How to test action props from ReactiveDict inside React component with Enzyme - unit-testing

I am working on an app that uses ReactiveDict. My project is built with Meteor, with Mantra specification.
I have a React Component named Login. The concept is, when the component renders, the ReactiveDict state is cleared, since there is no error upon component rendering. That is fine though. I have this code in my container:
export const depsMapper = (context, actions) => ({
context: () => context,
clearState: actions.globals.clearState
These are the actions that the component will perform. In my component:
Lastly, in my test code, I have:
it.only('should render a <Form/> component', () => {
const loginWrapper = shallow(<Login/>);
When I run npm test, it says, this.props.clearState is not a function. How can I fix this one? Thanks in advance.

I think is more convenient to clear the error on unmount? ReactiveDict is not persistent anyways, so - clearing state on unmount - if you refresh the page or unmount the component, the error would be cleared already. So there's no reason to clear the state before mounting. Typically you would do something like this in mantrajs:
export const composer = ({context, clearState}, onData) => {
const {LocalState} = context();
const error = LocalState.get('LOGIN_ERROR_MESSAGE');
onData(null, {error});
// return the function that clears the state and the state gets reset on unmount
return clearState;
export const depsMapper = (context, actions) => ({
context: () => context,
loginUser: actions.login.loginUser,
clearState: actions.globals.clearState
export default composeAll(


How to spyOn window.location.assign on Vuejs Application with Jest?

I am needing to spyOn window.location.assign for my unit test. But when I run the test I get this error.
Cannot spy the assign property because it is not a function; undefined given instead
Here is my code:
jest.spyOn(window.location, "assign");
Could anyone give me some hints or solutions on this case?
Since Jest v25 (Which uses a newer version of JSDOM) you will get the following error:
TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'assign' of object '[object Location]'
This is not a Jest/JSDOM bug by the way. This is normal browser behaviour and JSDOM tries to act like a real browser.
A workaround is to remove the location object, create your own one and after running your tests you should reset it to the original location object:
describe('My awesome unit test', () => {
// we need to save the original object for later to not affect tests from other files
const realLocation = global.location
beforeAll(() => {
delete global.location
global.location = { assign: jest.fn() }
// or even like this if you are also using other location properties (or if TypeScript complains):
// global.location = { ...realLocation, assign: jest.fn() }
afterAll(() => {
global.location = realLocation
it('should call location.assign', () => {
// ...your test code
// or even better:
// expect(global.location.assign).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/my_link')
As window can only be accessed through the global keyword in jest tests and window.location.assign is not implemented in jsdom, you can try
.spyOn(global.location, "assign")
.mockImplementation(url => console.log(url))

How to test VueRouter's beforeRouteEnter using '#vue/test-utils'?

I'm trying to test my 'Container' component which handles a forms logic. It is using vue-router and the vuex store to dispatch actions to get a forms details.
I have the following unit code which isn't working as intended:
it('On route enter, it should dispatch an action to fetch form details', () => {
const getFormDetails = sinon.stub();
const store = new Vuex.Store({
actions: { getFormDetails }
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent, { store });
With the following component (stripped of everything because I don't think its relevant (hopefully):
export default {
async beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
await store.dispatch('getFormDetails');
I get the following assertion error:
AssertionError: expected false to be true
I'm guessing it is because I am not mounting the router in my test along with a localVue. I tried following the steps but I couldn't seem to get it to invoke the beforeRouteEnter.
Ideally, I would love to inject the router with a starting path and have different tests on route changes. For my use case, I would like to inject different props/dispatch different actions based on the component based on the path of the router.
I'm very new to Vue, so apologies if I'm missing something super obvious and thank you in advance for any help! 🙇🏽
See this doc:
Based on the doc, your test should look like this:
it('On route enter, it should dispatch an action to fetch form details', async () => {
const getFormDetails = sinon.stub();
const store = new Vuex.Store({
actions: { getFormDetails }
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent, { store });
const next = sinon.stub(), undefined, undefined, next)
await wrapper.vm.$nextTick()
A common pattern with beforeRouteEnter is to call methods directly at the instantiated vm instance. The documentation states:
The beforeRouteEnter guard does NOT have access to this, because the guard is called before the navigation is confirmed, thus the new entering component has not even been created yet.
However, you can access the instance by passing a callback to next. The callback will be called when the navigation is confirmed, and the component instance will be passed to the callback as the argument:
beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
next(vm => {
// access to component instance via `vm`
This is why simply creating a stub or mock callback of next does not work in this case. I solved the problem by using the following parameter for next:
// mount the component
const wrapper = mount(Component, {});
// call the navigation guard manually, undefined, undefined, (c) => c(wrapper.vm));
// await
await wrapper.vm.$nextTick();

How to Test a Global Event Bus With Vue Test Utils?

