I am trying to perform k-means cluster analysis on a dataset with 20 variables and 9000 observations. I want to create 2 new variables (Usage and Payment Ratio) using 4 (Balance, Due date, Payment, Minimum Payment) of the 20 variables in the dataset. Ex: Usage = (Balance/Due date) and Payment_ratio = (payment/minimum payment). Now, should I make these variables at the start itself, or should I first cap the outliers, remove/impute missing values and then create these 2 new variables?
I tried to first clean the data and then created these two variables. Then I also capped the outliers and treated missing values again for these 2 variables. After doing this, these 2 new variables are skewed and I tried taking log, sqrt etc but the variables are still not normal i.e there is still skewness in these variables. After this step, I need to do the Factor Analysis but I cannot proceed.
Can anyone please suggest a way to go about this? Thanks.
I am attempting to clean some data by making a do-file.
I've made an example of my data being the first column, with many of the data points being different amounts. I would like to then categorise them into a new binary dataset.
I understand the gen() to make a new variable, but I don't understand how to make a whole new data column with two variables based off of the "Income" category which would make the intended "bracket" category.
I was wondering how this would be done, and any Stata resources you may have found helpful when cleaning/analysing data.
Above 99,999
Below 99,999
Above 99,999
Below 99,999
Detailed business problem:
I'm trying to solve a production scheduling business problem as below:
I have two plants producing FG A and B respectively.
Both the products consume the same Raw Material x
I need to create a 30 day production schedule looking at the Raw Material availability.
FG A and B can be produced if there is sufficient raw material available on the day.
After every 6 days of production the plant has to undergo maintenance and the production on that day will be zero.
Objective is to maximize the margin looking at the day level Raw material available and adhere to the production constraint (i.e. shutdown after every 6th day)
I need to build a linear programming to address the below problem:
Variable y: (binary)
variable z: cumulative of y
When z > 6 then y = 0. I also need to reset the cumulation of z after this point.
Desired output:
How can I build the statement to MILP constraint. Are there any techniques for solving this problem. Thank you.
I think you can model your maintenance differently. Just forbid any sequences of 7 ones for y. I.e.
y[t-6]+y[t-5]+y[t-4]+y[t-3]+y[t-2]+y[t-1]+y[t] <= 6 for t=1,..,T
This is easier than using your accumulator. Note that the beginning needs some attention: you can use historic data for this. I.e., at t=1, the values for t=0,-1,-2,.. are known.
Your accumulator approach is not inherently wrong. We often use it to model inventory. An inventory capacity is a restriction on how large the accumulated inventory can be.
This question is close, but doesn't quite help me with a similar issue as I am using a single data set and no related time series.
I am using AWS Forecast with a single time series dataset (no related data, just the main DS). It is a daily data set with about 10 years of data ranging from 2010-2020.
I have 3572 data points in the original data set; I manually filled missing data to ensure there were no missing days in the date range for a total of 3739 data points. I lopped off everything in 2020 to create a validation dataset and then configured the predictor for a 180 day Forecast. I keep getting the following error:
Unable to evaluate this dataset because there is missing data in the evaluation window for all items. Ensure that there is complete data for at least one item in the evaluation window starting from 2019-03-07T00:00:00 up to 2020-01-01T00:00.
There is definitely no missing data, I've double and triple checked the date range and data fill and every day between start and end dates has a data point. I also tried adding a data point for 1/1/2020 (it ended at 12/31/2019) and I continue to get this error. I can't figure out what it's asking me for, except that maybe I'm missing something in my math about the forecast Horizon and Backtest window offset?
Dataset example:
Brief model parameters (can share more if I'm missing something pertinent):
Total data points in training data: 3479
forecastHorizon = 180
PerformAutoML= True,
EvaluationParameters= {"NumberOfBacktestWindows": 1,
"BackTestWindowOffset": 180},
InputDataConfig= {"DatasetGroupArn": datasetGroupArn},
FeaturizationConfig= {"ForecastFrequency": 'D'
I noticed you don't have entry for 6/24/10 (this american date format is the worst btw)
I faced a similar problem when leaving out days (assuming you're modelling in daily frequency) just like that and having the Forecast automatic filling of gaps to nan values (as opposed to zero which is the default). I suggest you:
pre-fill literally every date within the range of training data (and of forecast window, if using related data)
choose zero as the option for automatically filling of missing values. I think mean or any other float value would also work for that matter
let me know if that works! I am also using Forecast and it's good to keep track of possible problems and solutions
I have the next problem.
