I have a cuboid I want to colour on 4 sides and use texture from an image on the other two sides. I am making a game, and all other objects are just coloured.
Now, I have only one fragment shader that currently uses the colour buffer to set colours to all the objects.
How do I get it to set the texture just for the two faces of this cuboid?
I would need some sort of variable I would want to pass from the program to the shader, that too only for those (2 faces * 2 triangles * 3 vertices) 12 vertices. How do I go about this, or is there any other way?
I have a beamforming program running on CUDA and i have to display the output of the beam in Opengl,I have to draw a rectangle in Opengl which is composed of an array of 24x12 small squares.I have to color each of these squares with a different color based on an output from a CUDA program doing the beamforming. I have been able to draw the reactangle using a VBO to which I pass an array containing the vertices of the squares and the color of each vertices using the following a structure. The overall summary of the problem that I am facing is that I am not able to assign the colors to each of the squares correctly. Some excerpts from the code :
struct attributes {
GLfloat coords[2]; //co-ordinates of the vertices
GLfloat color[3]; //color of the vertices
glGenBuffers(1, &vbo_romanis); // vbo_romanis is the VBO for drawing the frame
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_romanis);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(Vertices), Vertices, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_romanis);
attribute_coord2d, // attribute
2, // number of elements per vertex, here (x,y)
GL_FLOAT, // the type of each element
GL_FALSE, // take our values as-is
sizeof(struct attributes), // next coord2 appears every 5 floats
0 // offset of first element
attribute_color, // attribute
3, // number of elements per vertex, here (r,g,b)
GL_FLOAT, // the type of each element
GL_FALSE, // take our values as-is
sizeof(struct attributes), // stride
(GLvoid*) offsetof(struct attributes, color) // offset
/* Push each element in buffer_vertices to the vertex shader */
glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 4*NUM_SQRS);
So I am facing 2 issues when i draw the array:
the colors not appearing as I want them to. From what I have read about Opengl, the color of the vertices once assigned cannot be changed. But since all the squares share vertices among them, the colors are probably messed up. If I give the same color to all the vertices,it works fine, but not when I want to draw all squares of different colors. So, if someone can point to how I can assign a different color to each of the squares that would really helpful.
How do I update the colors of the vertices for each frame, Do i need to redraw the entire frame or is there a way to just update the colors of the vertices only.
I am completely new to OpenGL programming and any help would be much appreciated.
It is not clear what your vertex data actually is, but this:
But since all the squares share vertices among them, the colors are
probably messed up.
implies to me that you are trying to use the following data for two adjacent squares (A-F being the vertices):
| | |
| | |
However, in OpenGL, a vertex is the set of all attributes, not just the postion. What you get here is that the colors will be smoothly interpolated between the squares. So technically, you need to duplicate the vertices B and E into B1/B2 and E1/E2, with B1,E1 beeing the color of the lieft square, and B2,E2 that of the right square, but the same coordiantes.
However, for your problem, there might be a shortcut, in form of flat shading by declaring your vaertex shader outputs as flat. Vertex shader outputs (varyings) are by default interpolated across the whole primitive. However, defining them as flat will prevent the interpolation. Instead, the value from just one vertex is used for the whole primitive. OpenGL uses the conecpt of the provoking vertex to define which vertex of a primitive will be the one defining the values for such flat outputs.
The command glProvokingVertex() might be used to specify the general rules for which vertex is to be selected, you can choose between the first and the last. If you cleverly construct your vertex data, you can get a vertex to be shared for both triangles of one square that will be the provoking vertex for both, so you can define the color for each "grid cell" with just the color of one corner vertex of the cell, and do not have any need for duplicating vertices.
As a side note: you have the commang glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); in your code. This is deprecated and also totally useless when you use the programmable pipeline, as your comments imply. However, conceptually, this is the exact opposite of the flat shading approach I'm suggesting here.
How do I update the colors of the vertices for each frame, Do i need
to redraw the entire frame or is there a way to just update the colors
of the vertices only.
OpenGL is not a scene graph library. It does not remember which objects you have drawn in the past and does not allow changing their attributes. OpenGL is a rendering API, so if you want something different to appear on the screen, you have to tell it to draw again. If you plan on updating the colors without changing the positions of the squares itself, you might be even better off using two non-interleaved VBOs to split color and position data. That way, you can have the positions statically in one buffer, and stream only the color updates in another.
I've got a shader to procedurally generate geometric shapes inside a quad. Essentially, you render a quad with this fragment shader active, and it calculates which fragments are on the border of the shape and discards everything else.
The problem is the dimensions of the quad. At the moment, I have to pass in the vertex data twice, once to the VBO and a second time as uniform variables to the shader, so it knows how big of a shape it's supposed to be creating.
