Install Glassware APKs on Google Glass Enterprise Edition - google-glass

I want to buy a Google Glass Enterprise Edition from Streye ( Is it possible to install my own developed Glassware APKs on it?

Yes. Over USB from Android Studio or ADB just like a phone.


ionic v2 app [Service based] not working on android devices

ionic v2 app [Service based] not working on android devices. however the same working in the browsers. without service page is open easily, once service called nothing happend on the android device. please advice.
I have used below before creating build
$ionic platform remove android
$ionic hooks add
$ionic platform android
$ionic build android

Appstore of WSO2 Appmanager or EMM

In the current versions of App-manager(1.1.0) and in EMM (2.0.1), there is no such facility to install the application through an application.Means, for installing the application we have to open the store by a URL on internet browser.In the upcoming versions of Appmanager/EMM can we expect a native app which can be installed on the mobile device,and it will redirect to all the application,just like a play store which android devices provide.Any suggestion will really be helpful.
In the current versions of App-manager(1.1.0) and in EMM (2.0.1), there is no such facility to install the application through an application.Means, for installing the application we have to open the store by a URL on internet browser.
Yes this is true. Currently EMM/App manager does not have a native application to browser the applications in the app store.
In the upcoming versions of app manager/EMM can we expect a native app which can be installed on the mobile device,and it will redirect to all the application,just like a play store which android devices provide.Any suggestion will really be helpful.
Yes, a native app for browsing and installing/uninstalling apps on a device will be available[1] in EMM 2.1.0 which is the upcomming version of WSO2 EMM. However, this will only be available for Android platform in EMM 2.1.0. You can build this application using Android studio[2] and use it with EMM 2.1.0. As for iOS and Windows platforms, if you wish to build an app catalog app your-self, you can refer the Android source code[2] and the swagger definitions of app manager's publisher[3] and store[1].

WSO2 Mobile Version for store

I was exploring the store of WSO2 AppManager through my device, but it was redirecting to the web version of it.Is there any mobile version which we can access for the store.Any help will really be appreciated.
Currently(with EMM 2.0.1), there is no mobile catalog application available for browsing the app store and installing apps on to your device, like the Google playstore. However with EMM 2.1.0 which is the upcoming version of WSO2 EMM, there will be a Catalog application available for Android platform.

Do I really need to install cloud sdk if I have already installed eclipse plugin?

I'm trying to start developing with google-cloud tools. I have seen three main products:
Android IDE
Plugin for Eclipse.
Cloud SDK.
Do I need install the cloud sdk even if I have already installed the plugin for eclipse?
How is the colaboration between Cloud SDK and Eclipse plugin?
Cloud SDK covers many of the functionalities offered by the Google Cloud Platform such as Google Cloud Storage, Compute Engine APIs, BigQuery.
As you mention the Eclipse Plugin I guess you want to develop Java applications for the Google App Engine platform. In that case, the Cloud SDK wouldn't be much useful for you, but the App Engine Java SDK.
This one is already downloaded by the Eclipse Plugin.
In addition, once you're working in a project, you may click the secondary button and choose the Google menu to install additional Google libraries such the ones mentioned before in the Cloud SDK.
So the short answer would be no.

AWS SDK for Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store app

I am working on a Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store app that involves in Amazon Web Services (AWS). Is there an official AWS SDK available for these platforms?
I found AWS SDKs for iPhone and Android
But I am unable to locate a AWS SDK for the Microsoft Mobile platforms.
I also found Amazon SDK for .NET ( but the AWSSDK.dll in this package is not compatible with WP8/Windows Store.
Any help?
Thanks in advance.
AWS released a preview of the AWS SDK for .NET last night which includes support for Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store Apps. You can find the details on the .NET page
There is a open source AWS SDK for Windows Phone:
But if that Amazon SDK for .NET does not work for Windows Store apps, than there is no sdk yet.
(You could theoretically take the source code for the Windows Phone one and make it compatible to Windows Store apps. Since most code written for Windows Phone should easily be transferable to Windows Store apps)