How to install Microsoft Unit Testing Framework for C++? - c++

According to the documentation provided by Microsoft's Write unit tests for C/C++ in Visual Studio Visual Studio includes 4 unit testing framework for C++ by default without any extra installs required. However when I try to add a unit test framework only Google Test is shown. In my second screenshot I show that I have these framework installed. How do I get Microsoft Unit Testing Framework for C++?


UWP Unit Tests Don't Show Up in Rider

I have a solution with two unit testing projects. One is for .NET and the other is for UWP. The .NET Framework and .NET Core tests show up in Rider but the UWP tests don't show up. They show up in Visual Studio. You can see the project here. It appears that dotCover is supposed to support UWP. I assume that Rider uses the same engine. Also, I opened dotCover and found my app unit testing app among the packages but it doesn't pick up any of the tests either. I'm using MS Test but can switch if need be.
This is what I see in dotCover:
Does Rider support UWP for unit testing? If not, can I do this with dotCover? What am I doing wrong?
Right now, even ReSharper does not support discovering UWP tests in Visual Studio 2019 due to a lack of API. That's why it does not work in Rider as well.
However, we've implemented our own test runner to run UWP tests, and it will be available in upcoming releases in both ReSharper and Rider.

Unit test .Net Framework 3.5 project in VS 2017

I have some legacy projects with test libraries.
The projects (and unit tests) target .NET 3.5.
We are using VS 2017 enterprise.
I was able to locate some nuGet packages that would allow the tests to build correctly, but Test Explorer does not see the tests at all. I presume this is because there is no Test Adapter.
The packages I am using are:
Microsoft.UnitTestFramework.Extensions v1.0.0.3
Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.Updated v15.0.26228
Most of the packages I found would not install due to a lack of .Net 3.5 support. Which makes some sense in 2017, but still.
Does anyone know what Test Adapter I can use to make legacy .Net 3.5 unit tests visible to VS 2017 Test Explorer?
Things I can't do:
use a different version of VS
re-target the libraries to a different framework version (they are for SharePoint 2010)
Rewrite all the tests for a different test framework (unless there's a very straight forward translation of the attributes/asserts I could do with find and replace, as there's a lot of tests)
Appreciate any tips!

c++ unit test/mock framework integrated into visual studio 2012

I want to use unit tests in VS 2012 in c++. VS allows to write unit tests, run them and see the output in test explorer window. Unfortunately it seems that VS lacks a mock framework. Do You know how to integrate for example Google Test/Mock framework into VS, so that I can still see the test results in test explorer window?

Tutorial for Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework?

I would like start to learn Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework on VS 2012 Express for Web.
Mainly for ASP.NET MVC project.
I already buy the hard copy of Art of unit test from amazon.
But it is lack of tutorial aims for VS unit testing framework.
So any resource i can have?
Another question, when i research on this forum,
I found someone said MSTEST is different from VS unit test framework.
Is the VS 2010 Express built-in unit test is subset of VSTS?
Thanks you.
For all practical purposes mstest is the unit testing framework in Visual Studio 2010. It continues to be the primary unit testing framework in 2012 as well. However now we support extensibility and many 3rd party frameworks like xunit/nunit/gtest etc have adapters for our platform.
For ASP.NET the best place to start is to download the MVC3/MVC4 solutions from Microsoft which contain a rich suite of unit tests with them.

Unit testing with monodroid and visual studio 2010

Has anyone managed to run unit tests created with vs2010 on an android device? Is there any other solution to unit testing android applications when using monodrod?
You could check out the Andr.Unit library, which provides a runner for NUnit tests that can run either in the emulator or on an Android device. There is also the monodroid-unittest library that provides support for Visual Studio tests.