Queue CodeBuild tasks - amazon-web-services

Is there are way to make a CodeBuild project execute build tasks one at a time (max concurrency = 1)?
I know one of the selling points of CodeBuild is that you can run builds concurrently and I like that feature.
However, for this one specific project, I NEED to make sure only one CodeBuild build task for this project executes at a time. If there is an incoming "startBuild" request while a previous request is still running, I want it to be queued and wait until the previous build task if finished.
As additional info on the project, this project runs integration tests across our various APIs (serverless APIs and legacy APIs on EC2) and running those tests concurrently may cause the tests to fail due to their setup and teardown procedures.

I am from the AWS CodeBuild team. Thanks for your feedback. At this point the feature you requested isn't supported. We'll pass along the feedback to our product management team so they may consider adding it to our future roadmap.
However, you maybe able to implement something at your end by using CodeBuild's Build notifications feature. At a high level, you could listen to the CloudWatch Events sent by CodeBuild to find when a build completes, and at that time "release" a new build from a queue that you maintain at your end.

Update (2021-02-17)
AWS CodeBuild just added the ability to define a maximum number of concurrent builds per project.
Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codebuild/latest/userguide/create-project-console.html#create-project-console-project-config


Setting build priority in yaml or UI

Is there a way to setup up a build's priority in a yaml based pipeline? There seem to be references to build priority in the Azure DevOps API, but nothing in how to do this via yaml. I thought there might be some docs in the Triggers section, but no.
We need this because we have some fast building NuGet packages, but these get starved via slow-build pipelines making turnaround time for packages painful.
The closest thing I could come up with to working around this is via agent demands in the yaml
- Agent.ComputerName = XYZ
to separate build pipelines, but this is a bit of a hack and doesn't use agents efficiently.
A way to set this in UI would be acceptable, but I couldn't seem to find anything.
Recently Azure DevOps introduced the ability to manually specify a build/release runs next.
This manifests as a Run next button. (image source).
So while you can't say "this pipeline always takes priority" yet, you can manually force a specific run to the front of the queue.
If you need a specific pipeline to always take priority, then you likely want to setup a separate agent pool just for those pipelines, or use demands as Leo Liu mentioned.
Setting build priority in yaml or UI
I'm afraid this feature is not yet supported in Azure DevOps at this moment.
There is a popular user voice about it, you can upvote it and check the feedback from that ticket.
Currently as a workaround, just like what you did, set the demands in build definitions to force building with the specific agents.
Hope this helps.

Code pipeline to build a branch on pull request

I am trying to make a code pipeline which will build my branch when I make a pull request to the master branch in AWS. I have many developers working in my organisation and all the developers work on their own branch. I am not very familiar with ccreating lambda function. Hoping for a solution
You can dynamically create pipelines everytime a new pull-request has been created. Look for the CodeCommit Triggers (in the old CodePipeline UI), you need lambda for this.
Basically it works like this: Copy existing pipeline and update the the source branch.
It is not the best, but afaik the only way to do what you want.
I was there and would not recommend it for the following reasons:
I hit this limit of 20 in my region: "Maximum number of pipelines with change detection set to periodically checking for source changes" - but, you definitely want this feature ( https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/limits.html )
The branch-deleted trigger does not work correctly, so you can not delete the created pipeline, when the branch has been merged into master.
I would recommend you to use Github.com if you need a workflow as you described. Sorry for this.
I have recently implemented an approach that uses CodeBuild GitHub webhook support to run initial unit tests and build, and then publish the source repository and built artefacts as a zipped archive to S3.
You can then use the S3 archive as a source in CodePipeline, where you can then transition your PR artefacts and code through Integration testing, Staging deployments etc...
This is quite a powerful pattern, although one trap here is that if you have a lot of pull requests being created at a single time, you can get CodePipeline executions being superseded given only one execution can proceed through a given stage at a time (this is actually a really important property, especially if your integration tests run against shared resources and you don't want multiple instances of your application running data setup/teardown tasks at the same time). To overcome this, I publish an S3 notification to an SQS FIFO queue when CodeBuild publishes the S3 artifact, and then poll the queue, copying each artifact to a different S3 location that triggers CodePipeline, but only if there are are currently no executions waiting to execute after the first CodePipeline source stage.
We can very well have dynamic branching support with the following approach.
One of the limitations in AWS code-pipeline is that we have to specify branch names while creating the pipeline. We can however overcome this issue using the architecture shown below.
flow diagram
Create a Lambda function which takes the GitHub web-hook data as input, using boto3 integrate it with AWS pipeline(pull the pipeline and update), have an API gateway to make the call to the Lambda function as a rest call and at last create a web-hook to the GitHub repository.
External links:
Related thread: Dynamically change branches on AWS CodePipeline

