Use Roslyn Workspace Api to get the target framework - roslyn

Is it possible to get a .NET Visual Studio Project's Target framework using Roslyn's Workspace API.
I could get the Platform, using the CompilationOptions.Platform, but was unable to get the Target framework. If possible, I want to try and use Roslyn to retarget projects.


How to create custom templates for Xamarin Forms solution as SDK project in Visual Studio Mac?

I've tried creating custom template for my Xamarin Forms Solution using the following link
When I run this extension this generates Non SDK format project. How to generate a SDK format project from the .xpt.xml file. Are there any tags to include TargetFramework netstandard2.1 within Project tag? Are there any relevant tags to the SDK project properties like including Nuget packages, grouping projects.

Autodesk Forge _ Using Postman

After Coding in Postman how to use in Visual studio for creating Forge App? i am unable to understand
Any specific logic please help with respect to arrange the folder structure in visual code for forge
Prakash Pisipati
Forge itself doesn't require any specific folder structure or project setup. That will typically depend on the programming language you want to use, and the project type.
For example, if you're building a server application using Node.js, consider using Express.js, and following its Getting Started. And for an ASP.NET app, try this tutorial.
Or, let's say you're building a .NET Core console app. In that case, try following

How to make use of alexa voice sdk or api into an application?

I am trying to build a Virtual Assistant using Alexa voice service and visual studio 2017. I have installed the alexa voice service sdk in windows and ran the SampleApp (that comes along with the library) for testing. The app is running smooth. No issues.
The sdk contains a couple of folders. Each folder is a library. For instance, ACL, ADSL, AFML, AVSCommon are folders present in the sdk etc.
ACL - Alexa Communication Library.
ADSL - Alexa Directive Sequence Library.
AFML - Activity Focus Manager Library.
Each folder contains subfolders such as include, src, test and then CMakeLists.txt. Now the question is how do i make use of these libraries. As i need these libraries to build my application, how do i import these folders into visual studio 2017.
As I said, I compiled the sdk using cmake. Upon doing this, I got a build folder. Inside the build folder,there is a bin folder which contains each library dlls. Will this is be helpful. Please help me. I am completely stuck. I looked at various forums in stack overflow on how to import but no luck.
You are getting to the right path to use the library instead of the code. As you are able to compile the code to generate a DLL file, you can now add it to your project.
In Visual Studio, right-click on your project "context menu" and use the option "AddRerefernce". Follow the prompts to add the DLL.

Azure function, .Net core 2.0, Visual Studio 2017

How can I use Azure functions with target framework .net Core, I am able to use framework 4.6.x but not .net core.
I tried to change net461 to .net core but does not work.
I could not find anything on Microsoft site.
Any leads please.
You need to create new project: File -> New Project -> Visual C# -> Cloud -> Azure Functions and then you get a window in which you can choose target framework, as shown in the photo below:
For that to work you nned to have Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools - you can install it through Tools -> Extensions and Updates.

Two RCP Applications in one installation

I recenty developed an Eclipse RCP application based on an existing RCP application. It´s basically used as a url protocol handler which reuses authentication and some services. I´m trying to avoid a second installation and look for a way to integrate the new RCP application into the installation of the existing RCP - is there a way to achieve this?
I´m (still) using Eclipse 3.8 and build with tycho.
Assuming that you have multiple applications within your product, you can launch the desired one using the
-application id
runtime argument.
In our application, which integrates multiple Eclipse RCP applications, we have a custom target platform, which bundles all other application plugins, so everything is shipped together. Also, all artifacts, provided by other applications can be retrieved from the maven repository, so that necessary services may be added as a dependencies to, for instance, server side projects. Hope that helps.