Is there any way to only have to do this once, by having some way to get the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right vertices of the current quad when I'm inside the fragment shader, so that I could simply give the vertex data to OpenGL once and have the shader calculate the largest shape that will fit inside the quad?
I think you probably want to use a geometry shader. Each vertex would consist of the position of a corner of the quad (a vector of 2-4 values) and the size of the quad (which could be a single value or upto 9 depending on how general you need the quad to be).
The geometry shader would generate the additional vertices for the quad and pass the size through to the fragment shader.
Depending on what exactly you're doing you may also be able to use point sprites and use the implicit coordinates that they have (gl_PointCoord). However, point sprites have a maximum size (which can be queried via GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE and GL_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY).
You could pull the vertices yourself. You could create a Uniform Buffer or a Texture Buffer with the vertex data and just access this buffer in the fragment shader. In the vertex shader, in order to know what vertex to output you could just use the built-in variable gl_VertexID
I'd pass the top left and bottom right vertices of the quad as two extra input attributes for each vertex. The quads themselves get rendered as triangles.
In the vertex shader, declare two output attributes as flat (so they don't get interpolated) and copy the input attributes to these outputs.
I'm new to OpenGL and shaders. I have a project that involves using shaders to display cubes.
So basically I'm supposed to display eight cubes using a perspective projection at (+-10,+-10,+-10) from the origin each in a different color. In other words, there would be a cube centered at (10, 10, 10), another centered at (10, 10, -10) and so on. There are 8 combinations in (+-10, +-10, +-10). And then I'm supposed to provide a key command 'c' that changes the color of all the cubes each time the key is pressed.
So far I was able to make one cube at the origin. I know I should use this cube and translate it to create the eight cubes but I'm not sure how I would do that. Does anyone know how I would go about with this?
That question is, as mentioned, too broad. But you said that you managed to draw one cube so I can assume that you can set up camera and your window. That leaves us whit how to render 8 cubes. There are many ways to do this, but I'll mention 2 very different ones.
You make function that takes 2 parameters - center of cube, and size. Whit these 2 you can build up cube the same way you're doing it now, but instead of fixed values you will use those variables. For example, front face would be:
glVertex3f(center.x-size/2, center.y-size/2, center.z+size/2);
glVertex3f(center.x+size/2, center.y-size/2, center.z+size/2);
glVertex3f(center.x-size/2, center.y+size/2, center.z+size/2);
glVertex3f(center.x+size/2, center.y+size/2, center.z+size/2);
This is just for showcase how to make it from variables, you can do it the same way you're doing it now.
Now, you mentioned you want to use shaders. Shader topic is very broad, just like openGL itself, but I can tell you the idea. In openGL 3.2 special shaders called geometry were added. Their purpose is to work with geometry as whole - on contrary that vertex shaders works whit just 1 vertex at time or that fragment shaders work just whit one fragment at time - geometry shaders work whit one geometry piece at time. If you're rendering triangles, you get all info about single triangle that is just passing through shaders. This wouldn't be anything serious, but these shaders doesn't only modify these geometries, they can create new ones! So I'm doing in one of my shader programs, where I render points, but when they pass through geometry shader, these points are converted to circles. Similarly you can render just points, but inside geometry shader you can render whole cubes. The point position would work as center for these cubes and you should pass size of cubes in uniform. If size of cubes may vary, you need to make vertex shader also that will pass the size from attribute to variable, which can be read in geometry shader.
As for color problem, if you don't implement fragment shaders, only thing you need to do is call glColor3f before rendering cubes. It takes 3 parameters - red, green and blue values. Note that these values doesn't range from 0 to 255, but from 0 to 1. You can get confused that you cubes aren't rendered if you use white background and think that when you set colors to 200,10,10 you should see red cubes but you don't see anything. That's because in fact you render white cubes. To avoid such errors, I recommend to set background to something like grey whit glClearColor.
I have vertex and triangle data which contains a color for each triangle (face), not for each vertex. i.e. A single vertex is shared by multiple faces, each face potentially a different color.
How should I approach this problem in GLSL to obtain a solid color assignment for each face being rendered? Calculating and assigning a "vertex color" buffer by averaging the colors of a vertex's neighboring polys is easy enough, but this of course produces a blurry result where the colors are interpolated in the fragment shader.
What I really need shouldn't be interpolated color values at all, I'll have about 40k triangles shaded with approx 15 possible solid colors once this is working as intended.
While you maybe could do this in high end GLSL, the right way to do solid shading is to make unique vertices for every triangle. This is a trivial loop. For every vertex, count how many triangles share it. That's how often you have to replicate it. Make sure your loop to do this is O(n). Then just set each vertex color or normal to that of the triangle. Again one straight loop. Do not bother to optimize for shared colors, it is not worth it.
