How to change VisualStudio 2017 language to English? - visual-studio-2017

I already searched for this problem on the internet. People were suggesting to install language pack. But English is built in language. It was installed by default.
But When I go to
Narzędzia/Opcje/Ustawienia miedzynarodowe
(Tools/Options/Region options)
I have only two options: (Polish, Same as operating system).
So there is no option to select English.
I installed, English in my OS (I think it was by default there). And I switched to English. I see apps in english, my control panel is in english.
But VisualStudio is still in Polish.

Open up Visual Studio Installer.
Under the downloaded section, you'll see Visual Studio there.
Click on the modify button below.
Under the language packages tab you'll see English there, check the box and download it.
Go to Visual Studio itself.
Tools -> Options -> International Settings -> Language -> English
Restart Visual Studio and have fun!

Ok, figure out that. I had to reinstall OS. Then install Visual Studio 2017 again. Something collided with 17, perhaps previous version 12,13,15. Or maybe it was a problem with OS, because I had Win10 Education version (which is beta version of Win10).
nether less, F***CK Microsoft

What I had to do, was make sure the "English" was my default language (ie: top-most language, in the list).
This let the "login screen" pull my actual language (vs the Maoi I use for keyboarding "ō" type letters (aka "macrons")).
Hopefully this helps. ^_^


Visual Studio 2017 Indent Guide Coloring

In Visual Studio 2015, I had coloring for the indent guides like this.
I can't seem to find this feature in Visual Studio 2017. Is there an extension that does this?
There's an option in the Fonts and Colors to change the color for all Guidelines. But what I want is the same in 2015 where it's automatically color coded (blue, green, teal, purple, etc.) depending on the type/level of the braces.
I think this is just what you want.This is that extension called "Indent Guides".
The number behind the '#' on behalf of the different level of the Indent Guides.
I know my answer looks terrible. Please forgive me. As a new one here, i really try my best.
Native in VS2017. It's called "Structure Guide Lines"
There is no such feature built into VS2015. It is added by extensions.
Eg. the "Structure Visualiser" from Productivity Power Tools.
However for 2017 there is a (lesser) feature built in, so the Productivity PowerTools 2017 does not include this feature. (It is now also a set of separate extentions rather than a monolithic tool.)
This is explained in a blog post see section What's Missing?
There is also an excellent extension for Visual Studio 2015 called Indent Guides that is working really well.
It is not compatible with VS2017 by default, but you can get around that by modifying the extension manifest file within the vsix file:
1) Download IndentGuide v14.vsix for VS2015
2) Use 7-zip (or other archive utility) to open the .vsix file (which is actually a .zip)
3) Edit the extension.vsixmanifest file within the .vsix file
4) Make a copy of the whole VisualStudio Version="14.0" section
5) Change that new copy to VisualStudio Version="15.0"
6) Save the manifest, save the vsix.
7) Double-click the .vsix file to install it. Ignore the compatibility warning.
This really should be a comment, but as I do not have enough reputation to make it, an "answer" it is.
A uservoice was added to solicit feedback on missing features of the current Structure Visualizer added to VS2017. If you have an interest in seeing these features restored, please vote.
Improve the Structure Visualizer in Visual Studio 2017
In the German Version of VS2017 Enterprise the setting your looking for is called "Strukturführungslinien" in Options / Environment / Fonts and Colors. I would translate it with "structurelines".

No console application in Visual Studio 2015?

I know this might sound extremely dumb, but I can't find the console application template in visual studio 2015. When installed I clicked on custom and selected everything so I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of adding files later on so of course I have visual c++ installed. But for some reason there's no console application template.
Any ideas?
I'm using the community edition.
It's located under Templates->Visual C++->Win32->Win32 Console Application.
If you cannot find it there, it probably means you did not install the Windows SDK. Go to the Control Panel->Programs and Features, select Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015, right click on it and select Change.
The SDK is hidden quite well in the list of installable features. You can find it under Windows and Web Development->Universal Windows App Development Tools. Make sure the Windows 10 SDK is selected. By default it's not and I tend to forget to check it when installing VS2015 because it's so damn well hidden.
it is generally with windows 10 or xp
so when you go to visual c++ there is option of install windows support for ...
and let it download
next time you can see it there
install these two
after installation
I have same problem. This is the way of show before i fix it.
then check you have proper internet connection. net double click and install both. now you can create c++ project.
This is new appearance..
thank you.
Unable to download using VS2015 installer. Even when set to download from internet it will fail
Better download winsdksetup.exe at

Can't install missing features on Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10