How to queue aws codepipeline change sets

In a pipeline we have 3 projects bind deployed, in the first stage we retrieve all the projects, And in subsequent stages we deploy and run test on each, that will total 4 stages, 1 for getting the sources and 1 each for deployment, test and other actions. Our change release are triggered by any commit done to any of the projects in the pipeline.
Normally this works ok but apparently AWS pipeline doesn't queue the change release and can trigger one after the other if a commit is done while a change release is running, so it will run in parallel in the same instance (ec2), and subsequently generate errors. Is there a way to configure a queue for the AWS pipeline release change? This discarding the option of manual approvals.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Based on your description it sounds like you have three projects in one pipeline with a stage for each project and one EC2 instance.
Why not create an independent pipeline for each project? Otherwise it sounds like you need mutual exclusion across the project stages. You could combine the three stages and let CodePipeline enforce one pipeline execution at a time occupying a stage.
I should probably mention based on your question that CodePipeline is intended for continuous delivery and it's desirable to have multiple changes moving through the pipeline at the same time. This is more obvious with deep pipelines (i.e. if it takes 3 days to fully release a change, you probably don't want to wait 3 days before a new change can start traversing the pipeline).

Build (CI) server for embedded softtware

I would like to ask about your experience with build server for embedded systems. What are you using (if any), and what are good and bad sides.
We are developing mainly for microcontrollers without operating system.
At this moment I'm trying to use Jenkins and my build is running. But I have some problem with projects structure. When I want all plugins working, than I need flat job structure. But we have few projects that are developed in parallel, and then job view start to be messy.
I've tried folders, but than some plugins stopped working.
I would like to build a pipeline, that is running sequential, but have parallel jobs inside. eg. Commit stage have: compile, lint check, style check, unit tests. all of them can run in parallel and when all are successful next stage is executed.
What I need from Build server at this moment:
build pipeline support
user authorization based on LDAP
parallel job execution
hierarchical projects (projects/configurations groups)
reports from xUnit, Lint, Compiler warnings, Robot framework.
slave/agents support, tags for slave
privileges based on ldap groups
privileges per group/project
I'm opened for any suggestions, open source and commercial.
I was looking at Bamboo on videos look very nice but I didn't try it yet.
We have two development teams, that are developing different projects. It could be nice to have projects grouped for teams and privileges for group. Members of one group shouldn't modify builds of other. But it is more "nice to have" than "must have".
I tried to use TeamCity. Building build pipeline is easier than in Jenkins, just click add Step.
One thing that I found difficult is making steps in parallel in one configuration. For example after commit I would like to run in parallel Lint, Unit tests, Compile to save some time. I found solution, but it make pipeline harder to view and maintain.
TeamCity support multiple configuration in projects which solve problem with jobs grouping. I didn't found option to group projects.
TeamCity is a free, Java-based CI server from JetBrains. We've been using it very successfully (for very different kinds of projects) and I would unreservedly recommend it to you. To each of your requirements:
Build pipelines are configured as a series of steps within a build configuration. A project can have an arbitrary number of configurations, which in turn can have an arbitrary number of steps.
LDAP integration is fully supported.
Build pipelines can be executed in parallel. TeamCity delegates work to Build Agents, which are typically distinct servers that have all the necessary tools (frameworks, etc.) to perform the steps of a build configuration. The free version of TeamCity comes with licenses for three agents, so you could have up to three builds running in parallel. Additional agents can be licensed for a nominal fee.
By 'hierarchical projects' I understand you to mean that the completion of one build pipeline will automatically trigger the start of a subsequent pipeline. This is supported, and build/version numbers can be passed between the stages for consistency.
XUnit has first-class support. Lint/compiler reports can be saved as 'artifacts' of the build for easy review later. Essentially, a lot of frameworks have built-in support in TeamCity, and for everything else you can execute arbitrary shell commands, the output of which can be saved as artifacts or used in subsequent build steps.
Slave/agent support is central to the TeamCity model, as noted above.
All of this is highly configurable and customizable. We've been able to do a lot of diverse, complex things with TeamCity, and it has been totally solid and stable for us. And it looks good, too -- the server dashboard arranges information in an easily-understood way.
Disclaimer: I work for Atlassian so I'm a bit biased.
Configuring your build pipeline in Bamboo is pretty easy to do. Bamboo operates based on a Plan → Stage → Job structure, listed from higher to lower order. Check out the Bamboo Plan Structure.
Every Project in Bamboo holds a collection of Plans. Plans are comprised of one or more Stages. Stages run sequentially and are comprised of one or more Jobs. Jobs run in parallel and are comprised of one or more Tasks (tasks run sequentially, but can be placed in separate Jobs so that they run in parallel and speed up build time). Agents in Bamboo are machines or services that perform your build steps. An entire Job will execute on a single Agent. You can read more about Agents here. As for slave tags, the ability to make certain agents exclusively tied to certain builds or projects is on the short-list for new features.
To answer your other points:
user authorization based on LDAP/privileges based on ldap groups/project: You can connect to an external LDAP server to manage users and permissions. Bamboo has a groups feature or if your team is using JIRA you can take advantage of JIRA groups to set up global permissions, plan permissions, and also indicate which users will receive notifications on a plan’s build results. Global permissions control who has access to build plans and the Bamboo server whereas Plan permissions control who can perform specific operations on a Plan and its Jobs.
hierarchical projects (projects/configurations groups): Bamboo does support parent & child plan structure. There are several ways you can set up triggering for builds. One of them is to base triggers on other builds, that is, Plan builds are triggered by preceding successful builds of other plans or if other specified plans are building successfully. Example: If Plan A builds successfully it will automatically trigger builds of Plans B & C.
reports from xUnit, Lint, Compiler warnings, Robot framework: Bamboo can run any build process that can be started from a command line. Support includes Maven/Maven2, Ant, make, MSBuild, NAnt, Grails, devenv.exe, and any xUnix-compiant framework (JUnit, Selenium, JWebUnit, NUnit, PHPUnit, etc...).

What pattern do you use for executing generic steps on a pool of machines

I'm trying to figure out how to model my build process in hudson. At present most of our hudson builds are somewhat hard coded in that the build process is series of steps and we have one process per branch.
I have another build system that has many active branches and each build has a series of integration tests which require a suit of machines to execute. As I migrate from the home grown to hudson I'm not quite sure what's the right way to model this to keep sustainability costs and build times to a minimum
Here's my basic build:
create workspace
compile, link, package
transfer artifacts to test systems
invoke test harness on multiple systems to handle installation and acceptance tests
collect results
publish results
I'd like the integration part to be a group of generic machines (perhaps an elastic group) which can handle integration-tests for any branch. I want to run as much in parallel as possible to keep my build times low. It looks like the best way to execute in parallel on hudson is to break up steps into jobs and use the Parameterized Trigger Plugin to customize the generic jobs.
So, i'd have two main jobs: build, test
I could have on build job per branch and a generic test job. The build job would use Parameterized Trigger Plugin to call the test job and provide the location of the build artifacts. The test job would call a series of jobs in parallel passing down parameters for branch, artifact.
test-client-install (params: artifact location, branch)
test-server-install (params: artifact location, branch)
test-run (params: client machine, server machine)
join - collect results (params: client machine, server machine)
Each of the test-* jobs would pull a slave out of the group of slaves and execute. I'm not quite sure how to inform the slaves running the client and server jobs how to find each other nor am I sure how to reserve them from the pool and release them back into it.
I guess, I could have a write properties to a common share and have the sub jobs use that for inter-job communication.
Has anyone created this kind of complex setup in hudson, or is this usually done in another system with which hudson interacts (hudson + STAF with STAF managing resources)?
A few thoughts. The fewer jobs you have, the easier it is to maintain them. The more jobs you have, the more flexible you are and you can run more in parallel. Since you emphasized fast build times, have a look at the join plugin, to run a few jobs in parallel and when all of these are finished to go on with another job in that chain.
If your server is big enough, you can experiment a little bit with the clone workspace plugin. It will help you to reduce the need for manual copying files between jobs and the need for the parametrized trigger plugin.
Reserving a slave is easy. You can group the slaves with labels. In your job you define what label you node has to have in order to execute your job. A node can have more than one label and your job can be bound to more than one label. This way, Hudson decides where to put your job depending on availability. If your slaves have more than one build queue, they can run two jobs in parallel. I haven't used the locks-and-latches plugin for synchronizing across nodes. So I don't know if locks are only per node or for the whole Hudson installation. Latches are not supported yet. If you need to ensure that two jobs need to run on the same slave, try to combine them, otherwise you will lose the advantage of Hudson to distribute your jobs freely over the available nodes.