How to iterate over all error_info's in boost::exception? - c++

At the catch site of a boost::exception (or std::exception), I want to iterate over all error_info elements of the exception, without knowing the types. I need to extract all the name-value pairs.
I guess it should possible since the boost::diagnostic_information function does that, but I'd like to avoid duplicating all that code.
Can this be done and how?

There's always the following information (iff you used BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION):
char const * const * f=get_error_info<throw_file>(*be);
int const * l=get_error_info<throw_line>(*be);
char const * const * fn=get_error_info<throw_function>(*be);
if( !f && !l && !fn )
tmp << "Throw location unknown (consider using BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION)\n";
Other than that you have use the error_info_container, but the data_ member is private¹.
If you are willing to "force" past that hurdle, the code to "duplicate" would not be so much:
char const *
diagnostic_information( char const * header ) const
if( header )
std::ostringstream tmp;
tmp << header;
for( error_info_map::const_iterator i=info_.begin(),end=info_.end(); i!=end; ++i )
error_info_base const & x = *i->second;
tmp << x.name_value_string();
return diagnostic_info_str_.c_str();
Everything there is undocumented, not part of the public API though: it lives in namespace boost::exception_detail and the class boost::exception_detail::exception_info_container_impl.
In short, there be dragons (these interfaces are subject to change without notice and can depend on surprising assumptions).
¹ (except on some older compilers).


Implementing a String class with implicit conversion to char* (C++)

It might not be advisable according to what I have read at a couple of places (and that's probably the reason std::string doesn't do it already), but in a controlled environment and with careful usage, I think it might be ok to write a string class which can be implicitly converted to a proper writable char buffer when needed by third party library methods (which take only char* as an argument), and still behave like a modern string having methods like Find(), Split(), SubString() etc. While I can try to implement the usual other string manipulation methods later, I first wanted to ask about the efficient and safe way to do this main task. Currently, we have to allocate a char array of roughly the maximum size of the char* output that is expected from the third party method, pass it there, then convert the return char* to a std::string to be able to use the convenient methods it allows, then again pass its (const char*) result to another method using string.c_str(). This is both lengthy and makes the code look a little messy.
Here is my very initial implementation so far:
#pragma once
using namespace std;
class MyString
bool mBufferInitialized;
size_t mAllocSize;
string mString;
char *mBuffer;
MyString(size_t size);
MyString(const char* cstr);
operator char*() { return GetBuffer(); }
operator const char*() { return GetAsConstChar(); }
const char* GetAsConstChar() { InvalidateBuffer(); return mString.c_str(); }
char* GetBuffer();
void InvalidateBuffer();
#include "MyString.h"
MyString::MyString(size_t size)
MyString::MyString(const char * cstr)
if (mBufferInitialized)
delete[] mBuffer;
char * MyString::GetBuffer()
if (!mBufferInitialized)
mBuffer = new char[mAllocSize]{ '\0' };
mBufferInitialized = true;
if (mString.length() > 0)
memcpy(mBuffer, mString.c_str(), mString.length());
return mBuffer;
void MyString::InvalidateBuffer()
if (mBufferInitialized && mBuffer && strlen(mBuffer) > 0)
mBuffer[0] = '\0';
Sample usage (main.cpp)
#include "MyString.h"
#include <iostream>
void testSetChars(char * name)
if (!name)
//This length is not known to us, but the maximum
//return length is known for each function.
char str[] = "random random name";
strcpy_s(name, strlen(str) + 1, str);
int main(int, char*)
MyString cs("test initializer");
cout << cs.GetAsConstChar() << '\n';
cout << cs.GetAsConstChar() << '\n';
return 0;
Now, I plan to call the InvalidateBuffer() in almost all the methods before doing anything else. Now some of my questions are :
Is there a better way to do it in terms of memory/performance and/or safety, especially in C++ 11 (apart from the usual move constructor/assignment operators which I plan to add to it soon)?
I had initially implemented the 'buffer' using a std::vector of chars, which was easier to implement and more C++ like, but was concerned about performance. So the GetBuffer() method would just return the beginning pointer of the resized vector of . Do you think there are any major pros/cons of using a vector instead of char* here?
