Create a input box on a app using django - django

I am tasked with a project of creating an app with python. We have decided to use django for this purpose. Basically, I need to create an app where users can go on to a website, type their names, addresses and get the required information about their historical product purchase.
Now, I am using mariadb in python to query the names. The function I created successfully gets the users name using some name matching algorithm and gets their required information. If the user misspells his/her name, the program also outputs suggested names that match what the user implied. Hence, if the user clicks on his/her name, he will get all historical purchase history for that user.
I managed to use django to create a basic website. But, I want to create input boxes where users can put in their info. Do I actually go to in django and create a names model? Also, is an administrative site required for this purpose?
Edit: from further reading, it seems I need to use inspectdb and tell django to automatically create models for me?

You may get all the information you need from the Django tutorial in the docs. The first three chapters talk about the initial setup for the database and administration site.
The fourth one handles the the creation of forms:


How to structure django admin for multiple users

I'm still a complete newbie on Django, so now I'm a little bit lost on what I could do to structure my server to suit my needs.
The situation is like this: my Django admin could be accessed by the admin and multiple users. Each user can add multiple item to the server, and the server will only allow them to retrieve, modify and delete item added by them and not the other users. They will also have some custom option they can pick: like receiving notifications through emails or another channels. Meanwhile, admin can see all items, and have a filter to see all items added by one user and all users's custom option.
Any help would be appreciated.
take a look here. this is where i started with custom user models.
Django has builtin user models with basic fields like username email and password and authentication. The above link will help you create custom user models and it will be a good place to start

Django registering users against a list of existing usernames

I am using Django rest framework to build my application backend. I have used Django-rest-auth ( to enable login and registration for my app. It is already working.
However as per my new requirement, I have a list of usernames and only those usernames can register into my system. How can I achieve this?
I had few ideas (do not know if they make total sense):
1. A new model to store usernames, so that in future more usernames can be added via admin interface
2. Whenever a user makes a call from client: the entered username is checked against this new usernames table and if it exists in the table registration is allowed.
Or there can be a still easier way to do this? Any code snippets?

Django - User Model for Dating site - Admin -Staff/Agency+ other users

I'm trying to make my first django app (a dating site) that consist of varying user models.
Users need to have fields like location,language,religion, height, preferences, family details horoscope etc.
Staff/Agency - users added by Admin from the panel - some contact details like address,phone etc would be enough. No self registration required.
I prefer to have email-id as the USERNAME field.
Can someone please guide me how do I proceed to make User models in this case? I have been struggling to follow the docs and various thread on forums to get some light.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
You should 'extend' the django user class by creating a one to one model, generally called a profile that contains the rest of the information you need to gather on a person.
It is considered bad practise and difficult to extend djangos user class directly.
Have a look at this youtube video, it's a bit out of date so don't copy it word for word, but it gets the general concept across.

joomla 2.5 custom extension about users

I want your help to solve a problem in a site.
I know that when a user makes a subscription in the site through joomla log in form , it is stored in a table in sites database.
I want to the user to be stored in a custom table that I will make and it will be somewhere in the site.
The result I would like to be like this:
The site is for a school. Each student will made a subscription and his/her name will be stored to a table with lessons of the school. The teachers will log in the site and they will have to put the test results of each student in each lesson in this table.
it will be like:
lesson 1----lesson 2-----lesson 3
user's name 1-------- grade----grade----------grade
user's name 2-------- grade----grade---------- grade
You will need to look into custom component creation. As it is quite a simple component, the available component creators may do most of this for you. However it makes sense to understand the basics of how a component works first so that you know how to tweak and test it.
Simple components like this are ultimately just data entry into a single table, which is what most tutorials will cover. Components get more complex when interacting with other components or require more tables.
If students do not need to log-in to the site (and if they are unlikely to in future), then they do not need to be made users, but rather can just be a component item which is created by the teachers when they enter the data. If students need to log-in, then the id of the #__users table should be the match field in the new table.
When adding users to a site, it is important to make sure their permissions are set correctly so that they cannot access inappropriate data or make changes that they are not permitted to.
Also : If you are storing private information, it is particularly important that you keep Joomla patched for security - 2.5 is now rather out-of-date.

Adding Pushover integration in Django

I've recently started using, I've done some searching and can't find any examples of it being integrated with a django project.
Since i can't find any examples I've decided it would be fun to try myself. What I'm interested in is how you would suggest I do it. I want the actual pushover part as decoupled a possible, hence doing it asas an app.
What I'm not entirely sure on how to approach is the user authorization. The idea being a user enters their pushover user key and its saved in a user profile model using django's AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE with some functions such as has_pushover but obviously I'd like some security so the user keys aren't stored in plaintext. What do people suggest for this?
Is there some inbuilt django security I can use?
In the past when I've needed to encrypt Django fields I used the encrypted fields available in django-fields. You could use one of these on your UserProfile model and define a has_pushover() method on the model which basically returns whether the pushover token field is None or not.
I'm guessing because you're talking about storing each user's Pushover token you are wanting to build an app for pushing arbitrary notifications to your website's users? This is in contrast to having the website just push notifications to yourself for site events.