Azure function, .Net core 2.0, Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio-2017

How can I use Azure functions with target framework .net Core, I am able to use framework 4.6.x but not .net core.
I tried to change net461 to .net core but does not work.
I could not find anything on Microsoft site.
Any leads please.

You need to create new project: File -> New Project -> Visual C# -> Cloud -> Azure Functions and then you get a window in which you can choose target framework, as shown in the photo below:
For that to work you nned to have Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools - you can install it through Tools -> Extensions and Updates.


Azure Application Insights Visual Studio Solutions with Multiple Projects .Net Core 2. Showing Debug Telemetry only for One Project

Here is the setup:
Visual Studio 2017 (15.5.2) solution with one Web API project, and 4 Console Projects.
All are .Net Core 2.0.
Application Insights integrated with all of them as per the wiki at
All of them point to the same AI resource.
Solution is setup for multiple startup projects to start all the 5 projects.
During debugging here is the observation:
Visual Studio debug telemetry only shows telemetry from the API project. And doesn't show for the other 4 console apps.
When I go to the Azure Portal, and search in the AI resource, I can see telemetry for the other 4 projects. Don't see for the API project.
What could I be missing? Have been struggling for a couple of days now...
My guess would be your instrumentation key is not getting set for some reason. Can you try logging this property out to the console:
That should be your key, if it's empty try posting what you have for your configuration setup for the api

Change default container in scalatra web application in eclipse

I am a total beginner with developing in scalatra, eclipse, sbt, web services, etc...coming from a proprietary SAP Abap world where everything is different. Recently I found interest in developing in scala and SAP opens its SAP Cloud Platform, so I tried some tutorials to create some very simple web applications.
I could manage to create the sample tutorial with scalatra and sbt.
Scalatra includes Jetty as a default container.
I want to use Eclipse as SAP uses it as a standard development environment. I managed also to install the sbt-eclipse plugin and could import the project into the eclipse environment.
But now I'm stuck.
How can I change the web-container (server) to Tomcat which is installed locally in my eclipse environment?
It is a Scala project, so I cannot use the option which is available in a J2EE project to define the Target Runtime Environment in the properties.
Ultimately I would like to deploy it to my Hana trial account at SAP Cloud Platform. Any hint is appreciated.

Use Roslyn Workspace Api to get the target framework

Is it possible to get a .NET Visual Studio Project's Target framework using Roslyn's Workspace API.
I could get the Platform, using the CompilationOptions.Platform, but was unable to get the Target framework. If possible, I want to try and use Roslyn to retarget projects.

Bootstrapper (pre-installer) for .net apps

I'm trying to develop a small app like Flash Player updater. I want users to download this executable first and so I can check if user has required .net framework and other prerequisites (sql server, crystal reports etc.). Then by this app I'll download missing ones and install them. So which language I must use (c, c++, visual c++)? How is Adobe doing this and are there any open-source examples?
It seems you're looking for a bootstrapper.
Several solutions target the .NET framework, including the popular (and free) dotNetInstaller.

How can I create a .NET 4.0 web service project in Visual Studio 2010 Pro?

The Web Services template isn't in the .NET 4.0 projects list--only .NET 3.5, but my service needs to depend on a .NET 4.0 assembly with my model/database functions. That assembly depends on 4.0, because of the data provider required (dotConnect for MySQL)
The web service will need a reference to this business logic assembly so it can pass its arguments to said assembly and blindly return. But, can I run the web services project in a .NET 4.0 application pool without any problems with the data provider?
I have Visual Studio 2010 Professional, not Ultimate (which I've read has the template)--is there any way around this?
In 4.0 you have the WCF framework. Try this one.
See this related article: Asp.Net Web Service Application missing in Visual Studio 2010