Unit testing with monodroid and visual studio 2010 - unit-testing

Has anyone managed to run unit tests created with vs2010 on an android device? Is there any other solution to unit testing android applications when using monodrod?

You could check out the Andr.Unit library, which provides a runner for NUnit tests that can run either in the emulator or on an Android device. There is also the monodroid-unittest library that provides support for Visual Studio tests.


UWP Unit Tests Don't Show Up in Rider

I have a solution with two unit testing projects. One is for .NET and the other is for UWP. The .NET Framework and .NET Core tests show up in Rider but the UWP tests don't show up. They show up in Visual Studio. You can see the project here. It appears that dotCover is supposed to support UWP. I assume that Rider uses the same engine. Also, I opened dotCover and found my app unit testing app among the packages but it doesn't pick up any of the tests either. I'm using MS Test but can switch if need be.
This is what I see in dotCover:
Does Rider support UWP for unit testing? If not, can I do this with dotCover? What am I doing wrong?
Right now, even ReSharper does not support discovering UWP tests in Visual Studio 2019 due to a lack of API. That's why it does not work in Rider as well.
However, we've implemented our own test runner to run UWP tests https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-473827, and it will be available in upcoming releases in both ReSharper and Rider.

How to install Microsoft Unit Testing Framework for C++?

According to the documentation provided by Microsoft's Write unit tests for C/C++ in Visual Studio Visual Studio includes 4 unit testing framework for C++ by default without any extra installs required. However when I try to add a unit test framework only Google Test is shown. In my second screenshot I show that I have these framework installed. How do I get Microsoft Unit Testing Framework for C++?

Why can't I run Nunit tests from Visual Studio when colleague can?

My code has NUnit tests. My colleague is able to run the tests from within Visual Studio on their desktop, however I can't run them on mine. When I try to use Test Explorer and "Run All", it just builds the project. Other options, such as Run Tests and Debug Tests also give the same result.
I have NUnit referenced in my project, why can't I run the tests from within Visual Studio?
Out of the box, Visual Studio doesn't have support for running tests built for the NUnit framework. As has been said in the the comments, your colleague probably has some kind of add-in like Resharper installed which adds in support for running Nunit tests.
If you don't have a license for whatever tool they're using, then you can still have visual studio integrated support for running/debugging NUnit tests by installing the NUnit Test Adapter. This is a free plugin that you can install into your solution via NuGet.
He may also be running the MS test adapter which you can get from the nunit site

Switching from MSTest to another unit test framework in VS 2010

Visual Studio 2010 offers a lot of comfortable tools for unit testing via its built in test runner. Unfortunately we can't use MSTest for our unmanaged c++ codebase. Is it possible to switch from MSTest to e.g. Google.Test and have it integrated with the built in Visual Studio test runner?
Thanks in advance!
I have not seen anyway to integrate another unit testing framework into the VS test runner.
You might look at some VS add-in test runners, testdriven.net and gallio are two.
It's possible to use gtest (google test) in VS2010 and have it integrated with the IDE thanks to the extension: GoogleTestAddin
You can be interested by this similar thread: Viewing Google Test results within Visual Studio

VSTS Unit test - build system

I have developed a build system on MSBuild (NET 3.0) and cc.net to perform continuous integration builds of a Visual Studio 2008 application, however a developer on the team recently added a VSTS unit test project to the mix. Is there any SDK or add-in provided by microsoft to allow this to be compiled on a non-team system build environment?
You can run the tests from the command-line, but it requires that the Test Edition of Visual Studio be installed on your build server:
This person is doing MSTest with CC.NET, so it might be helpful:
In general, this is a main reason why many people choose something like NUnit, xUnit.NET or MbUnit over MSTest.
If you use MSTEST You will have to put that edition on the build server. To cut a long story short youd be better off changing the testing framework the developer is using from MStest to Nunit.
Its a much lighter solution.