I plan to add wide char support to it later. Do you think a union of two structs : {char,string} and {wchar_t, wstring} would be the way to go for that purpose (it will be only one of these two at a time)?
Is it too much overkill rather than just doing the usual way of passing char array pointer, converting to a std::string and doing our work with it. The third party function calls expecting char* arguments are used heavily in the code and I plan to completely replace both char* and std::string with this new string if it works.
Thank you for your patience and help!
If I understood you correctly, you want this to work:
mystring foo;
// use the filled foo
with a c_function like ...
void c_function(char * dest) {
strcpy(dest, "FOOOOO");
Instead, I propose this (ideone example):
template<std::size_t max>
struct string_filler {
char data[max+1];
std::string & destination;
string_filler(std::string & d) : destination(d) {
data[0] = '\0'; // paranoia
~string_filler() {
destination = data;
operator char *() {
return data;
and using it like:
std::string foo;
This way you provide a "normal" buffer to the C function with a maximum that you specify (which you should know either way ... otherwise calling the function would be unsafe). On destruction of the temporary (which, according to the standard, must happen after that expression with the function call) the string is copied (using std::string assignment operator) into a buffer managed by the std::string.
Addressing your questions:
Do you think there are any major pros/cons of using a vector instead of char* here?
Yes: Using a vector frees your from manual memory management. This is a huge pro.
I plan to add wide char support to it later. Do you think a union of two structs : {char,string} and {wchar_t, wstring} would be the way to go for that purpose (it will be only one of these two at a time)?
A union is a bad idea. How do you know which member is currently active? You need a flag outside of the union. Do you really want every string to carry that around? Instead look what the standard library is doing: It's using templates to provide this abstraction.
Is it too much overkill [..]
Writing a string class? Yes, way too much.
What you want to do already exists. For example with this plain old C function:
* Write n characters into buffer.
* n cann't be more than size
* Return number of written characters
ssize_t fillString(char * buffer, ssize_t size);
Since C++11:
std::string str;
// Resize string to be sure to have memory
auto newSize = fillSrting(&str[0], str.size());
or without first resizing:
std::string str;
if (!str.empty()) // To avoid UB
auto newSize = fillSrting(&str[0], str.size());
But before C++11, std::string isn't guaranteed to be stored in a single chunk of contiguous memory. So you have to pass through a std::vector<char> before;
std::vector<char> v;
// Resize string to be sure to have memor
ssize_t newSize = fillSrting(&v[0], v.size());
std::string str(v.begin(), v.begin() + newSize);
You can use it easily with something like Daniel's proposition

Interchanging const char* and std::string

I am refactoring an old C library, and am currently changing the external API so that it uses std::string instead of const char*.
ColumnType Table::getColType(const char *name) const
int id = getColumnId(name) ;
return getColType(id) ;
int Table::getColumnId (const char * col_name) const
unsigned int i = 0;
while ((i < m_table.num_cols) && (strcmp(m_table.cols[i]->name, col_name) != 0) )
if (i < m_table.num_cols)
return i;
return -1;
ColumnType Table::getColType(const std::string& name_in) const
const char* name = name_in.c_str();
int id = getColumnId(name) ;
return getColType(id) ;
int Table::getColumnId (const std::string& col_name_in) const
const char* col_name = col_name_in.c_str();
unsigned int i = 0;
while ((i < m_table.num_cols) && (strcmp(m_table.cols[i]->name, col_name) != 0) )
if (i < m_table.num_cols)
return i;
return -1;
In the new code, I am passing a const char* to functions that are now expecting a reference to const std::string. I know std::string can be initialised from a const char*, and the code compiles correctly (no warnings etc).
But I just want to make sure that I am not doing anything that will come to bite me later on (I18n issues aside).
In short - is what am doing "safe"?
It's safe, in so far as, executed correctly, it shouldn't cause any harm.
Nevertheless, I don't think I would recommend going forward with this unless you can point to a substantial benefit.
What may be safer is to add a function that takes in the const string&, and does a straight pass-thru to the const char* function. That way, you're letting clients stay in terms of std::string& code without modifying the internals.
