AWS SDK for Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store app - amazon-web-services

I am working on a Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store app that involves in Amazon Web Services (AWS). Is there an official AWS SDK available for these platforms?
I found AWS SDKs for iPhone and Android
But I am unable to locate a AWS SDK for the Microsoft Mobile platforms.
I also found Amazon SDK for .NET ( but the AWSSDK.dll in this package is not compatible with WP8/Windows Store.
Any help?
Thanks in advance.

AWS released a preview of the AWS SDK for .NET last night which includes support for Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store Apps. You can find the details on the .NET page

There is a open source AWS SDK for Windows Phone:
But if that Amazon SDK for .NET does not work for Windows Store apps, than there is no sdk yet.
(You could theoretically take the source code for the Windows Phone one and make it compatible to Windows Store apps. Since most code written for Windows Phone should easily be transferable to Windows Store apps)


How to integrate AWS Lex chatbot in Xamarin application?

I have basic understanding of .net and chatbot.
I wanted to integrate Amazon lex in xamarin(ios, android)app. There seems to be no example or sample. I have created chatbot from AWS platform intent and slots.
Also I wanted to use database to get query return. Any sample to integrate AWS Lex with Xamarin app would be helpful.
As I understand from your question, you already have some implementation of chatbot made with AWS services, but you are having issue on integrating it to your xamarin application to be able to use it in IOS and Android devices.
For that purpose, there is AWS Mobile SDK which happens to support also xamarin.
From their link:
I also did not find a Lex tutorial directly, but a very promising quote:
Supported AWS services currently include, but are not limited to [narrow list of services]
was on the same page. I looked around, found this text:
The AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin also allows you to use most of the AWS services supported by the AWS SDK for .NET. The AWS services specific to mobile development are explained in this developer guide. For more information about the AWS SDK for .NET, see [a link]
clicked the link and ended here:
and under link AmazonLex -> AmazonLexClient there was something, you probably wanted to see:
Version Information
.NET Standard:
Supported in: 1.3
.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5
Portable Class Library:
Supported in: Windows Store Apps
Supported in: Windows Phone 8.1
Supported in: Xamarin Android
Supported in: Xamarin iOS (Unified)
Supported in: Xamarin.Forms
Those 3 last let me understand that whenever you setup Mobile SDK, you get access to AWS services in Xamarin, also Lex.
Steps to install on
mainly contain steps on how to create xamarin app and get AWS account, most important is to install the AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin and configure it. More detailed steps are under that link.
After that the process is to follow the instructions on:
like pointed in comments. I suppose once you have access to any service via Mobile SDK, the wire up of Lex may go in similar steps and no special just xamarin tutorial is not needed anymore.
It seems you are looking for both architecture and sample code for implementing AWS Lex bot with .NET backend that can be integrated with iOS/Android Frontend.
You have multiple choices here to do it
Build both chat user interfaces in iOS and Android and integrate them AWS iOS & Android SDKs to utilize the AWS LEX bot.
Just implement a bot user interface in iOS and Android app and integrate it with a .NET backend that can utilize AWS .NET SDK to integrate with your LEX bot.
I would recommend the second approach as it will save you writing the LEX integration code twice both in Android and in iOS. In the second appraoch you will be able to write a single integration for AWS LEX in .NET and that can give a unified experience across the mobile devices(iOS/Android)
Now for the .NET based backend integration with AWS LEX bot.
If you are an experienced .NET developer and you know how will you host your code then only thing that you need is the .NET API reference for AWS LEX, which can be found here
But if you are not sure how to write this integration code and also not sure how the deployment will look like then you can follow the below tutorial
Bots Just Got Better with .NET and the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio
Also, find here the architecture form the above tutorial
there is no direct solution like Amazon Lex is supported by React-native. i confirmed with xamarin team as well as AWS service one of the member. direct integration not possible.

aws s3-sync feature in c# (for mobile applications - Android and iOS)

I have used aws-s3 sync feature from linux and windows machines (aws cli). I have a similar requirement for the mobile applications (Android and iOS) too. The mobile apps are built on Xamarin (C#).
Is there a way, I can do s3-sync from mobile applications using API or any other way?
Also if there is no way to do the same, is there any other way apart from s3-sync to sync a s3-bucket in server to a local folder in mobile app?

Windows Phone 8.1 Add service reference

My problem adding a new service Windows Phone 8.1 but I can't see to tab, 8.1 doesn't add the service?
This is a known issue with Windows Phone 8.1 Store apps. See the sticky post on the official Developing for Windows Phone forum on MSDN: WCF Add Service Reference Not Supported for Windows Phone 8.1 XAML Applications
Windows Phone Store apps in Windows Phone 8.1 do not support the System.ServiceModel namespace generated by the Add Service Reference menu.
The general recommendation is to expose a REST endpoint from the service rather than a WCF service.
If you cannot add a REST endpoint and must use WCF then either write a Silverlight app instead of a Windows Runtime app or you'll need to write your own code to wrap the WCF conversation.

Using Azure Mobile Services in a C++ app

I want to build a Windows 8.1 Store app using C++. I want to be able to use Azure Mobile Services as a cloud backend for my app. My app is going to be a pure native app and from a performance perspective it is not acceptable to use some client SDK library which has been implemented in a managed language. How do I do this using C++ only?
With Visual Studio 2013, it is now possible to use a pure C++ based Azure Mobile Client library in your C++ Windows Store app. The following blog post contains more details about this:

Using SQS and token vending machine on non ios and andorid devices

I am developing an app on both j2me and windows phone 8 platform and the app will need to access the Amazon SQS.
Of course this has to be done securely. I can only see the android and ios sdk, how do I securely (with the token vending machine) access the Amazon SQS on other platform other than ios and android?
While there is no TVM sample for C#, you may be interested in this blog post -
The author has converted much of the Android implementation into C# and it may give you a head start.
You may also be interested in using web identity federation. This blog post explains how to use that with the AWS SDK for .NET.