Setting fetch timeout in Avaya Experience Portal - web-services

I have a speech project which uses web service. I have set the timeout for 45 seconds in OD but when I deploy it, I get the following error for the first calling user in EP log viewer:
Fetch time out when opening timed stream for url =
Timeout was = 15000
I think, EP has some default timeout of 15 sec.
1)Is there a way to increase it?
2)Is there any other solutions for this problem?

You should check this:
How to change the default Avaya Voice Browser (AVB) timeout value from an Avaya Voice Portal system?

you can change fetch time in AEP that is for all the application configured in AEP. if you want to change the fetch time for single speech application you need to add a property in the root then configured the fetch time for individual speech application.
enter image description here
enter image description here


Cloud Run Error 504 (Upstream Request Timeout) after successful deploy

I was following this tutorial from Google to deploy a servise to Cloud Run ( In Cloud Shell my project is deployed successfully (screenshot below). However, once I click on the link I get timeout. If I test it locally from Cloud Shell it works fine.
Why could this be happening? Where could I get more data about the issue?
As mentioned in the Documentation :
For Cloud Run services, the request timeout setting specifies the time
within which a response must be returned by services deployed to Cloud
Run. If a response isn't returned within the time specified, the
request ends and error 504 is returned.
The timeout is set by default to 5 minutes and can be extended up to
60 minutes. You can change this setting when you deploy a container
image or by updating the service configuration. In addition to
changing the Cloud Run request timeout, you should also check your
language framework to see whether it has its own request timeout
setting that you must also update.
You can refer to this Public group issue which will be helpful in resolving the current error.
You can increase timeout by clicking EDIT & DEPLOY NEW REVISION and then adjust new Request timeout value

Kamon Prometheus takes long to refresh

I started using Kamon instrumentation recently and facing issues with the rate of the kamon/prometheus http endpoint refresh
using "io.kamon" %% "kamon-bundle" % "2.1.4" && "io.kamon" %% "kamon-prometheus" % "2.1.4"
exposing metrics as http endpoint so that prometheus scrapes them and evaluates every 1 sec
created custom Counter, Gauge and Histogram metrics and they are updated 2-3K times per sec inside the Akka actor processing incoming messages
The reason to use Kamon instead of standard prometheus client is to get thread safety
There is configuration kamon.metric.tick-interval 1 second & kamon.prometheus.refresh-interval 1 second related to the rate of refresh
Custom metrics that are exposed at the endpoint (localhost:9095) are not refreshed every second. Approximately, they are refreshed every 60 seconds.
It's not prometheus configuration problem, I'm checking the values on the http endpoint exposed by kamon, manually refreshing the page
This was misconfiguration issue. If you are getting same problem, please make sure that the kamon configuration is on the top level of the application.conf, not inside akka {..} as I had it

JMeter Load testing of API in AWS API Gateway

I am new to JMeter so getting confused in conducting a test. My test scenario
1) Hit a REST URL in API Gateway
2) Request should be 100 requests per seconds
3) Conduct the test for 2 hrs
4) Evaluate the error / success percentage
What parameters should I put to achieve this combination ? Any help will be appreciated
Thanks in advance
Add Concurrency Thread Group to your Test Plan and configure it like:
Put ${__tstFeedback(jp#gc - Throughput Shaping Timer,500,1000,10)} into "Target Concurrency" input.
Put 120 into "Hold Target Rate Time (min)" input
Add HTTP Request Sampler to your Test Plan and configure it to send request to the REST URL
You might also need to add HTTP Header Manager to send Content-Type header with the value of application/json
Add Throughput Shaping Timer as a child of your HTTP Request sampler and configure it like:
Start RPS: 100
End RPS: 100
Duration: 7200
Run your test in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.csv
Open JMeter GUI, add i.e. Aggregate Report listener to your test plan and see the metrics. You can also generate a HTML Reporting Dashboard to see extended results and charts .

Obfuscation process using Informatica

How to check obfuscation process status on Informatica, as I started the process about 8 hours ago and due to idle time was exceeded, my VM got logged off shutting all the applications.
You can still check the session logs from the integration server. They'll be in the installation directory / SessLogs
The Session Logs will be in readable format , only if you have selected - "Write backwards session logs" Option.
You can check session log in server in \server\infa_shared\SessLogs. Session logs will be saved in the server with time-stamp. To read the content of the log you can either open it through the workflow monitor, right-click on the session and select "Get session log".

SSIS web service task timeout value

I am trying to call a long running web service from WebServiceTask in SSIS, but the TimeOut value for it seems to be a max of 300 seconds or 5 mins. But i am afraid that it might get timed out.
is there a way to increase the timeout vale
Unfortunately no. The Web Service Task, as I see it, is one of those "after thoughts." It satisfies a check box but doesn't go beyond the surface of functionality. I have found that I have a better web service experience if I just use a script component.