For example:
ColumnType Table::getColType(const std::string& name_in) const
return getColType(name_in.c_str());
1) No need in getColType to get the c_str() from the std::string, just pass the std::string& directly into getColumnId.
2) You should use the overridden equality operator or use std::string::compare directly instead of strcmp. See
Beware of std::strings containing NULLs. The C++ class is fine with them; NULL is not special. But C strings of course treat it as end-of-string. The The following are not the same:
if (std_string_a == std_string_b) { /* C++ way */ }
// vs.
const char *cstring_a = std_string_a.c_str(),
*cstring_b = std_string_b.c_str();
if (0 == strcmp(a, b)) { /* C way */ }
When you mix and match, you have to worry about weird bugs arising when the C++ way says false, yet the C way says true.

How to efficiently count the number of defined pointers?

I have the following C++ code:
Some_class * temp1 = findTemp1(...); // returns NULL or a valid pointer
Some_class * temp2 = findTemp2(...); // returns NULL or a valid pointer
Some_class * temp3 = findTemp3(...); // returns NULL or a valid pointer
Now I would like to count how many of these returned a valid pointer (0, 1, 2 or 3).
The only way I can think of is just to test them one by one:
int count = 0;
if (temp1)
if (temp2)
if (temp3)
For 3 pointers, it's not too bad, but it doesn't scale well. Is there a more efficient way assuming I don't redefine the findTempN funcitons (to maybe pass in the counter)?
Thanks a lot for your quick replies! No, I am not going to change the code, I was just wondering what were my other options. I also realized that I cannot be asking for something "scalable" if I am using distinct literals like that to define the 3 pointers. Of course, I didn't think of the things you replied :)
Well, since this is C++ we can go crazy in the quest for terseness... for example:
int count = !!temp1 + !!temp2 + !!temp3;
Update: I probably owe Ivan an explanation of what's going on here.
Assuming temp is any kind of pointer, !temp forces the coercion of the pointer's value to bool (we want to do this) and negates the result (this is a side effect that we do not want). This results in true if the pointer is null and false if the pointer is not null, which is the opposite of what we 'd like. So we add another ! in front to negate the result again.
This leaves us with adding three bool values which coerces them to int and performs the addition, whereupon we have our final result.
You might find it easier to understand the completely equivalent
int count = (bool)temp1 + (bool)temp2 + (bool)temp3;
which I did not use because typing !! is three characters shorter than (bool) (note: you might think that this is a nice trick, but when writing code it is a really bad idea to make decisions based on how many characters you have to type).
The moral of the story is that doing this type of thing can be called either clever or atrocious, depending on who you ask -- but in C++ there has traditionally been high tolerance for atrocities.
Note that if the pointers were in some type of collection to begin with, you could write much better-looking code using std::count_if, e.g.:
bool isNotNull(void* ptr) {
return ptr != 0;
std::vector<Some_class*> vec;
int count = std::count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), isNotNull);
See it in action.
Or, as very cleverly suggested by MSalters in the comments, you can lose the isNotNull function by counting the pointers which are 0 and subtracting this from the number of all pointers -- but for this, you will need to somehow know what this number is (easy if they are in a vector):
int count = vec.size() - std::count(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 0);
See it in action.
#define N 3
typedef Some_class *PointerGenerator(...);
PointerGenerator funcs[N];
func[0] = &findTemp1;
func[1] = &findTemp2;
func[2] = &findTemp3;
Some_class *ptrs[N];
for(size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) ptrs[i] = func[i]();
for(size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { if(ptrs[i]) ++count; }
C++0x variant:
int count = std::count_if(ptrs, ptrs + N, [](const Some_class *i) -> bool { return i != NULL; } );
The code you have is Good Enough, don't mess with it.
Introducing subtlety is a common novice error, don't do it.
That said, NULL is a valid pointer value, and you can do e.g. count += !!temp1 + !!temp2 + !!temp3 (but that would be newbie obfuscation, do not actually do that).
