How to Test a Global Event Bus With Vue Test Utils? - unit-testing

I am trying to learn how to test events emitted through a global Event Bus. Here's the code with some comments in the places I don't know what to do.
// EvtBus.js
import Vue from 'vue';
export const EvtBus = new Vue();
<!-- CouponCode.vue -->
<p v-if="valid">
Coupon Redeemed: {{ message }}
import { EvtBus } from '../EvtBus.js';
export default {
data () {
return {
code: '',
valid: false,
coupons: [
code: '50OFF',
discount: 50,
message: '50% Off!'
code: 'FREE',
discount: 100,
message: 'Entirely Free!'
created () {
EvtBus.$on('coupon-applied', () => {
//'had a coupon applied event on component');
methods: {
validate () {
// Extract the coupon codes into an array and check if that array
// includes the typed in coupon code.
this.valid = => coupon.code).includes(this.code);
if (this.valid) {
// I NEVER see this on the coupon-code.spec.js
computed: {
message () {
return => coupon.code === this.code).message;
// tests/coupon-code.spec.js
import expect from 'expect';
import { mount } from '#vue/test-utils';
import CouponCode from '../src/components/CouponCode.vue';
import { EvtBus } from '../src/EvtBus.js';
describe('Reminders', () => {
let wrp;
beforeEach(() => {
wrp = mount(CouponCode);
it('broadcasts the percentage discount when a valid coupon code is applied', () => {
let code = wrp.find('');
code.element.value = '50OFF';
// I NEVER see this on the outpout.
// How can I test it through a global event bus rather than
// an event emitted from the component instance?
EvtBus.$on('coupon-applied', () => {
console.log('coupon was applied through event bus');
// Passes, but not using EvtBus instance.
So, my doubt is how to test that the global event bus is emitting and listening to events inside components that use that event bus.
So, is it possible to test the global Event Bus using Vue Test Utils or I should use another approach?

If component is using global EventBus, eg that's imported outside of given component and assigned to window.EventBus, then it's possible to use global Vue instance to redirect $on or $emit events to wrapper's vm instance. That way you can proceed writing tests as if component is emitting via this.$emit instead of EventBus.$emit:
it('clicking "Settings" button emits "openSettings"', () => {
global.EventBus = new Vue();
global.EventBus.$on('openSettings', (data) => {
wrapper.vm.$emit('openSettings', data);
// component emits `EventBus.$emit('openSettings')`
expect(wrapper.emitted('openSettings')).toBeTruthy(); // pass

EvtBus.$on('coupon-applied', () => {
console.log('coupon was applied through event bus');
This code in your spec file won't be called because the mounted wrp component is not using the same EvtBus you are importing in your spec file above.
What you require to test this is an npm package named inject-loader so that you can provide your own implementation(stub) of the EvtBus dependency of your coupon code component.
Somewhat like this
const couponCodeInjector = require('!!vue-loader?inject!src/views/CouponCode');
const stubbedModules = {
'../EvtBus.js': {
$on : sandbox.spy((evtName, cb) => cb());
const couponCode = couponCodeInjector(stubbedModules);
and then in your unit test you can assert whether the stubbedModules['../EvtBus.js'].$on has been called or not when code.trigger('input');
PS: I haven't used vue-test-utils. So I don't know exactly how to the stubbing with this npm package.
But the main thing you need to do is to find a way to stub your EvtBus dependency in the CouponCode component in such a way that you can apply a spy on it and check whether that spy has been called or not.

Unit tests should focus on testing a single component in isolation. In this case, you want to test if the event is emitted, since that is the job of CouponCode.vue. Remember, unit tests should focus on testing the smallest units of code, and only test one thing at a time. In this case, we care that the event is emitted -- EventBus.test.js is where we test what happens when the event is emitted.
Noe that toBeTruthy is a function - you need (). expect(wrp.emitted('applied')).toBeTruthy is actually not passing, since you need () - at the moment, it is actually doing nothing -- no assertion is made.
What your assertion should look like is:
You can go one step further, and ensure it was only emitted once by doing something like expect(wrp.emitted().applied.length).toBe(1).
You then test InputBus in isolation, too. If you can post the code for that component, we can work through how to test it.
I worked on a big Vue app recently and contributed a lot to the main repo and documentation, so I'm happy to help out wherever I can.
Let me know if that helps or you need more guidance. If possible, post EventBus.vue as well.

