Is credhub available with - cloud-foundry

If yes then what is the url/api to access it from 's trial account.
Also can the features of credhub be tested using pcfdev?

Ver 0.28.0 is the latest PCFDev available on PivNet
It is PCF ver 1.11.x. Two versions older. This version does not support CredHub.
If I recall correctly, in ver 1.12 all internal properties are stored in CredHub. That said, PCFDev is not meant for production by any means. So, it may not support CredHub.
To test locally, you can spin up a credhub instance. And use that in your PCF app. To do that you will need VirtualBox and spin up a bosh-lite instance with CredHub.
Take a look at this article on how to set it up.

No, credhub is not supported for application developers on PWS at this time.


Mesosphere Installation in VirtualBox Ubuntu 14.04

Can somebody please help me? I configure three masters following the guide of digital ocean and I'm trying to access the Mesos and Marathon interface using my host only adapter address, but it just says the site cant be reached and refused to connect
Thanks for asking your question. First of all, the document you are referencing from Digital Ocean is from 2014 and while DC/OS can run on Ubuntu it is not a supported operating system for this product. There are also concerning suggestions in this article that I would avoid (such as only have a 2 Mesos Master quorum which it looks like you already noticed). Lastly, the company itself is called Mesosphere and the product is called DC/OS :)
With all that out of the way, since 2014 much has changed in DC/OS and the Digital Ocean document is obsolete. You no longer have to manually configure Zookeeper, cluster quorum size, Marathon, Mesos, edit host files on agents, or any of the other items this document references for a production cluster. All of that is taken care of in a YAML configuration file called config.yaml if you attempt an "advanced" install.
You should have more success with connecting to the UIs (DC/OS, Marathon, and Mesos) by attempting an installation method that is up-to-date, on a tested and supported OS, and using the latest versions of DC/OS provided by Mesosphere. This will remove the difficulties you are seeing from the obsolete documentation.
Hope this helps and you see success with DC/OS!
***Edit, if you want to avoid DC/OS, use the Mesos advanced course

Amazon Web Service RDS DB Engine Version

I'm want to use Amazon Web Service RDS.
So I'm working on process for setting.
But when I choose DB engine version,
there are two type(a, b) about 5.6.19.
Are there difference between two types?
Thank you.
The a and b letter designations appear to indicate that the instance will be running the stated official release version plus bug fixes created or backported or otherwise applied by the RDS developers... So 5.6.19b would be the newer of those two. The issues they address are explained here:
However, unless you have a specific reason not to, you should probably use the latest version available.

Can I use loopback of version higher than 2.0 on AWS?

I am trying to develop server-side using loopback with database connector.
However, I am quite confused with installing loopback on AWS.
reference for installing loopback on AWS
This website mentioned that only loopback of version 2.0 could be installed.
Yet, when I browse through loopback website,, this website shows that it seems possible to install loopback of version higher than 2.0 on AWS. Since there are some features only available after version 2.1x, it would be nice if AWS allows installation of loopback of version higher than 2.0. Could anyone help me solve the problem? BTW, I am only using free tier of AWS and do not intend to pay at this moment.
Even if you install the image that comes preconfigured with Loopback 2, you should be able to upgrade to newer versions using npm as you normally would (sudo npm install -g strongloop and the like). Imagine if there's a security issue that you'd need that wasn't backported for whatever reason...Loopback is just files and the image is just linux. You have free reign to update/upgrade whatever you need.
My recommendation would be to start out with a minimal Ubuntu image and install everything with npm. You'll understand the ecosystem better and won't be surprised by something you don't remember installing specifically.
One caveat that a bunch of preconfigured images have is they are only available on older instance types (m1 for instance--pun not intended ;)). They are slower and more expensive than newer instances.
You can probably install whatever you want.
The difference is that if you want a machine image that contains everything already there and don't want to build it yourself you're stuck to 2.0 here (
What I would do is use the provided AMI and after that upgrade loopback manually.

Using Vagrant to manage AWS instances

For some time I am managing EC2 (Windows Boxes), RDS and S3 on AWS.
I do know manual steps that must be made in order to set up lets say a normal box (DB, Storage and Server. I heard about Vagrand, but everywhere I looked it mainly talks about Linux boxes on AWS.
My main question is: Is Vagrand a tool that will save me time for deyploment (windows), or should I not use it at all (in Windows scenario).
Vagrant plays nicely with AWS (via vagrant-aws plugin).
Vagrant seems to play nicely with Windows as well since version 1.6 and the introduction of WinRM support (ssh alternative for Windows).
However AWS plugin doesn't support WinRM communicator yet. So you'll need to pre-bake your Windows AMIs with SSH service pre installed, if you want vagrant to provision it.
Update (29/03/2016): Thanks to Rafael Goodman for pointing to vagrant-aws-winrm plugin as a possible workaround.

Node.js 0.8.2 on CloudFoundry Micro edition 1.2

The documentation for CloudFoundry indicates that Node.js version 0.8.2 is supported. However, when I run "vmc runtimes" against my local micro edition, it only lists node and node06 (not node08)
I'm running 0.8.2 locally on my box -- how can I upgrade Micro edition so that it also has 0.8.2 installed?
Micro Cloud Foundry 1.2 was released before Node.js 0.8.2 support was added. MCF currently cannot be upgraded to support it. However, a new MCF version is planned for the very near future which will bring parity to all the feature on We also plan a faster release cadence of MCF so it doesn't fall behind on features.
It's not completely trivial to patch MCF 1.2 to add node 0.8, you'd need to install the relevant packages as well as add information to the Cloud Foundry manifest files to enable it to advertise the node08 runtime.
However, the next Micro Cloud Foundry release should be available pretty soon so if you can hold on just a little longer, we should have some good news for you :-)
Out of interest, what application are you looking to build / run that requires 0.8.x?
Micro Cloud Foundry has just been updated to be in sync with the codebase on github so it now supports Node.js 0.8.2. Read the announcement here: