicly uses compute shaders to calculate an accelleration-structure on the gpu, which is then used draw huge amount of lights very fast. This allows to render thousands of lights in a scene in real time, but using shadow maps for these lights is very hard, and the algorithm is way more complex then the previous ones.

Writing smaller shaders means to separate some of your shader functionalities in another files. Then if you are writing a big shader which contains lightning algorithms, antialiasing algorithms, and any other shader computation algorithm, you can separate them in smaller shader files (light.glsl, fxaa.glsl, and so on...) and you have to link these files in your main shader file (the shader file which contains the void main() function) since in OpenGL a vertex array can only have one shader program (composition of vertex shader, fragment shader, geometry shader, etc...) during the rendering pipeline.
The way of writing smaller shader depends also on your rendering algorithm (forward rendering, deffered rendering, or forward+ rendering).
It's important to notice that writing a lot of shader will increase the shader compilation time, and also, writing a big shader with a lot of uniforms will also slow things down...


A few questions about shaders

I am using opengl shaders.
Does count of uniforms affect shader performance? If I pass 5 uniforms or 50 will it matter?
Does each shader has its own area where it working on? Or each shader can draw at any point of my application?
I often create vertex shader just to pass attributes to fragment shader. What benefit of vertex shader and why not just pass attributes in fragment?
I would guess it doesn't (and if it does, only a very minor one). But I don't have any evidence for that, so I might be wrong. This is almost certainly driver-specific.
A shader does not draw anything. A shader just processes data. In the pipeline, the rasterizer produces the fragments that are covered by your shape. And these are the fragments that you can potentially draw to. The fragment shader calculates the color (and possibly depth) and the rest of the pipeline decides what to do with the result (either updating the frame buffer, blending, or discarding it altogether). Each draw call can potentially produce a framebuffer update everywhere, not just at some specific locations.
This is perfectly fine if the application requires it. The main difference is that vertex shaders process vertices and fragment shaders process fragments. Usually, there are much more fragments than vertices, so the fragment shader is called more often than the vertex shader. Therefore, you should do as much work in the vertex shader as possible. Of course, there are things that you just cannot calculate in a vertex shader.

Why is the geometry shader processed after the vertex shader?

In both the OpenGL and Direct3D rendering pipelines, the geometry shader is processed after the vertex shader and before the fragment/pixel shader. Now obviously processing the geometry shader after the fragment/pixel shader makes no sense, but what I'm wondering is why not put it before the vertex shader?
From a software/high-level perspective, at least, it seems to make more sense that way: first you run the geometry shader to create all the vertices you want (and dump any data only relevant to the geometry shader), then you run the vertex shader on all the vertices thus created. There's an obvious drawback in that the vertex shader now has to be run on each of the newly-created vertices, but any logic that needs to be done there would, in the current pipelines, need to be run for each vertex in the geometry shader, presumably; so there's not much of a performance hit there.
I'm assuming, since the geometry shader is in this position in both pipelines, that there's either a hardware reason, or a non-obvious pipeline reason that it makes more sense.
(I am aware that polygon linking needs to take place before running a geometry shader (possibly not if it takes single points as inputs?) but I also know it needs to run after the geometry shader as well, so wouldn't it still make sense to run the vertex shader between those stages?)
It is basically because "geometry shader" was a pretty stupid choice of words on Microsoft's part. It should have been called "primitive shader."
Geometry shaders make the primitive assembly stage programmable, and you cannot assemble primitives before you have an input stream of vertices computed. There is some overlap in functionality since you can take one input primitive type and spit out a completely different type (often requiring the calculation of extra vertices).
These extra emitted vertices do not require a trip backwards in the pipeline to the vertex shader stage - they are completely calculated during an invocation of the geometry shader. This concept should not be too foreign, because tessellation control and evaluation shaders also look very much like vertex shaders in form and function.
There are a lot of stages of vertex transform, and what we call vertex shaders are just the tip of the iceberg. In a modern application you can expect the output of a vertex shader to go through multiple additional stages before you have a finalized vertex for rasterization and pixel shading (which is also poorly named).

Understanding the shader workflow in OpenGL?

