Getting the variance of a vector of long doubles - c++

I'm trying to calculate the variance of a vector of long doubles. I've tried implementing other code I've seen, but it doesn't return the correct value.
long double variance = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < (v.size() - 1); x++) {
variance += ( - mean) * ( - mean);
variance /= v.size();
For example, if my vector is {1,2,3,4,5}, the above code gives me 2.25. To my understanding the correct answer is 2.
Any help is appreciated, I'm not sure what I'm missing.

x < (v.size() - 1)? This skips the last element. Use <= or omit the - 1.
The index of the element is v.size() - 1, and since x must be less than that, the loop breaks before the last element is processed.


Need help understanding this line in an FFT algorithm

In my program I have a function that performs the fast Fourier transform. I know there are very good implementations freely available, but this is a learning thing so I don't want to use those. I ended up finding this comment with the following implementation (it originated from the Italian entry for the FFT):
void transform(complex<double>* f, int N) //
ordina(f, N); //first: reverse order
complex<double> *W;
W = (complex<double> *)malloc(N / 2 * sizeof(complex<double>));
W[1] = polar(1., -2. * M_PI / N);
W[0] = 1;
for(int i = 2; i < N / 2; i++)
W[i] = pow(W[1], i);
int n = 1;
int a = N / 2;
for(int j = 0; j < log2(N); j++) {
for(int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
if(!(k & n)) {
complex<double> temp = f[k];
complex<double> Temp = W[(k * a) % (n * a)] * f[k + n];
f[k] = temp + Temp;
f[k + n] = temp - Temp;
n *= 2;
a = a / 2;
I've made a lot of changes by now but this was my starting point. One of the changes I made was to not cache the twiddle factors, because I decided to see if it's needed first. Now I've decided I do want to cache them. The way this implementation seems to do it is it has this array W of length N/2, where every index k has the value . What I don't understand is this expression:
W[(k * a) % (n * a)]
Note that n * a is always equal to N/2. I get that this is supposed to be equal to , and I can see that , which this relies on. I also get that modulo can be used here because the twiddle factors are cyclic. But there's one thing I don't get: this is a length-N DFT, and yet only N/2 twiddle factors are ever calculated. Shouldn't the array be of length N, and the modulo should be by N?
But there's one thing I don't get: this is a length-N DFT, and yet only N/2 twiddle factors are ever calculated. Shouldn't the array be of length N, and the modulo should be by N?
The twiddle factors are equally spaced points on the unit circle, and there is an even number of points because N is a power-of-two. After going around half of the circle (starting at 1, going counter clockwise above the X-axis), the second half is a repeat of the first half but this time it's below the X-axis (the points can be reflected through the origin). That is why Temp is subtracted the second time. That subtraction is the negation of the twiddle factor.

Reorganizing a vector in c++

I'd like to preface this question with the fact that I am very inexperienced when it comes to coding, so the solution to this problem could be much easier than what I have been trying. I have a vector 'phas' defined as vector<float> phase; that has 7987200 elements and I want to rearrange this vector into 133120 vectors of 60 elements (called line2 defined as vector<long double> line2;). Each vector of 60 should then be placed one after the other in a vector of vectors 'RFlines2' defined as vector< vector<long double> > RFlines2;and RFlines2.resize(7987200);. I want to fill each of the 60 element vectors with elements of 'phas' separated by 128. for example, the first vector of 60 elements would be filled with phas[0], phas[128], phas[256], ... phas[7680]. The second vector of 60 would then be filled with phas[1], phas[129], phas[257], ... phas[7681],...etc. My current code is as follows:
for(int x = 0; x<133120; x++){
if((x == 128 || x == 7680+128 || x == (7680*a)+128)){
x = 7680*a;
a = a + 1;
int j = x;
for(int i = 0; i<60;i++){
line2[i] = phas[j];
j = j + 128;
cout<<"This is x: "<<x<<endl;
RFlines2[x] = line2;
however, after 128 iterations of the outter loop (128 vectors of 60 have been created and 7680 elements from phas have been used), I would need the x value to jump to 7680 to avoid putting elements from phas that have already been used into the next vector of 60 since when x = 128 the first element of the next vector of 60 would be phase[128], which was already used as the 2nd element of the first vector of 60. And then after another 128 x iterations, I would need the x value to jump to 15,360 and so on. The code above is my latest attempt, but when I try to do the fftw on each vector of 60 in RFlines2 as follows:
int c = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < 133120; x++){
fftw_plan p2;
inter = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * W);
outter = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * W);
/* cast elements in line to type fftw_complex */
for (int i = 0; i <60; i++) {
//inter[i][0] = phas[i];
//inter[x][0] = zlines[x];
inter[i][0] = RFlines2[x][i];
inter[i][1] = 0;
p2 = fftw_plan_dft_1d(60, inter, outter, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
for(int u = 0; u<60;u++){
if(u == 0){
cout<<' '<<outter[0][0]<<' '<<c++<<endl;
the program crashes after displaying outer[0][0] 128 times. Any ideas how to fix this? Also, let me know if anything that I said doesn't make sense and I'll try to clarify. Thanks in advance!
I don't know why your code crashes, because I can't see the whole code here. But I'm going to suggest a way to scatter your data and manage your vectors.
(There is an important caveat though: you should not be using vectors (at least not vectors of vectors) for this task; you are better off using 1D vectors and managing the 2D indexing yourself. But this is a performance thing, and does not impact correctness.)
This is how I suggest you fill your RFLines2: (I have not tried this code, so it may not work.)
// first, build the memory for RFLines2...
vector<vector<long double>> RFLines2 (133120, vector<long double>(60));
// assuming a "phase" vector...
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 7987200; ++i)
unsigned const row = (i / (128 * 60)) * 128 + (i % (128 * 60)) % 128;
unsigned const col = (i % (128 * 60)) / 128;
RFLines[row][col] = phase[i];
You won't need the line2 intermediate this way.
The rest of the code "should" work. (BTW, I don't understand the inner for loop on u at all. What were you trying to do there?)