Edit much later, because this is a popular answer:
To do flat per face shading you can interpolate the vertex position in world or view space. Then in the fragment shader compute ddx(dFdx) and ddy(dFdy) of this variable. Take the cross product of those two vectors and normalize it - you got a flat normal! No mesh changes or per vertex data needed at all.
OpenGL does not have "per-face" attributes. See:
How can I specify per-face colors when using indexed vertex arrays in OpenGL 3.x?
Here are a few possible options I see:
Ditch the index arrays and use separate vertices for each face like starmole suggested
Create an index array for each color used. Use materials instead of vertex colors and change the material after drawing the triangles from the index array for each color.
If the geometry allows it, you can make sure the last vertex specified by the index array has the correct vertex color for the face, and then use GL_FLAT shading, or have the fragment shader only use at the last vertex color.
In addition to the other answers, you could maybe employ the gl_PrimitiveID variable, that's an input to the fragment shader (don't know since which version) and is incremented implicitly for each triangle. You could then use this to lookup the color (either from a 40k buffer texture of colors or color indices into a 15 color color map, or just some direct computation from the primitive id). But don't ask me about the performance of this approach.
This question already has answers here:
What are Vertex and Pixel shaders?
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I've read some tutorials regarding Cg, yet one thing is not quite clear to me.
What exactly is the difference between vertex and fragment shaders?
And for what situations is one better suited than the other?
A fragment shader is the same as pixel shader.
One main difference is that a vertex shader can manipulate the attributes of vertices. which are the corner points of your polygons.
The fragment shader on the other hand takes care of how the pixels between the vertices look. They are interpolated between the defined vertices following specific rules.
For example: if you want your polygon to be completely red, you would define all vertices red. If you want for specific effects like a gradient between the vertices, you have to do that in the fragment shader.
Put another way:
The vertex shader is part of the early steps in the graphic pipeline, somewhere between model coordinate transformation and polygon clipping I think. At that point, nothing is really done yet.
However, the fragment/pixel shader is part of the rasterization step, where the image is calculated and the pixels between the vertices are filled in or "coloured".
Just read about the graphics pipeline here and everything will reveal itself:
Vertex shader is done on every vertex, while fragment shader is done on every pixel. The fragment shader is applied after vertex shader. More about the shaders GPU pipeline link text
Nvidia Cg Tutorial:
Vertex transformation is the first processing stage in the graphics hardware pipeline. Vertex transformation performs a sequence of math operations on each vertex. These operations include transforming the vertex position into a screen position for use by the rasterizer, generating texture coordinates for texturing, and lighting the vertex to determine its color.
The results of rasterization are a set of pixel locations as well as a set of fragments. There is no relationship between the number of vertices a primitive has and the number of fragments that are generated when it is rasterized. For example, a triangle made up of just three vertices could take up the entire screen, and therefore generate millions of fragments!
Earlier, we told you to think of a fragment as a pixel if you did not know precisely what a fragment was. At this point, however, the distinction between a fragment and a pixel becomes important. The term pixel is short for "picture element." A pixel represents the contents of the frame buffer at a specific location, such as the color, depth, and any other values associated with that location. A fragment is the state required potentially to update a particular pixel.
The term "fragment" is used because rasterization breaks up each geometric primitive, such as a triangle, into pixel-sized fragments for each pixel that the primitive covers. A fragment has an associated pixel location, a depth value, and a set of interpolated parameters such as a color, a secondary (specular) color, and one or more texture coordinate sets. These various interpolated parameters are derived from the transformed vertices that make up the particular geometric primitive used to generate the fragments. You can think of a fragment as a "potential pixel." If a fragment passes the various rasterization tests (in the raster operations stage, which is described shortly), the fragment updates a pixel in the frame buffer.
Vertex Shaders and Fragment Shaders are both feature of 3-D implementation that does not uses fixed-pipeline rendering. In any 3-D rendering vertex shaders are applied before fragment/pixel shaders.
Vertex shader operates on each vertex. If you have a fixed polygon mesh and you want to deform it in a shader, you have to implement it in vertex shader. I.e. any physical change in vertex appearances can be done in vertex shaders.
Fragment shader takes the output from the vertex shader and associates colors, depth value of a pixel, etc. After these operations the fragment is send to Framebuffer for display on the screen.
Some operation, as for example lighting calculation, you can perform in vertex shader as well as fragment shader. But fragment shader provides better result than the vertex shader.
In rendering images via 3D hardware you typically have a mesh (point, polygons, lines) these are defined by vertices. To manipulate vertices individually typically for motions in a model or waves in an ocean you can use vertex shaders. These vertices can have static colour or colour assigned by textures, to manipulate vertex colours you use fragment shaders. At the end of the pipeline when the view goes to screen you can also use fragment shaders.