I created a random forest in sas with 200 variables.
Now I want to score new observations with the same model but I have only 50 variables (the important ones!).
When I run the score, it crashes and appeared the next message:
ERROR: Score input variable var_1 not found in the data set.
(And thats ok because I will not going to generate those variables again, they are useless).
The question is, how can I run the model with only the 50 variables?
You may want to rerun the RF model with the selected 50 variables only. You are on the correct path. You just did not conduct the second using the 50 selected variables only. The error means the saved binary score file still holds the first model columns.
I have been struggling to write optimal code to estimate monthly, weighted mean for portfolio returns.
I have following variables:
firm stock returns (ret)
month1, year1 and date
portfolio (port1): this defines portfolio of the firm stock returns
market capitalisation (mcap): to estimate weights (by month1 year1 port1)
I want to calculate weighted returns for each month and portfolio weighted by market cap. (mcap) of each firm.
I have written following code which works without fail but takes ages and is highly inefficient:
foreach x in 11 12 13 21 22 23 {
display `x'
forvalues y = 1980/2010 {
display `y'
forvalues m = 1/12 {
display `m'
tempvar tmp_wt tmp_tm tmp_p
egen `tmp_tm' = total(mcap) if month1==`m' & year1==`y' & port1 ==`x'
gen `tmp_wt' = mcap/`tmp_tm' if month1==`m' & year1==`y' & port1 ==`x'
gen `tmp_p' = ret*`tmp_wt' if month1==`m' & year1==`y' & port1 ==`x'
gen port_ret_`m'_`y'_`x' = `tmp_p'
Data looks as shown in the image:![Data for value weighted portfolio return][1]
This does appear to be a casebook example of how to do things as slowly as possible, except that naturally you are not doing that on purpose. All it lacks is a loop over observations to calculate totals. So, the good news is that you should indeed be able to speed this up.
It seems to boil down to
gen double wanted = .
bysort port1 year month : replace wanted = sum(mcap)
by port1 year month : replace wanted = (mcap * ret) / wanted[_N]
Principle. To get a sum in a single scalar, use summarize, meanonly rather than using egen, total() to put that scalar into a variable repeatedly, but use sum() with by: to get group sums into a variable when that is what you need, as here. sum() returns cumulative sums, so you want the last value of the cumulative sum.
Principle. Loops (here using foreach) are not needed when a groupwise calculation can be done under the aegis of by:. That is a powerful construct which Stata programmers need to learn.
Principle. Creating lots of temporary variables, here 6 * 31 * 12 * 3 = 6696 of them, is going to slow things down and use more memory than is needed. Each time you execute tempvar and follow with generate commands, there are three more temporary variables, all the size of a column in a dataset (that's what a variable is in Stata), but once they are used they are just left in memory and never looked at again. It's a subtlety with temporary variables that a tempvar assigns a new name every time, but it should be clear that generate creates a new variable every time; generate will never overwrite an existing variable. The temporary variables would all be dropped at the end of a program, but by the end of that program, you are holding a lot of stuff unnecessarily, possibly the size of the dataset multiplied by about one thousand. If that temporarily expanded dataset could not all fit in memory, you flip Stata into a crawl.
Principle. Using if obliges Stata to check each observation in turn; in this case most are irrelevant to the particular intersection of loops being executed and you make Stata check almost all of the data set (a fraction of 2231/2232, almost 1) irrelevantly while doing each particular calculation for 1/2232 of the dataset. If you have more years, or more portfolios, the fraction looked at irrelevantly is even higher.
In essence, Stata will obey your instructions (and not try any kind of optimization -- your code is interpreted utterly literally) but by: would give the cross-combinations much more rapidly.
Note. I don't know how big or how close to zero these numbers will get, so I gave you a double. For all I know, a float would work fine for you.
Comment. I guess you are being influenced by coding experience in other languages where creating variables means something akin to x = 42 to hold a constant. You could do that in Stata too, with scalars or local or global macros, not to mention Mata. Remember that a new variable in Stata is an entire new column in the dataset, regardless of whether it is holding a constant or different values in each observation. You will get what you ask for, but it is more like getting an array every time. Again, it seems that you want as an end result just one new variable, and you do not in fact need to create any others temporarily at all.