Generating incomplete iterated function systems

I am doing this assignment for fun.
There are sample outputs at site if you want to see how it is supposed to look. It involves iterated function systems, whose algorithm according the the assignment is:
for "lots" of random points (x0, y0)
for k=0 to num_iters
pick a random transform fi
(xk+1, yk+1) = fi(xk, yk)
display a dot at (xk, yk)
I am running into trouble with my implementation, which is:
void IFS::render(Image& img, int numPoints, int numIterations){
Vec3f color(0,1,0);
float x,y;
float u,v;
Vec2f myVector;
for(int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++){
x = (float)(rand()%img.Width())/img.Width();
y = (float)(rand()%img.Height())/img.Height();
for(int j = 0; j < numIterations;j++){
float randomPercent = (float)(rand()%100)/100;
for(int k = 0; k < num_transforms; k++){
if(randomPercent < range[k]){
u = myVector.x()*img.Width();
v = myVector.y()*img.Height();
This is how my pick a random transform from the input matrices:
matrices = new Matrix[num_transforms];
probablility = new float[num_transforms];
range = new float[num_transforms+1];
for (int i = 0; i < num_transforms; i++) {
fscanf (input,"%f",&probablility[i]);
if(i == 0) range[i] = probablility[i];
else range[i] = probablility[i] + range[i-1];
My output shows only the beginnings of a Sierpinski triangle (1000 points, 1000 iterations):
My dragon is better, but still needs some work (1000 points, 1000 iterations):
If you have RAND_MAX=4 and picture width 3, an evenly distributed sequence like [0,1,2,3,4] from rand() will be mapped to [0,1,2,0,1] by your modulo code, i.e. some numbers will occur more often. You need to cut off those numbers that are above the highest multiple of the target range that is below RAND_MAX, i.e. above ((RAND_MAX / 3) * 3). Just check for this limit and call rand() again.
Since you have to fix that error in several places, consider writing a utility function. Then, reduce the scope of your variables. The u,v declaration makes it hard to see that these two are just used in three lines of code. Declare them as "unsigned const u = ..." to make this clear and additionally get the compiler to check that you don't accidentally modify them afterwards.

