framework not found FBSDKShareKit for architecture arm64 - swift3

Xcode doesn't found the framework FBSDKSharekit when i build.
The Error
I already have a configuration for Firebase Authentication (Use of FBSKCoreKit, FBSDKLoginKit, Bolt).
And I just need the FBSDKShareKit.
I follow all the installation process for Carthage, but it not working.
And the search path is configured.
Xcode run on 9.2 version and Swift 3

Remove pods and re-install
There is a problem in Xcode 9 same problem with me...


sitecore 9 installation failed on task 11 webdeploy Method not found WebDeployEventWriter EventWriteVerbose

I am getting below error while installing sitecore 9.0 update 2 on task 11 .
After troubleshooting I came to know that I had install web deploy 4 which is not supported to SIF 1.2.1
I uninstall and reinstall version 3 problem got resolved.
Installed Web Deploy in
Visual Studio before to run installtion script.
Use the search box to search following tools and add as depicted in below screenshot.

IONIC2 transformClassesWithDexForDebug

I got this error
`FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong?
Execution failed for task ':transformClassesWithDexForDebug'. java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/zxing/BarcodeFormat;
I have enabled Multidex (multiDexEnabled = true) in build.gradle and also added following
dexOptions {
incremental = true;
preDexLibraries = false
javaMaxHeapSize "2g"
but still getting that error.
Even I was facing the similar issue, I tried updating Cordova, Ionic and setting ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME and almost all the solution over the web, but nothing worked for me. Finally, it was the issue with PhoneGap-push plugin. The 2.0 version of PhoneGap-push plugin has some collision with some plugins like
Google Analytics
To be more specific the plugins that use google play services.
So Below is my solution.
First, remove the PhoneGap-push plugin 2.0 from your application.
Now try to build the app by commenting all the lines that use push plugin.
If the build is successful then it will be the issue with push plugin. Then follow below instructions to fix the issue. If the build is not successful then you might be having some other issue.
First, uninstall the PhoneGap-push plugin 2.0
Then go to project -> package.json and search for push and replace the line with “”: “4.0.1” earlier it will be 4.3.0 or 4.3.1
Now add push plugin again to the project with below command ionic plugin add phonegap-plugin-push#1.10.5 --variable SENDER_ID=XXXXXXX
Now build your app works like a charm....
This issue is already opened in phonegap-pushplugin repo . They have a next milestone of releasing version 2.1.0 which will be fixing this issue.

GoogleCloudMessaging integration on iOS using cocoapods

I'm trying to integrate GoogleCloudMessaging(GCM) on iOS project. (Cocos2d-x v3.2)
As per the google's instruction, (
I use cocoapods but failed with following error.
$ pod install
Updating local specs repositories
Analyzing dependencies
[!] Unable to satisfy the following requirements:
- `GoogleCloudMessaging` required by `Podfile`
Here are what I tested.
install GCM on cocos2dx project (v3.2) -> failed.
create a non-cocos2dx project and install GCM -> succeeded
install GoogleAnalytics on cocos2dx project -> succeeded.
create a cocos2dx project using v3.7 and install GCM -> failed.
I don't have any clue yet why installing GCM is failed but GoogleAnalytics is not.
Is there anyone who succeed integrating GCM on iOS?
This is my Podfile
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '6.0'
source ''
target 'SampleApp iOS' do
pod 'GoogleCloudMessaging'
target 'SampleApp Mac' do
I could solve this problem referring a post in cocos2d-x forum.
Changing Deployment Target to 7.0 or higher in Xcode project setting will clear this issue.

aapt missing MACOS Use the `android' tool to install the "Android SDK Platform-tools"

aapt missing MACOS Use the `android' tool to install the "Android SDK Platform-tools".
i have already use android download times.
but i can't find any usefully aapt file
only link to /usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk/r22.0.1/platform-tools/aapt
but under /usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk/r22.0.1/platform-tools/ only adb
the "aapt" tool was moved to the Build Tools folder. Run "android" and make sure you install the build tools (18.1 is currently the latest one).
also see this other post:
Android Maven Could not find tool 'aapt'
Run the android command and ensure that the SDK tools for your target platform are up to date. It is possible that you updated the SDK but not the build tools.
Hope that helps.
The android tools from brew expect version 17 of the SDK Build-tools to be installed.
I had a similar problem recently and found it to be an error with my HomeBrew setup. I think HomeBrew was expecting a particular version of the build tools that I didn't have.
I found that updating HomeBrew
brew update
gave me a new error which was much more informative:
It appears you do not have 'build-tools-19.0.3' installed.
Use the 'android' tool to install them:
android update sdk --no-ui --filter 'build-tools-19.0.3'
Unfortunately the filter in the suggested command didn't work but I found I could install it manually through the UI by running the android tool and selecting the version HomeBrew was expecting.
See for correct answer. The file's directory has changed from tools to build-tools/

Using virtualenv on Mac OS X

I'm trying to setup a Django environment on Mac OS X, but I'm getting an error when I try to create a virtual env. Does anyone have a tip for me?
UPDATE: I'm sorry for leaving out the error message. It boils down to:
Could not call install_name_tool -- you must have Apple's development tools installed
Well, the error message would be helpful, but when I recently setup a Django development environment on my Macbook Air, I found that I needed to download an install Xcode to get all the development tools I needed.
You can find Xcode in the Mac Store. It cost $4.99 when I downloaded it a few weeks ago. It is a huge download and took all night to get, but once I installed it I was able to use virtualenv.
You can check out my post on Getting Started with Virtualenv if you need help with that excellent package. Best of luck.