Node.js 0.8.2 on CloudFoundry Micro edition 1.2 - cloud-foundry

The documentation for CloudFoundry indicates that Node.js version 0.8.2 is supported. However, when I run "vmc runtimes" against my local micro edition, it only lists node and node06 (not node08)
I'm running 0.8.2 locally on my box -- how can I upgrade Micro edition so that it also has 0.8.2 installed?

Micro Cloud Foundry 1.2 was released before Node.js 0.8.2 support was added. MCF currently cannot be upgraded to support it. However, a new MCF version is planned for the very near future which will bring parity to all the feature on We also plan a faster release cadence of MCF so it doesn't fall behind on features.

It's not completely trivial to patch MCF 1.2 to add node 0.8, you'd need to install the relevant packages as well as add information to the Cloud Foundry manifest files to enable it to advertise the node08 runtime.
However, the next Micro Cloud Foundry release should be available pretty soon so if you can hold on just a little longer, we should have some good news for you :-)
Out of interest, what application are you looking to build / run that requires 0.8.x?

Micro Cloud Foundry has just been updated to be in sync with the codebase on github so it now supports Node.js 0.8.2. Read the announcement here:


Does GCP ops agent receiver support kafka version 3.2.x?

I am trying to collect logs/metrics from kafka connector in GCP.
I read the documentation
It seems that ops agent only support till Apache Kafka Version 3.0.0 and I am using Kafka version 3.2.3.
May I know if there is any roadmap of version support of Kafka in ops agent?
Or any alternatives I can do for this? Please advise.
From a technical standpoint, there is no hard requirement that the version of Kafka you use is within the range documented. You're free to try using a newer version than what's documented (the Ops Agent will not forbid you from doing this), and it "might" work; it's just not officially supported or tested.
That being said, I tried running version 3.2.3 through the Ops Agent integration tests and they all passed, so there's a decent chance that 3.2.3 would work fine for you.

How often do Cloud Build Node.js versions update?

I couldn't stomach purchasing the $150 for GCP's support service for this one question. I'm just looking to understand the schedule for Cloud Build Node.js versions. It's still stuck on Node.js v10.10 and my projects are starting to require higher versions to build. According to Cloud Build's changelog, I don't believe the Node.js version has updated in years. Any ideas?
As per the official Github repository:
Our client libraries follow the Node.js release schedule. Libraries are compatible with all current active and maintenance versions of Node.js.
So, this means it should work with Node.js 12 and the updates should be more constant. In addition to that, in here, it says that if you are using a Cloud Build config file, you can use Node.js 12, so the Node.js' latest version should be compatible with Cloud Build.
To summarize, by the repository, it should follow Node.js schedule. However, in case you think this is not occurring, I would recommend you to raise a bug on the Google's Issue Tracker - it's free, by the way - so they can assess this.

Is credhub available with

If yes then what is the url/api to access it from 's trial account.
Also can the features of credhub be tested using pcfdev?
Ver 0.28.0 is the latest PCFDev available on PivNet
It is PCF ver 1.11.x. Two versions older. This version does not support CredHub.
If I recall correctly, in ver 1.12 all internal properties are stored in CredHub. That said, PCFDev is not meant for production by any means. So, it may not support CredHub.
To test locally, you can spin up a credhub instance. And use that in your PCF app. To do that you will need VirtualBox and spin up a bosh-lite instance with CredHub.
Take a look at this article on how to set it up.
No, credhub is not supported for application developers on PWS at this time.

Docker image registry/repository on private cloudfoundry

I installed Cloudfoundry (approximately version v220) on OpenStack and I want to work with private Docker images on Cloudfoundry.
I would like to run docker registry/repository (Doc|Github) server on Cloudfoundry.
I found tutorials on how to install it directly on a machine/VM (1|2|3).
Is there something to be said against running it on Cloudfoundry?
How do I install it?
Is Diego or something like that already providing the registry/repository service?
I thought Diego was part of Cloudfoundry but reading the CF release notes it looks like I have to install Diego separately is that correct (see "Recommended Diego Version")?
It is possible to run private Docker images on Cloudfoundry and there is a CF-specific registry you can use. In order to do that, there are a number of extra steps that you will need to undertake.
To answer your last question first, we must tease apart what exactly is meant by "Diego is a part of Cloud Foundry". Cloud Foundry is deployed using BOSH, which among other things has a concept of a release. A release is in essence a versioned collection of source code, configuration, dependencies, etc. that your system needs to run. I would recommend reading the BOSH docs to gain more of an understanding as to exactly what BOSH is.
Historically, Cloud Foundry has been made up of a single BOSH release, cf-release, but that is no longer the case. Diego itself is deployed as a separate release, diego-release, and that is what is being referred to in the cf-release release notes. To ensure compatibility, each release of cf-release publishes which release of diego-release is being run alongside.
Diego does support an internal docker registry that can run private docker images, but in order to do so, you must deploy another BOSH release and configure it correctly. That bosh release is the diego-docker-cache-release, the README should hopefully help in getting you started. This cf-dev post by the current Diego PM might also be helpful in setting it up. If you run into any problems or issues, I would recommend posting to the cf-dev mailing lists as the CF community and developers maintain a closer watch on that communication channel.

Can I use loopback of version higher than 2.0 on AWS?

I am trying to develop server-side using loopback with database connector.
However, I am quite confused with installing loopback on AWS.
reference for installing loopback on AWS
This website mentioned that only loopback of version 2.0 could be installed.
Yet, when I browse through loopback website,, this website shows that it seems possible to install loopback of version higher than 2.0 on AWS. Since there are some features only available after version 2.1x, it would be nice if AWS allows installation of loopback of version higher than 2.0. Could anyone help me solve the problem? BTW, I am only using free tier of AWS and do not intend to pay at this moment.
Even if you install the image that comes preconfigured with Loopback 2, you should be able to upgrade to newer versions using npm as you normally would (sudo npm install -g strongloop and the like). Imagine if there's a security issue that you'd need that wasn't backported for whatever reason...Loopback is just files and the image is just linux. You have free reign to update/upgrade whatever you need.
My recommendation would be to start out with a minimal Ubuntu image and install everything with npm. You'll understand the ecosystem better and won't be surprised by something you don't remember installing specifically.
One caveat that a bunch of preconfigured images have is they are only available on older instance types (m1 for instance--pun not intended ;)). They are slower and more expensive than newer instances.
You can probably install whatever you want.
The difference is that if you want a machine image that contains everything already there and don't want to build it yourself you're stuck to 2.0 here (
What I would do is use the provided AMI and after that upgrade loopback manually.