I'm having a little bit of trouble conceptualizing the workflow used in a shader-based OpenGL program. While I've never really done any major projects using either the fixed-function or shader-based pipelines, I've started learning and experimenting, and it's become quite clear to me that shaders are the way to go.
However, the fixed-function pipeline makes much more sense to me from an intuitive perspective. Rendering a scene with that method is simple and procedural—like painting a picture. If I want to draw a box, I tell the graphics card to draw a box. If I want a lot of boxes, I draw my box in a loop. The fixed-function pipeline fits well with my established programming tendencies.
These all seem to go out the window with shaders, and this is where I'm hitting a block. A lot of shader-based tutorials show how to, for example, draw a triangle or a cube on the screen, which works fine. However, they don't seem to go into at all how I would apply these concepts in, for example, a game. If I wanted to draw three procedurally generated triangles, would I need three shaders? Obviously not, since that would be infeasible. Still, it's clearly not as simple as just sticking the drawing code in a loop that runs three times.
Therefore, I'm wondering what the "best practices" are for using shaders in game development environments. How many shaders should I have for a simple game? How do I switch between them and use them to render a real scene?
I'm not looking for specifics, just a general understanding. For example, if I had a shader that rendered a circle, how would I reuse that shader to draw different sized circles at different points on the screen? If I want each circle to be a different color, how can I pass some information to the fragment shader for each individual circle?
There is really no conceptual difference between the fixed-function pipeline and the programmable pipeline. The only thing shaders introduce is the ability to program certain stages of the pipeline.
On current hardware you have (for the most part) control over the vertex, primitive assembly, tessellation and fragment stages. Some operations that occur inbetween and after these stages are still fixed-function, such as depth/stencil testing, blending, perspective divide, etc.
Because shaders are actually nothing more than programs that you drop-in to define the input and output of a particular stage, you should think of input to a fragment shader as coming from the output of one of the previous stages. Vertex outputs are interpolated during rasterization and these are often what you're dealing with when you have an in variable in a fragment shader.
You can also have program-wide variables, known as uniforms. These variables can be accessed by any stage simply by using the same name in each stage. They do not vary across invocations of a shader, hence the name uniform.
Now you should have enough information to figure out this circle example... you can use a uniform to scale your circle (likely a simple scaling matrix) and you can either rely on per-vertex color or a uniform that defines the color.
You don't have shaders that draws circles (ok, you may with the right tricks, but's let's forget it for now, because it is misleading and has very rare and specific uses). Shaders are little programs you write to take care of certain stages of the graphic pipeline, and are more specific than "drawing a circle".
Generally speaking, every time you make a draw call, you have to tell openGL which shaders to use ( with a call to glUseProgram You have to use at least a Vertex Shader and a Fragment Shader. The resulting pipeline will be something like
Vertex Shader: the code that is going to be executed for each of the vertices you are going to send to openGL. It will be executed for each indices you sent in the element array, and it will use as input data the correspnding vertex attributes, such as the vertex position, its normal, its uv coordinates, maybe its tangent (if you are doing normal mapping), or whatever you are sending to it. Generally you want to do your geometric calculations here. You can also access uniform variables you set up for your draw call, which are global variables whic are not goin to change per vertex. A typical uniform variable you might watn to use in a vertex shader is the PVM matrix. If you don't use tessellation, the vertex shader will be writing gl_Position, the position which the rasterizer is going to use to create fragments. You can also have the vertex outputs different things (as the uv coordinates, and the normals after you have dealt with thieri geometry), give them to the rasterizer an use them later.
Fragment Shader: the code that is going to be executed for each fragment (for each pixel if that is more clear). Generally you do here texture sampling and light calculation. You will use the data coming from the vertex shader and the rasterizer, such as the normals (to evaluate diffuse and specular terms) and the uv coordinates (to fetch the right colors form the textures). The texture are going to be uniform, and probably also the parameters of the lights you are evaluating.
Depth Test, Stencil Test. (which you can move before the fragment shader with the early fragments optimization ( )
I suggest you to look at this nice program to develop simple shaders , which has very good examples, also of some more advanced things you won't find on every tutorial.

Vertex shader vs Fragment Shader [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What are Vertex and Pixel shaders?
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I've read some tutorials regarding Cg, yet one thing is not quite clear to me.
What exactly is the difference between vertex and fragment shaders?
And for what situations is one better suited than the other?
A fragment shader is the same as pixel shader.
One main difference is that a vertex shader can manipulate the attributes of vertices. which are the corner points of your polygons.
The fragment shader on the other hand takes care of how the pixels between the vertices look. They are interpolated between the defined vertices following specific rules.
For example: if you want your polygon to be completely red, you would define all vertices red. If you want for specific effects like a gradient between the vertices, you have to do that in the fragment shader.
Put another way:
The vertex shader is part of the early steps in the graphic pipeline, somewhere between model coordinate transformation and polygon clipping I think. At that point, nothing is really done yet.
However, the fragment/pixel shader is part of the rasterization step, where the image is calculated and the pixels between the vertices are filled in or "coloured".
Just read about the graphics pipeline here and everything will reveal itself:
Vertex shader is done on every vertex, while fragment shader is done on every pixel. The fragment shader is applied after vertex shader. More about the shaders GPU pipeline link text
Nvidia Cg Tutorial:
Vertex transformation is the first processing stage in the graphics hardware pipeline. Vertex transformation performs a sequence of math operations on each vertex. These operations include transforming the vertex position into a screen position for use by the rasterizer, generating texture coordinates for texturing, and lighting the vertex to determine its color.
The results of rasterization are a set of pixel locations as well as a set of fragments. There is no relationship between the number of vertices a primitive has and the number of fragments that are generated when it is rasterized. For example, a triangle made up of just three vertices could take up the entire screen, and therefore generate millions of fragments!
Earlier, we told you to think of a fragment as a pixel if you did not know precisely what a fragment was. At this point, however, the distinction between a fragment and a pixel becomes important. The term pixel is short for "picture element." A pixel represents the contents of the frame buffer at a specific location, such as the color, depth, and any other values associated with that location. A fragment is the state required potentially to update a particular pixel.
The term "fragment" is used because rasterization breaks up each geometric primitive, such as a triangle, into pixel-sized fragments for each pixel that the primitive covers. A fragment has an associated pixel location, a depth value, and a set of interpolated parameters such as a color, a secondary (specular) color, and one or more texture coordinate sets. These various interpolated parameters are derived from the transformed vertices that make up the particular geometric primitive used to generate the fragments. You can think of a fragment as a "potential pixel." If a fragment passes the various rasterization tests (in the raster operations stage, which is described shortly), the fragment updates a pixel in the frame buffer.
Vertex Shaders and Fragment Shaders are both feature of 3-D implementation that does not uses fixed-pipeline rendering. In any 3-D rendering vertex shaders are applied before fragment/pixel shaders.
Vertex shader operates on each vertex. If you have a fixed polygon mesh and you want to deform it in a shader, you have to implement it in vertex shader. I.e. any physical change in vertex appearances can be done in vertex shaders.
Fragment shader takes the output from the vertex shader and associates colors, depth value of a pixel, etc. After these operations the fragment is send to Framebuffer for display on the screen.
Some operation, as for example lighting calculation, you can perform in vertex shader as well as fragment shader. But fragment shader provides better result than the vertex shader.
In rendering images via 3D hardware you typically have a mesh (point, polygons, lines) these are defined by vertices. To manipulate vertices individually typically for motions in a model or waves in an ocean you can use vertex shaders. These vertices can have static colour or colour assigned by textures, to manipulate vertex colours you use fragment shaders. At the end of the pipeline when the view goes to screen you can also use fragment shaders.

C++ shader optimization question

Could someone explain me the pretty basics of pixel and vertex shader interaction.
The obvious things are that vertex shaders receive basic vertex properties and then repass some of them to the actual pixel shader.
But how does the actual vertex->pixel transition happens? I know that obviously all types of pipelines include the rasterizer change, which is capable of interpolating the vertex parameters and can apply textures based on the certain texture coordinates.
And as far as I understand those are also interpolated (not quite sure about this moment, heard something about complex UV derivative math, but I assume that we can say that they are being interpolated).
So, here are some "targeted" questions.
How does the pixel shader operate? I mean that pixel shader obviously does some actions "per pixel", but due to the unobvious vertex->pixel transition this yields some questions.
Can I assume that if I evaluate matrix - vector product once in my pixel shader, it would be evaluated once when the image is rasterized? Or would it be better to evaluate everything that's possible in my vertex shader and then pass it to the pixel shader?
Also, if someone could point articles / abstracts on this topic, I would really appreciate that.
Thank you.
I thought it actually doesn't matter, because the interaction should be pretty same everywhere. I'm developing visualization applications and games for desktops, using HLSL / GLSL / Nvidia CG for shaders and mostly C++ as the base language.
The vertex shader is executed once for every vertex. It allows you to transform the vertex from world space coordinates (or whichever other coordinate system it might be in) into screenspace coordinates.
That is, if you have a triangle, each vertex is transformed, so it ends up with a position on the screen.
And given these positions, the rasterizer determines which pixels are covered by the triangle spanned by those three vertices.
And then, for each pixel inside the triangle, the pixel shader is invoked. The output from the vertex shader is usually interpolated for each pixel, so pixels close to vertex v0 will receive values very close to those computed by the vertex shader for v0.
And this means that everything you do in the pixel shader is executed once per pixel covered by the primitive being rasterized