I am trying to learn how to test events emitted through a global Event Bus. Here's the code with some comments in the places I don't know what to do.
// EvtBus.js
import Vue from 'vue';
export const EvtBus = new Vue();
<!-- CouponCode.vue -->
<p v-if="valid">
Coupon Redeemed: {{ message }}
import { EvtBus } from '../EvtBus.js';
export default {
data () {
return {
code: '',
valid: false,
coupons: [
code: '50OFF',
discount: 50,
message: '50% Off!'
code: 'FREE',
discount: 100,
message: 'Entirely Free!'
created () {
EvtBus.$on('coupon-applied', () => {
//'had a coupon applied event on component');
methods: {
validate () {
// Extract the coupon codes into an array and check if that array
// includes the typed in coupon code.
this.valid = => coupon.code).includes(this.code);
if (this.valid) {
// I NEVER see this on the coupon-code.spec.js
computed: {
message () {
return => coupon.code === this.code).message;
// tests/coupon-code.spec.js
import expect from 'expect';
import { mount } from '#vue/test-utils';
import CouponCode from '../src/components/CouponCode.vue';
import { EvtBus } from '../src/EvtBus.js';
describe('Reminders', () => {
let wrp;
beforeEach(() => {
wrp = mount(CouponCode);
it('broadcasts the percentage discount when a valid coupon code is applied', () => {
let code = wrp.find('');
code.element.value = '50OFF';
// I NEVER see this on the outpout.
// How can I test it through a global event bus rather than
// an event emitted from the component instance?
EvtBus.$on('coupon-applied', () => {
console.log('coupon was applied through event bus');
// Passes, but not using EvtBus instance.
So, my doubt is how to test that the global event bus is emitting and listening to events inside components that use that event bus.
So, is it possible to test the global Event Bus using Vue Test Utils or I should use another approach?
If component is using global EventBus, eg that's imported outside of given component and assigned to window.EventBus, then it's possible to use global Vue instance to redirect $on or $emit events to wrapper's vm instance. That way you can proceed writing tests as if component is emitting via this.$emit instead of EventBus.$emit:
it('clicking "Settings" button emits "openSettings"', () => {
global.EventBus = new Vue();
global.EventBus.$on('openSettings', (data) => {
wrapper.vm.$emit('openSettings', data);
// component emits `EventBus.$emit('openSettings')`
expect(wrapper.emitted('openSettings')).toBeTruthy(); // pass
EvtBus.$on('coupon-applied', () => {
console.log('coupon was applied through event bus');
This code in your spec file won't be called because the mounted wrp component is not using the same EvtBus you are importing in your spec file above.
What you require to test this is an npm package named inject-loader so that you can provide your own implementation(stub) of the EvtBus dependency of your coupon code component.
Somewhat like this
const couponCodeInjector = require('!!vue-loader?inject!src/views/CouponCode');
const stubbedModules = {
'../EvtBus.js': {
$on : sandbox.spy((evtName, cb) => cb());
const couponCode = couponCodeInjector(stubbedModules);
and then in your unit test you can assert whether the stubbedModules['../EvtBus.js'].$on has been called or not when code.trigger('input');
PS: I haven't used vue-test-utils. So I don't know exactly how to the stubbing with this npm package.
But the main thing you need to do is to find a way to stub your EvtBus dependency in the CouponCode component in such a way that you can apply a spy on it and check whether that spy has been called or not.
Unit tests should focus on testing a single component in isolation. In this case, you want to test if the event is emitted, since that is the job of CouponCode.vue. Remember, unit tests should focus on testing the smallest units of code, and only test one thing at a time. In this case, we care that the event is emitted -- EventBus.test.js is where we test what happens when the event is emitted.
Noe that toBeTruthy is a function - you need (). expect(wrp.emitted('applied')).toBeTruthy is actually not passing, since you need () - at the moment, it is actually doing nothing -- no assertion is made.
What your assertion should look like is:
You can go one step further, and ensure it was only emitted once by doing something like expect(wrp.emitted().applied.length).toBe(1).
You then test InputBus in isolation, too. If you can post the code for that component, we can work through how to test it.
I worked on a big Vue app recently and contributed a lot to the main repo and documentation, so I'm happy to help out wherever I can.
Let me know if that helps or you need more guidance. If possible, post EventBus.vue as well.
I got the same issue with vue-test-utils and Jest. For me, createLocalVue() of vue-test-utils library fixed the issue. This function creates a local copy of Vue to use when mounting the component. Installing plugins on this copy of Vue prevents polluting the original Vue copy. (
Adding this to your test file will fix the issue:
const EventBus = new Vue();
const GlobalPlugins = {
install(v) {
// Event bus
v.prototype.$bus = EventBus;
// create a local instance of the global bus
const localVue = createLocalVue();
jest.mock('#/main', () => ({
$emit: jest.fn(),
Include this in code in your spec file at the very begining.
Note: '#/main' is the file from which you are importing Event Bus.

dangerouslyRenderMarkup(...): Cannot render markup in a worker thread [duplicate]

