Xpath return node relative to another node - xslt

I have done a search for all nodes that have an attribute containing (substring) a String. These nodes can be found at different levels of the tree, sometimes 5 or 6 levels deep. I'd like to know what parent/ancestor node they correspond to at a specified level, 2 levels deep. The result for the search only should be much greater than the results for the corresponding parents.
EDIT to include code:
/xs:schema/xs:element/descendant::node()/#*[starts-with(., 'my-search-string-here')]
EDIT to clarify my intent:
When I execute the Xpath above sometimes the results are
/xs:schema/xs:element/xs:complexType/xs:attribute or
/xs:schema/xs:element/xs:complexType/xs:sequence/xs:element or
These results indicate a place in the Schema where I have added application specific code. However, I need to remove this code now. I'm building an "adapter" schema that will redefine the original Schema (untouched) and import my schema. The String I am searching for is my prefix. What I need is the #name of the /xs:schema/node() in which the prefix is found, so I can create a new schema defining these elements. They will be imported into the adapter and redefine another schema (that I'm not supposed to modify).
To reiterate, I need to search all the attributes (descendants of /xs:schema/xs:element) for a prefix, and then get the corresponding /xs:schema/xs:element/#name for each of the matches to the search.

To reiterate, I need to search all the attributes (descendants of /xs:schema/xs:element) for a prefix, and then get the corresponding /xs:schema/xs:element/#name for each of the matches to the search.
[descendant::*/#*[starts-with(., 'my-search-string-here')]]/

This should do it:
/xs:schema/xs:element[starts-with(descendant::node()/#*, 'my-search-string-here')]
You want to think of it as
select the xs:elements which contain a node with a matching attribute
rather than
select the matching attributes of descendant nodes of xs:elements, then work back up

As Eric mentioned, I need to change my thought process to select the xs:elements which contain a node with a matching attribute rather than select the matching attributes of descendant nodes of xs:elements, then work back up. This is critical. However, the code sample he posted to select the attributes does not work, we need to use another solution.
Here is the code that works to select an element that contains and attribute containing* (substring) a string.
/xs:schema/child::node()[descendant::node()/#*[starts-with(., 'my-prefix-here')]]


Find particular table in Neo4j on the basis of property

I'm trying to use regular expressions in a cypher WHERE clause. I would like to match tables (nodes) which contains specific property.
WHERE n.Text =~ '*'
I want to find all nodes which contains "UName" property.
So please suggest what should I put in where clause.
To get all nodes that have the UName property you can use the keys() function. This way:
WHERE 'UName' in keys(n)
Also, remember that Neo4j has no table concept. The data is stored as nodes and relationships, both with properties. Take a look in this Property Graph Model intro.

BizTalk Mapping:Source record does not exists but need to map and pass default value

I have a source schema in which a particular record is optional and in the source message instance the record does not exist. I need to map this record to destination record, scenario goes like if the source record doesn't exist, need to map a default value 0 to destination nodes. and If it does exists , need to pass the source node values as it is (followed by few arithmetic operations).
I have tried using various combinations of functoids like logical existence followed by value mapping,record count ,string existence,etc. Also tried using c# within scripting functoid and also xslt , nothing works.its very tough to deal with mapping non existing records. I have several records on top of this record which are mapped just fine and they do exists. having trouble only with this one.No matter how many combination of c# and xslt code i write , it feels like scripting functoid will never accept a non existence record or node link. Mind you that this record if exists ,can repeat multiple times.
Using BizTalk2013r2.
If the record doesn't exist (record is not coming, not even as < record/>) you can use this simple combination of Functoids.
Link the record to Logical Existence, if exist it will be sent by the top Value Mapping. If doesn't exit the second condition will be true and the zero will be sent from the value mapping in the bottom.

