Find particular table in Neo4j on the basis of property - regex

I'm trying to use regular expressions in a cypher WHERE clause. I would like to match tables (nodes) which contains specific property.
WHERE n.Text =~ '*'
I want to find all nodes which contains "UName" property.
So please suggest what should I put in where clause.

To get all nodes that have the UName property you can use the keys() function. This way:
WHERE 'UName' in keys(n)
Also, remember that Neo4j has no table concept. The data is stored as nodes and relationships, both with properties. Take a look in this Property Graph Model intro.


Is it possible to query multiple AWS Cloudsearch fields for the same value without repeating?

Using AWS Cloudsearch, I need to query 2 separate fields for the same value using a structured (compound) query e.g.
(and (or name:'john smith') (or curr_addr:'123 someplace' other_addr:'123 someplace'))
This query works, but I'm wondering if it's necessary to repeat the value for each field that I want to search against. Is there some way to specify the value only once e.g. curr_addr+other_addr:'123 someplace'
That is the correct way to structure your compound query. From the AWS documentation, you'll see that they structure their example query the same way:
(and title:'star' (or actors:'Harrison Ford' actors:'William Shatner')(not actors:'Zachary Quinto'))
From Constructing Compound Queries
You may be able to get around this by listing the more repetitive fields in the query options (q.options), and then specify the field for the rest of the fields. The fields list is sort of a fallback for when you don't specify which field you are searching in a compound query. So if you list the address fields there, and then only specify the name field in your query, you may get close to the behavior you're looking for.
Query options
q.options={fields: ['curr_addr','other_addr']}
(and (or name:'john smith') (or '123 someplace'))
But this approach would only work for one set of repetitive fields, so it's not a silver bullet by any means.
From Search API Reference (see q.options => fields)

How to add multiple nodes to relations

How to add multiple node to relations here is my query
MATCH (n:Customer{name:"motoM"})-[:RECENT {default:TRUE}]-(l:Location{name:"Adugodi"}) return l how to write a query to add one more "location" node to the relation "recent" if location node is not found and setting default to true to newly created realtion
What about this?
MATCH (n:Customer{name:"motoM"})-[:RECENT {default:TRUE}]-(l:Location{name:"Adugodi"})
MERGE (n)-[:RECENT]->(l2:Location)
ON CREATE SET l2.default = true
RETURN l, l2
The direction needs to be specified so I made it up, but it might need to go the other way.
Well, I don't know if I understood what you were looking for, but this might help you :)
Try with this query:
MATCH (n:Customer{name:"motoM"})-[r:RECENT {default:TRUE}]-(:Location{name:"Adugodi"})
CREATE (l2:Location{name:"Wherever You need"})
With r,n,l,l2
Set r.default = false
With n,l2
CREATE (n)-[r2:RECENT{default:TRUE}]->(l2)
I'm using Withto make the query easier to read, but you can do it in a single query.
In fact, I think your problem is your Graph model.
You should probably do something like a Customer node, related to Location nodes with a "VISITED" relation, and when you create your VISITED relation, you set date property to timestamp. Then, when you get your relations, you can simply compare timestamps to get the closest one, and you know which one is the one your need. Also, if you need a default property, set it on the node, it'll be easier to match.
Tell me if you need a code example for match, create and set data with this graph model.

Scan a dynamodb based on a list

I have a String Set attribute i.e SS in a dynamodb table. I need to scan the database to check the value present in the any one list of the items.
Which comparison operator should I use for this scan?
example the db has items like this:
[email1, email2]
I need to search for a items containing a particular email say email1 alone not giving the entire tuple.
It seems like you are looking for the CONTAINS operator of Scan operation. It basically is the equivalent of in in Python.
This said, if you need to perform this often, you probably should de-normalize your data to make it faster.
For example, you could build a second table like this:
hash_key: name
range_key: email
Of course, you would have to maintain this index yourself and query it manually.

Xpath return node relative to another node

I have done a search for all nodes that have an attribute containing (substring) a String. These nodes can be found at different levels of the tree, sometimes 5 or 6 levels deep. I'd like to know what parent/ancestor node they correspond to at a specified level, 2 levels deep. The result for the search only should be much greater than the results for the corresponding parents.
EDIT to include code:
/xs:schema/xs:element/descendant::node()/#*[starts-with(., 'my-search-string-here')]
EDIT to clarify my intent:
When I execute the Xpath above sometimes the results are
/xs:schema/xs:element/xs:complexType/xs:attribute or
/xs:schema/xs:element/xs:complexType/xs:sequence/xs:element or
These results indicate a place in the Schema where I have added application specific code. However, I need to remove this code now. I'm building an "adapter" schema that will redefine the original Schema (untouched) and import my schema. The String I am searching for is my prefix. What I need is the #name of the /xs:schema/node() in which the prefix is found, so I can create a new schema defining these elements. They will be imported into the adapter and redefine another schema (that I'm not supposed to modify).
To reiterate, I need to search all the attributes (descendants of /xs:schema/xs:element) for a prefix, and then get the corresponding /xs:schema/xs:element/#name for each of the matches to the search.
To reiterate, I need to search all the attributes (descendants of /xs:schema/xs:element) for a prefix, and then get the corresponding /xs:schema/xs:element/#name for each of the matches to the search.
[descendant::*/#*[starts-with(., 'my-search-string-here')]]/
This should do it:
/xs:schema/xs:element[starts-with(descendant::node()/#*, 'my-search-string-here')]
You want to think of it as
select the xs:elements which contain a node with a matching attribute
rather than
select the matching attributes of descendant nodes of xs:elements, then work back up
As Eric mentioned, I need to change my thought process to select the xs:elements which contain a node with a matching attribute rather than select the matching attributes of descendant nodes of xs:elements, then work back up. This is critical. However, the code sample he posted to select the attributes does not work, we need to use another solution.
Here is the code that works to select an element that contains and attribute containing* (substring) a string.
/xs:schema/child::node()[descendant::node()/#*[starts-with(., 'my-prefix-here')]]

How can i query to get the multiple values in SimpleDB (AWS)

In that Picture i have colored one part. i have attribute called "deviceModel". It contains more than one value.. i want to take using query from my domain which ItemName() contains deviceModel attribute values more than one value.
Senthil Raja
There is no direct approach to get what you are asking.. You need to manipulate by writing your own piece of code. By running SELECT query you will get the item Attribute-value pair. So here you need to traverse each each itemName() and count values of your desire attribute.
I think what you are refering to is called MultiValued Attributes. When you put a value in the attribute - if you don't replace the existing attribute value the values will multiply, giving you an array of items connected to the value of that attribute name.
How you create them will depend on the sdk/language you are using for your REST calls, however look for the Replace=true/false when you set the attribute's value.
Here is the documentation page on retrieving them: (look under Using Amazon SimpleDB -> Using Select to Create Amazon SimpleDB Queries -> Queries on Attributes with Multiple Values)