Cheers & hth.,
If all of the pointers are the same type, put the pointers in a table,
or if you can't do that, make a table of pointers to the pointers. Then
use std::count or std::count_if. Something like:
SomeClass** pointerTable[] =
// ...
struct IndirectIsNoNull
bool operator()( SomeClass** p ) const
return *p != NULL;
// ...
int validPointerCount = std::count_if( begin( pointerTable ),
end( pointerTable ),
IndirectIsNoNull() );
Introduce a static counter.
template<typename T>
struct ValidPointer
static unsigned int count;
template<typename T>
unsigned int ValidPointer<T>::count = 0;
template<typename T>
static void isValid (const T* const p)
At any point of time, if you want to retrieve then,
unsigned int count = ValidPointer<Some_class*>::count;
This code can be improved as per your requirement.
Do you need the pointers afterwards? temp suggests otherwise. In that case, you can eliminate those:
int count = 0;
if (findTemp1())
if (findTemp2())
if (findTemp3())
Hide the counter in a class:
class Some_class {};
typedef Some_class* (*FindFunction_t)();
Some_class* findTemp1() {return NULL;}
Some_class* findTemp2() {return new Some_class;}
Some_class* findTemp3() {return new Some_class;}
class Finder
Finder() : count_(0) {}
Some_class* CallAndCount(FindFunction_t fn) {return Count(fn());}
int GetCount() const {return count_;}
Some_class* Count(Some_class* p) {if(p) count_++; return p;}
int count_;
int main()
Finder f;
Some_class* temp1 = f.CallAndCount(findTemp1);
Some_class* temp2 = f.CallAndCount(findTemp2);
Some_class* temp3 = f.CallAndCount(findTemp3);
std::wcout << f.GetCount() << L"\n";
The names aren't the best and there are memory leaks but you should get the idea.
I think this meets your objective of scalability although you would need to add template functions if your find functions were to take parameters

On what platforms will this crash, and how can I improve it?

I've written the rudiments of a class for creating dynamic structures in C++. Dynamic structure members are stored contiguously with (as far as my tests indicate) the same padding that the compiler would insert in the equivalent static structure. Dynamic structures can thus be implicitly converted to static structures for interoperability with existing APIs.
Foremost, I don't trust myself to be able to write Boost-quality code that can compile and work on more or less any platform. What parts of this code are dangerously in need of modification?
I have one other design-related question: Is a templated get accessor the only way of providing the compiler with the requisite static type information for type-safe code? As it is, the user of dynamic_struct must specify the type of the member they are accessing, whenever they access it. If that type should change, all of the accesses become invalid, and will either cause spectacular crashes—or worse, fail silently. And it can't be caught at compile time. That's a huge risk, and one I'd like to remedy.
Example of usage:
struct Test {
char a, b, c;
int i;
Foo object;
void bar(const Test&);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
dynamic_struct<std::string> ds(sizeof(Test));
ds.append<char>("a") = 'A';
ds.append<char>("b") = '2';
ds.append<char>("c") = 'D';
ds.append<int>("i") = 123;
And the code follows:
// dynamic_struct.h
// Much omitted for brevity.
* For any type, determines the alignment imposed by the compiler.
template<class T>
class alignment_of {
struct alignment {
char a;
T b;
}; // struct alignment
enum { value = sizeof(alignment) - sizeof(T) };
}; // class alignment_of
* A dynamically-created structure, whose fields are indexed by keys of
* some type K, which can be substituted at runtime for any structure
* with identical members and packing.
template<class K>
class dynamic_struct {
// Default maximum structure size.
static const int DEFAULT_SIZE = 32;
* Create a structure with normal inter-element padding.
dynamic_struct(int size = DEFAULT_SIZE) : max(size) {
} // dynamic_struct()
* Copy structure from another structure with the same key type.
dynamic_struct(const dynamic_struct& structure) :
members(structure.members), max(structure.max) {
for (iterator i = members.begin(); i != members.end(); ++i)
i->second.copy(&data[0] + i->second.offset,
&[0] + i->second.offset);
} // dynamic_struct()
* Destroy all members of the structure.