React Tests Fails after set State causes second render
Up until now testing has been going well with JSDOM and Mocha. So far have not had to test any components that change their state. I found my first issue testing a component that changes it's state.
The Error
1) Reduced Test Case - #current Tests that Fail when Component changes state and renders "before each" hook:
Error: Invariant Violation: dangerouslyRenderMarkup(...): Cannot render markup in a worker thread. Make sure `window` and `document` are available globally before requiring React when unit testing or use React.renderToString for server rendering.
at Context.<anonymous> (test/react-reflux/parts/Reduced-spec.js:47:32)
The Component : Reduced.js
var React = require('react');
var Reduced = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
console.log("start off with editing as false");
return {editing: false};
edit() {
console.log("Setting State to Edit");
this.setState({editing: true});
render() {
return (
<span onClick={this.edit}>
{(this.state.editing) ? "Editing" : "Click To Edit"}
module.exports = Reduced;
The Tests : 1-pass, 1-fail
var React, TestUtils, jsdom, Reduced, expect;
describe('Reduced Test Case', function () {
before(function () {
jsdom = require('jsdom');
global.document = jsdom.jsdom('<!doctype html><html><body></body></html>');
global.window = global.document.parentWindow;
React = require('react/addons');
TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils;
Reduced = require('./Reduced');
expect = require('chai').expect;
this.component = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<Reduced />
var root = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(this.component, 'span');
this.el = root.getDOMNode();
describe("Tests Pass without simulate", function () {
it("Root Element Reads 'Click To Edit'", function () {
expect(this.el.innerHTML).to.equal('Click To Edit');
describe("Tests that Fail when Component changes state and renders", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
// Simulate invokes edit, invokes set state, invokes render, then error occures
it("Root Element Reads 'Editing'", function () {
The Results
> mocha --compilers js:babel/register
Reduced Test Case - #current
start off with editing as false
Tests Pass without simulate
✓ Root Element Reads 'Click To Edit'
Tests that Fail when Component changes state and renders
Setting State to Edit
1) "before each" hook
1 passing (379ms)
1 failing
1) Reduced Test Case Tests that Fail when Component changes state and renders "before each" hook:
Error: Invariant Violation: dangerouslyRenderMarkup(...): Cannot render markup in a worker thread. Make sure `window` and `document` are available globally before requiring React when unit testing or use React.renderToString for server rendering.
at Context.<anonymous> (test/Reduced-spec.js:47:32)
I've been going crazy
Everything is loaded after global.window and global.document
The Simulate Event invokes edit(), then render() before error
All React Mocha JSDOM tests have been working well until this state change issue
Please help ???
The setup JSDOM setup was missing global.navigator.
global.navigator = {
userAgent: 'node.js'
Insert your global object modifying(passing window and document objects to global) before React is required.
Because React creates its ExecutionEnvironment object while required and don't modify it while works.

How to unit test API calls with mocked fetch() in react-native with Jest

In React Native I use fetch to perform network requests, however fetch is not an explicitly required module, so it is seemingly impossible to mock in Jest.
Even trying to call a method which uses fetch in a test will result in:
ReferenceError: fetch is not defined
Is there a way to test such API requests in react native with Jest?
Inside your test case you can mock any function you want by using Jest's mocks:
fetch = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve());
This approach works only for the promise-based test cases (see pit in the Jest docs).
As far as fetch is an async function, you need to run all your tests using pit (read more about async tests here).
Another approach where you mock the global fetch object:
const mockSuccesfulResponse = (
status = 200,
method = RequestType.GET,
returnBody?: object
) => {
global.fetch = jest.fn().mockImplementationOnce(() => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ok: true,
json: () => {
return returnBody ? returnBody : {};
The above helper method can be modified any way you want :-) Hope it helps someone
Rather than rolling your own mock, you can use the jest-fetch-mock npm package to override the global fetch object. That package allows you to set up fake responses and verify sent requests. See that link for extensive usage examples.
I solved this by adding isomorphic-fetch.
$ npm install --save isomorphic-fetch
and using it like
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch';
whatwg-fetch might work as well
Suppose you want to test resolve and reject cases, for this first you mock the fetch behaviour and then use Jest's rejects and resolves methods with with assertion block
function fetchTodos() {
return fetch(`${window.location.origin}/todos.json`)
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(error => console.log(error))
describe('fetchTodos', () => {
it('returns promise resolving to parsed response', () => {
global.fetch = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ json: () => ''}))
it('returns promise handling the error', async () => {
global.fetch = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(''))
As #ArthurDenture recommended, you can use fetch-mock, but there are some additional packages you will need to install to make it work with React Native and Jest:
$ npm install --save-dev fetch-mock
$ npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-runtime
$ npm install --save-dev babel-preset-env
You can then mock fetch requests in your tests. Here is an example:
// __tests__/App.test.js
import React from 'react';
import App from '../App';
import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
it('renders without crashing', () => {
fetchMock.mock('*', 'Hello World!');
const rendered = renderer.create(<App />).toJSON();
Due to problems using fetch-mock with jest, I've release fetch-mock-jest. It basically gives the full fetch-mock api, but with a few jest-specific helpers, and works out of the box with jest, without needing to do any tricky wiring yourself
As shown in the react-testing-library documentation, you can use the jest.spyOn() function, which will mock the fetch function only for the next time it is called.
const fakeUserResponse = {token: 'fake_user_token'}
jest.spyOn(window, 'fetch').mockImplementationOnce(() => {
return Promise.resolve({
json: () => Promise.resolve(fakeUserResponse),