I got the same issue with vue-test-utils and Jest. For me, createLocalVue() of vue-test-utils library fixed the issue. This function creates a local copy of Vue to use when mounting the component. Installing plugins on this copy of Vue prevents polluting the original Vue copy. (
Adding this to your test file will fix the issue:
const EventBus = new Vue();
const GlobalPlugins = {
install(v) {
// Event bus
v.prototype.$bus = EventBus;
// create a local instance of the global bus
const localVue = createLocalVue();

jest.mock('#/main', () => ({
$emit: jest.fn(),
Include this in code in your spec file at the very begining.
Note: '#/main' is the file from which you are importing Event Bus.


Aurelia testing components with transient dependencies never uses a mock

We are using the aurelia component testing as defined here (with jest):
The component we are testing has a transient dependency. We are creating a mock for this dependency but when we run the tests using au jest, the real one always gets injected by the DI container and never the mock.
Here is the Transient service:
import { transient } from "aurelia-framework";
export class ItemService {
constructor() {
getItems(): void {
console.log('real item service');
Here is the 'Mock' service (we have also tried using jest mocks but we get the same result):
import { transient } from "aurelia-dependency-injection";
export class MockItemService{
getItems():void {
console.log('mock item service');
Here is the component under test:
import {ItemService} from "../services/item-service";
import { autoinject } from "aurelia-dependency-injection";
export class TestElement {
constructor(private _itemService: ItemService) {
attached(): void {
Here is the spec file:
import {TestElement} from "../../src/resources/elements/test-element";
import {ComponentTester, StageComponent} from "aurelia-testing";
import {ItemService} from "../../src/resources/services/item-service";
import {MockItemService} from "./mock-item-service";
import {bootstrap} from "aurelia-bootstrapper";
describe('test element', () => {
let testElement;
const path: string = '../../src/resources/elements/test-element';
beforeEach(() => {
testElement = StageComponent.withResources(path).inView(`<test-element></test-element>`);
testElement.bootstrap(aurelia => {
aurelia.container.registerTransient(ItemService, MockItemService);
afterEach(() => {
it('should call mock item service', async() => {
await testElement.create(bootstrap);
But every-time the test is run, the console logs out the real service and not the mock. I have traced this to the aurelia-dependency-injection.js in the Container.prototype.get function. The issue seems to be around this section of code:
var registration = aureliaMetadata.metadata.get(aureliaMetadata.metadata.registration, key);
if (registration === undefined) {
return this.parent._get(key);
The registration object seems to be a bit odd, if it was undefined, the code would work as the correct dependency is registered on the parent and it would get the mock dependency. However, it is not undefined therefore it registers the real service in the DI container on this line:
return registration.registerResolver(this, key, key).get(this, key);
The registration object looks like this:
registration = TransientRegistration {_key = undefined}
Is this a bug in aurelia or is there something wrong with what I am doing?
Many Thanks
p.s. GitHub repo here to replicate the issue:
p.p.s Forked the DI container repo and added a quick fix which would fix my particular issue but not sure what the knock on effects would be. If a member of the aurelia team could check, that would be good:
After talking to Rob Eisenberg on the issue there is a workaround for this problem. Firstly remove the #transient decorator on the class and then in your app start (usually main.ts) register the class there as a transient.
See the thread here:
I have also updated the repo posted above:
to include the fix.
Hopefully this will help any other devs facing the same issue.

Why won't Trix editor mount in Vue component when running tests with Jest?

