How to combine videos by aerender.exe - after-effects

I have video list, i want to combine this list by aerender.exe command line.
./aerender -project ... -output
Is there any way to solve this problem. Help me.


How to use youtube-dl to download multiple videos in one txt file on mac?

I got a txt file with one video url per line and there're 50 urls in total. I know youtube-dl has the feature that allows you to download multiple videos with youtube-dl -a sample.txt.
But I need another way to do this because I'm also using a download tool called you-get which works better on some sites. However, it doesn't support download from a txt file. Last week I find a method to convert multiple files with ffmpeg with this command for i in *.m4a; do ffmpeg -i "$i" "${i%.*}.mp3"; done. I am wondering that is there any similar one line command like this one can help me read urls from the txt file and download with youtube-dl. I am using a mac btw.
More generally, xargs is specific tool for that approach.
cat sample.txt | xargs --max-args=1 you-get
takes each line from sample.txt, giving them as an argument to you-get. This ends up with 50 command lines:
you-get url1
you-get url2
you-get url[...]
and so on. This is a good tutorial, from tutorialspoint:

Graphviz and Weka only generates empty trees

I downloaded Graphviz and installed their package for Weka 3.9, created the props file as indicated on with content:
Executable="C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe"
(Tried with and without quotation marks)
And it will only generate empty trees through plugin->visualize tree (Graphviz).
I'm in a bit of stress because I need to deliver a project by this night and discovered an error last moment, can anyone please help? I can deliver without the trees, but theyd be a major help.
Thanks in advance!
First of all, thanks for bringing this useful Weka plugin to my notice! I think it's written by one of the Weka developers fwiw, not by the authors of Graphviz.
To answer your question, although it's too late for your deadline sorry, are you sure you have created the props file correctly? In particular, the format for specifying the executable path is shown on the project page you linked to as (for example):
Executable=C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz2.38/bin/dot.exe
i.e. with forward slashes as the path separator, even on Windows. When I replaced the forward slashes with backslashes it gave me an empty window too, so I suspect this might be your problem.
However, in the absence of the plugin it's quite easy to write the Graphviz code for a decision tree structure by hand from the Weka output, and not too hard to code up a script to convert one to the other. Here's an example:
digraph myTree {
Node_1 [label="Predictor1"]
Node_1 -> Node_2 [label="<= 3.14"]
Node_1 -> Node_3 [label="> 3.14"]
Node_2 [label="Class 1", shape=box,style=filled,color=lightgray]
Node_3 [label="Predictor2"]
Node_3 -> Node_4 [label="<= 42"]
Node_3 -> Node_5 [label="> 42"]
Node_4 [label="Class 2", shape=box,style=filled,color=lightgray]
Node_5 [label="Class 3", shape=box,style=filled,color=lightgray]
and the corresponding output, obtained e.g. from dot -Tpng -O path\to\myTree.gv:
I had this same problem, but on a Weka/GraphViz install with a new Apple M1 chip. The following worked for me:
Install the new version of Homebrew for the Apple M1 chip.
Install GraphViz. brew install graphviz
Open Weka, from the GUI Chooser go to Tools/Package Manager.
In the top right corner under 'Unofficial' hit the 'File/URL' button.
Copy this address for the install (note, this is a bit hacky as it's the 2014 plugin, if anyone can help get the newer 2018 plugin to install I'd appreciate it but it kept failing for me):
Search your computer for the file ‘GraphVizTreeVisualization.props’ and open it with a text editor.
Change this text Executable=dot to Executable=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/graphviz/3.0.0/bin/dot and save the file.
Copy that file and paste the file here: $[HOME]/wekafiles/props/GraphVizTreeVisualization.props
Restart Weka

How do I create/access ~/.lein/profiles.clj?

I am very new to Clojure and am following Clojure for the Brave and True. One of the steps is to create ~/.lein/profiles.clj . I cannot find how I am supposed to do this so any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
From your question, I take it that you are a) on a Linux system and b) do not yet know your way around Linux. Is that correct?
If so, there are a few things, you should know:
Filenames beginning with a dot are hidden. You can not see them in normal file listings. All graphical filemanagers have a switch somewhere to show hidden files. If you are typing in a terminal, you can use the -a option of the command ls to show them. Compare the output of ls ~ and ls -a ~on the command line. You can usually get a command line if you start a "terminal" or "console" from menu.
You can create directories on the command line with mkdir. In this case you would call it like this: mkdir ~/.lein on the command line.
You can then use one of the many, many text editors to create and edit the profiles.clj file. For example, on the command line call gedit ~/.lein/profiles.clj to open a graphical editor. It should be installed on most systems. If you do not have a graphical user-interface, you could try the editor nano instead of gedit
If you are on a Windows box, all these instructions make no sense. In that case, I cannot help you much as I have never run Clojure on Windows.
If you are already an experienced Linux user and I just misread your question, I beg your pardon for stating the obvious.

Makefiles: Is there are a general way to show which line from makefile is causing the error?

I'm trying to find a line from the makefile, and have the following output when I run make clean:
rm -f ../../lib/i386/ ../../lib/i386/
rm: cannot remove `../../lib/i386/': Is a directory
The above first line is the command. The second is the error. I know how to fix the error, but I don't know where the first line is being called.
Note: The problem is compounded because I don't exactly know which makefile this is coming from. We have several include statements that traverse several makefiles. For instance...
include contains:
EDIT: I'm looking for a built in way to show which line from which makefile error. Is there anything like this built into makefiles or a tool that can do this? Using find and grep can take lots of time depending on the situation. The above is just an example.
If you're using a new-enough version of GNU make, you can use the --trace flag.
in the root of your source directory, run:
find . -name "make*" | xargs grep -n "../../lib/i386"
(*Assumes all your makefiles start with "make" and that you are on a unix-like OS)
Based on the below comment, also try:
find . -name "make*" | xargs grep -n "rm -f"

how to build three.js from sources

I'm having some trouble getting three.js to build -
the resulting three.js file is significantly different than what I downloaded.
This is likely related to the comment "This page is currently invalid and needs to be rewritten" on this page in the wiki, ["How to generate a compressed Three"](, -or-how-to-generate-a-compressed-Three.js-file).
Nonetheless, I'm a bit up a tree.
I'd like to add collision exclusion to Raycaster.js/intersectObject(),
but rebuilding breaks my app without errors or warnings in the console.
I've tried with various permutations of the possible --include's,
with varying but unsuccessful results.
I'm not even trying to build the minified version.
I'm on OSX.
Any pointers are appreciated.
On a terminal window go to utils/build and run:
python --include common --include extras --output ../../build/three.js
Or... run the shell file: