Asynchronous HTTP request in AWS Lambda - amazon-web-services

I am wanting to execute a http request inside of a lambda function, invoked by API Gateway. The problem is, the request takes a bit of time to complete (<20 seconds) and don't want the client waiting for a response. In my research on asynchronous requests, I learned that I can pass the X-Amz-Invocation-Type:Event header to make the request execute asynchronously, however this isn't working and the code still "waits" for the http request to complete.
Below is my lambda code:
'use strict';
const https = require('https');
exports.handler = function (event, context, callback) {
let requestUrl;
requestUrl = event.queryStringParameters.url;
https.get(requestUrl, (res) => {
console.log('statusCode:', res.statusCode);
console.log('headers:', res.headers);
res.on('data', (d) => {
}).on('error', (e) => {
let response = {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": JSON.stringify(event.queryStringParameters)
callback(null, response);
Any help would be appreciated.

You can use two Lambda functions.
Lambda 1 is triggered by API Gateway then calls Lambda 2 asynchronously (InvocationType = Event) then returns a response to the user.
Lambda 2, once invoked, will trigger the HTTP request.

Whatever you do, don't use two lambda functions.
You can't control how lambda is being called, async or sync. The caller of the lambda decides that. For APIGW, it has decided to call lambda sync.
The possible solutions are one of:
Step Functions (SF)
In your API, you call out to one of these services, get back a success, and then immediately return a 202 to your caller.
If you have a high volume of single or double action execution use SQS. If you have potentially long running with complex state logic use SF. If you for someone reason want to ignore my suggestions, use SNS.
Each of these can (and should) call back out to a lambda. In the case that you need to run more than 15 minutes, they can call back out to CodeBuild. Ignore the name of the service, it's just a lambda that supports up to 8 hour runs.
Now, why not use two lambdas (L1, L2)? The answer is simple. Once you respond that your async call was queued (SQS, SF, SNS), to your users (202). They'll expect that it works 100%. But what happens if that L2 lambda fails. It won't retry, it won't continue, and you may never know about it.
That L2 lambda's handler no longer exist, so you don't know the state any more. Further, you could try to add logging to L2 with wrapper try/catch but so many other types of failures could happen. Even if you have that, is CloudWatch down, will you get the log? Possible not, it just isn't a reliable strategy. Sure if you are doing something you don't care about, you can build this arch, but this isn't how real production solutions are built. You want a reliable process. You want to trust that the baton was successfully passed to another service which take care of completing the user's transaction. This is why you want to use one of the three services: SQS, SF, SNS.


Lambda Low Latency Messaging Options

I have a Lambda that requires messages to be sent to another Lambda to perform some action. In my particular case it is passing a message to a Lambda in order for it to perform HTTP requests and refresh cache entries.
Currently I am relying on the AWS SDK to send an SQS message. The mechanics of this are working fine. The concern that I have is that the SQS send method call takes around 50ms on average to complete. Considering I'm in a Lambda, I am unable to perform this in the background and expect for it to complete before the Lambda returns and is frozen.
This is further compounded if I need to make multiple SQS send calls, which is particularly bad as the Lambda is responsible for responding to low-latency HTTP requests.
Are there any alternatives in AWS for communicating between Lambdas that does not require a synchronous API call, and that exhibits more of a fire and forget and asynchronous behavior?
Though there are several approaches to trigger one lambda from another, (in my experience) one of the fastest methods would be to directly trigger the ultimate lambda's ARN.
Did you try invoking one Lambda from the other using AWS SDKs?
(for e.g. in Python using Boto3, I achieved it like this).
See below, the parameter InvocationType = 'Event' helps in invoking target Lambda asynchronously.
Below code takes 2 parameters (name, which can be either your target Lambda function's name or its ARN, params is a JSON object with input parameters you would want to pass as input). Try it out!
import boto3, json
def invoke_lambda(name, params):
lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')
params_bytes = json.dumps(params).encode()
response = lambda_client.invoke(FunctionName = name,
InvocationType = 'Event',
LogType = 'Tail',
Payload = params_bytes)
except ClientError as e:
return None
return response
Hope it helps!
For more, refer to Lambda's Invoke Event on Boto3 docs.
Alternatively, you can use Lambda's Async Invoke as well.
It's difficult to give exact answers without knowing what language are you writing the Lambda function in. To at least make "warm" function invocations faster I would make sure you are creating the SQS client outside of the Lambda event handler so it can reuse the connection. The AWS SDK should use an HTTP connection pool so it doesn't have to re-establish a connection and go through the SSL handshake and all that every time you make an SQS request, as long as you reuse the SQS client.
If that's still not fast enough, I would have the Lambda function handling the HTTP request pass off the "background" work to another Lambda function, via an asynchronous call. Then the first Lambda function can return an HTTP response, while the second Lambda function continues to do work.
You might also try to use Lambda Destinations depending on you use case. With this you don't need to put things in a queue manually.
But it limits your flexibility. From my point of view chaining lambdas directly is an antipattern and if you would need that, go for step functions

I have a long running lambda function asynchronously invoked by API gateway. How do I return output via same API gateway once execution completes?

My function takes about 1-2 min to execute while API gateway has 30 second timeout. To overcome this I followed AWS documentation and enabled InvocationType:Event header. The issue is that I receive 200 response after execution, but how do I receive my output? I can see lambda output in cloudwatch but what happens to it next?
Code used for making request
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "", true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
xhttp.setRequestHeader("InvocationType", "Event");
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
console.log(this.responseText); //no output here
If I send a synchronous request by removing InvocationType header then I get desired result.
When dealing to asynchronous functions, you have two ways out:
Use a callback url: on your first request, you pass as parameter (or previously configure) a callback url that your function will call when have the result. This is the most efficient way and widely used on many APIs. It's also called web hook
Store your lambda function response anywhere and your api client must pool for results. This is not so efficient because you will need to do multiple requests until the lambda function finishes, increasing your costs.
The flow on the first method is like:
Hey API, do my long duration task, and when ready call me back on
API processes the task, and access the given callback url with the result as payload
The client receives the callback request and processes the result as desired.
There's some security concerns here: someone can discover your callback url and try doing requests to fake something or just trying to DDoS attack.
To mitigate this possibility, you can use random urls for the callback, adding something that identifies the original request.

AWS - Lambda and SQS behavior

I have setup an SQS, DeadLetterQue (DLQ) and a lambda. I am having some questions regarding the body format that the SQS receives.
After some tries, I can see some messages are ending up in a DLQ.
I have read many documentations, but really I still can't figure some basic things.
My task is fairly simple. I will use Axios to send some payload to external API. That API might give me an error, or not available at that time. This code is very simple, but at the end it will include Axios implementation:
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
event.Records.forEach(record => {
const { body } = record;
const { messageAttributes } = record;
let somethingWentWrongWithApi = new Error();
throw somethingWentWrongWithApi;
After this is run, after some time I see message in DLQ, and original SQS is empty, as I expected.
In real code, I will have catch block. And inside it I will throw the error, exactly as in example. Lambda will try to execute it three times (I am not sure where I got this information). Then, it will return it to SQS, where in turn the SQS will push it to DLQ.
I wonder, should I implement in Lambda retries, and after three times throw the error... or just throw it and rely on existing process (three times retrial)?
I am still reading about different setting on both SQS and Lambda.
To extend execution tries you have to go to:
SQS service;
Right click on your SQS;
Choose a configure Queue option;
Under the Dead Letter Queue Settings line you can see a
Maximum Receives property (which you can set between 1 and 1000).
About errors. If something going wrong on lambda side then lambda throwing an error, you can check what kind of errors throwed with cloudwatch.
Go to aws CloudWatch;
On the right panel find Logs;
Chose Log Group.
If you have any additional questions just summon me. I'll try to answer them and I'll extend that answer.