I'm working with cocos2d-x framework for c++ using Visual Studio 2015 Community on Windows 10.
When I try to open a solution for a created project, visual studio says some projects are unavailable. When I right click and go to "install missing feature(s)", visual studio says I have to install "Windows XP support for C++".
When I click to install I get a "Setup - Usage" window(that seems to be bigger than my screen). I don't see any button, so I hit enter, but nothing happens. Nothing downloads and nothing installs...
Does anyone have a solution to this?
The message is as follows:
Install Windows XP support for C++
Windows 7.1 SDK for targeting Windows XP
The following projects will not be loaded unless you install the above
All that's needed is to add in Windows XP Support via the installation tool accessible from Control Panel. Steps:
Close Visual Studio 2015
Open Control Panel
Select 'Programs and Options'
Right click on 'Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2016'
Select 'Change' from the menu (the only option)
Once the installation tool has set up, select 'Modify'
Expand Programming Languages --> Visual C++
Select 'Windows XP Support for C++'.
Proceed with the update.
Note that selecting 'Windows XP Support for C++' automatically selects its dependencies, 'Windows 8.1 SDK and Universal CRT SDK' and 'Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015'.
What I think might have happened for the OP was that in selecting Universal Windows App Development Tools and various C++ options, they hit upon 'Windows XP Support for C++' itself or something that had it as a dependency. So they may have various components installed unnecessarily now. :-(
got your point.
Here are the steps to install it properly.
Go to the below site and try to install it. & select the option as per the snapshot attached here.
Also, if required, please refer to the below blog.

How come C++ project in Visual Studio Community 2015 only contain Universal Apps?

First, let me show you what I have..
Visual Studio Community 2015 installed with customization as follows..
Windows 10 Home (x64)
I tried creating C++ project with Win32 and standard C++11 support but I couldn't find any under "File > New > Project > Installed > Templates > Visual C++ > Windows". (Universal Windows App is the only option here ...)
I wish that the subpaths under my "File > New > Project > Installed > Templates > Visual C++ > Windows" have all three items that Visual C# and Basic already have underneath ("Universal", "Windows 8", "Classic Desktop"). To be more specific, I wish my "Visual C++ > Windows" to look like this..
I know that I can code Win32/C++ using "Universal Windows Apps" template but Win32 support is limited and it comes with bunch of .Net stuff that I don't need. Please don't get me wrong, I do love .Net and WPF and I myself was once a C# programmer (WinForm in particular) and I think of .Net to be the future of Windows development but right now I need to start with empty project with Win32/C++ support.
Is this problem confined to Community version only? (anyone tried VS2015 Pro/Ent ? please let me know)
Definitely can't be a solution to this problem.. but I found that I can circumvent the problem as below:
Here's how it works. Instead of searching for templates in "Installed > Visual C++ > Windows", I just go to "Installed > Samples > Visual C++ > Desktop" and Hurray! I see a Win32 "C++ UTF-8 Conversion Helpers" sample. I'll just use it to create projects and then discard anything unnecessary to make it empty. One hell of a pathetic approach just to get an empty C++ project :(
I posted the same question on Microsoft Developer Network. After another day of trials and errors, this is the furthest I went. Still no sign of "Classic Desktop" under C++
Finally, I found an answer to this problem....
I was so stupid to keep on launching vs-community using the wrong shortcut.
If you want to see all the C++ templates (including win32,MFC,ATL,...), you must use the shortcut "Visual Studio 2015" not the "Blend for Visual Studio 2015" (screenshot)
There are two shortcuts after you install Visual Studio Community 2015.
As you see, they each point to the different target.
So you need to use the shortcut that runs "devenv.exe" not the "Blend.exe".
But its strange that the first launch after the ISO installation launches "devenv.exe" but the web installer(vs_community.exe) launches "Blend.exe".
I guess I'm the only one here who made such a stupid mistake.
May be I should delete this question if not so many find it useful.
I had the same problem, however, the only way i was able to get win32 c++ was to install the c++ packages.

changing language on microsoft visual c++ 2010 express [duplicate]

recently i have installed MS Visual Studio 2010 Professional as an upgrade from 2005.
I wanted to use the english version but after installation it's german(2005 was english if that matters).
I tried to change it via Extras/Options/Environment/International Settings to "Same as Microsoft Windows"(what is english) and restarted IDE (and system) but the change was not applied at all. There are only two options: german and same as windows.
MS Visual Studio 2010 professional(upgrade from 2005 Professional) german
OS is Windows XP(english)
german is default input language(control-panel/regional.../languages/details), changed but without any effect
Did i miss something in the setup of the installation or do i have to install a language-pack?
i have tried Rob's suggestion to deinstall Visual Studio and all of its components, install the english .net 4.0 framework and reinstall Visual Studio, but unfortunately without the desired result. It is german again with no chance to switch to english. The installation routine seems to overwrite the framework and replaces it with the DEU-languagepack.
Is it really impossible to change the IDE language-settings without installing an english version first? Is it at least possible to get english error-messages from the framework?
By the way, am i the only person that wonders why i need an english version first to be able to switch languages? Why should i then order any other language than EN at all?
Thank you in advance.
It's possible.
Install your version (German). Once the installation is finished you can install the English trial version: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Trial - Web Installer
Once the trial installation is finished you are able to switch languages in
Tools -> Options... -> Environment -> International Settings
You can even uninstall the german version through appwiz.cpl. Look for Visual Studio components with de or DEU endings.
It seems that the license is language independent.
You could try and do the following
Try to remove the VS2010 installation and the .NET framework installation. Then download the english version here. Install the English .NET framework and then install VS2010.
If that doesn't work then maybe the
two blogposts below will help. There
are tricks with startup parameters to
be able to use a certain language.
Blog 1 about how to use the LCID
Blog 2 with a list of available
language codes
Two other interresting blog posts from the same writer can be found here and here.
Install the English language pack over it and then open the file location where you have installed the visual studio and delete the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - DE folder leaving only Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU folder.