I built a simple Vue component that wraps the Trix editor. I'm trying to write tests for it, but Trix doesn't seem to mount properly and isn't generating a toolbar element like it does in the browser. I'm using Jest test runner.
<div ref="trix">
import 'trix'
export default {
mounted() {
let el = this.$refs.trix.getElementsByTagName('trix-editor')[0]
// HACK: change the URL field in the link dialog to allow non-urls
let toolbar = this.$refs.trix.getElementsByTagName('trix-toolbar')[0]
toolbar.querySelector('[type=url]').type = 'text'
// insert content
el.addEventListener('trix-change', e => {
import { mount, shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '#vue/test-utils'
import TrixEdit from '#/components/TrixEdit.vue'
const localVue = createLocalVue()
localVue.config.ignoredElements = ['trix-editor']
describe('TrixEdit', () => {
describe('value prop', () => {
it('renders text when value is set', () => {
const wrapper = mount(TrixEdit, {
propsData: {
value: 'This is a test'
expect(wrapper.emitted().input).toEqual('This is a test')
The expect() fails with the following error
Expected value to equal:
"This is a test"
at Object.toEqual (tests/unit/TrixEdit.spec.js:19:39)
Why is Trix not initializing in my test?
trix-editor is not mounting mainly because MutationObserver is not supported in JSDOM 11, and attachToDocument was not used. There were several other bugs in the test described below.
GitHub demo w/issues fixed
Missing MutationObserver and window.getSelection
Vue CLI 3.7.0 uses JSDOM 11, which doesn't support MutationObserver, needed by the Custom Elements polyfill to trigger the connectedCallback. That lifecycle hook normally invokes trix-editor's initialization, which would create the trix-toolbar element that your test is trying to query.
Solution 1: In your test, import mutationobserver-shim before TrixEdit.vue, and stub window.getSelection (called by trix and currently not supported by JSDOM):
import 'mutationobserver-shim' // <-- order important
import TrixEdit from '#/components/TrixEdit.vue'
window.getSelection = () => ({})
Solution 2: Do the above in a Jest setup script, configured by setupTestFrameworkScriptFile:
Add the following property to the config object in jest.config.js (or jest in package.json):
setupTestFrameworkScriptFile: '<rootDir>/jest-setup.js',
Add the following code to <rootDir>/jest-setup.js:
import 'mutationobserver-shim'
window.getSelection = () => ({})
Missing attachToDocument
#vue/test-utils does not attach elements to the document by default, so trix-editor does not catch the connectedCallback, which is needed for its initialization.
Solution: Use the attachToDocument option when mounting TrixEdit:
const wrapper = mount(TrixEdit, {
attachToDocument: true, // <-- needed for trix-editor
Premature reference to trix-editor's editor
TrixEdit incorrectly assumes that trix-editor is immediately initialized upon mounting, but initialization isn't guaranteed until it fires the trix-initialize event, so accessing trix-editor's internal editor could result in an undefined reference.
Solution: Add an event handler for the trix-initialize event that invokes the initialization code previously in mounted():
<trix-editor #trix-initialize="onInit" />
export default {
methods: {
onInit(e) {
/* initialization code */
Value set before change listener
The initialization code adds a trix-change-event listener after the value has already been set, missing the event trigger. I assume the intention was to also detect the first initial value setting in order to re-emit it as an input event.
Solution 1: Add event listener first:
export default {
methods: {
onInit(e) {
el.addEventListener('trix-change', /*...*/)
/* set editor value */
Solution 2: Use v-on:trix-change="..." (or #trix-change) in the template, which would remove the setup-order problem above:
<trix-editor #trix-change="onChange" />
export default {
methods: {
onChange(e) {
onInit(e) {
/* set editor value */
Value setting causes error
The initialization code sets the editor's value with the following code, which causes an error in test:
el.editor.insertHTML(this.value) // causes `document.createRange is not a function`
Solution: Use trix-editor's value-accessor, which performs the equivalent action while avoiding this error:
el.value = this.value
I can confirm the problem lies in the not-so-ideal polymer polyfill included inside trix lib. I did an experiment to force apply the polyfill, then I can reproduce the same error TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of undefined even inside chrome browser env.
Further investigation narrows it down to the MutationObserver behavior difference, but still haven't got to the bottom.
Way to reproduce:
<div ref="trix">
// force apply polymer polyfill
delete window.customElements;
document.registerElement = undefined;
import "trix";