Histogram approximation for streaming data

This question is a slight extension of the one answered here. I am working on re-implementing a version of the histogram approximation found in Section 2.1 of this paper, and I would like to get all my ducks in a row before beginning this process again. Last time, I used boost::multi_index, but performance wasn't the greatest, and I would like to avoid the logarithmic in number of buckets insert/find complexity of a std::set. Because of the number of histograms I'm using (one per feature per class per leaf node of a random tree in a random forest), the computational complexity must be as close to constant as possible.
A standard technique used to implement a histogram involves mapping the input real value to a bin number. To accomplish this, one method is to:
initialize a standard C array of size N, where N = number of bins; and
multiply the input value (real number) by some factor and floor the result to get its index in the C array.
This works well for histograms with uniform bin size, and is quite efficient. However, Section 2.1 of the above-linked paper provides a histogram algorithm without uniform bin sizes.
Another issue is that simply multiplying the input real value by a factor and using the resulting product as an index fails with negative numbers. To resolve this, I considered identifying a '0' bin somewhere in the array. This bin would be centered at 0.0; the bins above/below it could be calculated using the same multiply-and-floor method just explained, with the slight modification that the floored product be added to two or subtracted from two as necessary.
This then raises the question of merges: the algorithm in the paper merges the two closest bins, as measured from center to center. In practice, this creates a 'jagged' histogram approximation, because some bins would have extremely large counts and others would not. Of course, this is due to non-uniform-sized bins, and doesn't result in any loss of precision. A loss of precision does, however, occur if we try to normalize the non-uniform-sized bins to make the uniform. This is because of the assumption that m/2 samples fall to the left and right of the bin center, where m = bin count. We could model each bin as a gaussian, but this will still result in a loss of precision (albeit minimal)
So that's where I'm stuck right now, leading to this major question: What's the best way to implement a histogram accepting streaming data and storing each sample in bins of uniform size?
Keep four variables.
int N; // assume for simplicity that N is even
int count[N];
double lower_bound;
double bin_size;
When a new sample x arrives, compute double i = floor(x - lower_bound) / bin_size. If i >= 0 && i < N, then increment count[i]. If i >= N, then repeatedly double bin_size until x - lower_bound < N * bin_size. On every doubling, adjust the counts (optimize this by exploiting sparsity for multiple doublings).
for (int j = 0; j < N / 2; j++) count[j] = count[2 * j] + count[2 * j + 1];
for (int j = N / 2; j < N; j++) count[j] = 0;
The case i < 0 is trickier, since we need to decrease lower_bound as well as increase bin_size (again, optimize for sparsity or adjust the counts in one step).
while (lower_bound > x) {
lower_bound -= N * bin_size;
bin_size += bin_size;
for (int j = N - 1; j > N / 2 - 1; j--) count[j] = count[2 * j - N] + count[2 * j - N + 1];
for (int j = 0; j < N / 2; j++) count[j] = 0;
The exceptional cases are expensive but happen only a logarithmic number of times in the range of your data over the initial bin size.
If you implement this in floating-point, be mindful that floating-point numbers are not real numbers and that statements like lower_bound -= N * bin_size may misbehave (in this case, if N * bin_size is much smaller than lower_bound). I recommend that bin_size be a power of the radix (usually two) at all times.

How do you multiply a matrix by itself?

This is what i have so far but I do not think it is right.
for (int i = 0 ; i < 5; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
matrix[i][j] += matrix[i][j] * matrix[i][j];
Suggestion: if it's not a homework don't write your own linear algebra routines, use any of the many peer reviewed libraries that are out there.
Now, about your code, if you want to do a term by term product, then you're doing it wrong, what you're doing is assigning to each value it's square plus the original value (n*n+n or (1+n)*n, whatever you like best)
But if you want to do an authentic matrix multiplication in the algebraic sense, remember that you had to do the scalar product of the first matrix rows by the second matrix columns (or the other way, I'm not very sure now)... something like:
for i in rows:
for j in cols:
and the scalar product "·"
v·w = sum(v(i)*w(i)) for all i in the range of the indices.
Of course, with this method you cannot do the product in place, because you'll need the values that you're overwriting in the next steps.
Also, explaining a little bit further Tyler McHenry's comment, as a consecuence of having to multiply rows by columns, the "inner dimensions" (I'm not sure if that's the correct terminology) of the matrices must match (if A is m x n, B is n x o and A*C is m x o), so in your case, a matrix can be squared only if it's square (he he he).
And if you just want to play a little bit with matrices, then you can try Octave, for example; squaring a matrix is as easy as M*M or M**2.
I don't think you can multiply a matrix by itself in-place.
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
product[i][j] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
product[i][j] += matrix[i][k] * matrix[k][j];
Even if you use a less naïve matrix multiplication (i.e. something other than this O(n3) algorithm), you still need extra storage.
That's not any matrix multiplication definition I've ever seen. The standard definition is
for (i = 1 to m)
for (j = 1 to n)
result(i, j) = 0
for (k = 1 to s)
result(i, j) += a(i, k) * b(k, j)
to give the algorithm in a sort of pseudocode. In this case, a is a m x s matrix and b is an s x n, the result is a m x n, and subscripts begin with 1..
Note that multiplying a matrix in place is going to get the wrong answer, since you're going to be overwriting values before using them.
It's been too long since I've done matrix math (and I only did a little bit of it, on top), but the += operator takes the value of matrix[i][j] and adds to it the value of matrix[i][j] * matrix[i][j], which I don't think is what you want to do.
Well it looks like what it's doing is squaring the row/column, then adding it to the row/column. Is that what you want it to do? If not, then change it.