~dynamic_struct() {
for (iterator i = members.begin(); i != members.end(); ++i)
i->second.destroy(&data[0] + i->second.offset);
} // ~dynamic_struct()
* Get a value from the structure by its key.
template<class T>
T& get(const K& key) {
iterator i = members.find(key);
if (i == members.end()) {
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Read of nonexistent member \"" << key << "\".";
throw dynamic_struct_access_error(message.str());
} // if
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&data[0] + i->second.offset.offset);
} // get()
* Append a member to the structure.
template<class T>
T& append(const K& key, int alignment = alignment_of<T>::value) {
iterator i = members.find(key);
if (i != members.end()) {
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Add of already existing member \"" << key << "\".";
throw dynamic_struct_access_error(message.str());
} // if
const int modulus = data.size() % alignment;
const int delta = modulus == 0 ? 0 : sizeof(T) - modulus;
if (data.size() + delta + sizeof(T) > max) {
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Attempt to add " << delta + sizeof(T)
<< " bytes to struct, exceeding maximum size of "
<< max << ".";
throw dynamic_struct_size_error(message.str());
} // if
data.resize(data.size() + delta + sizeof(T));
new (static_cast<void*>(&data[0] + data.size() - sizeof(T))) T;
std::pair<iterator, bool> j = members.insert
({key, member(data.size() - sizeof(T), destroy<T>, copy<T>)});
if (j.second) {
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&data[0] + j.first->second.offset);
} else {
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Unable to add member \"" << key << "\".";
throw dynamic_struct_access_error(message.str());
} // if
} // append()
* Implicit checked conversion operator.
template<class T>
operator T&() { return as<T>(); }
* Convert from structure to real structure.
template<class T>
T& as() {
// This naturally fails more frequently if changed to "!=".
if (sizeof(T) < data.size()) {
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Attempt to cast dynamic struct of size "
<< data.size() << " to type of size " << sizeof(T) << ".";
throw dynamic_struct_size_error(message.str());
} // if
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&data[0]);
} // as()
// Map from keys to member offsets.
map_type members;
// Data buffer.
std::vector<unsigned char> data;
// Maximum allowed size.
const unsigned int max;
}; // class dynamic_struct
There's nothing inherently wrong with this kind of code. Delaying type-checking until runtime is perfectly valid, although you will have to work hard to defeat the compile-time type system. I wrote a homogenous stack class, where you could insert any type, which functioned in a similar fashion.
However, you have to ask yourself- what are you actually going to be using this for? I wrote a homogenous stack to replace the C++ stack for an interpreted language, which is a pretty tall order for any particular class. If you're not doing something drastic, this probably isn't the right thing to do.
In short, you can do it, and it's not illegal or bad or undefined and you can make it work - but you only should if you have a very desperate need to do things outside the normal language scope. Also, your code will die horrendously when C++0x becomes Standard and now you need to move and all the rest of it.
The easiest way to think of your code is actually a managed heap of a miniature size. You place on various types of object.. they're stored contiguously, etc.
Edit: Wait, you didn't manage to enforce type safety at runtime either? You just blew compile-time type safety but didn't replace it? Let me post some far superior code (that is somewhat slower, probably).
Edit: Oh wait. You want to convert your dynamic_struct, as the whole thing, to arbitrary unknown other structs, at runtime? Oh. Oh, man. Oh, seriously. What. Just no. Just don't. Really, really, don't. That's so wrong, it's unbelievable. If you had reflection, you could make this work, but C++ doesn't offer that. You can enforce type safety at runtime per each individual member using dynamic_cast and type erasure with inheritance. Not for the whole struct, because given a type T you can't tell what the types or binary layout is.
I think the type-checking could be improved. Right now it will reinterpret_cast itself to any type with the same size.
Maybe create an interface to register client structures at program startup, so they may be verified member-by-member — or even rearranged on the fly, or constructed more intelligently in the first place.
do dynamic_struct::registry< STRUCT >() // one registry obj per client type \
.add( # MEMBER, &STRUCT::MEMBER, offsetof( STRUCT, MEMBER ) ) while(0)
// ^ name as str ^ ptr to memb ^ check against dynamic offset
I have one question: what do you get out of it ?
I mean it's a clever piece of code but:
you're fiddling with memory, the chances of blow-up are huge
it's quite complicated too, I didn't get everything and I would certainly have to pose longer...
What I am really wondering is what you actually want...
