How to generate UML Diagrams in Visual Studio Professional 2013? C++ - c++

So I was trying to figure out if there's a way to generate UML Diagrams (Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams) in Visual Studio Professional 2013. I've found that if I right click on my project select view and then view Class Diagram, a class diagram will appear, however this class diagram won't show relationships between classes such as composition or aggregation.
Visual Studio Print
For example, the variable 'numeroProdutos' on class 'Fresco' is of the 'Produto' type, however the diagram does not show the composition relationship between both those classes. Is there any way to make a proper UML diagram in Visual Studio 2013?


Visual Studio C++ Document Outline

I have CMake C++ projects in Visual Studio 2022 and would like to view the document outline for cpp/h files. But the Document Outline view is not available for this file type:
In VS Code, with the C++ extensions installed, there is a nice outline view:
But for various reasons, I need to use Visual Studio (not VS Code). I have diligently searched the extensions on Visual Studio Marketplace and found nothing that does this. It is surprising that as powerful as Visual Studio is, there is no outline view for C++ files. It seems like such an obvious feature -- I can't possibly be the only one who has ever needed it. Does anyone know of an extension for this?

Visual Studio MFC C++ "CFormView" Missing from "base class" drop down

I am a beginner learning Visual Studio 2019 Community. Specifically MFC C++.
It is challenging as I am struggling to find good reference material and examples. Youtube has been very helpful for tutorials and examples. However, all the information I have found are using earlier versions of Visual Studio which are not a step by step process. I have found myself doing additional research or experimenting to find the same tool used in the example.
My current issue is the example creates a new class with the base class type of "CFormView". However no such value exists in my version of Visual Studio.
With that being said. I have two questions.
Please advise on how to create a CformView class in VS.
Is there any good quick learning guides for MFC in VS 2019? It would be great to have tutorials.
Thank you in advance.
VS2017 and VS2019 have become difficult development environments to continue program development with MFC/ATL.
If you want Wizard-guided development as you've seen in previous books and resources, the best shortcut is to go back to VS2015 and port the results to VS2017 or VS2019.
I have similar answers to similar questions several times.
For example, see these answers and their links.
How to add database to MFC project in Visual Studio 2017?
I am missing the Add new item Add "MFC Class From Typelib" in VS-2019
The big ATL wizard misery.
Deprecations - Visual Studio 2019
Add ATL Simple Object in Visual Studio 2017
Changes to Project Templates and Code Wizards in 15.3
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3 Release Notes

UML alternatives in Visual Studio 2017

I know that visual studio 2017 does not support UML anymore. Can class diagrams fully replace UML and if not what are alternatives?
Class diagrams are part of UML. They can't replace it. (see Classification of UML 2.5 Diagrams). For the list of Visual Studio alternatives see Wikipedia: List of UML tools

Add an Item in the availabe templates in Visual Studio 2013

How do I add a new Template-type in the tree view of Visual Studio 2013 available templates?
If one clicks on New Project, on the right hand side pane of the next window which opens, is a list of the available templates offered by Visual Studio, such as those categorized under Visual C#, Visual C++ etc.
I wish to add a similar template in the tree view. Is there a way to achieve that?
Private templates go in (but adjust the C:\Users\{{username}} as necessary):
C:\Users\{{username}}\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C++ Project\
Public templates go subdirectories of:
See here for more details.

Automatically build UML class diagram for unmaged C++ code in Visual Studio 2010

So, I tried Visio UML reverse engineering, but it worked about 20 minutes, put Visual Studio in non responding state and showed some warnings like "Couldn't reverse engineer a namespace". So, is there a way to build class diagram in a reasonable time? Also, it would be nice to have an opportunity to manually exclude some sources from parsing (like extern source, SQLite, for example.