UML alternatives in Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio-2017

I know that visual studio 2017 does not support UML anymore. Can class diagrams fully replace UML and if not what are alternatives?

Class diagrams are part of UML. They can't replace it. (see Classification of UML 2.5 Diagrams). For the list of Visual Studio alternatives see Wikipedia: List of UML tools


how enable decorations is VS 2017?

what can i do in visual studio 2017 to enamble this wondelfull decoration in a C++ project?
Structure Guide Lines are not currently available for C++:
Structure Guide Lines are currently supported for C#, Visual Basic, F#, and XAML files, and for any files supported via TextMate grammars. (source)
This feature is unfortunately not available for C++ yet, but it is on our backlog to add in a future update. (source)

How to generate UML Diagrams in Visual Studio Professional 2013? C++

So I was trying to figure out if there's a way to generate UML Diagrams (Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams) in Visual Studio Professional 2013. I've found that if I right click on my project select view and then view Class Diagram, a class diagram will appear, however this class diagram won't show relationships between classes such as composition or aggregation.
Visual Studio Print
For example, the variable 'numeroProdutos' on class 'Fresco' is of the 'Produto' type, however the diagram does not show the composition relationship between both those classes. Is there any way to make a proper UML diagram in Visual Studio 2013?

Automatically build UML class diagram for unmaged C++ code in Visual Studio 2010

So, I tried Visio UML reverse engineering, but it worked about 20 minutes, put Visual Studio in non responding state and showed some warnings like "Couldn't reverse engineer a namespace". So, is there a way to build class diagram in a reasonable time? Also, it would be nice to have an opportunity to manually exclude some sources from parsing (like extern source, SQLite, for example.

Can Visual Studio 2012 reverse engineer C++ code into UML diagrams?

When I recently upgraded to Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, I was pleased to discover the Architecture menu. I immediately jumped to the incorrect conclusion that I'd be able to ditch my less than satisfactory manual-creation UML software, and thus not have to keep wasting time keeping my code and UML in synch. I happily went away, starting on a new project, safe in the knowledge that I could put off the UML until later. I was disappointed therefore (as per this answer) to discover that whilst you CAN reverse engineer code to UML in VS2010, you can't do it with C++.
I'm wondering therefore if anyone can tell me whether Visual Studio 2012 adds this feature, as I cannot find any information on this topic - although I have read that VS2012 improves code generation from UML (i.e. the other way around).
I've installed Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate with Update 1, and can confirm that it does not provide C++ support for UML reverse engineering.
This thread, although it does not strictly answer your question, might help you.

Visual Studio 2010 comment plugin for C++

Could you please recommend comment generator -- plugin for VS 2010 like GhostDoc for C++?
GhostDoc is perfect but works for .NET only and generate XML comments.
I need to generate plain C-style comments for methods and classes.
Are there any such extensions?
Thank you!
Atomineer Utils is a very good plug-in for Visual Studio. Single key-combo for automatically generating comments for entire blocks or even entire files based on an easily defined schema.