For example, using Boost.Fusion
struct a_key { typedef char type; };
struct object_key { typedef Foo type; };
typedef boost::fusion<
std::pair<a_key, a_key::type>,
std::pair<object_key, object_key::type>
> data_type;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
data_type data;
boost::fusion::at_key<a_key>(data) = 'a'; // compile time checked
Using Boost.Fusion you get compile-time reflection as well as correct packing.
I don't really see the need for "runtime" selection here (using a value as key instead of a type) when you need to pass the right type to the assignment anyway (char vs Foo).
Finally, note that this can be automated, thanks to preprocessor programming:
(char, a)
(char, b)
(char, c)
(int, i)
(Foo, object)
Not much wordy than a typical declaration, though a, b, etc... will be inner types rather than attributes names.
This has several advantages over your solution:
compile-time checking
perfect compliance with default generated constructors / copy constructors / etc...
much more compact representation
no runtime lookup of the "right" member

C++ advice on writing code

I am having difficulty writing my code in the way it should be written. This is my default constructor:
Address::Address() : m_city(NULL), m_street(NULL), m_buildingNumber(0), m_apartmentNumber(0)
...and this is my other constructor:
Address::Address(const char* city, const char* street, const int buildingNumber,const int apartmentNumber) : m_city(NULL), m_street(NULL)
I have to initialize my city and street fields as they contain char * and my setter uses remove to set a new city for example. I would very much like to hear your opinion on how to write it in the right way without repeating code.
this is my SetAddress code :
bool Address::SetAddress(const char* city, const char* street, const int buildingNumber, const int apartmentNumber)
if (SetCity(city) == false || SetStreet(street) == false || SetBuildingNumber(buildingNumber) == false || SetApartmentNumber(apartmentNumber) == false)
return false;
return true;
and this is my SetCity:
bool Address::SetCity(const char* city)
if(city == NULL)
return false;
delete[] m_city;
m_city = new char[strlen(city)+1];
strcpy(m_city, city);
return true;
1 more question if i do change char* to string how can i check if string city doesnt equal to NULL as i know string does not have the "==" operator and string is an object and cannot be equal to null,
how can i check if the string i get is indeed legeal.
You should use std::string instead of C strings (const char*). Then you don't have to worry about having a "remove" function because std::string will manage the memory for you.
The only repeating code I see is the initializers. Since you should both be using initializers and cannot share initializers, some code redundancy is required here. I wouldn't worry about it.
When the new C++ comes out you'll be able to call the former constructor during initialization of the later. Until then, you'll just have to live with this minor smell.
You can combine the two ctors:
Address::Address(const char* city=NULL,
const char* street=NULL,
int buildingNumber=0,
int apartmentNumber=0)
: m_city(city),
[The top-level const on buildingNumber and apartmentNumber accomplished nothing and attempt to move implementation information into the interface, so I remove them.]
Of, if you really prefer:
Address::Address(const char* city=NULL,
const char* street=NULL,
int buildingNumber=0,
int apartmentNumber=0)
I generally prefer the former, but if SetAddress qualifies its inputs, it may be worthwhile. Of course, the suggestion to use std::string instead of pointers to char is a good one as well, but that's a more or less separate subject.
One other minor note: this does differ in one fundamental way from your original code. Your code required either 0 or 4 arguments to the ctor. This will accept anywhere from 0 to 4, arguments so a person could specify (for example) a city and street, but not a building number or apartment number. If it's really important to you that attempts at using 1, 2 or 3 arguments be rejected, this approach won't be useful to you. In this case, the extra flexibility looks like an improvement to me though -- for example, if somebody lives in a single-family dwelling, it's quite reasonable to omit an apartment number.
As answered by others (James McNellis' answer comes to mind), you should switch to std:string instead of char *.
Your problem is that repetition can't be avoided (both non default constructor and the setAddress method set the data), and having one calling the other could be less effective.
Now, the real problem, I guess, is that your code is doing a lot, which means that repetition of delicate code could be dangerous and buggy, thus your need to have one function call the other. This need can be remove by using the std::string, as it will remove the delicate code from your code altogether.
As it was not shown
Let's re-imagine your class:
class Address
public :
Address() ;
Address(const std::string & p_city
, const std::string & p_street
, int p_buildingNumber
, int p_apartmentNumber) ;
// Etc.
private :
std::string m_city ;
std::string m_street ;
int m_buildingNumber ;
int m_apartmentNumber ;
} ;
Using the std::string instead of the const char * will make the std::string object responsible for handling the resource (the string itself).
