Question as in title: I would like to create a long tuple filled with 1.
mytuple = fill(1, (2018,))
but Julia returns an array of 1.
2018-element Array{Int64,1}:
Sorry in advance if it turns out to be a duplicate.
fill is for arrays, use tuple(ones(Int,2018)...) instead or ntuple(x->1, 2018) if you wanna use a more complex init function. BTW, you might also use ntuple(x->1, Val(10)) to improve the type stability of the code.
I need writing a function which takes as input
a = [12,39,48,36]
and produces as output
where the idea is to repeat one element three times or two times (this should be variable) and divided by 2 or 3.
I tried doing this:
for i in a
You need to vectorize the division operator with a dot ..
Additionally I understand that you want results to be Int - you can vectorizing casting to Int too:
repeat(Int.(a./3), inner=3)
Przemyslaw's answer, repeat(Int.(a./3), inner=3), is excellent and is how you should write your code for conciseness and clarity. Let me in this answer analyze your attempted solution and offer a revised solution which preserves your intent. (I find that this is often useful for educational purposes).
Your code is:
c = [12,39,48,36]
a = size(c)
for i in a
repeat(c[i]/3, 3)
The immediate fix is:
c = [12,39,48,36]
output = Int[]
for x in c
append!(output, fill(x/3, 3))
Here are the changes I made:
You need an array to actually store the output. The repeat function, which you use in your loop, would produce a result, but this result would be thrown away! Instead, we define an initially empty output = Int[] and then append! each repeated block.
Your for loop specification is iterating over a size tuple (4,), which generates just a single number 4. (Probably, you misunderstand the purpose of the size function: it is primarily useful for multidimensional arrays.) To fix it, you could do a = 1:length(c) instead of a = size(c). But you don't actually need the index i, you only require the elements x of c directly, so we can simplify the loop to just for x in c.
Finally, repeat is designed for arrays. It does not work for a single scalar (this is probably the error you are seeing); you can use the more appropriate fill(scalar, n) to get [scalar, ..., scalar].
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
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Hello I know it may be a beginners question but I need help.
I need to compare between 4 values added by the user and arrange them in am ascending order by using a function that takes 2 inputs and return the smaller one. I know it can be done by arrays but I must not do it. I already have the function but I don't know how to use to do the trick without having a very long code. Thanks
This seems to me to be an obvious "homework question," so let me answer it cryptically in order to maybe push you in the right direction.
First, the hint: divide and conquer.
Second hint: the "Towers of Hanoi" problem.
You have a function that can compare two values. Okay, then: "four elements" can be viewed as "two groups of two values each." Given that either of the two input to your comparison-function can be the result obtained by a nested call to the same function . . . you can, indeed, solve this problem, in one line of code, without using arrays.
I'm trying here to "teach you to fish," so I'm not handing you the fish on a platter.
If you know c++ then you can use sort function. But for this you have to include algorithm as:
#include <algorithm>
and sort function will be used as:
sort(array, array+N);
where array is the array name and N is the size of array.After this operation you will get a sorted array in ascending order and return first element.Now the function will look like as:
int smallest(int *array) {
int size = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
sort(array, array+size);
return (array[0]);
And now call this function from main()
I realized that there is an easy way to init an integer array by using range(), or even just by saying e.g. [1..10].
Is there an easy way to init a [Bool] as well? (given that I know the size of the array beforehand). -- By easy I mean without defining a function just to do the init...
The answer depends on what you want to initialise it with, if it is just a list of all of the same value then you could just use replicate
replicate 5 True -- [True,True,True,True,True]
As well as this solution proposed by Simon Gibbons, for a fixed size array where all elements are identical
replicate 5 True -- [True,True,True,True,True]
you can also make use of list comprehensions to define more complex lists, for example to get an alternating False/True list you could do
[even x | x <- [1..6]] -- [False,True,False,True,False,True]
I know SO is not rent-a-coder, but I have a really simple python example that I need help translating to C++
grey_image_as_array = numpy.asarray( cv.GetMat( grey_image ) )
non_black_coords_array = numpy.where( grey_image_as_array > 3 )
# Convert from numpy.where()'s two separate lists to one list of (x, y) tuples:
non_black_coords_array = zip( non_black_coords_array[1], non_black_coords_array[0] )
First one is rather simple I guess - a linear indexable array is created with what bytes are retruned from cv.GetMat, right?
What would be an equivalent of pyton's where and especially this zip functions?
I don't know about OpenCV, so I can't tell you what cv.GetMat() does. Apparently, it returns something that can be used as or converted to a two-dimensional array. The C or C++ interface to OpenCV that you are using will probably have a similarly names function.
The following lines create an array of index pairs of the entries in grey_image_as_array that are bigger than 3. Each entry in non_black_coords_array are zero based x-y-coordinates into grey_image_as_array. Given such a coordinates pair x, y, you can access the corresponsing entry in the two-dimensional C++ array grey_image_as_array with grey_image_as_array[y][x].
The Python code has to avoid explicit loops over the image to achieve good performance, so it needs to make to with the vectorised functions NumPy offers. The expression grey_image_as_array > 3 is a vectorised comparison and results in a Boolean array of the same shape as grey_image_as_array. Next, numpy.where() extracts the indices of the True entries in this Boolean array, but the result is not in the format described above, so we need zip() to restructure it.
In C++, there's no need to avoid explicit loops, and an equivalent of numpy.where() would be rather pointless -- you just write the loops and store the result in the format of your choice.
For sorting item names, I want to support numbers correctly. i.e. this:
1 Hamlet
2 Ophelia
10 Laertes
instead of
1 Hamlet
10 Laertes
2 Ophelia
Does anyone know of a comparison functor that already supports that?
(i.e. a predicate that can be passed to std::sort)
I basically have two patterns to support: Leading number (as above), and number at end, similar to explorer:
Dolly (2)
Dolly (3)
(I guess I could work that out: compare by character, and treat numeric values differently. However, that would probably break unicode collaiton and whatnot)
That's called alphanumeric sorting.
Check out this link: The Alphanum Algorithm
i think u can use a pair object and then make vector > and then sort this vector.
Pairs are compared based on their first elements. So, this way you can get the sort you desire.