How do you test Vuejs Components when using Vuex

I am writing unit tests for my vuejs components in a larger application. My application state is all in the vuex store, so almost all of my components pull data from vuex.
I can't find a working example for writing unit test for this. I have found
Where Evan You says:
When unit testing a component in isolation, you can inject a mocked store directly into the component using the store option.
But I can't find a good example of how to test these components. I have tried a bunch of ways. Below is the only way I have seen people do it. stackoverflow question and answer
Basically it looks like the
export default {
name: 'test',
computed: {
return this.$store.state.test;
import ...
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
test: 3
describe('test.vue', () => {
it('should get test from store', () => {
const parent = new Vue({
template: '<div><test ref="test"></test></div>',
components: { test },
store: store
Note the "ref" this example doesn't work without it.
Is this really the right way to do this? It seems like it will get messy fast, because it requires adding the props into the template as a string.
Evan's quote seems to imply that the store can be added directly to the child component (ie not the parent like the example).
How do you do that?
The answer is actually really straightforward but not currently documented.
const propsData = { prop: { id: 1} };
const store = new Vuex.Store({state, getters});
const Constructor = Vue.extend(importedComponent);
const component = new Constructor({ propsData, store });
Note the store passed to the constructor. propsData is currently documented, the "store" option isn't.
Also if you are using Laravel, there are weird problems with the webpack versions you may be running.
[vuex] must call Vue.use(Vuex),
Error was caused by useing laravel-elixir-webpack-official.
If you did the fix:
npm install webpack#2.1.0-beta.22 --save-dev
for this
Your tests that include Vuex seem to break with the
[vuex] must call Vue.use(Vuex)
even when you have Vue.use(Vuex)

How to test action props from ReactiveDict inside React component with Enzyme

I am working on an app that uses ReactiveDict. My project is built with Meteor, with Mantra specification.
I have a React Component named Login. The concept is, when the component renders, the ReactiveDict state is cleared, since there is no error upon component rendering. That is fine though. I have this code in my container:
export const depsMapper = (context, actions) => ({
context: () => context,
clearState: actions.globals.clearState
These are the actions that the component will perform. In my component:
Lastly, in my test code, I have:
it.only('should render a <Form/> component', () => {
const loginWrapper = shallow(<Login/>);
When I run npm test, it says, this.props.clearState is not a function. How can I fix this one? Thanks in advance.
I think is more convenient to clear the error on unmount? ReactiveDict is not persistent anyways, so - clearing state on unmount - if you refresh the page or unmount the component, the error would be cleared already. So there's no reason to clear the state before mounting. Typically you would do something like this in mantrajs:
export const composer = ({context, clearState}, onData) => {
const {LocalState} = context();
const error = LocalState.get('LOGIN_ERROR_MESSAGE');
onData(null, {error});
// return the function that clears the state and the state gets reset on unmount
return clearState;
export const depsMapper = (context, actions) => ({
context: () => context,
loginUser: actions.login.loginUser,
clearState: actions.globals.clearState
export default composeAll(

Angular2 Component: Testing form input value change

I have a text input and i'm listening for the changes.
ngOnInit() {
this.searchInput = new Control();
.subscribe(newValue =>
search(query) {
// do something to search
<input type="text" [ngFormControl]="searchInput" >
Running the application everything works fine, but i want to unit-test it.
So here's what i tried
beforeEach(done => {
createComponent().then(fix => {
cmpFixture = fix
instance = cmpFixture.componentInstance
describe('on searching on the list', () => {
let compiled, input
beforeEach(() => {
compiled = cmpFixture.debugElement.nativeElement;
spyOn(instance, 'search').and.callThrough()
input = compiled.querySelector('search-box > input')
input.value = 'fake-search-query'
it('should call the .search() method', () => {
Test fails as the .search() method is not called.
I guess i have to set the value in another way to have the test realize of the change but i really don't know how.
Anyone has ideas?
It might be a little bit late, but it seems that your code is not dispatching input event after setting input element value:
// ...
input.value = 'fake-search-query';
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
// ...
Updating input html field from within an Angular 2 test
Triggering the value change of FormControl is as simple as:
Custom component with #input, subscriptions, two way data binding
If you got a custom component you would need further changes in your application to be able to successfully unit test your application
have a look at the gist here this will give you some idea
More over complete reading over here carefully otherwise you can easily get confused again -