For example, you'll see I wrote no destructor in the class above. This is not an error, as without a destructor, the compiler will generate its own default one, which will handle the destructor of each member variable as needed. The remove you use for resource disposal (freeing the unused char *) is useless, too, so it won't be written. This means a lot of delicate code that won't be written, and thus, won't produce bugs.
And it simplifies greatly the implementation of the constructors, or even the setAddress method :
// std::string are initialized by default to an empty string ""
// so no need to mention them in the initializer list
: m_buildingNumber(0)
, m_apartmentNumber(0)
Address::Address(const std::string & p_city
, const std::string & p_street
, int p_buildingNumber
, int p_apartmentNumber)
: m_city(p_city)
, m_street(p_street)
, m_buildingNumber(p_buildingNumber)
, m_apartmentNumber(p_apartmentNumber)
void Address::setAddress(const std::string & p_city
, const std::string & p_street
, int p_buildingNumber
, int p_apartmentNumber)
m_city = p_city ;
m_street = p_street ;
m_buildingNumber = p_buildingNumber ;
m_apartmentNumber = p_apartmentNumber ;
Still, there is repetition in this code, and indeed, we'll have to wait C++0x to have less repetition. But at least, the repetition is trivial, and easy to follow: No dangerous and delicate code, everything is simple to write and read. Which makes your code more robust than the char * version.
Your code looks good - it might be worthy to see the contents of SetAddress. I would highly recommend using std::string over char *s, if city and street aren't hard-coded into the program, which I doubt. You'll find std::string will save you headaches with memory-management and bugs, and will generally make dealing with strings much easier.
I might rewrite the setAddress() method as follows:
bool Address::setAddress(const char* city, const char* street, const int buildingNumber, const int apartmentNumber)
return (setCity(city)
&& setStreet(street)
&& setBuildingNumber(buildingNumber)
&& setApartmentNumber(apartmentNumber))
which will achieve the same short-circuiting and returning semantics, with a bit less code.
If you must use char * rather than std::string you need to manage the memory for the strings yourself. This includes copy on write when sharing the text or complete copy of the text.
Here is an example:
class Address
Address(); // Empty constructor.
Address(const char * city,
const char * street,
const char * apt); // Full constructor.
Address(const Address& addr); // Copy constructor
virtual ~Address(); // Destructor
void set_city(const char * new_city);
void set_street(const char * new_street);
void set_apartment(const char * new_apartment);
const char * m_city;
const char * m_street;
const char * m_apt;
: m_city(0), m_street(0), m_apt(0)
{ ; }
Address::Address(const char * city,
const char * street,
const char * apt)
: m_city(0), m_street(0), m_apt(0)
Address::Address(const Address& addr)
: m_city(0), m_street(0), m_apt(0)
delete [] m_city;
delete [] m_street;
delete [] m_apt;
void Address::set_city(const char * new_city)
delete [] m_city;
m_city = NULL;
if (new_city)
const size_t length = strlen(new_city);
m_city = new char [length + 1]; // +1 for the '\0' terminator.
strcpy(m_city, new_city);
m_city[length] = '\0';
void Address::set_street(const char * new_street)
delete [] m_street;
m_street = NULL;
if (new_street)
const size_t length = strlen(new_street);
m_street = new char [length + 1]; // +1 for the '\0' terminator.
strcpy(m_street, new_street);
m_street[length] = '\0';
void Address::set_apt(const char * new_apt)
delete [] m_apt;
m_apt = NULL;
if (new_apt)
const size_t length = strlen(new_apt);
m_apt = new char [length + 1]; // +1 for the '\0' terminator.
strcpy(m_apt, new_apt);
m_apt[length] = '\0';
In the above example, the Address instance holds copies of the given text. This prevents problems when another entity points to the same text, and modifies the text. Another common issue is when the other entity deletes the memory area. The instance still holds the pointer, but the target area is invalid.
These issues are avoided by using the std::string class. The code is much smaller and easier to maintain. Look at the above code versus some of the other answers using std::string.