How to add multiple nodes to relations

How to add multiple node to relations here is my query
MATCH (n:Customer{name:"motoM"})-[:RECENT {default:TRUE}]-(l:Location{name:"Adugodi"}) return l how to write a query to add one more "location" node to the relation "recent" if location node is not found and setting default to true to newly created realtion
What about this?
MATCH (n:Customer{name:"motoM"})-[:RECENT {default:TRUE}]-(l:Location{name:"Adugodi"})
MERGE (n)-[:RECENT]->(l2:Location)
ON CREATE SET l2.default = true
RETURN l, l2
The direction needs to be specified so I made it up, but it might need to go the other way.
Well, I don't know if I understood what you were looking for, but this might help you :)
Try with this query:
MATCH (n:Customer{name:"motoM"})-[r:RECENT {default:TRUE}]-(:Location{name:"Adugodi"})
CREATE (l2:Location{name:"Wherever You need"})
With r,n,l,l2
Set r.default = false
With n,l2
CREATE (n)-[r2:RECENT{default:TRUE}]->(l2)
I'm using Withto make the query easier to read, but you can do it in a single query.
In fact, I think your problem is your Graph model.
You should probably do something like a Customer node, related to Location nodes with a "VISITED" relation, and when you create your VISITED relation, you set date property to timestamp. Then, when you get your relations, you can simply compare timestamps to get the closest one, and you know which one is the one your need. Also, if you need a default property, set it on the node, it'll be easier to match.
Tell me if you need a code example for match, create and set data with this graph model.

Writing value on the current textbox - Selenium

Well I'm facing an issue here:
I use Selenium to automate test on my application, and I use the following code to fill a textbox:
driver.find_element_by_id("form_widget_serial_number").send_keys("example", u'\u0009')
All the textboxes have the same id (form_widget_serial_number) so it's impossible to select a specific textbox by using selection by id (the code above selects the first textbox and u'\u0009' changes the cursor position to the next textbox).
Anyway, how can I send values to the "current" textbox without using find_element_by_id or another selector, given that the cursor is in the current textbox?
There are several selectors available to you - Xpath and css in particular are very powerful.
Xpath can even select by the text of an element and then access its second sibling1:
elem = driver.find_element(:xpath, "//div[contains(text(), 'match this text')]/following-sibling::*[2]")
If you need to find the current element that has focus:
focused_elem = driver.switch_to.active_element
And then to find the next one:
elem_sibling = focused_elem.find_element(:xpath, "following-sibling::*")
Using this example, you could easily traverse any sequence of sequential elements, which would appear to solve your problem.
Take a close look at the structure of the page and then see how you would navigate to the element you need from a reference you can get to. There is probably an Xpath or css selector that can make the traversal across the document.
1 FYI, I'm using an old version of Selenium in Ruby, in case your version's syntax is different
My approach would be:
Get a list of all contemplable elements by the known id
Loop over them until you find a focused element
Use send_keys to write into that element
To get the focused element something like
might work. See this question for more information.
Edit: If the list you get from 1. is accidently sorted properly the index of an element in this list might even represent the number of u'\u0009' you have to send to reach that specific element.
Use ActionChains utility to do that. Use following code:
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains

How to force Acceleo to iterate over a collection in the same order on every template execution?

I'm using an EMF model based on Modisco KDM metamodel. At some point of my Acceleo template I need to iterate over a collection, e.g.:
[for (e: AbstractCodeElement | action.codeElement) separator(', ')][e.generateCode() /]
The action.codeElement is a collection and modisco's kdm.ecore metamodel defines it as non-ordered.
Every time I run my generator, the output is generated on a different order. Cleary the serialized model xmi enforces a specific order, and every model editor (emf default editor, modisco editor) I open the model shows the same order always (matching the order the elements were serialized to the xmi file).
Since I cannot change the kdm.ecore metamodel to make the set ordered, would there be a workaround to get Acceleo to always iterate on the same order?
Thanks in advance
I'm afraid you can't.
Try and cast it to a sequence:
but I don't think anything guarantees that the sequence you get will always be sorted in the same order.
If the metamodel is made that way, there should be a reason, so either you can contact the metamodel authors to check this reason, or you should sort the result of action.codeElement with some stable criterion:
action.codeElement->sortedBy( some OCL expression)
I don't know of a clean way. I solved the problem by altering the name attribute of a child element so that it was sortable alphabetically in the way I wanted.
I wanted Slots in the same order every time, so I changed the name of each of their "value" child.
The names looked like: "01_id", "02_username", "03_city", ... "10_instructions", "11_contact". I didn't have to change what the "value" elements held, just their name, which I wasn't using for anything anyways. Hope this helps.
[for (s : Slot | instanceSpecification.slot->select(definingFeature.name = 'column')->sortedBy(value->asSequence()->first().name)]
... do work here ...