Invoke a AWS Step functions by API Gateway and wait for the execution results

Is it possible to invoke a AWS Step function by API Gateway endpoint and listen for the response (Until the workflow completes and return the results from end step)?
Currently I was able to find from the documentation that step functions are asynchronous by nature and has a final callback at the end. I have the need for the API invocation response getting the end results from step function flow without polling.
I guess that's not possible.
It's async and also there's the API Gateway Timeout
You don't need get the results by polling, you can combine Lambda, Step Functions, SNS and Websockets to get your results real time.
If you want to push a notification to a client (web browser) and you don't want to manage your own infra structure (scaling socket servers and etc) you could use AWS IOT. This tutorial may help you to get started:
If you only need to send the result to a backend (a web service endpoint for example), SNS should be fine.
This will probably work: create an HTTP "gateway" server that dispatches requests to your Steps workflow, then holds onto the request object until it receives a notification that allows it to send a response.
The gateway server will need to add a correlation ID to the payload, and the step workflow will need to carry that through.
One plausible way to receive the notification is with SQS.
Some psuedocode that's vaguely Node/Express flavoured:
const cache = new Cache(); // pick your favourite cache library
const gatewayId = guid(); // this lets us scale horizontally
const subscription = subscribeToQueue({
filter: { gatewayId },
topic: topicName,
}); (req, res) => {
const correlationId = guid();
cache.add(correlationId, res);
submitToStepWorkflow(gatewayId, correlationId, req);
subscription.onNewMessage( message => {
const req = cache.pop(message.attributes.correlationId);
(The hypothetical queue reading API here is completely unlike aws-sdk's SQS API, but you get the idea)
So at the end of your step workflow, you just need to publish a message to SQS (perhaps via SNS) ensuring that the correlationId and gatewayId are preserved.
To handle failure, and avoid the cache filling with orphaned request objects, you'd probably want to set an expiry time on the cache, and handle expiry events:
cache.onExpiry( (key, req) => {
This whole approach only makes sense for workflows that you expect to normally complete in the sort of times that fit in a browser and proxy timeouts, of course.

Invoke AWS Lambda and return response to API Gateway asyncronously

My use case is such that I'll have an AWS Lambda front ended with API Gateway.
My requirement is that once the Lambda is invoked it should return a 200 OK response back to API Gateway which get forwards this to the caller.
And then the Lambda should start its actual processing of the payload.
The reason for this is that the API Gateway caller service expects a response within 10 seconds else it times out. So I want to give the response before I start with the processing.
Is this possible?
With API Gateway's "Lambda Function" integration type, you can't do this with a single Lambda function -- that interface is specifically designed to be synchronous. The workaround, if you want to use the Lambda Function integration type is for the synchronous Lambda function, invoked by the gateway, to invoke a second, asynchronous, Lambda function through the Lambda API.
However, asynchronous invocations are possible without the workaround, using an AWS Service Proxy integration instead of a Lambda Function integration.
If your API makes only synchronous calls to Lambda functions in the back end, you should use the Lambda Function integration type. [...]
If your API makes asynchronous calls to Lambda functions, you must use the AWS Service Proxy integration type described in this section. The instructions apply to requests for synchronous Lambda function invocations as well. For the asynchronous invocation, you must explicitly add the X-Amz-Invocation-Type:Event header to the integration request.
Yes, simply create two Lambda functions. The first Lambda function will be called by the API Gateway and will simply invoke the second Lambda function and then immediately return successfully so that the API Gateway can respond with an HTTP 200 to the client. The second Lambda function will then take as long as long as it needs to complete.
If anyone is interested, here is the code you can use to do the two lambdas approach. The code below is the first lambda that you should setup which would then call the second, longer running, lambda. It takes well under a second to execute.
const Lambda = new (require('aws-sdk')).Lambda();
* Note: Step Functions, which are called out in many answers online, do NOT actually work in this case. The reason
* being that if you use Sequential or even Parallel steps they both require everything to complete before a response
* is sent. That means that this one will execute quickly but Step Functions will still wait on the other one to
* complete, thus defeating the purpose.
* #param {Object} event The Event from Lambda
exports.handler = async (event) => {
let params = {
InvocationType: "Event", // <--- This is KEY as it tells Lambda to start execution but immediately return / not wait.
Payload: JSON.stringify( event )
// we have to wait for it to at least be submitted. Otherwise Lambda runs too fast and will return before
// the Lambda can be submitted to the backend queue for execution
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Lambda.invoke(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
reject(err, err.stack);
else {
resolve('Lambda invoked: '+data) ;
// Always return 200 not matter what
return {
statusCode : 200,
body: "Event Handled"
Check the answer here on how to set up an Async Invoke to the Lambda function. This will return 200 immediately to the client, but the Lambda will process on it's own asynchronously.