Target pattern content no %. stop at line 207 in Qt Linux - c++

I am getting this error while creating a project in QT. How can i solve it?
This is my line where i am getting error
../Error\ in\ \
TypeError:\ Result\ of\ expression\ 'Util.asciify'\ [undefined]\ is\
not\ a\ function./Makefile: ../untitled2/
../Qt5.4.2/5.4/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/spec_pre.prf \


I get pattern error when running cov-analysis --tu-patern

I am trying to run the following in a makefile
/home/pagl_home/bin/SI.docker_17cy/bin/pagl-build-env run -b '/home/SI/YYYY' -w '../XXX' \
--objdir '' -c '/home/coverity/cov-analysis-linux64-2018.06/bin/cov-analyze --dir XXX ... \
--coding-standard-config /home/coverity/cov-analysis-linux64-2018.06/config/coding-standards/misrac2012/misrac2012-all.config /
--paths 100000 --tu-pattern "file('.*\.c$')";'
I get the following error because of -c ' --tu-pattern "file('.*\.c$')";'
Illegal character in pattern: .
How can i write the pattern so it will consider only c file?
but i get the error
"file('''*.c$''')" worked

SmartyCompilerException error during testlink installation

i followed step by step the installation of testink with wamp server.
everything was fine except the last step, when i open the link:
i got this:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "C:\wamp\www\testlink-1.9.14\gui\templates\login.tpl" on line 23 "{if $tlCfg->demoMode}{$labels.demo_usage}{/if}" unknown tag "private_print_expression"' in C:\wamp\www\testlink-1.9.14\third_party\smarty3\libs\sysplugins\smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 665
( ! ) SmartyCompilerException: Syntax Error in template "C:\wamp\www\testlink-1.9.14\gui\templates\login.tpl" on line 23 "{if $tlCfg->demoMode}{$labels.demo_usage}{/if}" unknown tag "private_print_expression" in C:\wamp\www\testlink-1.9.14\third_party\smarty3\libs\sysplugins\smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 665
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0006 303984 {main}( ) ..\login.php:0
2 0.1015 8857432 renderLoginScreen( ) ..\login.php:75
3 0.1034 8972560 Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->display( ) ..\login.php:230
4 0.1034 8976768 Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch( ) ..\smarty_internal_templatebase.php:374
5 0.1047 9006248 Smarty_Internal_Template->compileTemplateSource( ) ..\smarty_internal_templatebase.php:155
Can you help me please, thank you
I suggest to change the persmission of the gui and third_party folder
chmod -R 777 gui/
chmod -R 777 third_party/

How can I make file association in Qt installer(1.5.0)?

How can I make file association in Qt installer framework(1.5.0) on Windows? I want to do this:
For example, when I double click myFile.x then my qt desktop application(Windows) will launch and open this file.
I want to correct this in installscript.qs :
component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", "#TargetDir#/A.exe", "#StartMenuDir#/A.lnk");
"#TargetDir#\\A.exe" + "'%1'",
component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", "#TargetDir#/uninstall.exe", "#StartMenuDir#/Uninstall.lnk");
When I write this string, it gives parse error.
Output is :
Caught exception: Exception while loading component script: 'D:/Workspace/A/A_installer/A/packages/
SyntaxError: Parse error
If you are using windows just follow this:
"#TargetDir#\\BobiSoft.exe \" %1\"",
"BobiSoft Files",
I also had this problem, the trick was to replace the ' %1' as many examples say, with \" %1\".

Redmine can't get emails

I can't get work Redmine Helpdesk plugin. All settings are from its manual, the string is:
/usr/local/bin/rake -f /var/lib/redmine/Rakefile --silent redmine:email:receive_imap \
RAILS_ENV="production" \
host=myhost port=993 username=redmine password=mypass ssl=true \
project=test-proj1 folder=INBOX \
move_on_success=processed move_on_failure=failed \
no_permission_check=1 unknown_user=accept
I'm getting an error:
Net::IMAP::NoResponseError: The destination mailbox could not be found.
Although new emails in the mailbox mark as read.
I've modified the command and now I'm getting an error in production.log
An unexpected error occurred when receiving email: uninitialized constant MailHandler::HTML

Setting the application icon for OSX in Qt Creator

Followed the directions here for OSX:
stating that all I need to do is add ICON = myapp.icns to my project file.
I used one of the ICNS files I stole from Qt itself (in other words, it should work, its not a conversion problem) and when build after running qmake I get the error
make: *** No rule to make target '1.22/MyProject.icns', needed by ''
I regularly use make but have little experience with Qt so I have no idea what it's trying to tell me here (I don't even know where these file paths are coming from).
The .icns file has been added to the resources .qrc and is in the base directory of the project.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Ok, the space in the file path was preventing the build. It now compiles and runs but still does not have a dock icon.
Here is the output of the grep command, as requested by Simon Warta:
_Qt_5_1_1_clang_64bit-Debug/Makefile | grep -C 3 icns
444 :
445 #$(DEL_FILE)
446 #sed -e "s,#SHORT_VERSION#,1.22,g" -e "s,#TYPEINFO#,????,g" -e "s,#ICON#,myapp.icns,g" -e "s,#EXECUTABLE#,myapp,g" -e "s,#TYPEINFO#,????,g" ../myapp1.22/myapp.plist >
447 ../myapp1.22/myapp.icns
448 #test -d || mkdir -p
448 #test -d || mkdir -p
449 #$(DEL_FILE)
450 #$(COPY_FILE) ../myapp1.22/myapp.icns
451 dist:
452 #test -d .tmp/myapp1.22 || mkdir -p .tmp/myapp1.22
[[All my source files]]
477 compiler_rcc_clean:
478 -$(DEL_FILE) qrc_myapp.cpp
479 qrc_myapp.cpp: ../myapp1.22/myapp.qrc \
480 ../myapp1.22/myapp.icns \
481 ../myapp1.22/images/splashmyapp2.png \
482 ../myapp1.22/images/splashmyapp1.png \
483 ../myapp1.22/images/About.png \
481 ../myapp1.22/images/splashmyapp2.png \
482 ../myapp1.22/images/splashmyapp1.png \
483 ../myapp1.22/images/About.png
486 /Users/EngMac/Qt5.1.1/5.1.1/clang_64/bin/rcc -name myapp ../myapp1.22/myapp.qrc -o qrc_myapp.cpp
ICON = myapp.icns
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = myapp.plist
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST must be called Info.plist. It might be placed in a custom sub-directory of your choice but the filename is fixed. That is because the OS X system will look for a file with that exact filename.
Further debugging tips (orderd by importance):
Post a current error message
Update the Makefile parts cat -n [...]_Qt_5_1_1_clang_64bit-Debug/Makefile | grep -C 4 icns
Search your source code for other places of QMAKE_INFO_PLIST: Call git grep QMAKE_INFO_PLIST in the root of your repository
Post the content of your Info.plist
Post the content of your .pro file
I had to add to
ICON = Project.icns
# Qt doesn't copy over the .icns file ?!
RESOURCE_FILES.path = Contents/Resources
and in Info.plist:
It seems that Qt doesn't set the project up to copy the .icns file into the bundle (at least with Qt 5.9), so having it in the .plist file is useless. The last three lines in the .pro file copy it manually.