When a django project deploy on Nginx use uwsgi - django

I deploy my django project on the Nginx server use uwsgi, and it can access the static files,but when I input my domain on the browser,there is '400 Bad Request'


500 internal server error when changing the db from sqlite to postgres with django and nginx

I am wondering about some things, i followed this tutorials setting up server
I am currently using django 2.2, psycopg2 2.8.3, uwsgi 2.0.18.
I am able to migrate models to db but the nginx server failed to communicate with it.
I added local host with port 5432 to cors header.
does this a permission issue, as nginx runs with a user? or it is something else? should i use https for local host in cors header allowed hosts as nginx and django only allow https requests?
the problem was psycopg2 wasn't installed in venv location, even when i activate venv it does't install it in the venv dir. so i copy it from the location where it was installed to venv lib/site-packages, and it worked perfectly.

Django 500 server error using nginx and gunicorn

django website is working fine on localhost but when hosted on server using nginx and gunicorn, some APIs are throwing 500 server error. This problem is with some APIs and rest of the APIs are working well. Please help me what should I do?

configuring Django Channels for windows in production

Please, I need to configure Django Channels on redis-channel-layer on windows IIS in production. It is running very well in development.
I have installed redis, daphne. I have set the IIS as proxy server with URL Rewrite pointing the Inbound to localhost 6379 to redis-layer channels. I used python manage.py runworker. and also started the daphne server with the daphne command.
They all ran very well, but there is no websocket handshake for my url.

Apply https only for a few views using django sslserver

I am using django sslserver for enabling https. Now the server is working with https and not http. Is it possible to apply https only for a few views using sslserver. I came across a this link and tried it. But to run the server with https we need to run the command python manage.py runsslserver which starts the server is with https. And if I just run python manage.py runserver and use the #secure_required decorator as mentioned in the link for the views which I want to be rendered with https, I get the following error,
You're accessing the development server over HTTPS, but it only supports HTTP.
Is there a way I can use sslserver and run only a few views with https?

How to connect development mode rails app with nginx server?

I want to run my rails app in development mode with nginx server as I want to override remotipart. Please guide me how to connect rails app with nginx.
Install nginx
Install Passenger
Set nginx.conf file according to you
Start nginx Go through localhost your nginx page will start
gem install passenger in your project
passenger start
For more details got through this link: https://www.phusionpassenger.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Nginx.html#install_on_debian_ubuntu